BCE3126 – Applied Analog Electronics Lead Instructor Addah Kyarisiima K (Mrs) Dep’t of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) Email: akyarisiima@must.ac.ug Office: 3rd floor, FAST Building, Kihumuro Campus Office hours: Walk-ins, by appointment Other contact times: After the lecture Schedule Lecture Time: Tue 11:00pm -1:00pm & Wed 9:00am – 11:00am Venue: FFS01 Course Outcomes This course assumes that the student has knowledge of the bipolar junction transistor (BJT). Thus, concept of BJT is covered in the first lesson of the course. The first lesson is designed to give an overview of the analysis methods for analog electronics. You will be taught to: Understand the differences between the main types of semiconductor devices and understand their main applications Understandthe basic principlesof some fundamental analogue circuits Design simple analogue circuits using semiconductor devices Recommended Textbooks R. C. Jaeger, Microelectronic Circuit Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996; A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998 NB: You can read beyond these books Assessment Assessment Criteria and Contribution • Progressive Assessment (assignments, practicals, presentations and tests) 40% • Final Exam 60% Assignment Explanations • The assignments will be group assignments. Class support is available on e-mail and on the Learning Management System (LMS) on www.lms.must.ac.ug. Notes, assignments and announcements will occasionally be posted on the LMS. Appointments can be made on email. Walk-ins during working hours are fine too. Deadlines for submission of assignments MUST be met; unless officially adjusted for the whole class. This is an elective. Decide in time. Don’t show up for the test when you’ve not been in attendance. As engineers, we shall use IEEE throughout the course. Etiquette Please switch off your phones or keep them in silence – if you must take a call, do it outside the lecture room. Keep time – if you are late, enter the room quietly without distracting others. Have respect for your classmates – do not unnecessarily interrupt someone who is speaking. You can eat/drink in this class – but quietly & no smelly foods or alcohol. Strictly no sleeping/napping in my classroom – if you are tired or not feeling well, leave the room! Do not make noise – if you must talk to someone, do so but quietly. Questions? BCE 3126: Applied Analogue Electronics Lecture 1 Analogue and digital signals. • A signal is a time-varying quantity whose information content is represented by it’s magnitude as time progresses. • Analogue: These are continuous signals that represent physical measurements varying in signal strength (amplitude) and frequency (time). • Digital: Discrete signals described using binary digits, 0s and 1s. ? Similarities Differences Amplification Amplification is vital in analog electronics. Transducers produce weak signals, in microvolts or millivolt ranges possessing little energy. A signal amplifier is used to increase the weak signal’s magnitude for better processing. Amplifier characterization Linear amplifier vo is output signal, vi is Input signal A is a constant, represents Amplifier Gain Amplification should produce the exact replica of input except for magnitude or the amplification contains non-linear distortion. • These are voltage amplifiers, operating on small inputs. e.g. pre-amplifier in home stereo system. • Transfer characteristic of linear voltage amplifier with Voltage gain Av. Voltage amplifier with input voltage vI GAIN Voltage gain, Av = (vo/vi)……………………………………………….....(i) Power gain, Ap = load power(PL)/Input Power (PI) = (voio/viii)………………………………………………(ii) Current gain, Ai=(io/ii)………………………………………………….(iii) Ap = Av Ai (from equations (i) to (iii)). Gain Units: no units or decibels (dB). Voltage gain 20 log|Av| dB Current gain: 20 log |Ai| dB Power Gain: 10 log Ap dB Basic circuit analysis techniques Pd, Voltage division, current division, nodal voltage and mesh current analysis Potential Difference • Voltage difference between any two points in a circuit. • Also known as the p.d or Voltage Drop, and it is the difference between these two points that makes the current flow. • Ohm’s Law states that for a linear circuit, the current flowing through it is proportional to the potential difference across it • so - the greater the p.d across any two points, the bigger the current flowing through it (V = I x R). • The voltage at any point in a circuit is always measured with respect to the earth, generally 0V. Everything is referenced to that common point in a circuit. The unit of potential difference is the Volt 1 volt = 1 amp x 1 ohm (V = I x R). pd. • As the units of p.d are volts, it is mainly called voltage. • Voltages connected in series can be added together to give us a “total voltage” sum of the circuit • Voltages across components that are connected in parallel will always be of the same value. pd.. Example: Calculate the current flowing through a 10Ω resistor that has one of its terminals connected to 50 volts and the other terminal connected to 30 volts. • Voltage at terminal A is equal to 50V and the voltage at terminal B is equal to 30V. • the voltage across the resistor is given as: VA = 50V, VB = 30V, therefore, • VA – VB = 50 – 30 = 20V the current flowing through the resistor is given as: I = VAB ÷ R = 20V ÷ 10Ω Voltage Division • By connecting resistors in series across a p.d, we can produce a voltage divider circuit giving ratios of voltages with respect to the supply voltage across the series combination as shown in this circuit and given by the voltage divider formula: Where, V(x) is the voltage to be found, R(x) is the resistance producing the voltage, RT is the total series resistance and VS is the supply voltage. • Voltage Divider networks are only produced by resistors connected in series. Voltage Division.. Example: The four resistors of values R1 = 10Ω, R2 = 20Ω, R3 = 30Ω and R4 = 40Ω are connected across a 100V DC supply. Using the voltage division formula, calculate the voltage drops at points P1, P2, P3 and P4 within the series chain. The voltage drops at the various points are calculated as shown above Voltage Division.. Example: The four resistors of values R1 = 10Ω, R2 = 20Ω, R3 = 30Ω and R4 = 40Ω are connected across a 100V DC supply. Using the voltage division formula, calculate the individual voltage drops across each resistor within the series chain. The individual voltage drops across each resistor are calculated as shown above Current Division • Current Division is only possible with resistors connected in parallel. • When current flows through more than one parallel paths, each of the paths shares a portion of the total current depending on the impedance of that path. • The portion of total current shared by any of the parallel paths can easily be calculated if the impedance of that path and the equivalent impedance of the parallel system are known to us. • The rule or formula derived from these known impedances to know the portion of total current through any parallel path is known as current division rule. Nodal Voltage Analysis Nodal voltage analysis uses the “Nodal” equations of Kirchhoff’s first law to find the voltage potentials around the circuit. By adding together all nodal voltages, the net result will be equal to zero. Then, if there are “n” nodes in the circuit there will be “n1” independent equations and these are sufficient to solve the circuit. At each node point write down the KCL equation, that is: “the currents entering a node are exactly equal in value to the currents leaving the node” then express each current in terms of the voltage across the branch. For “n” nodes, one node will be used as the reference node and all the other voltages will be referenced or measured with respect to this common node. More direct than branch equations Fewer equations to solve Choose one node as reference Express all variables in terms of node voltages Solution is set of node voltages w.r.t. chosen reference node • Solution completely defines the circuit • • • • • Nodal Voltage Analysis: The Concept. • Every circuit has n nodes with one of the nodes being designated as a reference node. • We designate the remaining n – 1 nodes as voltage nodes and give each node a unique name, vi. • At each node we write Kirchhoff’s current law in terms of the node voltages. • We form n-1 linear equations at the n-1 nodes in terms of the node voltages. • We solve the n-1 equations for the n-1 node voltages. • From the node voltages we can calculate any branch current or any voltage across any element. Nodal Analysis: Concept Illustration: v1 v2 v3 R4 R2 R1 I R3 reference node Partial circuit used to illustrate nodal analysis. V1 V2 R2 V1 R1 V1 R3 V1 V3 R4 I Recall: Electric current flows from higher electric potential to lower electric potential. As we know that current flows from positive terminal to negative terminal Nodal Voltage Analysis…. Given the following circuit. Set-up the equations to solve for V1 and V2. Also solve for the voltage V6. R2 v1 v2 R3 R5 + R1 I1 V1 R1 R2 V2 V1 R3 R4 V1 V2 R3 V2 R4 v6 _ I1 V2 R5 R6 0 R6 Nodal Voltage Analysis…. Consider circuit: the following Since Va = 10V and Vc = 20v , Vb can be found as: In the above circuit, node D is chosen as the reference node and the other three nodes are assumed to have voltages, Va, Vb and Vc with respect to node D. For example: Exercise: Solve for V1 and V2 for the circuit below. 2A v1 v2 5 10 20 4A Mesh Current Analysis… • Uses KVL • Just like nodal voltage analysis, this method makes solving large circuits easier. Consider the circuit from before: Answer: I1 = - 0.143 ; I2 = - 0.429 Mesh Current Example Vs1 Ra Rb + va - + vb - I1 Rc + vc I 2 - Vs2 KVL at Mesh 1: 0 Vs1 va vc KVL at Mesh 2: 0 vc vb Vs 2 Using Ohm’s Law: Vs1 Ra I1 Rc I1 I 2 Vs 2 Rc I1 I 2 Rb I 2 Vs1 Ra Rb + va - + vb - I1 Rc + vc I 2 - Vs1 Ra Rc V R c s2 Vs2 Rc I1 Rb Rc I 2 Above linear equations can be solved for mesh currents I1 and I2. 6 120 V KVL at Mesh 1: KVL at Mesh 2: I124 8 I2 64 V 0 120 6 I1 24 I1 I 2 0 64 24 I 2 I1 8 I 2 120 30 24 I1 I1 6 A Solve: 64 24 32 I I 2.5 A 2 2 First group assignment 1. Group yourselves. (Class president email me the groups by Monday) – 5 people per group..about 8 groups. 2. Pick any 1 unsolved example that requires Mesh Current Analysis & 1 example that requires Nodal Voltage Analysis. 3. Present the solution as a group on Tuesday. 4. This will be graded out of 10.