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Fishing/Milling Operations Flowchart

Fishing/Milling Operations Flowchart
Completion Retrieval
Run in hole Overshot.
Engage Completion string section
and Recover Ratchet Latch.
Completion string cut deformed, unable
to engage fish
Run in hole with Junk Mill assembly.
Dress off Top of Fish.
Run in hole Die Collar. Recover
Ratchet Latch.
Pull out of hole completion &
Ratchet. Lay down same
Run in hole with Packer Mill tool to
mill & retrieve Packer.
Junk Mill. Packer push to bottom.
Mill over Packer with
Wash-over assembly
until free
Pull out of hole completion &
Ratchet. Lay down same
Run in hole Spear. Fish &
recover Packer.