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ABSITE 2016 Review Questions

Rapid Fire Review
Jason Weinberger D.O.
Stem Pearls
• The provided clinical presentations are the most common for
each diagnosis (age, gender, nationality, symptoms, etc.)
• A 22 year old female…
– Think GYN diagnoses
• An alcoholic...
– Think klebsiella, dietary deficiencies, liver disease, etc...
• A 94 year old...
– Think conservative management
– Less likely to have to opt for the aggressive surgical option
• Ashkenazi Jewish population...
– Think Crohn‘s, cystic fibrosis
Stem Pearls
• Stable or hemodynamically unstable?
– If tachycardic or hypotensive you’re forced to act
– Never observation and rarely a medical option if unstable
– Airway, airway, airway; GCS ≤ 8 = intubate
• Is the patient symptomatic or not symptomatic?
– If patient is symptomatic, never choose observation and the answer is
rarely a medical therapy
– If patient is asymptomatic and there’s no obvious malignancy, then think
observation/conservative management
Other Pearls
• For diagnosis questions – evaluate each
answer choice and see if it completely fits the
clinical description
• “Which of these is not like the other ones?”
• Radiology picture questions are meant to be
– Common diagnoses, don’t think Zebras
• No calculator is provided so the math is
usually easy and straightforward
Calculations To Know
FENA = (U Na/U Crt)/(P Na/PCrt)
Parkland = 4mL x Kg x %BSA
Serum Osm = 2(Na) + BUN/2.8 + Glucose/18
Free Water Deficit = Kg(0.6) x (Na/140-1)
Anion Gap = Na - (HCO3+Cl)
MV = TV x RR
Calculations To Know
• O2 Delivery = (1.34xSaO2xHgb) + Pa02(0.0031)
• Ca adjustment = For every 1 less than 4, add 0.8 to Ca
• Na adjustment = For every 100 over 100mg/dL glucose, add 1.6 to
Normal Values
Circulating blood volume = ~ 7 mL/kg
Resting LES pressure = 10-20 mmHg
ICP = 5-15 mmHg
CVP = 5-12 mmHg
A-a gradient = (Age/4) + 4
Hepatic venous pressure gradient = 5 mmHg
Basal gastric acid secretion < 10meq/hr
Genetic mutation often associated
with melanoma and malignant nevi
BRAF mutation
Treatment of ovarian vein thrombosis
Antibiotics & Anticoagulation
Most common complication after
Delayed gastric emptying
Make the diagnosis:
45 y.o. ♂ with large left breast mass, smooth
& leaf-like on exam. Core biopsy with
stromal/epithelial elements & < 5 mitoses/hpf
Cystosarcoma phylloides
Pathophysiology behind dilated
pupil after traumatic head injury
Ipsilateral temporal herniation
compressing C.N. III (oculomotor)
Virus associated with the
development of Kaposi’s sarcoma
Provides innervation to the
pectoralis major & minor muscles
Medial pectoral nerve
Treatment of choice for biopsy proven
papillary thyroid cancer of the left
lobe with positive ipsilateral node
Total thyroidectomy
with modified radical neck dissection
Pathogenesis of Volkman’s contracture
with supracondylar fractures
Damage to anterior interosseous artery
Make the diagnosis:
28 year old female with
hypertension and chain of
beads appearance noted in
right renal artery
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Aldosterone : Renin ratio
suggestive of an aldosteronoma
> 20
Three drugs used to treat mastodynia
Evening primrose oil
Confirmatory test to assess whether
fluid is CSF
Beta 2 Transferrin
Distinguishing factor between
ARDS and ventilator
associated pneumonia
Proteinaceous exudate on BAL
Fluid protein : serum protein ratio > .7
Time period for a wound to reach its
maximal tensile strength
8 weeks
Name the amino acid that is found in
every 3 residues in collagen
Most aggressive subtype of ductal
carcinoma in situ
Comedo pattern
Desired margin of resection for gastric cancer
5 cm
Malignancy associated with exposure to
vinyl chloride, thorotrast, and arsenic
Test used to distinguish insulinoma
from factitious hyperinsulinemia
C-peptide levels
Basophilic nuclear remnants seen
on peripheral blood smear of
patients s/p splenectomy
Howell-Jolly bodies
Coronary vessel that determines
circulatory dominance as it branches
from right coronary or circumflex
Posterior descending artery
First branch of the external
carotid artery
Superior thyroid artery
Make the diagnosis:
Most commonly affected portion
of the intestine associated with
aortoenteric fistula
3rd portion of duodenum
Nerve coursing lateral to medial
across the anterior scalene
Phrenic nerve
Make the diagnosis:
75 y.o. ♂ s/p fall with left leg internally
rotated, thigh adducted and slightly flexed
Posterior hip dislocation
(Femoral neck fracture = externally rotated)
Most desired site for autologous
arteriovenous fistula creation
Radiocephalic fistula (Cimeno)
Non-dominant extremity
Released from terminal ileum in
response to a fatty meal and inhibits
stomach/gallbladder contraction
Peptide YY
Name the two arterial vessels supplying
the majority of blood to the breast
Internal mammary
Lateral thoracic
Make the diagnosis:
Intestinal hamartomatous polyps,
skin tumors, breast carcinoma,
follicular thyroid cancer, and PTEN
Cowden syndrome
Located within the duodenum and
secrete pepsinogen as well as
alkaline mucus
Brunner’s glands
List at least 4 tests used to work-up a
potentially functioning adrenal lesion
Serum potassium / sodium
Plasma renin : aldosterone ratio
Plasma fractionated metanephrines
24 hour urine catecholamines
1 mg dexamethasone suppression test
24 hour urine cortisol
Source of liver bleeding not
controlled with Pringle maneuver
Hepatic veins
Make the diagnosis:
20 y.o. ♂ soccer player complains of
aching calf/foot pain with knee flexion
and plantar-flexion
Popliteal entrapment syndrome
Name this procedure:
Heller Myotomy / Dor fundoplication
Eponym given to the valveless
venous plexus responsible for
direct hematogenous spread of
breast cancer to the spine
Batson’s plexus
DeBakey classification for an
aneurysm encompassing
ascending & descending aorta
Type 1
Make the diagnosis:
65 y.o. ♂ with SOB,
pretibial rash, &
bronchoscopy with
biopsy consistent
with non-caseating
Accounts for 3% of the lymphatic
drainage in the breast
Internal mammary nodes
Paraneoplastic syndrome & release of
PTH-related peptide associated with
this type of lung cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma
Make the diagnosis:
Pneumothorax occurring in
temporal relation to menstruation
Catamenial pneumothorax
Most common failure of AV
grafts for dialysis
Venous obstruction secondary to intimal hyperplasia
Percentage of acinar cell
function lost before onset of
steatorrhea in chronic
Carries the obliterated remnant
of the umbilical vein to the
undersurface of the liver via the
falciform ligament
Ligamentum teres
Calculate the Child-Pugh score:
Albumin - 2.9
Bilirubin – 3.5
INR - 2.5
Encephalopathy - Severe
Ascites - Treatable w/ Meds
Activates trypsinogen to trypsin
Make the diagnosis:
Rheumatoid arthritis,
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
Felte’s (sp) syndrome
Medical treatment of bronchospasm
in carcinoid syndrome
Most common ectopic tissue
found in Meckel’s diverticulum
Gastric tissue
Best serum & urine test for
detection of carcinoid tumor
Serum Chromogranin A
Urine 5-HIAA
Antigen associated with the
constellation of ulcerative colitis,
sacroiliitis, and ankylosing spondylitis
Acquired cause of achalasia and
Hirschsprung’s disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
Most common genetic cause of
breast cancer
Adjunct to broad spectrum
antibiotics and early surgical
debridement of necrotizing fasciitis
The proportion of truly nondiseased people who are so
identified by the screening test
Number of new cases of a
disease in a given population
during a specified time period
Three hormone receptors tested for the
management of breast cancer
A dilated, aberrant, submucosal
vessel which erodes through the
overlying epithelium in the absence
of a primary gastric ulcer
Dieulafoy’s lesion
Paralytic with good indication to use in renal or
liver failure patients secondary to its metabolic
elimination by Hoffman degradation
Make the diagnosis:
XXY, hypogonadism,
gynecomastia, increased risk
of breast cancer
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Osmotic diuretic and oxygen free
radical scavenger
Most common location of
aneurysms in the circle of Willis
Bifurcation of anterior cerebral artery &
anterior communicating artery
Branch of the brachial plexus
associated with thumb
apposition/abduction and sensory for
first 3 fingers on the palmar aspect
Median nerve
Make the diagnosis:
Anterior knee pain in adolescent
Tibial tubercle apophysitis
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Make the next move:
During management of melanoma of
the upper extremity the sentinel
lymph node is positive in the axilla
Complete axillary node dissection
Levels 1, 2, and 3
Treatment of gastroduodenal
artery stump blowout s/p Whipple
Central enzyme involved in
Duration until a wound reaches
its greatest tensile strength
8 weeks, 80%
Make the next move:
Magnesium IV Rider
Provides sensory innervation to
the upper esophagus and motor
limb of the gag reflex
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Technique of primary hernia
repair best suited for closure of
femoral hernia
McVay Repair
Associated with liquefactive
necrosis of the esophagus &
deeper penetration/burns
Alkaline ingestion
Most common complication of
popliteal aneurysms
Treatment of septic pelvic
IV heparin & antibiotics
Treatment of primary sclerosing
cholangitis in patient with history
of ulcerative colitis
Liver transplantation
Most definitive treatment of a
chronic anal fissure after 6
weeks of sitz baths, stool
softeners, and conservative
Lateral sphincterotomy
Type of hypersensitivity reaction
associated with anaphylaxis and
the binding of antigens to IgE
with mast cell degranulation
Type 1 Hypersensitivity
Appropriate crystalloid bolus for
treating shock in an infant
20 mL/kg
Most common type of gallbladder polyp
Cholesterol polyp
Best test to assess for recurrence in
patient with history of medullary
thyroid cancer s/p thyroidectomy
Make the diagnosis:
45 y.o. ♂ s/p MVC w/ left femur fracture
SOB on exam, PaO2 65, & petechial rash
Fat emboli syndrome
Aberrant innervation of epidermis
by postganglionic nerve fibers
from the auriculotemporal nerve
Frey’s Syndrome
(Gustatory sweating)
Appropriate T staging for gallbladder
carcinoma that on pathology appears
to be invading the lamina propria
Two best treatment options for
Hemophilia A patients with
severe bleeding
Factor VIII replacement or Cryoprecipitate
Virus associated with the
following clinical exam finding:
Condyloma acumulata
Major stimulant of erythropoietin
production by the kidneys
BRAF enzyme inhibitor used as
immune therapy agent in late
stage Melanoma patients
Rituximab – CD 20 - NHL
Trastuzumab – HER 2-neu – Breast cancer
Bevacizumab – VEGF – Colorectal cancer
Cetuximab – EGFR – Colorectal cancer
Inflixmab – TNF-a – Crohn’s
Site of action within the
nephron for furosemide
Thick ascending loop
Treatment of squamous cell
carcinoma of the vulva
with depth < 1mm
Wide local excision
Syndrome associated with
pelvic tumor, abdominal
ascites, and right hydrothorax
Meig’s syndrome
Drug of choice for actinomyces
infection (sulfur granules)
Most commonly injured
nerve in parotid surgery
Greater auricular nerve
#1 cause of colon
obstruction in children
Hirschsprung’s disease
Make the diagnosis:
Dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea
Niacin deficiency
Vitamin B3 deficiency
Hematologic condition which
has highest risk of OPSI after
Thalassemia major
Most common area for a
Zenker's diverticulum
Killian’s triangle
Between inferior constrictors & cricopharyngeus muscle
Most common malignant
salivary gland tumor
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Diagnostic test for pancreatic
exocrine insufficiency
Fecal fat testing
Common origin of a replaced
right hepatic artery
Superior mesenteric artery
Treatment of gallbladder
carcinoma extending into the
muscularis propria
Segment 4b/5 hepatic resection
Portal lymphadenectomy
Make the diagnosis:
S/P head injury, high UOP, low specific
gravity, high serum sodium
Diabetes Insipidus
Primary hormonal stimulus for
pancreatic bicarbonate secretion
Reflex affected by L4
nerve root compression
Patellar reflex
Structure commonly injured in
anterior shoulder dislocations
Axillary nerve
Most common extra-adrenal
location of a pheochromocytoma
Organ of Zuckerkandl
Three zones of injury associated with burns
Zone of coagulation
Zone of stasis
Zone of hyperemia
Treatment recommendation for
cellular atypia on rectal biopsy of
patient with known ulcerative colitis
Mesalamine Rx
Make the oncologic diagnosis:
Watery diarrhea,
hyperkalemia, & achlorydia
Treatment for Type 5 choledochal cyst
(Caroli's disease)
Liver transplantation
Type of hypersensitivity reaction
associated with binding of
autoantibodies to immunoglobulins
such as in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or
Grave’s disease
Type 2 Hypersensitivity
Gene associated with
neuroblastoma in children
Surgical treatment for
biliary atresia in infants
Kasai procedure
Cause of intestinal atresias
Intra-uterine vascular accidents
Most common cause of
Cushing's disease
Pituitary adenoma
(anterior lobe)
Cause of hypocalcemia after massive transfusion
Citrate binding
Medical treatment for a
What are the appropriate surgical
margins for resection of a
melanoma that has 3mm depth?
2cm wide local excision
Make the diagnosis:
FNA of thyroid nodule reveals amyloid tissue
Medullary thyroid cancer
Derived from salmon sperm
Used in the reversal of unfractionated heparin
Dosed at 1 mg per 100 U/Heparin
Risk of hypotension
Consumptive coagulopathy or CHF due
to giant liver hemangioma
Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome
Surgical treatment and approach for
leiomyoma in midesophagus
Right thoracotomy & enucleation
Major pancreatic duct that merges with
CBD before draining into duodenum
Wirsung’s duct
Make the diagnosis:
Bilateral diminished motor, pain, and
temperature sensation below the level of injury.
Preservation of position and vibratory sense.
Anterior cord syndrome
Most common complication after
Heller myotomy
Palliative procedure for chronic pain
associated with locally advanced
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Celiac plexus block
Most common gram positive cause of
emphysematous cholecystitis
Clostridium welchii
Inhalational agent with the least
myocardial depression
Nitric oxide
Most common pathogen
associated with mastitis
Staph aureus
Most common gran negative bacteria
associated with human bite infections
Two essential fatty acids that must be
obtained through food sources
Linoleic and linolenic acid
Milan criteria for liver transplant in
patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma tumors
1 tumor < 5cm
3 tumors, each less < 3 cm
Two primary bile salts
Cholic acid & Chenodeoxycholic acid
Cardiac arrythmia caused by
Tosades de Pointes
Monoclonal antibody used for
treatment of HER2-neu positive
breast cancer patients
Most common cause for seizures after
massive fluid resuscitation for septic patient
Initial treatment recommend for anal fissure
Sitz baths
Stool softeners
Cause of drooping of lateral lip after
submandibular gland excision
Injury to marginal mandibular branch of CN VII
Most sensitive test for recurrent
thyroid cancer after total
thyroidectomy & I131
Serum thyroglobulin
Make the diagnosis:
60 y.o. ♂ with abdominal pain and leg
swelling undergoes endoscopy and many
large rugal folds are visualized. Biopsy is
consistent with mucous cell hyperplasia.
Menetrier’s disease
Interpectoral lymph nodes
located between the pectoralis
major and minor muscles
Rotter’s nodes
Most potent stimulator of
pancreatic enzyme secretion
Indication to discontinue antibiotic treatment of
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
< 250 PMNs/cc
Treatment of flushing and diarrhea
associated with Carcinoid syndrome
Surgical treatment for Type 1
choledochal cyst
Excision of cyst
Only hormone to be secreted by the
pancreas in its active form
Medical treatment recommend for FAP
patients to decrease burden of
adenomas / desmoid tumors
Make the next move:
Biopsy consistent with dermal lymphatic invasion
Neoadjuvant chemo, MRM, adjuvant chemo/XRT
Pathogenesis attributed to
development of gastroschisis
Intrauterine rupture of umbilical cord
Make the diagnosis:
Pancreatic cyst with central
“starburst” calcification, low
CEA in fluid, no mucin
Serous cystadenoma
Treatment for low-grade gastric
MALToma biopsied during endoscopy
Eradication of H. pylori
Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, PPI
Maximum site of absorption
for water and NaCl
Make the diagnosis:
Liver lesion on MRI with central
stellate scar and uptake of sulfur
colloid on technetium scan
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Most common cause of anterior
mediastinal mass in adults
Designation of the lymph nodes stationed
medial to the pectoralis minor
Level 3
Myelinated afferent nerve
fibers associated with fast
conduction of pain sensation
Aδ fibers
Most frequent pulmonary site affected
by aspiration in the supine position
Posterior segment of right upper lobe
First line therapy for effort induced
thrombosis of subclavian vein
Catheter directed thrombolysis
Maximum dose of lidocaine if used
with epinephrine for local anesthesia
7 mg/kg
Long-term complication of lung
transplant that eventually leads
to organ failure
Bronchiolitis obliterans
First sign of blood transfusion reaction
in the operating room
Most common cause of testicular atrophy
after open inguinal hernia repair
Venous thrombosis from
excessive cord manipulation
Protein mutation often associated with
GIST tumors
Toxic metabolite responsible
for liver necrosis during
acetaminophen overdose
Most common organism associated
with acute lymphangitis
Group A Strep
Rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis
HMG CoA reducatase
Most important prognostic factor for
Tumor grade
Best predictor of ability to successful
extubate a patient
Rapid shallow breathing index
Tobin index
Frequency / Tidal volume
Treatment for cyanide poisoning often
associated with excessive
nitroprusside treatment
Amyl nitrate
Anatomic anomaly most often
encountered during crural dissection
for Nissen fundoplication
Replaced left hepatic artery
Branch from left gastric artery
Medication used to keep a patent
ductus arteriosus open prior to
pediatric cardiothoracic surgery
Treatment of phimosis found at time of
preparation for laparotomy
Dorsal slit
Gene mutation/condition associated
with jejunoileal atresia in neonates
Cystic Fibrosis
CFTR gene
Enzyme that converts
norepinephrine to epinephrine
Gene mutation that predisposes men
to breast cancer risk
Most common nerve distribution
affected by thoracic outlet syndrome
Ulnar nerve
Make the next move:
Splenectomy & IV antibiotics
Type of thyroid cancer most likely
associated with bone metastases
Follicular thyroid cancer
Source of renin secretion
Juxtaglomerular cells
Chemotherapy options for
unresectable glucagonoma
Most common site of injury during
upper endoscopy
Level of the cricopharyngeus
Sites of reepithelization at skin graft donor sites
Skin edges
Hair follicles
Medication used post liver transplant to
prevent recurrent Hepatitis B infection
Four components in Tetralogy of Fallot
Pulmonary stenosis
Overriding aorta
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Most common cause of chylous ascites
Malignancy / Lymphoma
Vascular abnormality associated with
Dysphagia Lusoria
Anomalous right subclavian artery
Make the next move:
A 52 y.o. ♀ complains of tachycardia,
nausea, diaphoresis, and dizziness that
resolves after eating snacks. A diagnosis
is made but CT with IV contrast is unable
to localize the tumor.
Endoscopic ultrasound
Most common gene mutation
associated with pancreatic cancer
Conduit vessel for CABG with
longest patency rates
Left internal mammary artery
Most common variant of
tracheoesophageal fistula
Type C
Blind ending esophageal pouch
Distal tracheoesophageal fistula
Make the diagnosis:
55 y.o. ♂ with depression, fatigue, goiter, elevated
TSH, and positive antibodies to thyroid perioxidase
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
(Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis)
Most common complication of
flexible bronchoscopy
Typical metabolic derangement found
in patients with pyloric stenosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Most common cause of GI
bleed in children
Meckel’s diverticulum
Best surgical approach for mediastinal
biopsy of stations 5 & 6
Anterior mediastinotomy
Chamberlain procedure
Paraaortic lymph nodes
Most common primary chest wall malignancy
Aspect of axillary lymph node
dissection that increases likelihood of
postoperative lymphedema
Dissection superior to axillary vein
Topical treatment for
hydrofluoric acid burn
Calcium gluconate
Organism associated with
pyogenic liver abscesses in
alcoholic patients
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Chromosome of the BRCA 1 gene mutation
Classification of endoleak
from separation between
stent graft components
Type III
Treatment of SVC syndrome after
failed radiotherapy
Endovascular angioplasty and stent placement
FEV1 and DLCO contraindications
to pneumonectomy
FEV1 < 0.8 L
DLCO < 60%
Recommended surgical treatment for
a 5mm wide squamous cell carcinoma
of the lower lip
WLE with 1cm margin and primary repair
SCC > 2cm → XRT as well
Two blood product transfusions with
no risk of contamination
Two respective causes of early and
late dumping syndrome after
gastrectomy with B1 reconstruction
Early – Rapid passage of hyperosmolar bolus & fluid shifts
Late – Overcompensation of hyperglycemia & insulin surge
Immunoglobulin found in breast milk
Chemotherapy agent used for residual
disease after radical adrenalectomy
for adrenocortical carcinoma
Clark level of depth with invasion up to
the papillary-reticular dermal interface
Level III
Most common sarcoma of the extremity
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Antidote for treatment of a
beta-blocker overdose
Three phases of empyema formation
Exudative phase
Fibroproliferative phase
Organized phase
Contains the highest concentration of
potassium in the body
Most commonly injured nerve in the
tacking of mesh during laparoscopic
inguinal hernia repair
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
Best surgical approach for male breast cancer
Modified radical mastectomy
Peripheral nerve injury attributed to
prolonged lithotomy positioning
Common peroneal nerve injury
Make the diagnosis:
Mediterranean sheep handler reports with
complaints of RUQ pain and fevers
Hyatid cysts
Echinococcal liver abscesses
Nerve that innervates
latissimus dorsi
Thoracodorsal Nerve
Most common complication of
Urinary retention
Statistical value that lies exactly in the
middle of a continuous set of data points
Make the diagnosis:
Sex-linked recessive disorder, deficiency of
Factor IX, elevated PTT levels
Hemophilia B
Christmas disease
Most common electrolyte
abnormality with DKA
Hormone found to be
substantially decreased after
sleeve gastrectomy
Boundaries of
Hesselbach’s triangle
Medial border of rectus
Inferior epigastric vessels
Inguinal ligament
GCS of patient localizing to
pain, incomprehensible
words, opens eyes to pain
Used for treatment of uremia in
chronic renal failure patients to
release vWF and factor VIII
from the endothelium
Most common cause of
splenic vein thrombosis
Chronic Pancreatitis
Next best treatment for
this diagnosis?
Heparin gtt
Most common visceral artery aneurysm
Splenic artery
Treatment of duodenal hematoma
detected on CT after trauma
Most common thyroid cancer
Cause of iron deficiency
anemia associated with
sliding hiatal hernia
Cameron’s Ulcers
Name the major extracellular
cation and anion
Best test to assess the
synthetic function of the liver
Antibiotic used to bind exotoxin
of gram positive infections
Immediate action needed in patient
with suspected air embolism
Placement into left lateral decubitus Trendelenberg position
Two electrolyte abnormalities
associated with adrenal
Most common blood
transfusion complication
Non-hemolytic febrile reaction
Complication of bleomycin
and amiodarone
Pulmonary fibrosis
Which zone of the neck is injured?
Zone 1 (Cricoid to clavicles)
Name the condition:
Development of squamous
cell carcinoma from
chronically healing wounds
Marjolin’s ulcers
Recommended treatment for
recurrent C. Diff infection
after failed Flagyl course
PO Vancomycin
Most important prognostic
factor in diagnosis of
Depth of invasion
Treatment of hypotensive,
pregnant, Jehovah’s witness
with splenic rupture
Exploratory laparotomy
Most important cell in wound healing
Commonly used antibiotic associated
with risk of cholestasis
Adverse effect of succinylcholine
seen in burn patients
Make the diagnosis:
Most anterior structure in
the renal hilum
Renal vein
Treatment for
benzodiazepine overdose
Name the condition:
Hypercoagulable state
Resistance to activated protein C
Factor V Leiden
Kcal/g for carbohydrates,
dextrose, protein, & fat
Carbs – 4
Dextrose 3.4
Protein – 4
Fats - 9
Most commonly injured nerve
in open inguinal hernia repair
Ilioinguinal nerve
Three main vessels supplying
blood flow below the knee
Anterior tibial artery
Posterior tibial artery
Peroneal artery
Name the procedure:
Intraperitoneal on-lay mesh
for parastomal hernia
Sugarbaker repair
Equation for respiratory quotient
CO2 produced
O2 consumed
Nerve that innervates
serratus anterior
Long Thoracic Nerve
Best surgical treatment for
duodenal stricture in a
Crohn's patient
Heineke-Mikulicz strictureplasty
Most important amino acid
substrate used by the liver for
Electrolytic composition of
lactated ringers
Na 130
Cl 109
Lactate 28
Ca 3
Testicular tumor that is
most sensitive to radiation
Three values needed to
calculate a potential transplant
patient’s MELD score
Serum Creatinine
Most common blood product
transfusion with risk of
contamination & bacteremia
Make the diagnosis:
Cyanosis, VSD, & aortic arch hypoplasia
Transposition of Great Vessels
Describe the anatomical relationship of
the portal triad structures
Portal vein – posterior
Common bile duct – right/anterior
Hepatic artery – left/anterior
Most common aerobic
bacteria found in the colon
E. coli
Required amount of lymph nodes
for adequate sampling during
gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma
> 15
Recommended medical
treatment of hyperthyroidism
in pregnant patient
Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Three branched chain amino acids
Silver nitrate complication
Pathophysiology associated
with Cushing ulcers
Elevated ICP
Best treatment for cystic duct
leak after cholecystectomy
ERCP w/ stent
Pharmacologic treatment
of hepatorenal syndrome
Hallmark biochemical feature
of refeeding syndrome
Most common location for a
spontaneous esophageal perforation
Distal, left, posterior
Procedural absolute
contraindication to PEG
Lack of transillumination (Light reflex)
Make the diagnosis:
Weight loss, anemia, glossitis,
DVT, pancreatic tail mass
Surgical management of
bleeding Meckel’s
Segmental small bowel resection
antihypertensive medication
in patients with severe TBI
Targeted PTH level reduction
10 minutes after excision of
abnormal gland
Three main stimuli for H+
production in the stomach
Ach, Gastrin, Histamine
Chemotherapy agent with adverse
affect of hemorrhagic cystitis and
its recommended treatment
Treatment = Mesna
Treatment of IgG4
Autoimmune Pancreatitis
Bacteria associated with cat
scratch disease in
immunocompromised patients
Bartonella hensalae
Cytokine associated with
cachexia in cancer patients
Hormone that promotes small bowel
growth with short gut syndrome
Glucagon Like Peptide (GLP)
Stage of 1.2 mm depth
melanoma with positive
inguinal node
Stage 3
Procedure for gastric cancer
3cm proximal from pylorus
along the lesser curve & 4 cm
distal from GE junction
Total gastrectomy with
Strength layer of the small bowel
Most common gram negative
cause of infected AAA
Provides the branch for the
right gastroepiploic artery
Gastroduodenal artery
Make the Diagnosis:
Hyperplastic epithelial proliferation
Hypertrophy of the muscularis propria
Enlarged Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
Gallbladder adenomyomastosis
First muscle to recover
after paralytic reversal
Treatment for hemodynamically
unstable patient with new
onset atrial fibrillation
Synchronized cardioversion
Best surgical therapy for otherwise
healthy 60 y.o. ♂ with history of Barrett’s
esophagus that has recent biopsy
consistent with high grade dysplasia.
Best surgical therapy for otherwise
healthy 60 y.o. ♂ with history of Barrett’s
esophagus that has recent biopsy
consistent with high grade dysplasia.
Make the diagnosis:
2 weeks s/p transabdominal GSW a
patient presents with RUQ abdominal
pain, GI bleed, and jaundice
Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm with connection to biliary system
Most common pancreatic
islet cell tumor associated
with MENIN gene mutation
Virus associated with the development
of Burkitt’s lymphoma
Surgical treatment for
traumatic injury to the distal
1/3 of ureter, 3 cm defect
Psoas hitch or Boari flap
Treatment of annular pancreas
Produced in the zona glomerulosa
and secreted in response to
hyperkalemia or increased levels
of angiotensin II
Best test to determine successful
endotracheal intubation
End tidal CO2
Most common nutritional
deficiency after gastric
bypass surgery
Iron deficiency
Blood supply to the
superior parathyroid glands
Inferior thyroid artery
Primary fuel source of brain neurons
after 48 hours of starvation
The most common neuroendocrine
tumor of the pancreas
(also the least malignant)
Make the diagnosis:
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal
distension, and inner thigh
pain with internal rotation
Obturator hernia
Cornerstone of treatment for patient with
disseminated intravascular coagulation
Correct/treat the underlying cause
Estimated energy requirement (kcal/kg/day) for
average post-surgical patient
25 kcal/kg/day
First clinical sign of local
anesthetic overdose
Perioral numbness
Side effect of
Metabolic acidosis
Most common primary
tumor of the heart
Myxoma of the left atrium
Risk factor for recurrent Crohn’s flares but
protective for Ulcerative colitis remission
Most accurate diagnostic imaging in
detection of Meckel’s diverticulum
Tc-pertechnetate scan
Best surgical approach for
distal esophageal perforation
Left thoracotomy
Gene mutation in Lynch
Syndrome associated with
right sided colon cancers
DNA mismatch repair gene
Secreted by JG cells of the kidney &
cleaves angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
Nutritional deficiency
associated with development
of cardiomyopathy
Cause of hyperacute rejection
of organ transplants
Presence of antibodies directed toward donor
from ABO blood group incompatibility
Branchial pouch derivative of the
superior parathyroid glands
4th branchial pouch
Best treatment option for diagnosis of
Merkel cell carcinoma
(red/purplish nodule, NSE+)
WLE, SLNB, and radiation
Make the diagnosis:
45 y.o. ♀ with distal pancreatic
lesion with elevated CEA from
fluid on EUS
Mucinous cystic neoplasm
BIRADS classification of a benign lesion
Pathophysiology behind Type 2
IgG antibodies bind to heparin/PF4 complexes
Ranson’s criteria on admission:
Glucose > 200
Age > 55
LDH > 350
AST > 250
WBC > 16
Current state of metabolism
with respiratory quotient of 0.7
Ketogenosis (Lipolysis)
Treatment for 1 cm carcinoid
lesion at the tip of the appendix
Most common cause of
liver transplant in the U.S.
Hepatitis C
Earliest identifiable lesion
in atherosclerosis
Fatty streak
First clinical sign of
compartment syndrome
Numbness in the first toe web space
Make the diagnosis:
Pain with passive extension
Flexor tenosynovitis
Indications for bariatric surgery
BMI > 40
BMI > 35 with associated comorbidity
Treatment for CMV infection
s/p kidney transplant
Maximum volume of air that can be
expired after maximal inhalation
Vital capacity
Calculation of ideal body
weight for a male
50 kg + 2.3 kg for each 1” > 5’
Most common form of
transmission for infections
with Prevotella
Most common site of arterial
occlusion from atherosclerotic
disease in the lower extremity
Distal SFA
Hunter’s canal
Most common complication of
long-term TPN administration
Central line associated infection
Necessary diagnostic study for liver
transplant patient with rising LFT’s POD#3
Hepatic ultrasound
Rule out hepatic artery thrombosis
Make the diagnosis:
Sudden onset upper abdominal pain
Recurrent retching with inability to vomit
Inability to pass NGT
Gastric volvulus
Borchardt Triad
Best treatment for splenic
vein thrombosis and isolated
gastric varices
Necessary cofactor for hydroxylation
and cross-linking of proline and lysine
during collagen synthesis
Vitamin C
Make the next move:
POD#1 s/p mastectomy a 65 y.o. ♀
complains of acute abdominal pain. She’s
bradycardia, hypotensive, tachypneic, and
upper abdomen is distended/tympanic.
Placement of nasogastric tube
Lower extremity compartment most
sensitive to compartment syndrome
Anterior compartment
*contains deep peroneal nerve*
Best test for T-staging of esophageal
and rectal neoplasms
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Recommendation for ulcerative
colitis patient with rectal biopsy
showing high grade dysplasia
Proctocolectomy with ileoanal pouch
Additional malignancy risk
associated with BRCA 1 gene
mutation in females
Ovarian cancer
Consider prophylactic BSO
Make the diagnosis:
Elevated bilirubin & alk phos
ERCP w/ beading of hepatic ducts
History of ulcerative colitis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Incision of choice to repair a
Stanford Type A aortic dissection
Median sternotomy
Most common parasitic
cause of appendicitis
Ascaris lumbricoides
Make the Diagnosis:
Patient with history of DM and chronic renal failure
Best surgical procedure for
atrial fibrillation patient with
ten hours of left leg ischemia
and US showing occlusion at
SFA/profunda bifurcation
Femoral embolectomy and calf fasciotomy
Anesthetic with both analgesic
and amnestic effect
Targeted receptor for
opioid analgesics
Mu receptor
Indicated for Stage 1 breast cancer
patients who are treated with breast
conservation therapy to decrease
local recurrence risks
Radiation therapy
Make the diagnosis:
Upper abdominal distension,
nausea, vomiting after a re-do
Nissen fundoplication
Vagal nerve injury
*left vagus nerve anterior to stomach*
Unmyelinated afferent nerve
fibers associated with slow
conduction of pain sensation
Group C fibers
Recommended treatment
for Riedel’s thyroiditis
*Fibrous stroma present*
Mechanism of action for
Infliximab used in treatment
of Crohn’s patients
TNF-α inhibitor
Two types of gastric ulcers associated
with increased acid secretion
Type 2 – Duodenum & antrum of stomach
Type 3 - Prepyloric
Complication of hepatic adenomas
Spontaneous rupture w/
intraperitoneal hemorrhage
Make the diagnosis:
Liver lesion, elevated neurotensin
levels, negative AFP
Fibrolamellar liver cancer
Plastics technique used for release of
scar contracture across joint
Three vaccinations
recommended 2 weeks prior
to elective splenectomy
Pneumococcal (Pneumovac 23)
Haemophilus influenza B
Diagnostic imaging required
for 2 week old infant with
bilious vomiting
Upper GI series
*rule out malrotation*
Components of the Nigro protocol
for SCC of anal canal
Make the Diagnosis:
Patient with history of glucagonoma
Necrolytic migratory erythema
Hormone secreted by D cells of the gastric
antrum in response to acidic environment
Make the diagnosis:
45 y.o. ♀ with palpable neck mass,
abdominal pain, serum Ca2+ 16 mg/dL
Parathyroid carcinoma
Most common breast lesion in
adolescents and young adults
Make the diagnosis:
Recurrent pneumonia, aberrant pulmonary
tissue surrounded by normal lung tissue and
pleura, central arterial & venous supply
Intralobar pulmonary sequestration
Neurologic defect associated
with mid-shaft humerus fracture
Radial nerve injury
Name the procedure:
Suturing of the transversus abdominis and
internal oblique aponeurosis (conjoint tendon)
to the inguinal ligament
Bassini Repair
Most likely circuit issue
during laparoscopy if IAP is 3
mmHg and flow rate is 0
Tank is empty
Make the next move:
HOD#3 s/p MVC a 65 y.o. ♀ sodium drops
from 140 to 122 meq/L. Nursing staff
notices altered mental status and now
seizure-like activity.
Administration of 3% saline
Two hormones secreted by
the posterior pituitary lobe
Make the diagnosis:
Eczematous lesion on nipple
with likely underlying DCIS or
ductal carcinoma
Paget’s disease of the breast
Make the next move:
40 year old ♂ presents with an ill-defined
mass of the right thigh that on imaging
measures 5 cm in greatest dimension
Core needle biopsy
Name the two most commonly injured
nerves during carotid endarterectomy
Hypoglossal nerve
Vagus nerve
Three common locations of
the hemorrhoidal pillars
Left lateral
Right anterior
Right posterior
Make the Diagnosis:
Mondor’s disease
Superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast
Most common coagulopathy
in chronic Crohn’s patient
with previous surgical history
Vitamin K deficiency
First line treatment for
Angiogram & embolization
Clotting factor with the
shortest half-life
Factor 7
Make the diagnosis & proper staging:
35 y.o. ♀ with night sweats & weight loss
Cervical lymph node with Reed-Sternberg cells
PET with increased activity in neck & spleen
Stage IIIB Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Most common adjuvant
chemotherapy regimen for
Stage III colorectal cancers
5 FU + Leucovorin + Oxaliplatin
Intra-operative medication
used during cholangiogram if
distal CBD tapering visualized
IV Glucagon
First line therapy for
chronic venous leg ulcers
Compression therapy
Most common malignancy
within a thyroglossal duct cyst
Papillary thyroid cancer
Most important component of the
Glasgow Coma Scale in regards
to neurologic prognosis
Motor response
Complication associated with
patients s/p cricothyroidotomy
Subglottic stenosis
Immediate treatment for this patient
who recently started Coumadin
Appropriate T-staging for a
3cm breast cancer
Depth of melanoma at which
SLNB is always recommended
≥ 1 mm
Required post-op predicted FEV1
prior to pulmonary resection
800 mL
Accounts for 75% of splenic
parenchyma and phagocytizes
circulating blood
Red pulp
Most common location of
an accessory spleen
Splenic hilum
Most common congenital
abnormality requiring
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Primary management of
thrombocytopenic purpura
Two types of vascular
formations at the splenic hilum
Distributive & Magistral
Vasculature structure anterior
to aorta but posterior to the
superior mesenteric artery
Left renal vein
Loops around right subclavian artery
Non-recurrent in 1% of population
Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
Order of subclavian region
structures anterior to posterior
Anterior → Posterior
Subclavian vein
Anterior scalene
Subclavian artery
Brachial plexus
Middle scalene
First branch of the external
carotid artery
Superior thyroid artery
Superior arterial supply of
the left adrenal gland
Inferior phrenic artery
Metaplasia associated with
Barrett’s esophagus
Squamous to columnar metaplasia
Synthesized into nitric oxide
by vascular endothelial cells
and causes vasodilatation
Topical burn treatment that is
often painful and associated
with acidosis
Mafenide / Sulfamylon
Nutritional deficiency
associated with neuropathy
and elevated glucose levels
Most sensitive test for
diagnosis of GERD
24 hour pH testing
Most important step in
treatment of Zenker’s
Cricopharyngeal myotomy
Most common configuration of
tracheoesophageal fistula
Type C
Most common complication
after inguinal hernia repair
Urinary retention
Eponym given to inner thigh
pain with internal rotation
Howship Romberg Sign
Obturator Hernia
Borders of the femoral canal
Inferior/Posterior – Cooper’s ligament
Superior – Iliopubic tract
Lateral – Femoral vein
Lumbar hernia bordered by the
12th rib, internal oblique, and
lumbosacral aponeurosis
Grynfelt’s hernia
Point at which the inferior
epigastric artery enters the
rectus sheath
Linea semicircularis
Arcuate line
Genetic syndrome associated
with hamartomatous polyps
and brain gliomas
Turcot’s Syndrome
Fracture of the hand
frequently associated with
avascular necrosis
Scaphoid fracture
Inhalational agent associated
with elevated LFT’s
Nerve root associated with
weakened dorsiflexion
(foot drop)
Electrolytic inhibited by
local anesthetics
Progressive palmar fascia
proliferation, most commonly 4th &
5th digit, associated with DM/ETOH
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Most common composition
of a kidney stone
Calcium oxalate
Most common site of
metastases for prostate cancer
Medication that causes a
hormonal orchiectomy
LH antagonist
Optimal treatment of ureter
trauma, distal 1/3rd, 1.5 cm defect
Reimplantation to bladder
Associated with renal cell
carcinoma, CNS tumors, and
VHL Syndrome Type 1
Fuel supply for colonocytes
Short chain fatty acids
Gene mutation associated with
FAP and most common cause
of death after colectomy
APC gene chromosome 5
Periampullary tumors
Treatment of recurrent
cloacogenic carcinoma of the
anal canal
Gene mutation associated with
syndrome of right sided colon
cancer, increased risk of
ovarian/endometrial cancers,
autosomal dominant penetrance
DNA mismatch repair gene
Lynch syndrome
Most accurate measure of
assessment of cardiac preload
Left ventricular end diastolic volume
Complication of Cepacol (Benzocaine)
spray and its treatment
Methylene blue
Vasopressor that increases
cAMP and provides inotropic /
vasodilator effects
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Most common cause of
Pituitary adenoma
Nerve traversing lateral to medial
across the anterior scalene
Phrenic nerve
Second most common type of
benign salivary gland tumor,
most common to be bilateral
Warthin’s tumor
Less aggressive form of
melanoma commonly found on
the head/neck region of elderly
Lentigo maligna
Counteracts effects of
steroids on wound healing
Vitamin A
Adrenal gland hemorrhage
after meningococcal infection
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
Viral infection associated with
lymphoproliferative disorder
Cytokine used as indicator of
injury severity and upregulates
acute phase hepatic proteins
TNF – Fever, vasodilatation, produced by macrophages
IL 1 – Fever, stimulates TNF
IL 2 – T cell activating factor, maturation of cytotoxic T cells
IL 3 – Growth of blood cell precursors
IL 4 – B cell activating factor, IgE production
IL 6 – Acute phase protein upregulation
IL 8 – Chemotaxis
IL 10 – Inhibition of cytokine production
Variant of liver cancer
associated with elevated
neurotensin levels and normal
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma