Faculty surgery Tests for IMF 1. FOR ACUTE APPENDICITIS, THE SYMPTOM IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC: a) Rovzing b) Voskresensky c) Murphy d) Obraztsov e) Bartomier-Michelson 2. CLINICALLY ACUTE APPENDICITIS CAN BE TAKEN FOR: a) salpingitis b) acute cholecystitis c) Meckel's diverticulitis d) ectopic pregnancy e) any of these types of pathology 3. FOR PERFORATIVE APPENDICITIS CHARACTERISTIC: a) Razdolsky's symptom b) an increase in the clinical picture of peritonitis c) a sudden increase in abdominal pain d) muscle tension of the anterior abdominal wall e) all of the above 4. THE OPTIMUM LENGTH OF THE SKIN INCISION FOR APPENDECTOMY IN AN ADULT IS: a) 2-2.5 cm b) 3-4 cm c) 5-6 cm d) 6-8 cm e) 10-12 cm 5. TYPICAL COMPLICATIONS OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS ARE ALL EXCEPT: a) appendicular infiltrate b) para-appendicular abscess c) local peritonitis d) diffuse peritonitis e) inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum 6. FOR DIFFUSIONAL PURULENT PERITONITIS OF APPENDICULAR ORIGIN, THE FOLLOWING ARE INDICATED: a) appendectomy and sanitation of the abdominal cavity b) correction of water-electrolyte disturbances c) antibacterial therapy d) complete parenteral nutrition 1-2 days after surgery e) all of the above is true 7. EMERGENCY APPENDECTOMY IS NOT INDICATED FOR: a) acute catarrhal appendicitis b) acute appendicitis in the second half of pregnancy c) the first attack of acute appendicitis d) an unknown cause of pain in the right iliac region in the elderly e) acute appendicitis in infants 8. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS IN ACUTE APPENDICITIS BEGINS: a) from the serous cover of the appendix b) from the mucous membrane of the appendix c) from the muscular layer of the appendix d) from the dome of the cecum e) from the terminal section of the small intestine 9.FOR ACUTE APPENDICITIS WITH WORM-LOOK IN THE PELVIS CHARACTERISTIC: a) the presence of pain in the Scherrer triangle b) an admixture of blood in the feces c) severe pain reaction of the anterior wall of the rectum with al research d) lack of temperature reaction e) a positive symptom of Pasternatsky 10. IN TREATMENT OF DIFFUSED PERITONITIS OF APPENDICULAR ORIGIN, THE MAIN IMPORTANCE IS: a) elimination of the source of peritonitis b) antibiotic therapy c) correction of water-electrolyte disturbances d) sanitation of the abdominal cavity e) all of the above is true 11. ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS USUALLY BEGINS WITH: a) temperature rise b) the appearance of vomiting c) pain in the right hypochondrium d) stool disorders e) severity in the epigastric region 12. INTRAVENOUS CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY IS SHOWN AND INFORMATIVE WHEN: a) the presence of a palpable gallbladder b) jaundice c) peritonitis d) a subsided attack of acute cholecystitis e) cholangitis 13. LITOGENICITY INDEX IS DETERMINED BY THE RATIO: a) cholesterol, bilirubin and lecithin b) bilirubin, bile acids and lecithin c) cholesterol, bile acids and bilirubin d) cholesterol, bile acids and lecithin e) bilirubin and lecithin 14. INTRAOPERATIVE HOLANGYOGRAPHY IS ABSOLUTELY SHOWN WITH EVERYTHING BUT: a) the presence of small stones in the common bile duct b) suspected cancer of the large duodenal nipple c) expansion of the common bile duct d) a history of obstructive jaundice e) disabled gallbladder 15. THE COMPLICATIONS OF ACUTE CALCULAR CHOLECYSTITIS DO NOT RELATE: a) varicose veins of the esophagus b) obstructive jaundice c) cholangitis d) subhepatic abscess e) peritonitis 16.FOR MECHANICAL JAUNDICE DUE TO COLDOCHOLITHIASIS, NOT CHARACTERISTIC: a) Courvoisier's symptom b) increased direct blood bilirubin c) increased alkaline phosphatase d) a sharp increase in the level of transaminases in plasma: e) lack of stercobilin in feces 17. FOR A COLIC CAUSED BY CHOLELITIASIS, NOT CHARACTERISTIC a) intense pain in the right hypochondrium b) nausea c) Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom in the right hypochondrium d) Ortner's symptom e) Murphy's symptom 18. IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS, THE MAJOR ROLE FOLLOWS: a) microbial flora b) plasmacytic infiltration c) microcirculatory disorders d) autoenzyme aggression e) venous stasis 19.ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS ALLOWS TO PERFORM: a) assessment of the state of the large duodenal papilla b) confirmation of the presence of acute pancreatitis c) clarification of the localization of the process in the pancreas d) determining the prevalence of gland damage e) establishing the form of acute pancreatitis 20. THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF DETERMINING THE PULSATION OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTIC REGION IN EPIGASTRIUM IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS THE NAME OF THE SYMPTOM a) Mayo-Robson b) Mondor’s c) Kera d) Cullen e) Voskresensky 21. WHEN PANCREATITIS DURING THE OPERATION IS DETECTED: a) wound closure without any surgical aid b) the imposition of a cholecystostomy c) drainage of the stuffing box d) cholecystectomy and resection of the pancreas e) resection of the pancreas 22. IT IS NOT APPLIED FOR PURCHASING A PAIN AT ACUTE PANCREATITIS: a) vagosympathetic blockade b) epidural anesthesia c) perirenal blockade d) blockade of the round ligament of the liver e) morphine 23. DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS: a) enterokinase b) elastase c) phospholipase d) trypsin e) streptokinase 24. THE MOST CHARACTERISTIC PAINS FOR ACUTE PANCREATITIS ARE: a) aching b) shingles c) cramping d) dagger e) stupid 25. A 30-YEAR-OLD PATIENT WITH DESTRUCTIVE PANCREATITIS ON THE 14TH DAY OF DISEASE HAS APPEARED HECTIC TEMPERATURE, TACHYCARDIA, SHIFT OF THE LEUKOCYTIC FORMULA TO THE LEFT: a) cholangitis b) pneumonia c) pancreatic cyst d) retroperitoneal phlegmon e) suppurative pseudocyst of the pancreas 26. IN FATTY PANCREONEKROSIS: a) laparotomy, drainage of the abdominal cavity b) laparotomy with excision of the gland capsule c) infusion therapy, antienzyme and cytostatic drugs d) distal resection of the pancreas e) everything is correct 27. FOR ALL KINDS OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION ARE CHARACTERISTIC: a) intense abdominal pain b) a sharp increase in peristalsis c) persistent stool and gas retention d) asymmetry of the abdomen e) tension of the abdominal muscles 28. EVERYTHING IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR LOW COLUMN OCCURRENCE, BUT: a) a gradual increase in symptoms b) bloating c) the appearance of the Kloyber bowls d) stool retention e) fast (within a day) dehydration 29. BLOODY DISCHARGE FROM THE RECTAL COLUMN CAN BE WITH INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION: a) paralytic b) spastic c) invagination d) adhesive e) strangulation 30. THE CHOICE OF TREATMENT TACTICS IN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS NOT AFFECTED ONLY: a) type of obstruction b) the level of obstruction c) the presence of peritoneal symptoms d) the intensity of pain e) X-ray data 31. THE MAIN SYMPTOM OF OBTURATIONAL INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS: a) persistent abdominal pain b) cramping abdominal pain c) vomit of the color of "coffee grounds" d) bloating e) melena 32. FECES IN THE FORM OF RASPBERRY JELLY CHARACTER FOR a) gastric bleeding b) intussusception c) spastic colitis d) diverticulitis e) lead poisoning 33. PAIN IN INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS CHARACTERIZED BY EVERYBODY, BUT IT IS: a) periodic b) weaker between attacks c) localized in the navel d) colicky e) starts gradually 34. THE WORST TREATMENT RESULTS ARE OBSERVED WITH: a) paralytic intestinal obstruction b) intussusception c) strangulation obstruction d) adhesive disease e) obstructive small bowel obstruction 35. IN PRIMARY PERITONITIS, PERITONAL INFECTION HAPPENS: a) with perforation of a stomach ulcer b) with perforation of the appendix c) with adnexitis d) hematogenous e) in case of intestinal injury 36. PERITONITIS MAY BE A CONSEQUENCE OF THE LISTED DISEASES, EXCEPT: a) perforation of Meckel's diverticulum b) Crohn's disease c) stenosis of the large duodenal papilla d) Richter's infringement of hernia e) acute intestinal obstruction 37. AT THE ABSCESS OF DUGLASOV SPACE IT IS SHOWN: a) puncture through the abdominal wall b) medicinal enemas c) opening through the abdominal wall d) puncture, opening and drainage through the rectum e) conservative treatment 38. FIBRINOUS OILS ON THE PERITONAL DO NOT HAVE PERITONITIS: a) serous b) fibrinous c) purulent d) putrid e) feces 39. INGUINAL HERNIA DIFFERENTIES WITH EVERYTHING BUT: a) varicocele b) tumors of the spermatic cord c) testicular tumors d) hydrocele e) v. saphenamagna aneurysms 40. A straight inguinal hernia is characterized by a weakness of the wall: a) back b) top c) front d) bottom e) all walls 41. THE PRIORITY MEASURES FOR A STRAINED INGUINAL HERNIA IS: a) warm bath b) reduction of the hernia c) emergency operation d) spasmolitics to facilitate the reduction of the hernia e) analgetics before repositioning the hernia 42. When the adenomas of the prostate gland and the inguinal hernia are combined, it is shown: a) observation b) adenomectomy, then hernia repair c) conservative treatment d) hernia repair, then adenomectomy e) the use of a bandage 43. THE TYPANICAL SOUND ABOVE THE HERNIAL HOOKING LETS SUSPECT AN INJURATION: a) a large omentum b) bladder c) spermatic cord d) intestinal loops e) vermiform appendix 44. MOST OFTEN WITH AN INGUINAL HERNIA, IT IS INTRACTED: a) large oil seal b) small intestine c) large intestine d) bladder e) peri-vesicular tissue 45. THE MOST PROBABLE CAUSE OF REDUCED RESISTANCE OF THE MUCOSA OF THE STOMACH, LEADING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ULTRA IS a) deficiency of plastic cells necessary for reproduction substances and biochemically active substances b) metabolic changes in the body c) local ischemia of the gastro-duodenal mucosa d) chronic gastritis e) hormonal changes in the body 46. DETERMINING INDICATIONS FOR SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ULCER, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO CONSIDER: a) data of endoscopic assessment of the ulcer and its localization b) indications of X-ray examination of the stomach and duodenum c) motor-evacuation function of the stomach and duodenum d) functional state of the gastrin-producing system e) the true dimensions of the antrum of the stomach 47. DEVELOPMENT OF GASTROGENIC TETANY IN SEVERE PYLORODUODENAL STENOSIS IS ASSOCIATED WITH: a) hypokalemia b) hypochloremia c) hypocalcemia d) hypovolemia e) hypoalbuminemia 48. THE MOST INFORMATIVE METHOD FOR DIAGNOSING PERFORATIVE ULCER IS: a) esophagogastroduodenoscopy b) ultrasound c) laparocentesis d) laparoscopy e) survey fluoroscopy 49. AN EXTREMELY RARE COMPLICATION OF DUODENAL ULCER IS: a) perforation b) malignancy c) bleeding d) penetration e) cicatricial deformity of the intestine 50. FOR PERFORATIVE GASTRIC ULCER IN THE FIRST 6 HOURS NOT CHARACTERISTIC: a) sharp abdominal pain b) plank belly c) the disappearance of hepatic dullness d) bloating e) "sickle" of gas under the dome of the diaphragm 51. MALLORY-WEISS SYNDROME IS: a) varicose veins of the esophagus and cardia, complicated by bleeding b) bleeding ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum c) bleeding from mucous membranes due to hemorrhagic angiomatosis (Randu-Osler disease) d) cracks in the cardiac part of the stomach with bleeding e) hemorrhagic erosive gastroduodenitis 52. CONSERVATIVE THERAPY IN PERFORMED ULCERS IS PERMISSIBLE ONLY WHEN: a) the patient has no ulcerative history b) old age of patients c) the absence of conditions for performing an emergency surgical intervention d) extremely high degree of operational risk e) a combination of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer 53. IT IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR A BLOODY ULCERS DUODENUM: a) vomit the color of coffee grounds b) increased abdominal pain c) drop in hemoglobin d) melena e) decrease blood volume 54. THE MOST RELIABLE METHOD FOR DIAGNOSTICS THE POLYPS OF THE LARGE INTESTINE IS: a) fluoroscopic examination by oral administration of barium b) irrigoscopy c) colonoscopy d) study of feces for occult blood e) ultrasound 56. EVERYTHING IS PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF HEMORRHOIDS EXCEPT: a) chronic inflammation of the anal canal b) heredity c) sitting work d) a two-stage act of defecation e) hyperplasia of the rectal zones and anal cavernous bodies 57. TO CONFIRM THE DIAGNOSIS OF ANAL PASSAGE CRACK, IT IS USED: a) anoscopy b) measurement of pressure in the rectum c) colonoscopy d) rectoscopy e) irrigoscopy 58. DELAYED GASTRIC EVACUATION IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR TUMOR LOCALIZATION: a) along the great curvature b) in the cardiac department c) in the body of the stomach d) in the pyloric section e) in small curvature 59. THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF GASTRIC CANCER IS PROVIDED BY: a) ultrasound of the abdominal organs b) search for the syndrome of "small signs" c) the emergence of the cancer triad according to Melnikov d) X-ray of the stomach e) survey fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity 75. SPECIFIC FOR ACUTE APPENDICITIS IS A SYMPTOM: a) Kocher-Volkovich b) Rovzing c) Sitkovsky d) all three symptoms e) none of them 76. FALSE FOR ACUTE APPENDICITIS IS THE STATEMENT THAT: a) the rigidity of the abdominal wall may be absent with a retrocecal arrangement scion b) there may be no stiffness in the pelvic position c) vomiting always precedes pain d) pain can begin in the navel e) pain often begins in the epigastric region 77. AN IMPORTANT SYMPTOM IN DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS WITH IMPAIRED EXTRAUTERIC PREGNANCY IS: a) Kocher-Volkovich symptom b) Prompt's symptom c) dizziness and fainting d) Bartomier-Michelson symptom e) puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina 78. FOR SPILLED PURULENT PERITONITIS OF APPENDICULAR ORIGIN, APPLY: a) midline laparotomy b) appendectomy c) washing the abdominal cavity d) drainage of the abdominal cavity e) all of the above 79. FOR DIAGNOSING ACUTE APPENDICITIS, THE METHODS ARE USED: a) laparoscopy b) clinical blood test c) rectal examination d) thermography e) all of the above is true 80. THE INITIAL PHASE OF PERITONITIS ARE ALL THE LISTED SYMPTOMS, EXCEPT a) soreness of the pelvic peritoneum during rectal examination b) tachycardia c) sharp electrolyte shifts d) tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall e) tendencies to an increase in leukocytosis 81. SYMPTOMS OF APPENDICULAR INFILTRATE ARE EVERYTHING BUT: a) subfebrile temperature b) Rovzing's symptom c) profuse diarrhea d) leukocytosis e) palpable tumor formation in the right iliac region 82. AFTER APPENDECTOMY IN ACUTE CATARAL APPENDICITIS, PRESCRIBE: a) antibiotics b) analgesics c) sulfonamides d) laxatives e) all of the above 83 FOR TREATMENT OF APPENDICULAR INFILTRATE DO NOT USE: a) physiotherapy treatment b) antibiotics c) inpatient treatment d) narcotic drugs e) diet 84. MAIN SYMPTOM ALLOWING TO DIAGNOSE PELVIC LOCATION OF INFLAMMATED APPENDIX: a) Shchetkin-Blumberg b) Rovzing c) sharp soreness during rectal examination d) muscle tension in the right iliac region e) Krymova 85. ATTACK OF LIVER (GALL) COLUMNS ARISES: a) suddenly, acutely b) after the prodromal period c) gradually, gradually d) after prolonged fasting e) after hypothermia 86. IN ACUTE AND CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS, USE CONTRAINDICATED: a) omnopon b) morphine hydrochloride c) no-shpa d) atropine sulfate e) spazmalgon, baralgin and spazgan 87. A PATIENT WITH GANGRENOUS CHOLECYSTITIS IS SHOWN: a) conservative treatment b) deferred operation c) decision making depends on the patient's age d) operation in the absence of the effect of conservative therapy e) emergency operation 88. IT IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR JARCUS ON THE SOIL OF COLEDOCHOLITHIASIS: a) urobilinuria b) increased alkaline phosphatase c) normal or low blood protein d) increased blood bilirubin e) normal or moderately elevated transaminases 89. IN ACUTE CALCULAR CHOLECYSTITIS, IT MAY BE APPLIED: a) emergency operation b) urgent operation c) conservative therapy and later planned surgery d) only conservative therapy e) all of the above 90. FOR CLARIFICATION OF THE CHARACTER OF JONDICE AND THE CAUSE OF ITS OCCURRENCE, DO NOT USE: a) computed tomography b) intravenous cholecystocholangiography c) percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography d) RCCG e) ultrasound 91. NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR A CLINIC OF ACUTE HOLANGITIS: a) high temperature b) pain in the right hypochondrium c) jaundice d) leukocytosis e) unstable loose stools 92. IN THE CASE OF GALL STONE DISEASE, EMERGENCY SURGERY IS INDICATED FOR: a) occlusion of the cystic duct b) cholecystopancreatitis c) perforated cholecystitis d) obstructive jaundice e) hepatic colic 93. HEMORRHAGIC PANCREONEKROSIS DEVELOPS AS A RESULT: a) accession of infection against the background of fatty pancreatonecrosis b) the formation of a demarcation inflammatory shaft around the foci of fatty necrosis c) spontaneous relief of the autolytic process and involution small focal pancreatic necrosis d) proteolytic necrosis of pancreatocytes and damage to the vascular wall under the influence of proteolytic enzymes e) damaging effect on pancreatocytes and interstitial fatty tissue lipolytic enzymes 94. DISEASE IN PALPATION IN THE LEFT COSTOVERTEBRAL ANGLE IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE SYMPTOM: a) Voskresensky b) Mayo-Robson c) Grunwald d) Mondora e) Gray-Turner 95. DETECTION IN LAPAROSCOPY OF SEROSOUS FLUE AND PLAQUES STEATONEKROSIS MEETS: a) edematous pancreatitis b) fatty pancreatic necrosis c) hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis d) purulent pancreatitis e) such changes are not typical for acute pancreatitis 96. THE MOST INFORMATIVE METHOD OF RESEARCH IN ACUTE PANCREATITE IS: a) diagnostic pneumoperitoneum b) survey fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity c) laparoscopy d) gastroduodenoscopy e) determination of blood and urine amylase, ultrasound 97. IDENTIFICATION OF HEMORRHAGIC EMERGENCY IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY AND FOCUS OF FATTY NECROSIS IN THE ABDOMINAL ALLOWS TO THINK: a) about damage to the hollow organ b) about a ruptured liver c) about acute pancreatitis d) about a perforated stomach ulcer e) about mesenteric thrombosis 98. THE MOST INFORMATIVE METHOD FOR DIAGNOSING THE CYST OF THE PANCREAS IS: a) RCCG b) study of the passage of barium through the intestine c) biochemical research d) ultrasound e) none of the named 99. A PATIENT WITH PANCREATITIS IN THE FIRST DAY IS APPOINTED: a) table 15 b) table 5a c) table 9 d) table 10 e) hunger 100. IN PREPULSED PEUDOCYSTE OF THE PANCREAS IS SHOWN: a) conservative antibiotic therapy b) conservative detoxification therapy c) operation d) observation e) continue the previously prescribed therapy 101. A CHARACTERISTIC COMPLICATION FOR ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS: a) b-cell adenoma b) stones of the pancreas c) pancreatic pseudocysts d) sclerosis of the pancreas e) calcification of the pancreas 102. WHEN NODE FORMATION AND INTEGRAL INTEGRITY IS SHOWN: a) conducting conservative measures to resolve the obstruction b) emergency surgical treatment c) surgical treatment in the "cold" period d) dynamic observation e) thorough examination of the patient 103. THE CAUSE OF DEVELOPMENT OF PARALYTIC INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION CANNOT BE: a) peritonitis b) lead poisoning c) acute pancreatitis d) retroperitoneal hematoma e) disorders of mesenteric circulation 104. CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS APPLIED ONLY FOR: a) bloat b) nodulation c) obstructive intestinal obstruction d) dynamic obstruction e) obturation with gallstone 105. WHEN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS SUSPECTED IN THE FIRST TIME, IT IS PRODUCED: a) plain radiography of the abdominal cavity b) study of the passage of barium through the intestine c) esophagogastroduodenoscopy d) laparoscopy e) biochemical blood test 106. DEHYDRATION OF THE ORGANISM DEVELOPS FASTEST WHEN: a) volvulus of the small intestine b) volvulus of the sigmoid colon c) tumors of the rectum with symptoms of intestinal obstruction d) obstructive colonic obstruction e) ileocecal invagination 107. Large intestinal obstruction is most often caused by: a) fecal stones b) malignant neoplasm c) diverticulitis d) tuberculosis e) inguinal hernia 108. THE OPERATION OF SELECTION FOR LOW BOWEL OBTURATIONAL OBSTRUCTION WITH A STRONGLY BLOOD, BUT A VIABLE LEADING LOOP IS: a) bowel resection with anastomosis b) bypass anastomosis c) colostomy imposition d) Noble operation e) hemicolectomy 109. NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR PERITONITIS: a) tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall b) Courvoisier's symptom c) increased heart rate d) delay in the discharge of gases e) vomiting 110. LESS THAN TOTAL SUBDIAPHRAGMATIC ABSCESS MEASURES: a) pain in the right half of the chest and upper abdomen, breath-related b) pain when pressing in the area of the lower ribs c) hectic temperature d) Kloyber's cups for X-ray of the abdominal cavity e) expansion of the boundaries of hepatic dullness 111. A MEDIUM LAPAROTOMY MUST BE CARRIED OUT WHEN: a) diffuse peritonitis b) local unbounded peritonitis c) Douglas space abscess d) appendicular infiltrate e) acute appendicitis 112. EVERYTHING IS PROSPECTING TO THE FORMATION OF ABDOMINAL HERNIA, EXCEPT: a) old age b) progressive weight loss c) structural features of the anterior abdominal wall at the sites of hernias d) diseases that cause increased intra-abdominal pressure e) paralysis of the nerves of the abdominal wall 113. WITH A STRIKED ABDOMINAL HERNIA, REGARDLESS OF THE PATIENT'S CONDITION, IT IS SHOWN: a) antispasmolitics and a warm bath b) observation c) antibiotics and strict bed rest d) plain radiography of the abdominal cavity e) emergency operation 114. INCREDIBLE FEMORAL HERNIA IS NECESSARY TO DIFFERENTIATE: a) with a strangulated inguinal hernia b) with acute thrombophlebitis of the varicose veins in the oval fossa c) with acute lymphadenitis d) with all diseases e) only with b and c 115. IT IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC TO PRACTICE A HERNIA: a) sharp pain in the hernia b) sudden development of the disease c) a positive cough push d) the rapid development of diffuse peritonitis e) irreducible hernia 116. THE MAIN SIGN OF A SLIDING HERNIA IS: a) easy reposition b) innate nature c) one of the walls of the hernial sac is an abdominal organ, partially covered with peritoneum d) penetration between muscles and aponeurosis e) all of the above is true 118. NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR CHRONIC GASTRODUODENAL ULTRASONIC: a) dense edges b) the ability to penetrate into the depth of the wall c) different sizes (from 0.3 to 6-8 cm or more) of the ulcer d) lack of convergence of the folds of the mucous membrane to the edges of the ulcer e) the possibility of developing various complications 119. THE INITIAL PURPOSE PROCESS IS RELATED TO: a) with reverse diffusion of hydrogen ions b) with decompensation of antral acid-neutralizing function c) with impaired acid-neutralizing function of the duodenum d) with mechanisms that upset the balance between protection factors and aggression of the gastroduodenal zone e) with a decrease in the secretory function of the pancreas 120. PLANNING A SURGERY FOR DUODENAL ULCERS , IT IS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT: a) endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract b) study of gastric secretion c) study of the secretory function of the pancreas d) X-ray examination of the stomach e) study of the functional state of the duodenum 121. PATIENTS WITH COMPENSATED PYLORODUODENAL STENOSIS WITHOUT SIGNS OF AN ACTIVE ULCERS: a) do not need surgical treatment b) are subject to surgical treatment in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease c) operated only in case of progression of stenosis d) require compulsory surgical treatment e) are operated on after a 2-month course of intensive antiulcer therapy 122. WHEN DUODENAL ULCERS IS SUSPECTED, FIRST CARRY OUT: a) study of gastric secretion b) determination of serum gastrin level c) cholecystography d) general fluoroscopy of the abdominal organs e) esophagogastroduodenoscopy 123. A RELIABLE X-RAY SIGN OF PERFORATION OF A GASTRODUODENAL ULCERS IS: a) high position of the diaphragm b) Kloyber's "bowls" c) intestinal pneumatization d) the presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity e) enlarged gas bubble of the stomach 124. WHEN PERFORATIVE GASTRIC ULCERS IS SUSPECTED, THE FIRST STUDY SHOULD BE: a) fluoroscopy of the stomach with barium suspension b) plain radiography of the abdominal cavity c) emergency esophagogastroduodenoscopy d) angiography (selective celiac artery) e) laparoscopy 125. THE NATURE OF OPERATING INTERVENTION IN PERFORMED STOMACH ULTRA DETERMINES: a) the patient's age b) localization of the perforated hole c) the severity of peritonitis d) period from the moment of perforation e) all of the above 126. FORCED POSITION OF A PATIENT WITH LEGS ADVANCED TO THE ABDOMINAL AND A TENSION OF THE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR: a) hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis b) volvulus c) perforated ulcer d) renal colic e) mesenteric thrombosis 127. IN RECURRENCY OF GASTRODUODENAL BLEEDING IS SHOWN: a) emergency operation b) urgent operation c) endovascular selective hemostatic therapy d) repeated endoscopic hemostatic therapy e) intensive conservative hemostatic therapy 128. MEKKELEV DIVERTICULE IS ANATOMICAL ELEMENT: a) the ileum b) jejunum c) it is a protrusion of the bile ducts d) often occurs after appendectomy e) all of the above is true 129. IN BLEEDING AFTER DEFECTION IN THE FORM OF BLOOD STREAM AND ITCHING IN THE REGION OF ANAL OPENING, YOU CAN THINK ABOUT: a) pararectal fistula b) hemorrhoids c) rectal cancer d) rectal polyp e) anal fissure 130. FOR PARARECTAL Fistula it is uncommon: a) purulent discharge b) periodic exacerbations c) stool fear d) maceration of the skin of the perineum e) the presence of a fistula 131. EXCESSION OF HEMORRHOIDAL NODES IS CONTRAINDICATED IN: a) loss of nodes b) proctosigmoiditis c) ulceration of nodes d) repeated bleeding e) portal hypertension 132. THE ABSOLUTE SIGN OF THE UNOPERATIVE STOMACH CANCER IS: a) multiple liver metastases b) metastases to the spleen c) metastases in the greater omentum d) large tumor size e) all of the above is true 133. IN OPERATED GASTRIC OUTPUT CANCER WITH THE PHENOMENA OF STENOSIS IS SHOWN: a) gastroduodenostomy b) subtotal distal gastric resection c) pyloroplasty d) gastrostomy e) gastroenterostomy 149. SYMPTOMS ARE RELATED TO PERITONEAL IN ACUTE APPENDICITIS: a) Voskresensky ("shirt" symptom) b) Shchetkin-Blumberg c) Razdolsky d) all named symptoms e) none of them 150. ACUTE APPENDICITIS IN CHILDREN DIFFERS FROM THAT IN ADULTS IN ALL EXCEPT: a) cramping nature of pain, diarrhea, repeated vomiting b) the rapid development of diffuse peritonitis c) high temperature d) severe intoxication e) a sharp muscle tension in the right iliac region 151. FOR DIAGNOSTICS OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS DO NOT USE: a) palpation of the abdominal wall b) clinical blood test c) digital rectal examination d) irrigoscopy e) vaginal examination 152. WASHING THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY IS SHOWN WHEN: a) an established diagnosis of appendicular infiltration b) periappendicular abscess c) gangrenous appendicitis and local delimited peritonitis d) inflammation of the lymph nodes of the mesentery of the small intestine e) diffuse peritonitis 154. EVERYTHING IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE LATE STAGE OF PERITONITIS EXCEPT: a) bloating b) dehydration c) the disappearance of intestinal noise d) hypoproteinemia e) enhanced peristalsis 155. FOR GANHRENOUS FORM OF APPENDICITIS IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC: a) board-shaped belly b) increased pain in the right iliac region c) reduction of pain in the right iliac region d) tachycardia e) Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom 156. THE MOST RATIONAL METHOD FOR PROCESSING THE APPENDIX CULTURE IN ADULTS IS: a) dressing with a silk ligature with immersion of the stump b) ligation with a lavsan ligature with immersion of the stump c) immersion of an unbound stump d) ligation with catgut ligature without immersion of the stump e) ligation with catgut ligature with immersion of the stump 157. CONTRAINDICATION TO APPENDECTOMY IS: a) myocardial infarction b) pregnancy 30-40 weeks c) intolerance to novocaine d) appendicular infiltrate e) blood clotting disorders 158. SYMPTOMS ALLOWING TO SUSPECT CROWN DISEASE ARE: a) pain in the right iliac region b) diarrhea c) fever d) all of the above is true e) all of the above is incorrect 159. A CHARACTERISTIC LABORATORY SIGN OF Acute Uncomplicated Cholecystitis IS: a) diastasuria b) leukocytosis c) hypoglycemia d) glucosuria e) hyperbilirubinemia 160. THE BASIC METHOD OF STUDYING PATIENTS WITH UNCOMPLICATED CHOLECYSTITIS IS: a) infusion cholegraphy b) ERPHG c) ultrasound of the gallbladder d) laparoscopy e) gastroduodenoscopy 161. PATIENTS WITH UNCOMPLICATED CALCULOUS CHOLECYSTITIS MOST OFTEN PERFORM: a) cholecystostomy b) cholecystectomy from the neck c) cholecystectomy from the bottom d) laparoscopic cholecystostomy e) cholecystectomy with drainage of the common bile duct according to Halstead-Pikovsky 163. COURVOISIER'S SYMPTOM IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR: a) acute calculous cholecystitis b) cancer of the head of the pancreas c) indurative pancreatitis d) tumors of the large duodenal nipple e) tumors of the common bile duct 164. IT IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR A CLINIC OF ACUTE OBTURATION CHOLANGITIS: a) jaundice b) temperature rise c) a decrease in the size of the liver d) leukocytosis with a shift to the left e) enlarged liver 166. COMPLICATIONS OF CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS IS: a) dropsy of the gallbladder b) empyema of the gallbladder c) jaundice, cholangitis d) chronic active hepatitis e) perforated cholecystitis, peritonitis 167. LATERAL PAIN RESISTANCE OF THE ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALL IN THE PROJECTION OF THE PANCREAS IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS THE NAME OF THE SYMPTOM a) Mayo-Robson b) Kerte c) Gray-Turner d) Mondor’s e) Voskresensky 168. SPOTS OF CYANOSIS ON THE LATERAL WALLS OF THE ABDOMINAL IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE SYMPTOM: a) Grunwald b) Mondor’s c) Gray-Turner d) Ker’s e) Voskresensky 169. ALL FORMS RELATED TO ACUTE PANCREATITIS, EXCEPT: a) edematous b) pseudotumorous pancreatitis c) fatty pancreatic necrosis d) hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis e) purulent pancreatitis 170. IN HEMORRHAGIC PANCREONEKROSIS NOT INDICATED: a) emergency laparotomy b) laparoscopic abdominal drainage c) therapeutic catheterization of the celiac artery d) antispasmodics, analgesics, protease inhibitors, fluorouracil e) massive infusion therapy 171. THE MOST COMMON SYMPTOM OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS: a) nausea and vomiting b) hyperthermia c) jaundice d) bloating e) pain in the upper abdomen 172. IN TREATMENT OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS DO NOT USE: a) analgesics b) infusion therapy c) cytostatics d) antispasmodics e) morphine 173. DEVELOPMENT OF FATTY PANCREONEKROSIS IS ASSOCIATED WITH: a) the secretion of a-cells of the islets of Langerhans b) the secret of b-cells of the islets of Langerhans c) a-amylase d) lipase and phospholipase A e) trypsinogen 174. PANCREATIC TOXEMIA IS CAUSED BY EVERYTHING BUT: a) trypsin b) histamine c) bradykinin d) kallikrein e) amylase 175. PROCESSING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION CAN: a) weakness of the abdominal muscles b) alcohol abuse c) eating fatty and spicy foods d) eating large amounts of food rich in fiber e) psychotrauma 176. FOR SMALL-INTESTINE INVAGINATION IT IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC ONLY: a) bloody discharge from the rectum b) acute development in children c) palpable tumor formation in the right iliac region d) cramping abdominal pain e) preferential development in adults 177. IN ACUTE OBTURATIVE BOWEL OBSTRUCTION, EVERYTHING IS OBSERVED BUT: a) persistent abdominal pain b) bloating c) the gradual development of peritonitis d) cramping abdominal pain e) stool and gas retention 178. Large-intestinal obstructive obstruction most often CAUSED BY: a) foreign bodies b) gallstones c) malignant tumors d) adhesions of the abdominal cavity e) helminths 179. IN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, IT IS INSUFFICIENT ONLY: a) gastroenterostomy b) hemicolectomy in combination with enterostomy c) resection of a section of the intestine d) colostomy e) Mikulich's operation 180. SOUND PERISTALTIC NOISES IN THE EARLY PERIOD OF DISEASE ARE CHARACTERISTIC FOR: a) paralytic intestinal obstruction b) perforated stomach ulcer c) mechanical intestinal obstruction d) gangrenous cholecystitis e) mesenteric thrombosis 181. PAIN SYNDROME WITH INTESTINAL OBLIGATION IS CHARACTERIZED: a) constant dull pain in the abdomen b) acute "dagger" pain c) minor intermittent pains in various departments abdominal d) severe cramping pain e) severe persistent abdominal pain 182. THE MOST FREQUENT LOCALIZATION OF INVAGINATION IS: a) cecum b) ileocecal segment c) ileo-ileal (iliac-iliac) segment d) sigmoid colon e) rectosigmoid department 183. THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF PERITONITIS IS: a) acute appendicitis b) perforated ulcer c) salpingitis d) strangulation of the small intestine e) stomach cancer 184. NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR PERITONITIS: a) tachycardia b) dry tongue c) muscle tension of the anterior abdominal wall d) lack of intestinal peristalsis e) diarrhea 185. WITH SUBDIAPHRAGMATIC ABSCESS, IT CAN HAVE A PLACE IN EVERYTHING EXCEPT: a) decrease in respiratory excursion of the lungs b) high standing of the dome of the diaphragm c) friendly effusion into the pleural cavity d) pain radiating to the supraclavicular region e) diarrhea 186. COLORED BALL LIQUID IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY IS OBSERVED IN ALL CASES EXCEPT: a) perforation of the gallbladder b) perforation of duodenal ulcer c) prolonged obstructive jaundice d) rupture of a festering echinococcal cyst of the liver e) spontaneous biliary peritonitis 187. THE LOWER WALL OF THE INJECTION CANAL IS: a) transverse fascia b) the lower edge of the external oblique abdominal muscle c) zhimbernatova ligament d) inguinal ligament e) the edge of the ilium 188. WHEN INTRACTION OF A HERNIA IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION IS SHOWN: a) observation, cold on the stomach b) reduction of the hernia c) the introduction of antispasmodics d) Trendelenburg position e) emergency operation 189. IRREDUCIBLE HERNIA IS A CONSEQUENCE OF: a) adhesions between the organs protruding into the hernial sac and the wall of the sac b) adhesions between the intestinal loops protruding into the hernial sac c) cicatricial process between the hernial sac and the surrounding his tissues d) inconsistency of the organs released into the hernial sac with the size of the hernial orifice e) all of the above 190. FEMORAL HERNIA DIFFERENCES WITH ALL DISEASES EXCEPT: a) cold drip b) inguinal hernia c) lipomas d) cysts of the Bartholin gland e) varicose veins 191. INDICATION FOR EMERGENCY SURGERY FOR SPONTANEOUS REGULATION OF A INCREDIBLE HERNIA IS: a) the presence of a hernial protrusion b) the appearance of peritoneal signs c) temperature rise d) dysuric phenomena e) the very fact of spontaneous reduction 193. NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR PURPOSE IS: a) high prevalence of the disease b) more frequent development in men c) preferential education at a young age d) more persistent than with a gastric ulcer, the course 194. RELATIVE INDICATIONS FOR SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ULCER DISEASES AT: a) pyloric stenosis b) recurrence of ulcer bleeding after endoscopic stopping of it c) low bulbous ulcers d) malignant degeneration of the ulcer e) atypical ulcer perforation 195. ETHIOPATOGENETICALLY JUSTIFIED OPERATING METHOD FOR UNCOMPLICATED DUODENAL ULCERS IS: a) SPV (selective proximal vagotomy) b) ideal antrumectomy c) combination of antrumectomy with vagotomy d) high (2/3 or more) gastric resection e) stem or selective vagotomy 196. THE HIGHEST ACIDITY NUMBERS ARE OBSERVED IN PURPOSE: a) the fundus of the stomach b) antrum c) the pyloric canal d) bodies e) the cardiac part of the stomach 197. ENDOSCOPIC EXAMINATION DOES NOT ALLOW TO DIAGNOSE: a) type of gastritis b) Mallory-Weiss syndrome c) early stomach cancer d) Zollinger-Ellison syndrome e) the degree of pyloric stenosis 198. SPLITTING FOAM BLOOD OF BRIGHT RED COLOR, INCREASING WITH COUGH, CHARACTERISTIC FOR: a) bleeding stomach ulcers b) tumors of the cardia c) Mallory-Weiss syndrome d) pulmonary hemorrhage e) Randu-Osler syndrome 199. TO ESTABLISH THE SOURCE OF GASTRODUODENAL BLEEDING ALLOWS: a) X-ray examination of the stomach b) laparoscopy c) nasogastric tube d) re-determination of hemoglobin and hematocrit e)FGDS 202. THE OPERATION OF SELECTION IN PERFECT GASTRIC ULCERS UNDER CONDITIONS OF PURULENT PERITONITIS IS: a) suturing perforation b) excision of the ulcer with stem vagotomy and pyloroplasty c) gastric resection d) SPV with suturing of perforation e) true antrumectomy 203. MEKKEL DIVERTICLE MAY CAUSE: a) intussusception b) intestinal obstruction c) perforation d) bleeding e) all of the above is true 204. THE MOST SEVERE FORM OF ACUTE PARAPROCTITIS IS: a) ischiorectal b) retrorectal c) submucous d) pelviorectal e) subcutaneous 205. IN ACUTE RIGHT-LATER INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION AND THE SEVERE CONDITION OF THE PATIENT SHOULD DO: a) right-sided hemicolectomy b) the imposition of a bypass ileotransverse anastomosis c) suspended ileostomy d) cecostomy e) resection of the intestine with a tumor 206. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ANAL FACTION INCLUDES: a) stretching the sphincter of the rectum b) diathermocoagulation of the crack c) excision of the crack d) moxibustion with tincture of iodine e) all of the above is true 207. THE MOST RATIONAL TREATMENT FOR ACUTE PARAPROCTITIS IS: a) physiotherapy b) sitz warm baths c) puncture of the abscess d) antibiotic therapy e) opening the abscess 208. GASTROSTOMIA IS SHOWN IN: a) inoperable cancers of the esophagus and cardia b) nutrition of unconscious patients c) bleeding stomach ulcer d) swallowing disorders after surgery with irradiation of the pharynx e) recurrent bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus 209. RADICAL SURGERY FOR STOMACH CANCER ARE: a) distal subtotal gastric resection b) proximal subtotal resection c) gastrectomy d) extended combined operations e) all listed operations 210. THE BASIC METHOD OF TREATMENT OF CARDIOSPASM IS: a) Geller cardioplasty b) Nissen fundoplication c) cardiodilation d) various methods of extramucous plastic e) bougie 223. THE BASIC METHOD FOR DIAGNOSING GASTRIC CANCER IS: a) ultrasound of the abdominal organs b) gastroscopy with biopsy c) laparoscopy d) fluoroscopy e) enzyme immunoassay 224. FOR A CLINICAL PICTURE ACUTE BLOOD LOSS IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC: a) weakness b) thirst c) dizziness d) bradycardia e) tachycardia 228. ACUTE APPENDICITIS SHOULD DIFFERENTIATE WITH ALL THE LISTED DISEASES, EXCEPT: a) glomerulonephritis b) acute pancreatitis c) acute adnexitis d) acute gastroenteritis e) right-sided renal colic 229. IN ACUTE APPENDICITIS IN THE ELDERLY AGE, IT IS PERFECT TO USE: a) endotracheal anesthesia b) intravenous anesthesia c) local anesthesia d) epidural anesthesia e) spinal anesthesia 230. CONTRAINDICATION TO EMERGENCY APPENDECTOMY IS: a) appendicular infiltration b) myocardial infarction c) the second half of pregnancy d) hemorrhagic diathesis e) diffuse peritonitis 232. IN ACUTE PHLEGMONOUS APPENDICITIS, THE SYMPTOM IS NOT OBSERVED: a) Shchetkin-Blumberg b) Bartomier-Michelson c) Kocher-Volkovich d) Georgievsky-Mussey e) Krymova 233. ABSCESS OF DUGLASOV SPACE AFTER APPENDECTOMY IS CHARACTERIZED BY ALL SIGNS, EXCEPT: a) hectic temperature b) pain in the depth of the pelvis and tenesmus c) limiting the mobility of the diaphragm d) overhanging of the walls of the vagina or the anterior wall of the rectum e) soreness during rectal examination 234. THE MOST IMPORTANT IN THE DIAGNOSTICS OF THE ABSCESS OF DOUGLASOV'S SPACE IS: a) sigmoidoscopy b) laparoscopy c) percussion and auscultation of the abdomen d) digital examination of the rectum e) fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity 235. MEKKEL DIVERTICLE IS LOCATED TO: a) jejunum b) the ileum c) the ascending colon d) cecum e) sigmoid colon 236. IN A TYPICAL PICTURE OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS, OPERATING ACCESS IS: a) lower midline laparotomy b) section according to Volkovich-Dyakonov c) pararectal d) transrectal e) cross section 237. FOR APPENDICITIS COMPLICATED BY SPILLED PERITONITIS, USE THE ACCESS: a) transrectal b) pararectal c) Kocher d) middle e) Volkovich-Dyakonov 238. NORMAL BLOOD BILIRUBIN LEVEL: a) 0.10-0.68 b) 8.55-20.52 c) 2.50-8.33 d) 3.64-6.76 e) 7.62-12.88 240. AFTER CHOLECYSTEKTOMY, DRAINAGE IS MOST OF ALL APPLIED: a) according to Robson-Vishnevsky b) according to Halstead-Pikovsky c) according to Spasokukotsky d) according to Ker e) combined drainage according to Pikovsky and Spasokukotsky 241. A PATIENT WITH CHOLEDOCHOLITIASIS NEEDS: a) in an emergency operation b) in conservative treatment c) in urgent surgery after preoperative preparation d) in celiac artery catheterization e) in plasmapheresis 242. STONE FORMATION IN THE GALL BLADDER IS FACILITATED BY EVERYTHING BUT: a) stagnation of bile in the bladder b) metabolic disorders c) inflammatory changes in the gallbladder d) biliary dyskinesia e) disorders of pancreatic secretion 243. GALL STONE DISEASE CAN CAUSE ANYTHING BUT: a) vesico-duodenal fistula b) obstructive jaundice c) acute cholecystitis d) intraperitoneal bleeding e) cholangitis 247. DEVELOPMENT OF METEORISM IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS CAUSED BY: a) compression of the duodenum by the edematous head of the pancreas b) frequent indomitable vomiting c) intestinal paresis d) deficiency of pancreatic hormones e) enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas 248. THE BASIC IN THE PATHOGENETIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS: a) suppression of the secretory function of pancreas b) elimination of hypovolemia c) inactivation of pancreatic enzymes d) nasogastric decompression of the gastrointestinal tract e) the introduction of cytostatics 249. WITH A COMBINATION OF ACUTE PHLEGMONOUS CHOLECYSTITIS AND FATTY PANCREONEKROSIS: a) active conservative therapy b) emergency operation c) conservative therapy and, if acute events have subsided, surgical treatment d) dynamic observation against the background of conservative therapy and, in case development of diffuse peritonitis, surgical treatment e) laparoscopic abdominal drainage for peritoneal dialysis 250. POSTNECROTIC COMPLICATIONS OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS ARE RELATED TO: a) pancreatic shock b) acute liver failure c) abscess of the omental bursa d) pancreatogenic peritonitis e) hemorrhagic pancreatitis 251. THE MOST COMMON CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL FORM OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS IS: a) edematous pancreatitis b) fatty pancreatic necrosis c) hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis d) purulent pancreatitis e) fatty pancreatic necrosis with enzymatic peritonitis 252. IN THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF DISEASE WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS, APPLICATION IS CONTRAINDICATED: a) ultrasound b) histroscopy c) RCPG d) fluoroscopy of the abdominal organs e) laparoscopy 253. CLINICAL PANCREONEKROSIS IS NOT CHARACTERIZED: a) girdle pain in the abdomen b) repeated vomiting c) pneumoperitoneum d) collapse e) tachycardia 254. INVAGINATION RELATED TO OBSTRACTION: a) spastic b) paralytic c) obstructive d) strangulation e) mixed 255. IN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, IT IS NOT PRACTICALLY USED: a) angiography of the celiac artery b) laboratory research c) abdominal auscultation d) plain radiography of the abdominal cavity e) digital examination of the rectum 256. BLOOD CIRCULATION IN THE MESENTERIUM IS NOT IMPAIRED AT: a) bloat b) obturation c) nodulation d) intussusception e) infringement 257. THE FASTEST DEVELOPMENT OF INTESTINAL NECROSIS ARISES WHEN: a) obturation of the ileum with a tumor b) obturation of the colon with a tumor c) obturation of the lumen of the jejunum with a gallstone d) nodulation e) obturation of the lumen of the colon with fecal calculus 258. CANNOT PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF STRANGULATORY INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION: a) long narrow mesentery b) adhesions of the abdominal cavity c) a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure d) overeating after prolonged fasting e) prolonged fasting 259. NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR ACUTE HIGH INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION: a) a rapid decrease in VCB b) indomitable vomiting c) bloating in the first hours of the disease d) rapid dehydration e) cramping pains 260. THE MAIN CAUSE OF PARALYTIC IMPOSSIBILITY IS CONSIDERED: a) volvulus b) intussusception c) peritonitis d) fecal impaction e) abdominal trauma 261. FOR THE TREATMENT OF PARALYTIC ILEUS, EVERYTHING IS CONDUCTED BUT: a) nasogastric aspiration b) intravenous infusion c) sedatives d) immediate laparotomy e) perirenal blockade 262. THE REACTIVE STAGE OF PERITONITIS CONTINUES: a) 4-6 hours b) 24 hours c) 48 hours d) 72 hours e) more than 72 hours 263. THE MAIN SYMPTOM OF PERITONITIS IS: a) vomiting b) abdominal pain c) bloody stools d) stool and gas retention e) tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall 264. THE BEST WAY TO OPEN THE SUBDIAPHRAGMATIC ABSCESS IS: a) thoracolaparotomy b) lumbotomy c) two-stage transpleural access d) laparotomy according to Fedorov e) extrapleural extraperitoneal method 265. BLOOD EXSUDATE IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY IS ALWAYS OBSERVED, EXCEPT: a) tuberculous peritonitis b) violations of ectopic pregnancy c) mesenteric thrombosis d) acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis e) a twisted ovarian cyst 266. RICHTER IS CALLED INTRESSION: a) parietal b) sigmoid colon in a sliding hernia c) stomach in a diaphragmatic hernia d) Meckel diverticulum e) vermiform appendix 267. THE PRESENCE OF THE ESTATE IN THE HERNIA SACKS CHARACTERISTIC FOR HERNIA: a) sliding b) restrained c) femoral d) congenital e) oblique inguinal 269. THE HERNIA SAC OF A CONGENITAL HERNIA IS FORMED: a) parietal peritoneum b) the mesentery of the intestine c) the vaginal process of the peritoneum d) visceral peritoneum e) transverse fascia 270. MOST OF ALL IN THE FORMATION OF SLIDING HERNIA ARE PARTICIPATED BY: a) jejunum and ileum b) sigmoid and descending colon c) cecum and bladder d) oil seal e) fatty suspensions of the colon 271. WHEN RESECTION OF THE LEADING DEPARTMENT OF THE INCREDIBLE INTESTINE, they retreat to: a) 30-40 cm b) 20-25 cm c) 10-20 cm d) 5-10 cm e) 2-3 cm 272. IN CASE OF GASTRIC ULCER: a) much more often than with duodenal ulcer, it is used surgery b) increased motor function of the stomach during the interdigestive period c) low pH numbers in the antrum d) more rare than with duodenal ulcer, degeneration into cancer e) less pronounced gastritis than with duodenal ulcer 274. THE MOST PHYSIOLOGICAL METHOD OF GASTRIC RESECTION IS CONSIDERED: a) Billroth-2 modified by Hofmeister-Finsterer b) resection in the modification of Ru c) Billroth-1 d) modification of Balfour e) Reichel-Polia resection 275. IN CASE OF A BLOODY CURRENT OF THE BODY OF THE STOMACH AND A LOW DEGREE OF OPERATIONAL RISK IS SHOWN: a) wedge-shaped excision of a bleeding ulcer with pyloroplasty and stem vagotomy b) resection of the stomach with a bleeding ulcer c) wedge-shaped excision of a bleeding ulcer with SPV d) suturing a bleeding ulcer with pyloroplasty and stem vagotomy e) excision of the ulcer 276. THE MOST FREQUENT COMPLICATION OF ANTERIOR WALL ULTRA IS: a) perforation b) bleeding c) penetration into the head of the pancreas d) malignancy e) everything is wrong 277. FOR PERFORATIVE GASTRODUODENAL ULCER CHARACTERISTIC: a) sudden onset with sharp pain in the epigastrium b) a gradual increase in pain syndrome c) cramping sharp pain d) profuse repeated vomiting e) rapidly growing weakness, dizziness 278. DISAPPEARANCE AND THE APPEARANCE OF "MELENA" IN DUODENAL ULCERS IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR: a) pyloroduodenal stenosis b) perforation of the ulcer c) malignancy of the ulcer d) bleeding e) penetration into the pancreas 279. SURGERY FOR DUODENAL ULCERS IS NOT INDICATED FOR: a) the hormonal nature of the disease b) massive bleeding c) pyloric stenosis d) the occurrence of ulcers during treatment with ulcerogenic drugs e) lack of effect from conservative therapy 280 IS NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR DECOMPENSATED SENOSIS OF THE PILORUS: a) vomiting of food eaten the day before b) tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall c) oliguria d) "splash noise" in the stomach on an empty stomach e) retention of barium in the stomach for more than 24 hours 281. THE MOST COMMON CAUSES OF SMALL INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION ARE: a) foreign bodies b) gallstones c) benign tumors d) adhesions of the abdominal cavity e) malignant tumors 283. THE THEORY IS CONSIDERED IN THE OCCURRENCE OF HEMORRHOIDS: a) infectious b) mechanical c) endo- and exogenous intoxication d) hypertrophy of the corpora cavernosa e) neurogenic 284. IN ACUTE THROMBOSIS OF HEMORRHOIDAL VEINS DO NOT USE: a) analgesics b) anticoagulants c) presacral blockade d) sclerotherapy e) diet 285. IN PYLORODUODENAL STENOSIS, IT IS NECESSARY FIRST TO RESEARCH: a) the volume of circulating blood b) the electrolyte composition of the plasma c) intragastric pH d) duodenal contents e) diuresis 304. ACUTE APPENDICITIS SHOULD BE DIFFERENTIATED WITH ALL OF THE LISTED DISEASES, EXCEPT: a) glomerulonephritis b) acute pancreatitis c) acute adnexitis d) acute gastroenteritis e) right-sided renal colic 305. PRIMARY-GANGRENOUS APPENDICITIS MOST OFTEN MEETS: a) in children b) in persons with severe trauma c) in men d) in women e) in elderly and senile people 306. WHEN OPERATIONS FOR ACUTE APPENDICITIS IN ELDERLY PERSONS AGE PERFECT APPLICATION: a) endotracheal anesthesia b) intravenous anesthesia c) local anesthesia d) epidural anesthesia e) spinal anesthesia 307. IN ACUTE PHLEGMONOUS APPENDICITIS IS NOT OBSERVED SYMPTOM: a) Shchetkin-Blumberg b) Bartomier-Michelson c) Kocher-Volkovich d) Georgievsky-Mussey e) Krymova 308. WITH THE MOVEMENT OF A STONE FROM THE GALL BLADDER IN COLD DOES NOT DEVELOP: a) hepatic colic b) jaundice c) purulent cholangitis d) stenosing papillitis e) Budd-Hiari syndrome 309. IT IS NOT USED TO DETECT CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS: a) ultrasound b) intravenous cholecystocholangiography c) RCPG d) transhepatic cholegraphy e) hypotonic doudenography 310. ARE NOT CHARACTERISTIC FOR ACUTE CATARRAL CHOLECYSTITIS: a) nausea b) Kera's symptom c) Murphy's symptom d) lack of muscle tension in the right hypochondrium e) Mussey symptom 311. INTRAOPERATIVE HOLANGIOGRAPHY NOT SHOWN: a) with a single large stone in the bladder and narrow choledochus b) with cancer of the head of the pancreas c) if there is a history of jaundice d) with the expansion of the common bile duct e) with jaundice at the time of surgery 312. COURVOISIER SYMPTOM IS NOT OBSERVED IN CANCER: a) the head of the pancreas b) supraduodenal part of the common bile duct c) retroduodenal part of the common bile duct d) large duodenal papilla e) gallbladder 313. METHOD OF CHOICE IN TREATMENT OF CHRONIC CALCULAR CHOLECYSTITIS? a) dissolution of calculi with litholytic preparations b) microcholecystostomy c) remote wave lithotripsy d) cholecystectomy e) complex conservative therapy 315. WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MECHANICAL WHAT YELLOW? A) cicatricial strictures of the extrahepatic biliary tract B) choledocholithiasis C) cancer of the head of the pancreas D) liver echinococcosis E) liver metastases of tumors 317. WHICH METHOD OF PREOPERATIVE INSPECTION IS MOST INFORMATIVE FOR ASSESSMENT OF PATHOLOGY BILIARY TRACT? A) intravenous infusion cholangiography B) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography C) percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography D) ultrasound E) oral cholecystocholangiography 318. WHICH STUDY HAS THE MOST INFORMATIVE FOR DIAGNOSING CALCULAR CHOLECYSTITIS? A) oral cholecystocholangiography B) laparoscopy C) an overview X-ray of the abdominal cavity D) ultrasound E) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 320. PATIENT 35 YEARS OLD, ADDRESSED TO THE CLINIC WITH THE DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE PANCREIATIT. THE MOST INFORMATIVE TEST IS THE RESEARCH: A) blood amylase B) trypsinogen C) aminotransferase D) aldolases E) lactase 321. MECHANISM OF THE TREATMENT OF CYTOSTATICS IN ACUTE PANCREATE: A) blockade of the vagus nerve B) reduction of inflammation in the gland C) pain relief D) blockade of protein synthesis in the gland E) inactivation of pancreatic enzymes 322. SPECIFY THE LABORATORY TEST OF THE INTERNAL SECRETARY FUNCTIONS OF THE PANCREAS: A) blood insulin B) blood secretin C) blood pancreozymin D) blood enzymes E) blood adrenaline 323. NAME THE DIGESTIVE HORMONES PARTICIPATING IN THE REGULATION PANCREATIC JUICE SECRETION CYES: A) kallikrein B) secretin, pancreozymin C) bradykinin D) trypsin E) adrenaline 324. NORMAL VALUES OF AMYLASE ACTIVITY IN BLOOD SERUM COMPOSE A) 2-8 mg / h ml B) 12-32 mg / h ml C) 0 mg / h ml D) 4 mg / h ml E) 8 mg / h ml 326. TRANSVERSE PAIN RESISTANCE OF THE ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALL IN THE PROJECTION OF THE PANCREAS IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS BEARS THE NAME OF THE SYMPTOM: A) Mayo-Robson B) Kerte C) Gray-Turner D) Mondor’s E) Voskresensky 327. ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS LETS PRODUCT: A) assessment of the state of the large duodenal papilla B) confirmation of the presence of acute pancreatitis C) clarification of the localization of the process in the pancreas D) determining the prevalence of gland lesions E) establishing the form of acute pancreatitis 331. THE EARLY AND PERMANENT SYMPTOM OF ACUTE INTESTINE PERFECT IMPOSSIBILITY IS: A) stool and gas retention B) increased peristalsis C) cramping abdominal pain D) asymmetry of the abdomen E) vomiting 332. AT NODE FORMATION, INTESTINAL INTEGRITY AND TURNING: A) conservative measures should be taken To resolve obstruction B) emergency operation is shown C) operation in the "cold" period is preferable D) dynamic observation is necessary E) all the answers are wrong 333. WHEN INSUFFICIENT LOOP OF THE SMALL INTESTINAL IS PRODUCED: A) resection of the adductor loop, 20 cm away from necrosis B) bowel resection within the visible border of necrosis C) the imposition of a bypass anastomosis D) removal of the intestine E) resection of the abduction loop, 15-20 cm away from necrosis 334. SCHWARTZ'S TEST IS A TEST ON: A) the presence of bilirubin-gluconoid B) drug tolerance C) study of the passage of barium through the intestine D) coagulopathy E) the presence of blood in the feces 335. IN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, IT IS INSUFFICIENT ONLY: A) gastroenterostomy B) hemicolectomy in combination with enterostomy C) resection of a section of the intestine D) colostomy E) Mikulich's operation 337. THE MAIN SYMPTOM OF OBTURATIVE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION - THE BRIDGE IS: A) persistent abdominal pain B) cramping abdominal pain C) vomit of the color of "coffee grounds" D) bloating E) melena 338. MAIN IN THE DIAGNOSTICS OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS AN: A) the nature of the pain B) history and laboratory data C) clinical course of the disease D) X-ray picture E) physical examination 339. ON THE MECHANISM OF OCCURRENCE OF INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION DIVIDED BY: A) mechanical and dynamic B) colonic, small intestinal and mixed C) obturation, strangulation and mixed D) high and low E) paralytic and spastic 340. SPASTIC ILEUS ARISES WHEN: A) hypokalemia B) porphyrin disease C) pancreatitis D) peritonitis E) in none of these conditions 341. THE BEST WAY OF OPENING THE SUBDIAPHRAGM ABSCESS IS AN: A) thoracolaparotomy B) lumbotomy C) two-stage transpleural access D) laparotomy according to Fedorov E) extrapleural extraperitoneal method 342. LARRHEA'S HERNIA IS DIAGNOSED AT: A) plain fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity B) plain radiography of the abdominal cavity C) X-ray contrast examination of the stomach D) ultrasound E) contrast examination of the esophagus 343. FOR POSTOPERATIVE VENTRAL HERNIA CHARACTERISTIC: A) frequent irreducibility B) wide hernial gates C) dense edges of the hernial orifice D) tendency to infringement E) no tendency to increase 344. DIFFERENTIATE FEMORAL HERNIA FROM VARICOSIS THE OVAL FOOL IS ALLOWED: A) ascending functional phlebography B) auscultation (blowing noise when coughing) and palpation of the reverse coughing blood waves C) puncture of the node D) thermography E) radiography 345. THE UPPER PART OF THE SCARP TRIANGLE IS LIMITED: A) sartorius muscle B) scallop fascia C) inguinal ligament D) lacunar ligament E) gimbernath ligament 346. WITH PHLEGMON OF THE HERNIA SAC THE OPERATION BEGINS: A) from opening phlegmon B) with a median laparotomy C) with the isolation of the hernial sac from the surrounding tissues D) with puncture of the hernial sac E) with simultaneous operation from two accesses 347. WHEN RESECTION OF THE LEADING DEPARTMENT OF THE INCREDIBLE INTESTINE LOST: A) by 30 – 40cm B) by 20-25 cm C) by 10-20 cm D) by 5-10 cm E) by 2-3 cm 348. ABOUT THE VIABILITY OF THE INTACTED INTESTINE SAYS: A) no effusion in the abdominal cavity B) the presence of fluid in the intestinal lumen C) the state of the intestinal leading loop D) the dimensions of the adductor loop of the intestine E) the presence of intestinal peristalsis 349. WHAT KIND OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION CAUSES RETRO HAPPY INTRACTION OF THE SMALL INTESTINE? A) adhesive B) functional C) obstructive D) strangulation E) mixed (obturation + strangulation) 350. WHAT TO RECOMMEND TO A PATIENT 80 YEARS OLD WITHOUT HARD SOMATIC PATHOLOGIES AT FREQUENT INCRESSION HERNIA? A) conservative treatment aimed at stool regulation B) emergency surgery - hernia repair C) elective surgery after outpatient examination D) hospitalization, observation in the surgical department E) wearing a suspensor 352. WHAT IS AN ELDERLY PATIENT WITH MIDLELINE HERNIA BEFORE OPERATION TO EXAMINATE THE STOMACH? A) to determine the nature of the organ in the hernial sac B) to identify the size of the hernia gate C) to identify peptic ulcer D) to exclude stomach tumors E) to exclude gastrostasis 355. WHOM IS FEMORAL HERNIA OBJECTED MORE? A) in men B) in women C) in childhood D) in adolescents E) in old age in men 356. INDICATE THE CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS OF STRANGULATING IN THE URINARY HERNIA BUBBLE: A) pain in the area of hernial protrusion B) tenesmus C) stool and gas retention D) dysuria, hematuria E) dyspepsia 358. FOR WHAT FORMS OF HERNIA, THE HERNIA SAC is IN THE SEED NOW CROWN? A) straight inguinal B) congenital and acquired oblique, reductive inguinal C) postoperative D) Spiegel line E) inguinal hernias in women 360. WHAT IS RICHTER'S HERNIA INCISION? A) infringement of the intestine in the area of the duodenal-jejunal sac B) infringement of the twisted sigmoid colon C) entrapment of the stomach in a diaphragmatic hernia D) any parietal infringement of the intestine E) entrapment of a Meckel diverticulum in an inguinal hernia 363. ABSOLUTE INDICATION FOR SURGERY IN ULCER DISEASE ARE: A) a penetrating ulcer with the formation of an interorgan pathological fistula B) a large pyloric ulcer, threatening the development of stenosis during healing C) a combination of giant ulcers of the stomach and duodenum 12 D) the presence of a genetic predisposition to peptic ulcer disease E) persistent duodenogastric reflux with gastritis and ulcer 364. WITH DECOMPENSATED PILORODUODENAL STENOSIS APPLICATION SHOWN: A) SPV with pyloroplasty B) stem vagotomy with gastroduodenoanastomosis C) selective vagotomy with gastroenteroanastomosis D) economical gastric resection with SPV E) economical gastric resection with stem or selective vagotomy 365. FOR COMPENSATED PYLORODUODENAL STENOSIS CHARACTERISTIC: A) the serious condition of patients, exhaustion, dehydration, weakness B) profuse daily, sometimes repeated, often fetid vomiting C) thirst, decreased urine output, constipation, and sometimes diarrhea D) constant painful belching with an unpleasant smell E) hungry pains in the epigastric region 366. THE MOST COMMON COMPLICATION OF PENETRATING STOMACH ULCER IS AN: A) development of pyloric stenosis B) malignant ulcer C) the formation of an interorgan fistula D) profuse bleeding E) perforation 367. THE MOST RATIONAL OPERATION FOR STOMACH ULCER IS: A) classical resection of at least 2/3 of the stomach B) ideal (true) antrumectomy with removal of the ulcer C) selective proximal vagotomy D) stem vagotomy with pyloroplasty E) excision of the ulcer 368. AT THREAT OF RECURRENT GASTRODUODENAL ULCER DUODENAL BLOODCURRENT RECOMMENDED: A) exclusively conservative therapy B) emergency surgery C) urgent operation D) systematic endoscopic control E) surgical treatment in a planned manner 377. WHAT IS THE CONSERVATIVE METHOD OF STOPPING THE GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING IS MOST EFFECTIVE? A) transfusion of small doses of blood B) intravenous administration of calcium and vicasol preparations C) intake of peros thrombin, plasmin and aminocaproic acid D) endoscopic application of the bleeding source with film-forming drugs E) endoscopic electrocoagulation of the bleeding source 379. OPERATION OF SELECTION FOR DECOMPENSATED STENOSIS AS AN OLD AGE? A) subtotal gastric resection B) antrumectomy with vagotomy C) pyloroplasty with vagotomy D) pyloric gastric resection E) gastroenteroanastomosis 380. WHEN IS CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT INDICATED FOR AN EXERCISED ULCER? A) if it is impossible to carry out the operation under general anesthesia B) with the simultaneous presence of active pulmonary tuberculosis C) with a clinical picture of general peritonitis D) if the perforation occurred one hour before admission to the hospital E) upon refusal of the patient from the operation 381. EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO TYPICAL COMPLICATIONS OF HEMORRHOIDS EXCEPT: A) infringement of hemorrhagic nodes B) inflammation of hemorrhagic nodes C) thrombosis of hemorrhoids D) paraproctitis E) knots falling out 382. THE MEKKEL DIVERTICLE IS MOST OF ALL MANIFESTED: A) bloody vomiting B) intestinal bleeding C) small bowel obstruction D) constipation E) diverticulitis 383. A PREDOMINING FACTOR IN THE EMERGENCE OF ANAL CHANNEL CRACK IS: A) constipation B) chronic paraproctitis C) sphincter insufficiency D) cryptite E) papillitis 384. A RADICAL TREATMENT FOR ANAL FUNCTION IS: A) stretching the sphincter of the rectum B) diathermocoagulation of the crack C) excision of the crack D) moxibustion with tincture of iodine E) all of the above is true 385. THE APPEARANCE OF "SPLASH NOISE" IN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBLIGATION BRIDGE EXPLAINS: A) the presence of effusion in the abdominal cavity B) the accumulation of liquid and gas in the bowel adductor loop C) accumulation of liquid and gas in the bowel discharge loop D) the presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity E) all of the above is incorrect 386. THE MOST INFORMATIVE METHOD OF INSTRUMENTAL DIAGNOSTIC STIKS OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IS A) plain radiography of the abdominal cavity B) laparoscopy C) angiography D) gastroscopy E) colonoscopy 389. DURING EXAMINATION OF THE PATIENT, THE DIAGNOSIS OF “ACUTE PHLEGMONOUS APPENDICITIS "WITHOUT PERITONITIS EFFECTS. FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF APPENDECTOMY, OPTIMAL ACCESS WILL BE: A) according to Kocher B) pararectal incision C) lower midline laparotomy D) according to Volkovich - Dyakonov E) transrectal incision 390. DEVELOPMENT OF PILEFLEBITIS IS MOST PROBABLY AT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING GENERAL FORMS OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS: A) catarrhal B) phlegmonous C) primary gangrenous D) gangrenous with the transition of the necrotic process to the mesentery of the appendix E) appendicular infiltrate 391. SPILLED PURULENT PERITONITIS CAN BE A CONSEQUENCE OF ALL NUMERICAL DISEASES, EXCEPT: A) perforation of Meckel's diverticulum B) destructive appendicitis C) stenosis of the large duodenal papilla D) Richter's infringement of hernia E) acute intestinal obstruction 392. EVERYTHING IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR THE LATE STAGE OF PERITONITIS, EXCEPT: A) bloating B) hypovolemia C) the disappearance of intestinal noise D) hypoproteinemia E) enhanced peristalsis 393. HOW IS THE DIAGNOSIS OF GENERAL PERITONITIS BEFORE OPERATED TO BE ESTABLISHED? A) radiographically B) anamnestically C) laboratory determination of signs of an inflammatory reaction D) by clinical signs E) by the level of secretion of gastric juice 394. AMONG THE COMPLICATIONS OF ACUTE PERITONITIS MEETS SHOCK, SEPSIS, SHOCK LUNG, PNEUMONIA. WHAT ELSE DO YOU COULD BE ABOUT CHARACTERISTIC COMPLICATIONS? A) hepatic renal failure B) hypercoagulability C) dysproteinemia D) acute expansion of the stomach E) pulmonary embolism 396. SPECIFY ADDITIONAL METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF ACUTE PURULENT PERITONITIS MOST FREQUENTLY USED AFTER OPERATION? A) drainage of the thoracic lymphatic duct with lymphosorption B) hemosorption C) intravenous forced diuresis D) endolymphatic administration of antibiotics E) local intraventricular hypothermia 397. AMONG THE REASONS PREFERRING THE EMERGENCY PARAPROCTITIS, IN THE FIRST PLACE IS WORTH: A) hemorrhoids B) damage to the rectal mucosa during medical procedures C) microtrauma of the rectal mucosa D) gunshot wounds of the rectum E) inflammatory diseases of organs adjacent to the rectum 401. FOR CHRONIC PARAPROCTITIS, THE MOST CHARACTERISTIC IS AN? A) hematuria B) the presence of a fistulous opening on the skin of the perineum C) the release of scarlet blood at the end of the act of defecation D) pain in the lower abdomen E) diarrhea 402. TYPICAL FOR HEMORRHOIDS: A) frequent loose stools, tenesmus, mucous-bloody discharge, Periodic increase in body temperature B) severe pain after defecation, the release of drops of blood after it, Chronic constipation C) unstable stool, sometimes mixed with blood, feces of the "sheep" type D) constant pain in the anus, Worse after taking alcohol and spicy foods, Anal itching E) the release of scarlet blood during bowel movements, Enlargement of hemorrhoids 403. THE MOST COMMON METHOD OF TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEMORRHOUS IS: A) surgical - hemorrhoidectomy B) conservative - diet, suppositories, microclysters C) sclerotherapy D) ligation with latex, silk E) physiotherapy 404. THE MOST COMMON FORM OF PARAPROCTITIS? A) subcutaneous paraproctitis B) submucous paraproctitis C) ischio-rectal D) pelvic-rectal E) intercondylar paraproctitis 405. OPERATION FOR ACUTE PARAPROCTITIS IS BEST CONDUCT: A) under intravenous anesthesia B) under local anesthesia C) with the use of sacral anesthesia D) under epidural anesthesia E) using any type of anesthesia, except for local anesthesia 406. CONSERVATIVE THERAPY FOR ACUTE ANAL FUNCTION CONSIDERED: A) stool normalization B) medicinal enemas C) removal of sphincter spasm D) the use of topical agents that promote healing of the wound surface E) all of the above