Anxiety students in participant in English learning Speaking English AT SMPK BINTANG TIMUR BY FREDERICK JEMMY JUNIOR JEUSA NPM: 18312038 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION PROGRAM FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK INDONESIA SANTU PAULUS RUTENG OKTOBER 2021 i LETTER OF APPROVAL THE FINAL REPORT THE SECOND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM This final report on the second internship program 2020 by Frederick Jemmy Junior Jeusa (18312038) has been approved by the advisor Dr.Sebastianus Menggo,M.Pd Ruteng, 2021 Approved by, Cordinator of the Second Internship Program Dr. Sebastianus Menggo, M.Pd Advisor Dr. Sebastianus Menggo, M.Pd NIDN. 0802108001 NIDN. 0808077801 Acknowledged by, The Head of the English Language Education Program Stanislaus Guna, M.Pd NIDN. 0816106601 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all the author wishes to express gratitude to Almighty God, for his blessing, mercies, and protecting, so this article under the title “ axienty students in participant in english learning at Smpk Bintang Timur” Could be accomplished well. Second, the writer realized that in completing this article, it could be achieved without supported from anyone who cares the author. Therefore, the author would like to express his gratitude to those who contribute to the completion of this article: 1. Stanislaus Guna, M. Pd as the head of English study program 2. Dr. Sebastianus Menggo, M.Pd as my advisor of second internship program for his attention, guidance, and kindness during finishing of this article 3. The researcher said thanks to the headmaster of SMPK Bintang timur, Elisabet Sarong,S.pd and for the second grade students, the researcher would like to say many thanks for their cooperation and participation during the completion this research. 4. My beloved mother who always supported me Finally, I the wrote this article realized that it is not far from perfect and i hope if anything is unclear from this research article. I hope comments, critique, and suggestions from the readers for this article. I hope this article is very useful for the readers. Ruteng, December 2020 Researcher Frederick Jemmy Junior Jesua iii Anxiety students in participant in English learning AT SMPK BINTANG TIMUR FREDERIC JEMMY JUNIOR JESUA Universitas Katolik Santu Paulus Ruteng Abstract This study aims to determine the sources that cause speaking anxiety overwhelms English learners. It is a qualitative in nature and focuses on learners’ speaking anxiety. The samples of the research are composed of junior high school students who deal with speaking anxiety. The primary data-gathering method is interview through semi-structured questions. The data were collected by in-depth face-to-face interview with 8 participants. The results show 3 themes regarding sources that cause Speaking anxiety: Personal and Interpersonal Anxiety, Language Testing, grammar. It is undeniable that attitude holds an imperative role in learning to speak English The results show 3 themes regarding sources that cause Speaking anxiety: Personal and Interpersonal Anxiety, Language Testing, grammar. It is undeniable that attitude holds an imperative role in learning to speak English. The results show two themes regarding learners’ attitude in causing them to become anxious whenever they speak English; the themes are self- inferiority and fear of making mistakes. Despite sources that cause learners to be anxious in speaking English, they find ways to reduce their anxiety in speaking English and from this study, there are three themes found regarding ways to reduce anxiety; they are: Preparation Relaxation and Positive Thinking. Keywords: Anxiety students in participant in English learning 4 1. INTRODUCTION English was the first foreign language in Indonesian. Many schools or courses have given English as one of the lessons. English have four skills: speaking, reading, listening, and writing and vocabulary as component could be a tool to increase all the skills of English. The position of English as the first foreign language in Indonesia and as the first and the main language in the global era has made all students in Indonesia from elementary school level need to learn seriously and continuously.Language was basic to mastery all English skills.Moreover, there is a global demand that fresh students from school should be able to communicate in English either spoken or written. It can be stated that students can get their best future of their work if they master English well. First, the difficulties of students to speaking english is a vocabullary. Many students were obtaining difficult when they spoke because restrictiveness their vocabulary. Second, the lack of used the media only always rely on the speech method without involved media. The students were not interested and difficulty to understand vocabulary. Third, learning English was stilted or serious that made students depressed or afraid to develop their ability in vocabulary. Fourth, the lack of control memorize students vocabulary.They were easy to forget vocabulary has been taught or learned. In fact, there were still some problems that faced such as the students English ability. When the researcher did taught English there, the researcher found that the ability of student still low and need effort to increase students vocabulary. The students were blank and difficult to said or write anything about vocabulary. However the researcher realized that the students have potential and ability to increase their vocabulary. Therefore, mastery on English is a compulsory subject that should be mastered by all students in SMPK Bintang Timur. Speaking as one of productive skills is considered as important skill in oral communication. When a speaker produces his/her thoughts, feelings 5 and ideas, the listener as the partner in speaking process, must respond the speaker well. It means a speaker ought to produce his/her words well in order to be understood by the listener completely.Some reasons which could be caught by the as student are the students feel anxious to speak English because of lack of vocabulary and grammar. They also tend to be nervous, worried and fear to speak English. As Brown (2001) states that Anxiety is a negative way of a human feeling that appears once speakers assume their oral performance to be wrong, stupid or incomprehensible. This problem occurred in the class of English subject and it also caused the negative achievement of their speaking ability. From description above the researchers are interested in conducting the research related to Students’ Speaking Anxiety at English Classroom in SMPK Bintang Timur. The researchers’ main problems focus on what levels of students’ anxiety in speaking English, the causes of their anxiety and their strategies in coping with their anxiety. In this study, the researchers are eager to know the level of students’ Speaking anxiety at English Classroom in Agroecotechnology Department of Agricultural Faculty, to find out the causes of the students’ speaking anxiety and to describe the students’ strategies in solving the speaking anxiety problems. In this study, the researchers are eager to know why Anxiety students in participant in English learning at SMPK Bintang Timur to find out the causes of the students’ speaking anxiety and to describe the students’ strategies in solving the speaking anxiety problems 6 2. METHOD In this research, the researcher used classroom Action Research (CAR). The purpose of using this Classroom Action Research is to improve students' ability to speak English. Class action research was a kind of research that used in this classroom action research. The subject of this research was the students of VIIA consist of 8 students. There were 8 students in the class with 1 girl and 7 boys. This research was conducted in the first semester of SMPK Bintang in theTimur academic year 2021 — 2022.In collecting the data the researcher used two instruments they are test and observation sheet. Test was a series of questions or exercise as well as other equipment usedto measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability or talents of individual or groups.Test used for measuring the. There were some aspects observed in the teaching and learning process,namely asking students to memorize vocabulary and asking students to make conversations with their classmates.After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed them quantitatively Data and Qualitatively. 3. FINDINGS The objective of this research is to know the level of students’ Speaking anxiety at English Classroom atSMPK Bintang Timur, to find out the causes of the students’ speaking anxiety and to describe the students’ strategies in solving the speaking anxiety problems. Below is the data findings and the discussion described in detail. A. Findings 1. Students’ Speaking Anxiety Level. From the results of students answering questions is 10% of the 100% highest score. We can deduce the level of anxiety of students in speaking English from how they work on the questions or assignments given.Since all of the population has Low Anxiety level, it can be said that 100% students were indicated as having Low Anxiety. 2. Factors of Students’ Speaking Anxiety To find out the data about factors that cause them feel anxious, the researcher used interview. There were five questions delivered to 7 be answered by the students. Below is the result of the interview related the reasons of why the students’ feel anxious. No 1 Factor of Students Speaking Total students Anxiety Number Personal and Interpersonal Percentage 8 students 5% 8 student 3% 2 students 10% 0 0% 10 students 5% Anxiety 2 Learners’ Belief about Language 3 Grammar 4 Classroom Procedure 5 Lganguage Testing 3. The Strategies Used by the Students to Cope with the Anxiety The researchers used structured interview in interviewing the students in getting to know their strategies to solve their speaking anxiety. Theresults of the interview related the strategies they used to cope withspeaking anxiety problems are displayed below: No Strategies Total Students’ Percentage Number 1 Preparation 8 students 10% 2 Relaxation 3 students 10% 3 Positive Thinking 8 students 7% 4 Grammar 8 student 3% 8 3. Discussion Based on the findings, there were 6 of 8 students who said AGREE (It frightens me when I don’t understand what the teacher is saying in the English). It indicates that 95% students frightened when the teacher of English explain the materials in English. There were 7 of 8 students who answered AGREE (I started to panic when I have to speak without preparation in speaking class). It indicates that 90% students were panic when they did not prepare for speaking task. There were 7 of 8 students who answered AGREE (I get upset when I don’t understand what the teacher is correcting.). It indicates that 90% students did not understand the teacher correction.There were 7 of 8 students who answered AGREE (I get nervous and confused when I am speaking in speaking class). It indicates that 95% students felt nervous and confused when they were speaking in English class.There were 6 of 8 students who answered AGREE (In English class, I can get so nervous I forget things I know.). It indicates that 90% students forgot things they know when they get nervous.There were 6 of 8 students who answered AGREE (I tremble when I know that I’m going to be called on in speaking class). It indicates that 90% students were afraid when they knew they were going to be called to speak. After analyzing and interview results, the researchers got supporting and important information related to the student’s strategies that they have applied to struggle in English classroom and to solve the anxiety problems. There was 90% students answered that they had to prepare well before entering English class. It indicates that they really realize their lacking points. On the other hands, there were 10% students told that by having positive thinking made them decrease speaking anxiety problem. The last strategies that often used by students (13%) to cope with anxiety problems were by having relaxation. There was also a student who answered having peer seeking and peer correction and discussion to minimize speaking anxiety. 9 4. Conclussion The researchers have concluded the research after getting, analyzing and displaying the data. They are: 1. All the students of class 2 had Low Anxiety 2. There were four of six factors that answered by students to make them have speaking anxiety in joining English classroom. They are Personal and Interpersonal Anxiety (90%), Language Testing (75%), InstructorLearner Interaction (80%), and Learners’ Belief about Language (3%). 3. There were four of five strategies chosen by the students to cope with the problem of speaking anxiety. They are Preparation (10%), Positive Thinking (7%), Relaxation (10%), and grammar(3%). 10 5.REFERENCES Katemba, C.V. (2013), Anxiety Level of Indonesian Students and Its Relationship To Academic Achievement In English. Journal of Education and Practice Vol.4 No.27 pp. 1-9. Koizumi, R. (2013). 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