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Gen Ed Earth Science Review Module with Answers

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/ ► Gen Ed Module 2
Started on
Thursday, 22 August 2019, 6:32 PM
Completed on
Thursday, 22 August 2019, 6:38 PM
Time taken
6 mins 2 secs
10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)
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Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
qaid=49864212&q 0
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This is a rigid shell of the earth which is made up of plates containing the continents and oceans:
Select one:
a. Atmosphere
b. Hydrosphere
c. Stratosphere
d. Lithosphere
Lithos is a greek work which means stone. The lithosphere is the near rigid outer shell of the Earth,
comprising the crust and the uppermost layer of the mantle, and made up of numerous blocks that are
in motion in relative to each other – the plates of plate tectonics theory.
The correct answer is: Lithosphere
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864213&q 0
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The increasing amount of which of the following in the atmosphere contributes to global warming?
Select one:
a. Carbon dioxide
The amount of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing by 0.4% a year because of the use
of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal; the slash-and-burn clearing of tropical forests has also been a
contributing factor in the carbon cycle. This has led to a phenomenon called global warming.
b. Nitrogen
c. Mercury
d. Argon
The correct answer is: Carbon dioxide
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864214&q 0
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Which of the following describes the air during humid days?
Select one:
a. Cold and moist
b. Warm and moist
Humidity is the moisture content of the atmosphere. The atmosphere always contains some moisture in
the form of water vapor, the maximum amount depending on the temperature. The amount of vapor
that will saturate the air increases with a rise in temperature: at 4.4 oC, 454 Kg of moist air contains a
maximum of 2 Kg of water vapor; at 37.8 oC, 1000 lbs of moist air contains a maximum of 18 Kg of water
vapor. When the atmosphere is saturated with water, the level of discomfort is high because the
evaporation of moisture from the body as perspiration, with its attendant cooling effect is impossible.
c. Cold and dry
d. Warm and dry
The correct answer is: Warm and moist
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864215&q 0
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It is the movement of the huge solid rock plates of the Earth:
Select one:
a. Diastrophism
b. All of the above
Diastrophisms are movements of rock plates of the Earth’s crust that result in the formation of the
continents and islands.
c. Weathering
d. Erosion
The correct answer is: All of the above
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864216&q 0
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If the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, what is the season at the north of the equator?
Select one:
a. Fall
b. Summer
If the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, the area north of the equator is exposed more directly to
sunlight. Thus, the season in this area is summer.
c. Winter
d. Spring
The correct answer is: Summer
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864217&q 0
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In a community near a volcano, which rock type is most likely to be found?
Select one:
a. Lava
b. Metamorphic
c. Sedimentary
d. Igneous
Igneous rock is formed by the cooling and subsequent solidification of a molten mass of rock material,
known as magma. Composed almost entirely of silicate minerals, igneous rocks are often classified by
their silica content. The major categories are referred to as acid and basic, with granite and rhyolite
typical of the former, gabbro and basalt the latter.
The correct answer is: Igneous
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864218&q 0
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When a violent storm occurs over the Pacific region, it is termed as:
Select one:
a. Cyclone
b. Typhoon
Hurricane is the name applied to migratory tropical cyclones that originate over oceans in certain
regions near the equator, and particularly to those arising in the West Indian Region, including the
Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane type cyclones in the western Pacific are known as
c. Tornado
d. Monsoon
The correct answer is: Typhoon
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864219&q 0
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Which layer of the atmosphere returns radio and TV broadcasts back to Earth?
Select one:
a. Ionosphere
Ionosphere or Thermosphere, is the name given to a layer or layers of ionized air in the atmosphere
extending from almost 80 km (50 mi) above the surface of the Earth to altitudes of 640 km (400 mi) and
more. At these altitudes the air is extremely thin, having about the density of the gas in a vacuum tube.
The ionosphere exerts a great influence on the propagation of radio signals. Energy that is radiated from
a transmitter upwards towards the ionosphere is in part refracted, or bent downwards again, towards
the surface of the Earth. The bending effect makes possible the reception of radio signals at distances
much greater than would be possible for waves that travelled along the surface of the Earth.
b. Troposphere
c. Exosphere
d. Stratosphere
The correct answer is: Ionosphere
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864220&q 0
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These are rocks formed at the bottom of the sea:
Select one:
a. Igneous
b. Sedimentary
Sedimentary rocks consist of sediments at the bottom of the sea that hardened through time.
c. Magma
d. Metamorphic
The correct answer is: Sedimentary
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864221&q 0
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This is the lowest portion of the atmosphere:
Select one:
a. Stratosphere
b. Exosphere
c. Troposphere
Troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere and the site of all weather processes making
up its climate (weather over long periods of time). It extends up to an altitude of about 11 Km above the
polar zones and to about 16 Km above the equatorial regions. The tropopause forms the boundary
between troposphere and stratosphere.
d. Ionosphere
The correct answer is: Troposphere
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864222&q 0
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These are huge waves that accompany volcanic eruptions and earthquakes under the sea:
Select one:
a. Tidal waves
b. Steambursts
c. Volcanic bombs
d. Tsunamis
Tsunami is the scientific term for a seismic sea wave, a large ocean wave generated by an undersea
earthquake. The wave is thought to be triggered when the ocean floor is tilted or offset during the
quake. Another possible cause is an undersea landslide or volcanic eruption. Tsunamis have erroneously
been called tidal waves, but they have nothing to do with diurnal pattern of high and low tides.
The correct answer is: Tsunamis
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864223&q 0
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Which of the following is an opening of the Earth’s crust?
Select one:
a. Volcano
Volcano is a fissure or vent through which molten rock material, r magma and gases from the interior of
the Earth erupt on to its surface. The processes that create volcanoes and other volcanic structures are
called volcanism or vulcanism. As landforms, volcanoes are formed by the deposition of the magma that
flows or is ejected, normally from one or several circular vents, as molten or solid material.
b. Hill
c. Valley
d. Crater
The correct answer is: Volcano
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864224&q 0
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When molten rock materials are expelled outside the earth’s surface they are termed as:
Select one:
a. Magma
b. Lava
Magma is molten rock beneath the earth’s surface, but molten rock outside the surface is called lava.
c. Dunes
d. Steam
The correct answer is: Lava
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864225&q 0
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Which of the following is true regarding monsoons?
Select one:
a. It causes rainy weather not attributed to tropical cyclones
Monsoons are seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation due to asymmetric heating
of land and sea. Northeast monsoon (Amihan) – blows from November to April causing rainy weather.
Southwest monsoon (Habagat) – blows from May to October causing rainy weather.
b. These are seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation due to asymmetric
heating of mountains and plains
c. The Northeast monsoon blows from November to April causing dry cold weather
d. The Northeast Monsoon blows from May to October causing rainy weather
The correct answer is: It causes rainy weather not attributed to tropical cyclones
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864226&q 0
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Which of the following climate types in the country makes November to April relatively drier than other
parts of the year?
Select one:
a. Two pronounced seasons
b. Rainfall distributed throughout the year
c. No dry season
d. Wet and dry season
November to April is relatively drier than other parts of the year. Two pronounced seasons – dry from
November to April, and wet for the rest of the year. No dry season – wet season throughout but
maximum rainfall is from November to January.
The correct answer is: Wet and dry season
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864227&q 0
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Which of the following is not true regarding the greenhouse effect?
Select one:
a. About 50% of the sun’s energy is absorbed at the Earth’s surface and the rest is reflected by
b. The absorbed energy warms the earth’s surface. The surface of the Earth, warmed to a
temperature around 255 K, radiates infrared heat.
c. Increasing the concentration of the greenhouse gases helps cool the earth’s surface
Increasing the concentration of the greenhouse gases increases the amount of absorption and radiation,
and thereby further warms the earth surface.
d. The heat is absorbed in each layer of the atmosphere through the greenhouse gases.
The correct answer is: Increasing the concentration of the greenhouse gases helps cool the earth’s
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864228&q 0
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According to this theory, the earth initially has one single continent and broke off to several pieces
which became the continents of today:
Select one:
a. Sea floor Spreading Theory
b. Pangaea
c. Continental Drift Theory
According to Alfred Wegener in the Continental Drift Theory, the Pangaea is the single major continent
which broke into two piece (Laurasia and Gondwanaland)
d. Plate Tectonics Theory
The correct answer is: Continental Drift Theory
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864229&q 0
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According to this theory, the universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded
Select one:
a. Nebular Theory
b. Big Bang Model
Big Bang Model – The Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly.
This rapid expansion caused the young universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously
expanding state.
c. Heliocentric Model
d. Plasma Expansion Theory
The correct answer is: Big Bang Model
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864230&q 0
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Complete the statement: All the planets in the solar system ______________.
Select one:
a. Can all maintain life
b. Have the same temperature
c. Are exactly of the same size
d. Revolve around the sun
The general characteristic of a planet is that it revolves around the sun. It is not considered as a planet if
it does not revolve around the sun
The correct answer is: Revolve around the sun
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864231&q 0
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When does solar eclipse occur?
Select one:
a. When the Earth is behind the sun
b. When the Earth is between the moon and the sun
c. When the is between the Earth and the moon
d. When the moon is between the Earth and the sun
During solar eclipse, the moon is between the Earth and the sun. The moon blocks the light from the
sun, casting a shadow on Earth
The correct answer is: When the moon is between the Earth and the sun
Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864232&q 0
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Why is the invention of the telescope so significant?
Select one:
a. Because it brightens the light coming from the stars
b. Because it allows for the observation of objects that are distant
Telescope came from the two Latin words "tele" meaning far and scope (skopos) meaning to see. The
telescope, therefor, is used to see and observe far objects
c. Because it analyes the composition of the planet
d. Because it determines the age of the stars
The correct answer is: Because it allows for the observation of objects that are distant
Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864233&q 0
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Which of the following may not help control floods?
Select one:
a. Construction of flood ways
b. Crop rotation
c. Deforestation
Deforestation te wanton cutting of trees without replacing those that were cut. The roots of the trees
hold the soil to prevent floods. Deforestation therefore, is not a means to control floods
d. Reforestation
The correct answer is: Deforestation
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864234&q 0
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It is the natural transfer of soil and other materials from one place to another:
Select one:
a. Fragmentation
b. Pollination
c. Erosion
Erosion refers to the natural physical and chemical processes by which the soil and the rocks of the
Earth’s crust are continuously abraded and corroded. Most erosion results from the combined activity of
several factors such as heat, cold, gases, water, wind, gravity and plant life.
d. Migration
The correct answer is: Erosion
Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864235&q 0
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The Philippines lies in the region where many volcanoes are active. This region is termed as:
Select one:
a. Ring of Fire
The Philippines is considered one of the countries with many volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. This is
because our country lies in the Pacific Ring of Fire a region of high seismic and volcanic activities that
surruds the basin of Pacific Ocean
b. Wheel of Fire
c. Archipelagic fault line
d. Volcanic Rim
The correct answer is: Ring of Fire
Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864236&q 0
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Where are fossils mostly found?
Select one:
a. Metamorphic rocks
b. Plutonic rocks
c. Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks originated from the sediments of water resources. Fossils are markings of ancient
organisms which are aquatic in nature
d. Igneous rocks
The correct answer is: Sedimentary rocks
Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864237&q 0
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Which of the following may be observed when the moon cannot be seen at all because it passes directly
between the earth and the sun?
Select one:
a. First quarter
b. New Moon
During the new moon phase, the moon is between the earth and the sun, blocking the light from the
sun, during, this phase the moon is not observable
c. Last quarter
d. Full Moon
The correct answer is: New Moon
Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864238&q 0
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Who among the following scientists paved the way for modern exploration by advancing the theory that
planets revolve aound the sun?
Select one:
a. Ptolemy
b. Copernicus
Copernicus was the one who theorized that the sun is the center of the solar system and that all the
planets revolve around the sun.
c. Aristotle
d. Harvey
The correct answer is: Copernicus
Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864239&q 0
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Which of the following is the correct sequence of the eras of the earth's history from the oldest to the
most recent?
Select one:
a. Precambrian, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic
b. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Precambrian, Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian, Mesozoic
d. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
In geologic timetable, it was theorized that the Eart was formed out of nothing. The Precambrian era
described the Earth to be void, with no water, air. Nothing existed. It was followed by Paleozoic era
where unicellular organisms started to exist; Mesozoic era and its Jurassic period, and the latest which is
the Cenozoic era.
The correct answer is: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864240&q 0
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Tropical disturbance are classified as tropical depression, tropical storm or typhoon. The classification is
based on the ________________.
Select one:
a. Origin of formation
b. Amount of rainfall
c. Strength of the accompanying winds
PAGASA classifies the weather disturbances according to the strength of the accompanying winds. The
amount of rainfall is not the basis of classifying weather disturbances.
d. Amount of rainfall and strength of accompanying winds
The correct answer is: Strength of the accompanying winds
Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864241&q 0
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Farmers are advised by agriculturists to plant which of the following crops during El Nino?
Select one:
a. Green leafy vegetables
b. Root crops
Rain is scarce during El Nino. Root crops need less water so they can survive through a season of less
c. Upland rice crops
d. Corn crops
The correct answer is: Root crops
Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864242&q 0
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Question text
The following are effects of deforestation, except:
Select one:
a. Global warming
b. Landslides
c. Pollution
Harmful substances known as pollutants contaminate bodies of water, air or soil causing pollution.
Clearing forests and trees results to flash floods, global warming and landslides
d. Flash floods
The correct answer is: Pollution
Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864243&q 0
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Question text
The factors listed below contributes to the greenhouse effect, except:
Select one:
a. Forest fires
b. Uncontrollable burning of wastes
c. Extensive deforestation
d. Excessive use of detergents
Green house gases in the Earth's atmosphere include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Carbon dioxide is produced during forest fires and burning of wastes. Deforestation clears forests with
trees. Trees use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis so when trees are gone the amount of carbon dioxide
in air from carbon dioxide producing organisms and the other sources will increase. Excessive use of
detergents may cause eutrophication when dumped to bodies of water.
The correct answer is: Excessive use of detergents
Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864244&q 0
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Factories need permits from the DENR before they can operate. This will ensure which of the following?
Select one:
a. Environmental clearance
DENR is the acronym for Department of Environment and Natural Resources. This option pertains to the
viability of having a factory that is cleared from causing any form of hazardous activities to the
b. Pollution prevention
c. Environmental friendliness
d. Viability of the factory
The correct answer is: Environmental clearance
Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864245&q 0
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This property can identify a substance:
Select one:
a. Components
Flag question
b. Color
c. Impact
d. Density
Density is the property of the substance which can identify it. It is the ratio of the mass of a body to its
volume, usually expressed in such units as kilograms per cubic meter, or pounds per cubic foot.
The correct answer is: Density
Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864246&q 0
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Seasons occur because of which of the following?
Select one:
a. Earth's axis is tilted
Because the earth's axis is tilted, the solar radiation received by different parts of the Earth is not the
same. Thus, the temperature of these areas are not also the same. When the North Pole is tilted
towards the sun, the northern hemisphere receives more of the sun's energy and temperature there are
higher. This is the start of summer of the start of the dry season in parts of the northern hemisphere and
the start of winter or wet season in parts of the southern hemisphere.
b. Solar radiation did not reach the surface of the earth
c. The earth revolves around the sun, it also rotates on its axis
d. Earth may be near or far from the sun
The correct answer is: Earth's axis is tilted
Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864247&q 0
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The sun is mostly made of which gas?
Select one:
a. Helium
b. Hydrogen
The sun is a burning fuel and that fuel is hydrogen which is the most comon material in the universe. The
gas is consumed through nuclear fusion in the sun's core wherein four hydrogen gas particles come
together to make a helium nucleus. The sum of the masses of all the particles produced in the reaction is
less than the mass of the original four protons. The lost mass has been converted into energy - the
nuclear energy that powers the sun and eventually radiates out into space.
c. Oxygen
d. Nitrogen
The correct answer is: Hydrogen
Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864248&q 0
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Which of the following elements is most common in the earth's crust?
Select one:
a. Calcium
b. Iron
c. Silicon
Silicon is the most common in the earth's crust. Some of the earth's crust materials come from the
magma beneath it. This magma contains a high percentage of silicon and oxygen. The earth's crust has
88 elements, only a few of which are commonly found in magma. Of all these elements, only eight make
up an essential part of the earth's crust and therefore of most rocks.
d. Aluminum
The correct answer is: Silicon
Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864249&q 0
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Which of the following region of the atmosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation?
Select one:
a. Ionosphere
b. Heterosphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Ozone layer
The ozone layer is a very thin layer which protects life on earth by absorbing harmful ultraviolet
radiation fromt the sun.
The correct answer is: Ozone layer
Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864250&q 0
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The troposphere is considered warmest near the Earth's surface. Which of the following statements best
explains this phenomenon?
Select one:
a. The air is most compressed there by the weight of the atmosphere
b. The earth's surface reradiates solar energy which heats the lower troposphere
Less than half of the sun's energy coming to the earth actually reaches the surface. Most of the radiation
that does strike the earth is absorbed by the surface. The energy is reradiated as infrared radiation
which heats the lower troposphere. The radiation is also called heat energy. The warmer the
troposphere becomes, the more infrared radiation is given off.
c. Radioactive elements in the earth's crust heat atmosphere above the ground
d. Lightning strikes the surface which in turn heats the layer above
The correct answer is: The earth's surface reradiates solar energy which heats the lower troposphere
Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864251&q 0
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Lunar eclipse does not occur each month because:
Select one:
a. The dark side of the moon rarely faces the earth
Flag question
b. The earth is usually between the moon and the sun
c. The moon's orbit is at an angle to the earth's orbit around the sun
The moon's orbit is at an angle to the earth's orbit around the sun
d. The moon rarely comes close enough to the earth
The correct answer is: The moon's orbit is at an angle to the earth's orbit around the sun
Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864252&q 0
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The formation of fog generally occurs after the ground has lost heat by which of the following
Select one:
a. Radiation
Although all four choices contribute to the formatioin of fog, heat loss which eventually leads to fog
formation is greatly caused by radiation. Radiatioin fog forms over land when moist air cools on clear
nights. As the ground and the moist air above it cools rapidly, the dew point is quickly reached as
compared to other fog types. Water vapor then condenses as droplets of fog. Radiation fog often lingers
throughout the early daylight hours until the temperature rises enough to evaporate the moisture
b. Transpiration
c. Convection
d. Evaporation
The correct answer is: Radiation
Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864253&q 0
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The movement of a wind is always from:
Select one:
a. North to south region
b. High pressure region to low pressure region
Air has mass and volume and exerts pressure. In cool air, the molecules move cloer together causing the
air to become denser and to sink. Thus the dense air causes a high pressure area. low pressure areas
may form when air is warmed, causing molecules to move apart and to become less dense. Air moves
from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. This movement of air is caused by density
differences in wind.
c. East to west region
d. Low pressure region to high pressure region
The correct answer is: High pressure region to low pressure region
Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864254&q 0
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Which of the following determines the development of soil in a particular place?
Select one:
a. Presence of plant and animal life
b. All of the above
The climate of an area is the most important factor in determining how soils are formed. Chemical
weathering, which turns rocks into soil, takes place more quickly in climates with high temperatures and
plentiful rainfall. The mineral composition of the rock can affect the rate of weathering as well as the
composition of the soil forms. The mineral composition of the rock can affect the rate of weathering as
well as the composition of the soil. A spadeful of a dark, rich soil will reveal numerous earthworms, ants
and other burrowing animals. The burrowing action of these animals serves to mix the soil and produce
passages through which water and air can pass. Organic wastes from these animals enrich the soil
further, enhancing its quality
c. The type of bedrock
d. Climate
The correct answer is: All of the above
Question 44
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qaid=49864255&q 0
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In evaporation, liquid water molecules becomes:
Select one:
a. Molecules of water vapor
Evaporation is the process by which a liqiod changes into gas. In this process, liquid water molecules
become molecules of water vapor which is the gaseous form of water molecules.
b. Atoms of the hydrogen and oxygen
c. Tiny drops of water
d. Separate atoms of water
The correct answer is: Molecules of water vapor
Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864256&q 0
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According to this theory the earth’s surface consists of plates whose constant motion explains
continental drift, mountain building and occurrence of earthquakes.
Select one:
a. Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics is the theory of global tectonics (Geological structural deformations) that has served as a
master key, in modern geology, for understanding the structure, history and dynamics of the Earth’s
Lithosphere which includes the crust. The theory is based on the observation that the solid layer of the
Earth’s lithosphere is broken up into about a dozen semi-rigid plates. The boundaries of these plates are
zones of tectonic activity, where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions tend to occur.
b. Wegenerian Theory
c. Diastrophism
d. Volcanism
The correct answer is: Plate Tectonics
Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864257&q 0
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The process by which water evaporates from plants is called as:
Select one:
a. Exhalatioin
Flag question
b. Vapor release
c. Advection
d. Transpiration
Through the process of transpiration, more than 90% of the water taken in by plant roots is ultimately
lost to the atmosphere, almost all of it from the leaves. It passes out primarily through the stomata in
the form of water vapor.
The correct answer is: Transpiration
Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864258&q 0
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Which among the following protects living things on Earth from the harmful radiation of the sun?
Select one:
a. Ozone Layer
Ozone is the layer in the atmosphere that serves as a screen from the harmful effects of the sun’s
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Clouds
d. Atmosphere
The correct answer is: Ozone Layer
Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Which of the following exemplifies a solar eclipse?
Select one:
a. The moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and its shadow falls on the Earth
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun and its shadow falls on the
Earth. Although the sun’s diameter is 400 times greater than that of the moon, it is also about 400 times
farther. This makes their diameters apparently the same from the Earth.
b. The sun is between the Earth and the moon and its shadow obscures the latter
c. The Earth is between the moon and the sun
d. The shadow of the Earth blocks the moon
The correct answer is: The moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and its shadow falls on the Earth
Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
qaid=49864260&q 0
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Among the following, which one has the greatest gravitational force?
Select one:
a. Saturn
b. Jupiter
c. Earth
d. Sun
In the solar system, the sun has the greatest gravitational force since it is the most massive among all
the objects in it.
The correct answer is: Sun
Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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qaid=49864261&q 0
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It is the mixture of gases surrounding the Earth:
Select one:
a. Atmosphere
The atmosphere is a mixture of gases surrounding any celestial object that has a gravitational field
strong enough to prevent the gases from escaping. The principal constituents of the atmosphere of the
Earth are Nitrogen (78%) and Oxygen (21%). The other gases making up the Earth’s atmosphere are
Argon, Carbon dioxide, Water vapor and small amounts of Hydrogen, Ozone, Methane, Carbon
monoxide, Helium, Neon, Krypton and Xenon.
b. Lithosphere
c. Hydrosphere
d. Aeropsphere
The correct answer is: Atmosphere
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