PERGAMON Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 Arti®cial neural network based electrical load prediction for food retail stores D. Datta *, S.A. Tassou Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, U.K. Received 20 February 1998 Abstract It has been shown by a number of investigators that arti®cial neural networks (ANNs) can be more reliable and eective building energy predictors than traditional simulation models. This paper presents the results from comparisons of the predictive accuracy of two commonly used neural networks employed for the prediction of the electrical load of a retail food store. The networks used were the multi-layered perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF). The MLP network was found to perform better than the RBF network particularly in the prediction of ¯uctuations of the electrical energy around the base and maximum loads. Further work will be carried out to optimise the structure and prediction accuracy of the two networks. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Electrical load prediction; Retail food stores; Arti®cial neural networks 1. Introduction Retail food stores are amongst the greatest single end users of electricity with refrigeration systems accounting for more than 50% of the electricity used. Lighting accounts for about 25% with the Heating, Ventillation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment and other utilities accounting for the remainder. The retail industry continues to increase the average store size while upgrading facilities to improve service, reliability, energy eciency and cost eectiveness. The energy consumption of retail store refrigeration systems is a function of a number of variables which include the building fabric, the ambient conditions (temperature, solar insolation and wind velocity), the occupancy of the store (i.e. sales activity), and the internal environment. In the U.K., it is a common practice for the refrigeration and HVAC system to be part of an integrated design to take advantage of the rejected heat from the * Corresponding author. 1359-4311/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 4 3 1 1 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 3 4 - 9 1122 D. Datta, S.A. Tassou / Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 refrigeration packs. In trying to minimise energy consumption, therefore, the various energy consuming subsystems cannot be viewed in isolation but their interactions should be considered as well as their in¯uence on the sales revenue and pro®tability of the store. The recent introduction of computer based monitoring and control systems provides the opportunity not only to characterise the various energy consuming processes in the store but to relate consumption patterns to fuel pricing and tari structures. Retail food stores, being one of the largest single end users of electricity, qualify to join the competitive power market in the U.K. The power generating companies have established a pool from which the supermarkets purchase power on a half hourly basis. The half hourly rate paid by the supermarket owner to the supplier is to a large extent dependent on his ability to predict accurately the maximum half-hourly demand and the competitive rates oered by various suppliers. If the actual consumption exceeds the predicted value, the purchaser is penalised for the extra supply needed by paying at a higher than the negotiated rate. The ability, therefore, to predict the power consumption every half hour as accurately as possible will facilitate negotiations on electricity taris with the suppliers and will also enable the control of maximum demand by shifting some of the load to periods of reduced demand. 2. Electrical load prediction using neural networks Recent approaches to building energy prediction have been based on statistical or numerical modelling of historical data. In the absence of fast and accurate theoretical models, regression techniques have been employed to ®nd an approximate functional form that can best describe the relationship between the independent variables and the observed dependent quantities of the system of interest [1±3]. When successful, the result is an empirical model that is useful for predicting the eect of changing input data on the dependent variables. The success of regression techniques largely depends on how well the function developed based on the available data, mimics the underlying functional relationship of the data. Hence much eort may be spent searching for a suitable function. In addition, for each trial function the parameters must be optimised before the quality of ®t can be determined. This trial and error method may be avoided by the use of neural networks. Arti®cial neural networks are an attempt to recreate simple biological networks by joining together ``cells'' or ``nodes'' in a cascaded fashion, all richly connected to each other. When a given set of cells (the inputs) are stimulated, the signals are passed through the network from node to node and ®nally exit the network through another set of simpli®ed nodes (the outputs). Any given node accepts input from a number of other nodes, then outputs a signal based on the sum of all the inputs. Each node is connected to other nodes through a series of weighting factors by which its output signals can be simpli®ed or attenuated. The trick to ``training'' a network is to ®nd weights such that a given set of inputs causes the network to yield the desired output. One such learning algorithm is called back-propagation, whereby the weights are adjusted to reduce the error between the actual and desired outputs of the network. Detailed descriptions of dierent network con®gurations and training techniques are given by Rumelhart and McClelland in ref. [4] and Wasserman in ref. [5] among many others. D. Datta, S.A. Tassou / Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 1123 Arti®cial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied successfully to a number of engineering problems [6, 7]. Several researchers have demonstrated that they can be more reliable at predicting energy consumption in buildings than other traditional statistical approaches because of their ability to model nonlinear patterns [8±10]. Neural networks learn the main characteristics of a system through an iterative training process. They can also automatically update the learned knowledge on-line over time. This automatic learning facility makes neural network based systems inherently adaptive. Furthermore, their predictive capability can be used to optimise the operation of refrigeration, heating and ventilation systems within the building. Earlier papers by the authors have reported results from the use of a multi-layered perceptron (MLP) network to predict the overall electrical power consumption of a retail food store [11, 12]. Inputs to the network were: day of the week, time of day and indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity. This paper considers the use of the radial basis function (RBF) network for the electrical energy prediction application and compares its performance with that of the MLP network. 2.1. The multi-layer perceptron The multi-layer perceptron, or MLP, is the most popular type of neural network currently in existence. The MLP consists of a number of simple processing elements arranged in layers. The inputs to each processing element are actually fully connected to the outputs of the previous layer. The learning algorithm modi®es the weights associated with each processing element such that the system minimises the error between the target output and the network's actual output. At least one hidden layer is required to perform non-linear mappings. The number of processing elements or nodes in the system, should be directly related to the complexity of the system being modelled. Although many layered architecture can be applied, it has been shown that one hidden layer is usually sucient to solve many problems. The MLP has been shown to be eective on a wide range of problems. It is capable of interpolating and generalising well. However, it may require a considerable length of time to train, and it does not guarantee ®nding the best global solution. The parameters usually considered when developing a MLP are the number of hidden nodes and the learning algorithm. The greater the number of hidden nodes available in the model, the more complex the function that the system can model. However, if there are too many hidden nodes of the problem, the network does not ®nd a general solution, but becomes too speci®c or overtrained. Each problem has an optimal number of hidden layers. Determining the optimum number depends on the speci®c problem. Hence, developing a MLP involves a degree of experimentation. Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of a MLP network. The activation function through which the sum of the product of the inputs and weights are passed can be sigmoidal, linear or hyperbolic tan. 2.2. The radial basis function network The radial basis function network (RBF) is also a supervised, feed-forward neural network with one hidden layer of nodes. It can be used for the same types of problems as the MLP but diers from perceptron-based networks in two ways. 1124 D. Datta, S.A. Tassou / Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a multi-layered perceptron network. Firstly, the outputs that form the hidden layer are not simply the product of the input data and weights but are the measure of how far away the data are from a centre. This centre is the position of the node in a spatial system that is de®ned by the input ®elds of the data, sometimes known as data space. Secondly, the transfer functions of the nodes are governed by non-linear functions that can be said to be an approximation of the in¯uence that data points have at the centre. Transfer functions dictate the level of output from a node and replace the threshold with an output that varies with the input. The transfer functions used are known as radial basis functions. This results in a linear combination of non-linear basis functions. The advantage of the RBF is that the training is much more rapid than with the MLP and the RBF can model locally clustered data more readily than a MLP. The weaknesses of the RBF is its poor ability to represent global properties of the data, and the diculty of determining the optimal positions of the function centres. The parameters which need to be considered when developing a RBF network are the number of centres required to model the data accurately, the positioning of the centres and the type of radial function. The number of centres is highly dependent on the complexity of the problem. Too few centres result in poor performance. Too many centres result in over-®tting the data and poor generalisation. The optimum number of centres is determined experimentally. The non-linear basis function de®nes the form of the receptive ®eld associated with each node. The shape of the function dictates how the node responds to unseen data points. The original RBF used a Gaussian basis function. However, there are many other functions namely spline, multi-quadratic and inverse multi-quadratic which can be used. 2.3. Experimental set-up and monitoring The investigations for this project are based on a retail food store situated in Airdrie, UK. This store is equipped with a commercial central monitoring and control system which monitors the temperatures in the display cabinets in the store and controls the refrigeration packs. For the purposes of the project the system has been extended to incorporate a number of additional measuring points which include: D. Datta, S.A. Tassou / Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 . . . . . . . . 1125 temperature and relative humidity in the store; external air temperature and humidity; solar irradiance; total electrical power consumption of the store; electrical power consumption of the refrigeration packs; gas consumption; under¯oor heating ¯ow and return temperatures; instantaneous store occupancy (shopping activity). All the above data is logged every 15 min through a modem on a personal computer at Brunel University, for subsequent analysis. 2.4. Training and testing of neural networks Data collected from the retail store was used to train, validate and test the two networks. The input data employed were: day of the week, time of the day, outdoor temperature and humidity and indoor temperature and humidity. The training data employed were for a period of 2 months, and the trained networks were tested for prediction accuracy on the following 6 days. The MLP network used was three layered with six nodes on the input layer, four nodes on the single hidden layer and one node on the output layer. The transfer function used was the hyperbolic tan and the algorithm used was back-propagation [4]. The RBF network also had six nodes on the input layer. The number of centres was varied between ®ve and 50 in increments of ®ve, and the best network con®guration according to the validation percentage was stored and used as the best network. The nonlinear basis function used was the spline. 3. Results and discussion Figs. 2 and 3 show a comparison of the outputs of the two networks and the actual value of power consumed while Table 1 presents the error values. The network outputs are on the test data, that is, data not used to train the networks. The MLP network output in Fig. 2 shows a close ®t to the actual data. The network predicts fairly accurately the minimum and maximum electrical loads in the store. It can also predict some of the ¯uctuations in load that take place because of on/o switching of the electrical equipment. The RBF network output, shown in Fig. 3, follows the general load pro®le, but tends to overpredict the maximum load and underpredict the base load of the store. The RBF network also does less well in capturing the load ¯uctuations that take place around the maximum and base load. The error values for the two networks are shown in Table 1. It can be seen that the mean absolute error value for the MLP network output is much lower than that of the RBF network output which con®rms the better performance of the MLP in this case. However, for both networks it may be possible to improve their prediction accuracy by optimising their structure 1126 D. Datta, S.A. Tassou / Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 Fig. 2. Comparison between predicted and actual data over a 6 day period using the multi-layered perceptron network. Fig. 3. Comparison between predicted and actual data over a 6 day period using the radial basis function network. D. Datta, S.A. Tassou / Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (1998) 1121±1128 1127 Table 1 Output error measures Output MLP network RBF network RMS error 24.19 34.92 Mean absolute 17.38 26.92 Mean absolute (%) 4.59 7.11 and the input variables. As mentioned earlier, the identi®cation of the most appropriate network and network structure is purely a matter of experimentation and trial and error. 4. Conclusions Results in this paper show that a simple neural network structure can provide prediction of the electrical load of a retail food store with a reasonable degree of accuracy. It can also be seen that provided the inputs to the network are properly selected, arti®cial neural networks can trace the instantaneous load ¯uctuations around the peak and base loads to some extent. It has also been shown that the MLP network in the form used in the investigations can provide better prediction accuracy than the RBF network. Further investigations need to be carried out to enhance the prediction accuracy of the networks by introducing store opening characteristics and subsystem ANN modelling into the overall system model. Once an optimum ANN based predictor has been developed the network can be used for online performance analysis and system diagnostics which may include identi®cation of malfunctions in equipment, maintenance requirements etc. Simple neural nets can be implemented on existing computer based monitoring and control systems at very little extra cost. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the EPSRC for funding this project and Safeway Stores PLC and Elm Ltd who are the industrial collaborators. References [1] J.W. McArthur, E.W. Konar, A.F. Konar, An eective approach for dynamically compensated adaptive control, ASHRAE Transactions 95 (2) (1993) 415±423. [2] A.P. Water®eld, A.P. Norton, B. Norton, Application of parameter identi®cation techniques to monitored and modelled thermal performance data, Proceedings of the 1994 CIBSE Conference, Brighton UK (1994) 66±72. [3] M. Kawashima, C.E. Dorgan, J.W. Mitchell, Hourly thermal load prediction for the next 24 hours by ARIMA, EWMA, LR and an Arti®cial Neural Network, ASHRAE Transactions 101 (1) (1995) 186±200. [4] D.E. Rumelhart, J.L. McClelland, Parallel Distributed Processing Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986. [5] P.D. Wasserman, Neural Computing, Theory and Practice. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1989. 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