Consent Form You are invited to participate in this study entitled “Online Class Attendance and its Effect on the Academic Performance of DVOREF’s Grade 12 – HUMMS students”. This study is being conducted by Irish Jovel Baleos, Xylynn Myka Cabanatan, Ruel Mark Cabangisan, Jessel Mae Cafranca, Kezie Giray, Van Christian Jayme, Bryan Anton Maceda, Rhea Mae Quero, and Rembert Philip Santos from ACLC as a part of the class requirement for Practical Research II. We are conducting this study on the effects of online class attendance on the academic performance of DVOREF’s Grade 12 students to determine the correlation and effect of attending online classes to the grades of the students and also the underlying factors and circumstances that influence their attendance. You are being asked to take part in this study because you are in an online mode of learning and you belong to the demographics which this study is directed We aim to determine the effects of online class attendance on the academic performance of the students. The findings of this study will provide data and critical information that will be beneficial to students and parents, as well as teachers and policymakers who will be able to provide solutions and create methods that can encourage students to attend their classes regularly. If you agree to be in this study, we would ask for your full consent for the use of your data (attendance record and grades) for research purposes. We would also ask you to fill out two separate google forms: Evaluation form and Formal Survey form. These forms will help us achieve the objectives of this study. These forms will require less than ten minutes of your time to complete. This study will use an online survey through Google Forms to protect the health and safety of the researchers and the respondents. You are encouraged to join voluntarily and your decision to participate in this study will be paid with respect. If you agree to join, you are free to not answer any question and you can withdraw at any time and all of your responses in this survey will remain anonymous and cannot be linked at you in anyway. No identifying information about you will be collected at any point during the study.