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Data Communications & Networking Course Intro

Instructor and Course Introduction
Fundamentals of Data Communications and
Course Introduction
Course description:
• Introduction to computer networks and the Internet: Protocol layers and the OSI
model. Physical layer: Data and Signals, Nyquist Bit Rate and Shannon Capacity. Data
Link Layer: error detection and correction, multiple access, MAC addressing,
switches, ARP, MAC Frame (IEEE 802.3 protocol), Wired LAN Ethernet, Virtual Circuit,
and WLAN (IEEE 802.11 protocol). Transport layer: UDP, TCP and congestion control.
Network layer: virtual circuits, routers, IP protocols and routing algorithms.
Application layer: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, DNS and peer-to-peer applications.
• Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz A Forouzan (5th Edition)
• Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach by James F. Kurose, Keith Ross (7th
Course Contents
• Basics of Data Communication Computer Networks & the Internet:
network edge, end systems, packet switching, circuit switching,
network structure, throughput in networks, protocol layers, and
service models.
• Protocol Stacks and Physical Layer : Seven layers of the OSI model,
TCP/IP Vs OSI Model. Analog & Digital, Nyquist Bit Rate, and Shannon
• Data Link Layer: Error Detection & Correction, Data-link Control,
Ethernet frame structure (802.3 MAC).
Course Contents (Cont.)
• Wired LAN Ethernet, and WLAN (IEEE 802.11 protocol).
• Network Devices: Repeaters, Hub, Switches, and Routers
• Network Layer: IPv4 Addressee, Subnetting, NAT, IPV header format,
ARP, and DHCP.
• Transport Layer: UDP, TCP, Congestion Control
• Application Layer: Web, FTP, e-mail, DNS and P2P
Lab sessions
Basics of IP Addressing
IPv4 vs. IPv6 Addressing
Subnetting, Introduction of Packet Tracer
Devices and Cables
Basic Network Setup and Configuration using Packet Tracer
Introduction to Packet Sniffing (Wireshark)
Building a Point-to-Point Network by Cross Cabling
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) & Switch MAC Table Examination
Basic Switch Configuration
Basic Router Configuration
Basic RIP Configuration
Course learning outcomes
a) Explain the fundamentals of communication protocols and layered
network architectures.
b) Distinguish various network protocols, algorithms and addressing
schemes associated with different layers of the communication stack.
c) Describe the functionality and operation of network protocols and
d) Recognize different network devices and their operations within a
e) Design a network, subnet and to apply associated protocols and
Grading policy
• 30% activities (quizzes and lab exams)
• 30% mid term exam
• 40% final exam
Note: The weightage of the assessments might be changed if there is any new
grading policy for the current semester.
Important points
• You can always collaborate for learning, but copying is strictly prohibited.
• If there is any evidence of plagiarism/cheating, you will be marked zero.
• Don’t miss your lectures/labs. You will not be eligible to sit for the final
exam if your total attendance is less than 75%. Please note that the
attendance will be marked by the system automatically.
• If you miss any lecture, see the lecture recording.
• If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Don’t be shy!
• When sending emails, make sure that you have mentioned the email
subject, your name, registration number, and course name.
Any Questions?