Uploaded by Aisha Anwar

GeoGebra Questions & Answers for Class 7

Q 1 What is Open Source Software?
Ans 1- Open source software is generally available free of cost on internet. We can edit source code of
open source software.
Q2. What is Geogebra ?
Ans 2- Geogebra is an open source and dynamic software.
It is used to make geometrical shapes in computer. It is available free of cost on internet.
Q3- Draw diagram of Geogebra Window.
Ans 3.-
Q4- Write the tools used to make a triangle and measure sum of its interior angle in Geogebra?
Ans 4- Tools of Geogebra used area) Point tool
b) Line segment tool
c) Polygon tool
d) Angle tool
e) Input box
Q5 How to save Geogebra file?
Ans 5 – To save file in Geogebra , click on File and go to save option. Geogebra file will be saved with
.gbb extension.
Q 6- Write name of tools of geogebra used to construct equilateral triangle using geometrical properties?
Ans 6- tools used area) Line segment tool
b) Intersect tool
c) Circle with a center
d) Point tool.
Q7 -. What are tools of Geogebra used to construct a square using geometrical properties?
Ans 7- Tools used area) Line Segment tool
b) Perpendicular tool
c) Intersect tool
d) Circle with a center
e) Point tool
Q 8- Name the tools-
Ans 8 - a) select Tool
b) Point tool
c) Line tool
d) Line Segment Tool
e) Angle tool