CONTEXT TITLE: Roman Empire Year: 3 Term: 2 LEARNING SKILLS (NC) LEARNING KEY QUESTIONS LEARNING OUTCOMES CHALLENGE/ CONTEXT ASSESSMENT STUNNING START: Children enter the classroom to find that it has been invaded by older children (1 or 2 to be dressed up as Romans). Who are these invaders? How will we get our classroom back? Children retreat to the hall to brainstorm ideas. Who were the Romans? (2 weeks) Texts: The Roman Beanfeast The Romans Gods, Emperors and Dormice Orchard book of Roman Myths TAKE HOME TASK: Roman Myths Create a comic strip of the myth of Romulus and Remus. Roman Army and the expansion of the Empire (2 weeks) Texts: The Roman Beanfeast The Romans Gods, Emperors and Dormice A Roman soldier’s handbook TAKE HOME TASK: Create a Roman standard. History -the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain How did the empire begin? How was the empire ruled? What was life like in Britain before the Romans? How big was the Empire? What can we find out about the Roman army? Why was the Roman army so successful? Who was Queen Boudicca? Why did they invade Britain? What happened in AD 60? Chronological Understanding Communication and Organisation Historical Enquiry Recognise that this period follows that of the previously studied unit. Begin to use some dates and terms accurately. Understand a timeline can be divided into BC and AD. Ask questions about change/ cause/ similarity and difference between periods studied previously and within the Roman period in Britain. Begin to ask own questions ‘what was it like/ what happened in the past and find answers. Use a range of sources to find out about the period. Begin to understand how artefacts/ people/ images/ evidence can aid understanding of the past. History -the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Range and Demonstrate factual knowledge of the periodDepth key events and people. Interpretation of History Communication and Organisation Use evidence to give and explain reasons why people in the past may have acted as they did. Describe how houses/ settlement/ religious beliefs changed during the period studied. Use different ways that the past/ evidence is presented e.g. books, re-enactments, internet, pictures, stories, eyewitness accounts etc. to answer questions. Understand difference between fact and opinion. Can recount an event from the past including some interesting details. Draw labelled diagrams and write about them to describe people/ places/ events from the past. Explore the myth of Romulus and Remus (role play) Write own version of the myth of Romulus and Remus Explore how the Roman empire was governed. Create a map of the empire showing how it changed over the years. Create posters about jobs in an Iron Age Village. Create Celtic Shields Create a class timeline of the empire Create Roman Shields Research the Roman Army Roman Armour/Weapons – labelled diagrams. Practise Roman army drill Drama of the Roman Invasion. Timeline – why did Julius Caesar leave Britain? Draw a picture of Boudicca from a written description. Look at similarities and differences between the written descriptions. Sequence events of the story of the invasion. Battle of Colchester – drama Battle Report Marvellous Middle: Trip to Roman Museum at Chester (Dewa Experience) –Guided tour and Soldier Patrols. The children will create a video diary of the visit which will be edited back at school. (Trip on Tuesday; Edit videos Wednesday and Thursday). Link with Computing scheme – We are Presenters. LEARNING CONTEXT Roman Entertainment (1 week) Texts: The Roman Beanfeast The Romans Gods, Emperors and Dormice Roman City Guidebook KEY QUESTIONS LEARNING SKILLS (NC) What did the Romans do for fun? Who and what were the gladiators? Which games did they like best? History - the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Range and Use information found out about the past to describe Depth differences between then and now. What evidence has been found about the Romans? What were mosaics? What did they depict? How were they made? What evidence has been found about the Romans? How were Roman buildings made? What is an arch? What was an aqueduct? History -the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Range and Use evidence to give and explain reasons why people in Depth the past may have acted as they did. TAKE HOME TASK: Make a small model chariot to race. Mosaics (1 week) Texts: Roman Buildings and Engineering (1 week) Texts: The Roman Beanfeast Roman City Guidebook TAKE HOME TASK: Roman buildings and Engineering Research Roman buildings or engineering – create a fact file or a poster or a mini book. Interpretation of History Describe how houses/ settlement/ religious beliefs changed during the period studied. Use different ways that the past/ evidence is presented e.g. books, re-enactments, internet, pictures, stories, eyewitness accounts etc. to answer questions. History -the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Range and Demonstrate factual knowledge of the period- key Depth events and people. Use evidence to give and explain reasons why people in the past may have acted as they did. Describe how houses/ settlement/ religious beliefs changed during the period studied. DT – Structures and materials Understanding contexts, users and purposes say how their designs will work say how they will make their designs stable use design criteria to help develop ideas Generating, developing, modelling and communicating ideas Planning share and clarify ideas through discussion generate realistic ideas and model these using prototypes and annotated sketches use computer-aided design select tools and equipment suitable for the task explain their choice of materials and components according to functional properties order the main stages of making LEARNING OUTCOMES Research entertainment; compare with now. Create a poster about Gladiators. Draw a picture of the Colosseum. Learn about Roman chariot racing. Children find out about mosaics by watching videos. Create a mosaic border – explore printing. Design and make a roman mosaic. Create Roman columns Test the strength of different Roman columns Explore Roman arches – test the strength. Create a Roman aqueduct model. CHALLENGE/ ASSESSMENT LEARNING CONTEXT Roman Legacy (1 week) Texts: The Roman Beanfeast What the Romans did for us TAKE HOME TASK: Create a poster about everything you know about the Romans. KEY QUESTIONS What have the Romans left behind? What do place names tell us? What is a legacy? LEARNING SKILLS (NC) History -the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Range and Depth Demonstrate factual knowledge of the period- key events and people. Use evidence to give and explain reasons why people in the past may have acted as they did. Describe how houses/ settlement/ religious beliefs changed during the period studied. LEARNING OUTCOMES CHALLENGE/ ASSESSMENT Look at map of Britain – find Roman place names. Create a class display – The Roman Legacy Explore different legacies – calendar, numerals, language, roads and towns. FABULOUS FINISH: Attenzione! Attenzione! A Roman banquet is coming to a class near you! Children plan and prepare the feast for their parents. They will share their video diary from the Marvellous Middle; sing a song ‘Just Like a Roman’; make mosaics and share their project books.