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Solidification Fundamentals: Nucleation, Growth, and Microstructure

Fundamentals of solidification
. Introduction
. Homogeneous nucleation
. Heterogeneous nucleation
. Growth and microstructure
. Summary
There are two types of solicitation
Glass formation: physical properties such as viscosity change smoothly across the solidifying region
Phase transition:some physical properties change abruptly such as viscosity, heat capacity
Temperature vs time in glass solidification and phase transition
Solidification by phase transition is modelled as two stage
Homogeneous nucleation: is responsible for the formation of particles from the Vapor phase
Heterogeneous nucleation: involves the introduction of a foreign phase or surface,, typically the nucleation agent,
for the crystal to grow on
The only difference between homogenous nucleation and heterogenous nucleation is that, homogenous nucleation
occurs away from the surface of the system whereas heterogenous nucleation occurs at the surface of the
No preferred nucleation sites
Random, spontaneous
Those of preferred sites
Boundary, surface, inclusion
Local free energy change
G- energy
Spherical nucleus
✓ volume
Critical radius
Single nucleus
Heterogenous nucleation
Nucleation site
More walls, inclusion, interface, surface, impurity
Growth and microstructure
Outer chilled zones
Microstructure of ingot
Chilled zone
Fine equiaxed grains, pure substance: continuous shell, solution:
particles and particles flushed away from wall into the central
Intermediate columnar zone
Equiaxed grain
Nucleation: supercooling,
falling particles, and
dendrite fragments
Elevated pouring
Temperature: larger equiaxed grains
Structure and properties
Growth and overtaken
More columnar zone
Anisotropic properties: magnetic materials, and turbo blade
More equiaxed zone
Isotropic properties
Less segregation
Anisotropic and isotropic properties
The directionality of properties is termed as anisotropy
The properties that are independent of the direction of measurements are isotropic
Heat treatment
Heating and cooling operation applied to metals and alloys in solid state to obtain the desired properties
Significance of heat treatment
Relieve internal stress, improve ductility, refine grain size, increase hardness and tensile strength, and modify
surface composition and properties
A) Heating the metal part to ensure
uniform heating
Thermal conductivity of treated part
Size and shape of the part
Pre-stressed condition of the part
B) Soaking the metal parts of uniform
temperature for a given time
Depends on chemical composition and mass of
the parts
Intricate shaped parts need soaking and
Preheating: for intricate shaped parts or for large section of part, heating to a high temperature is not gonna
happen in one operation, the part s heated up to a lower temperature just below where the change takes place,
and held at his temperature for some time so that heat is the same throughout that part, and this holding lower
temperature is called preheating
C: cooling a heat metal part in contact with a cooling medium
Controls of rate of cooling depends on the type of metals and alloys and desired properties
Cooling medium: solid(cast iron chips, line, sand,ashes), liquid(water, oil, soda solution), and gas(air)
Heat treatment processes
crystallography is the science that examines the arrangement of atoms in solid
Crystalline/noncrystalline solids
The solid materials may be classified according to the regularity with which atoms or ions are arranged with
respect to one another
A crystalline materials is one in which the atoms are situated in a repeating or periodic away over large atomic
Unit cell
The atomic order in crystalline solids indicates that small groups of atoms form a repetitive pattern
A unit cell is chosen to represent the symmetry of crystal structure
Unit cell is the basic structural unit
When dealing with crystalline materials, it is often becomes necessary to specify some particular crystallographic
plane of atoms or a crystallographic direction
Coordinate system:
A crystallographic direction is defined as a line between two
points, or a vector
Types of imperfection
Point defects
Vacancy atoms
Interstital atoms
Substitutional atoms
Line defects
Area defects
Grain boundaries
Linear defects(dislocation)
Edge dislocation
Screw dislocation
When dislocation move(slip between crystal planes) permanent(plastic) deformation occurs
Edge dislocation
Burgers vector
A measure of lattice distortion
Solidification mechanism
Solidification mechanism
Polycrystalline materials
Grain boundaries
Dislocations are visible in electron microgaphs
Other defects
External surface
Bulk defects
Examining defects
Grains and grain boundaries very considerably in size
Can be large
Large single crystal of quartz
Can be quite small(mm)- generally need to be observed with a microscope
Material failure
Combination of both
Failure by fatigue is the most cause of engineering failure
Fatigue in engineering, microscopic cracking of materials, especially metals, after repeated application of stress
Fatigue occurs most often in moving machinery parts
Characterising fatigue properties:S-N curve
Material exhibiting a fatigue limit: i.e. a stress below which a component will last an infinite number of cycles
A material which does not exhibit a fatigue limit typically non ferrous materials
Creep is the continuous, gradual, permanent, extension of material of material which occurs under a steady force
at high temperature
As the temperature is raised, materials under loads which caused no permanent deformation at low temperature
start to creep
Many structures such as those associated with energy conversion operate at high temperature
High and low temperature that is talked about is dependent on the melting point of the materials
Low temperature creep materials
Lead has a melting point which is low to a point where at room temperature it is about half its absolute melting
Deformation at a constant stress vs time:
Secondary creep rate
An empirical relationships has been developed which relates this strain to stress being applied:
Where k and n are material constant, and n can only vary between 3
and 8
Fracture mechanisms:failure of a pipe
Ductile failure
Brittle failure
Moderately ductile failure
Nature of crack growth
Trans crystalline/trans granular: Growth through the grain, general mechanism are shear or cleavage
Inter crystalline: this type of fracture occurs generally off the grain boundaries are embrittlement by precipitates
or impurity phases
Concentration of stress at crack tip
Ideal vs real materials
Fast fracture
Failure occurs when the stress around an existing crack, flaw or design feature exceeds the critical stress
Crack then grows at the speed of sound through the material
Overall stress level lower than yield stress
Fracture toughness
K= fracture toughness
A property we can measure although
Crack propagation
Basic consideration involves the energy balance in the system
The net energy
Surface energy:U(s)
Elastic strain energy:U(e)
Corrosion is defined as the destruction or deterioration of material
because of reaction with its environment