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IPM Sports Committee Application: Pre-Process 2022-23

Senior Core Team Selections
Pre-process – 1
General Guidelines
There is no specific word limit for any answer. Brevity will be appreciated. ∙ You will be
marked on content, brevity, creativity, attention to detail and feasibility. ∙ Answer all
questions assuming that you are the Coordinator of the IPM Sports Committee.
Please refrain from “Globing”, points will be deducted if you do the same.
The bonus question does not carry any marks and simply tests your analysing skills and
you may be questioned on the same during the interview.
No personal queries will be entertained by either senior core team member. However,
clarifications regarding pre-process questions can be addressed to either member.
1. Why do you want to apply for this committee and give us two reasons as to why
we shouldn’t select you?
2. Describe your vision for the committee and what are your expectations from the committee.
3. Give an exhaustive list of all the events and initiatives the IPM Sports Committee plans to
conduct in AY 22-23.
Bonus Question: Provide constructive criticism for both the senior core members based on
their performance in the committee in the past year and rate all the members (19 and 20
batch of the Sports Committee).
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