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A Response to Support Student Relationships

A Response to Support Student Relationships
Student Name:
Instructor Affiliation:
Positive and trusting connections are required to attain meaningful and long-term success
with students with emotional and behavioral disorder (EBD) problems. With the help of trusted
and acquainted adults, strategies and tactics should be customized to the needs of each student.
In the classroom, minimizing any negative responses and behaviors should ensure success.
Behavioral techniques have been the subject of several in-depth research. If applied correctly,
such behavioral approaches can help students improve their conduct to study and advance
In contrast to using sanctions to deter inappropriate behavior, effective behavioral
strategies employ tactics and measurements that minimize negative behaviors from occurring.
On the other hand, students respond to behavioral approaches differently, and a method that
works for one individual may not work for others (Jones et al., 2016). As a result, this report
examined a list of established responsibilities and duties of special education behavioral
paraprofessionals supporting students with EBD, two extra responsibilities and tasks related to
students with EBD, and a summary of an occasion entailing a student EBD.
Paraprofessionals supporting students with EBD should be adaptable and have a variety of
proactive behavioral management strategies to use in classrooms.
Part 1
The basis upon which all subsequent ideas rely, the glue holding learning and teaching
altogether, and the starting point of re-education involve trust between a student and a special
education behavioral paraprofessional. Negative interactions between paraprofessionals and
students have negative consequences. According to studies, whenever a negative influence
occurs in preschool, the ramifications might be shown in academics and conduct to higher
learning levels (Mitchell et al., 2018). Early interventions and engagement with supportive
instructors, paraprofessionals, and administration encourage development and positive impacts.
Excellent academic achievement is linked to instructors who are helpful and encouraging.
Friendly and welcoming of their learners, a secure and supportive classroom, and
demonstrating respect and listening to students are some instances of emotional support from
behavioral paraprofessionals towards learners with EBD. According to Jones et al. (2016),
building rapport and trust is essential for classroom management and students' compliance with
educational needs. Students who trust their teachers and behavioral paraprofessionals had
reduced rates of noncompliance in the classroom.
Similarly, when noncompliance is low, violent behaviors would be low once classroom
hostility is minimal. According to Mitchell et al. (2018), students who have been emotionally
encouraged and nourished in their relationships are more likely to participate in academic and
social activities. Mathematical skills and personal motivation in learning improve due
to participation in educational and social activities. Offering learners with emotional and
behavioral disorders with a framework or foresight of loving relationships, assisting such
students in developing a sense of being able to trust and become trusted, and helping them
to establish a sense of hope for the future are all examples of practical support. EBD learners
require intervention that fosters trust, safety, and consistency in their relationships with
educators. Special education behavioral paraprofessionals and general instructors should
communicate plainly and effectively with such students (Allday et al., 2012). Special education
behavioral paraprofessionals who visit, communicate, and demonstrate approaches that convey
caring, respect, and confidence to students with emotional and behavioral difficulties minimize
aggressiveness and increase learning abilities.
To succeed in classroom learning and personal development, students with emotional and
behavioral issues require instructors who exhibit the following characteristics: classroom with a
caring and respectful atmosphere, discipline that is not based on threats or punishment, and
discipline that is not based on threats or punishment experience (Allday et al., 2012). Equally,
effective special education behavioral paraprofessionals supporting students with EBD should
build relationships to the family, life, and culture of their learners, develop connections to the
family, life, and culture of their learners' classroom routine and provide instructions and
objectives conveyed in a clearly - defined manner (Zoder-Martell et al., 2019). Controlling and
managing the classroom with the willingness to help with assignments and double-check that
students met all required assignments. Instructors can work in a variety of vocations and
capacities to serve students with EBD, taking an interest in the activities of the students; for
example, educators and supporters are welcome to participate in a sporting event, a play, or other
A crucial behavioral strategy is establishing consistent routines. Routines offer learners
specified ways to complete particular school activities. The basis of an influential teaching
profession is for educators to understand how to install and enforce common patters with their
learners and to demonstrate a generally good classroom management strategy. As per ZoderMartell et al. (2019), teachers build patterns in three primary areas: room utilization, group work
methods, and classroom transitions. The arrangement of materials and resources, the usage of the
facilities, and transiting between educational processes and centers are just a few of the routines
developed for room utilization. Second, practices contain requirements for how learners will start
and end their learning tasks throughout group work. Third, transitional patterns in and out of the
classrooms are approaches for how learners begin the school session, leave, return to classrooms,
and end the school day.
Whenever students use the recorded self-monitoring of behaviors technique, they track
how often they practice certain targeted activities. The positive behavioral method of
documented self-monitoring of behaviors is exceptionally beneficial to learners with EBD. This
method has the benefit of teaching learners how to assess and promote their performance in the
classroom (Bambara & Kern, 2021). The process of tangible gathering and tabulation of
behavioral responses makes learners aware of their behavioral patterns whenever they selfmonitor their behavior. This method is incredibly adaptable, and it can be used to either boost
good or decrease negative behaviors.
It is unthinkable to dedicate behavioral instructors and paraprofessionals that their pupils
do not have access to the resources they require to make progress. Furthermore, educating
learners with EBD is not only financially costly, but it is also emotionally challenging. It is
thus critical that such professionals acquire emotional support to avoid becoming discouraged. It
is equally vital that all paraprofessionals receive specialized training. Teachers and
paraprofessionals working with students with EBD should access the resources required for
behavioral adjustments to become a reality, not just a possibility.
Part 2
Students are frequently confronted with distressing and anxiety-provoking circumstances
in class. According to Bambara and Kern (2021), hateful feedback and mental breakdowns or
outbursts are symptoms of improper conduct, and anxiousness manifests as clinched hands or
fists, quivering limbs, or wild gestures. Signals like this should prompt teachers to respond in a
constructive, safe, and gentle way. The goal is to provide the learner the ability to control their
behavior and emotions.
The witnessed event involved a student who had just received his math test back and
discovered that he had failed. The student was visibly distressed. The student proceeded to
another classroom, slammed the door and the desktop before tossing his backpack and
belongings on the desk. The teacher has two options in such an incident: give in to the unpleasant
conduct, respond in kind, or take care of the situation.
When there is a co-teacher or paraprofessional in the classroom, I would
recommend asking the student to walk out and cool down in another classroom or the hallway.
Because the teacher has the student at the school and is acquainted with the emotional responses,
the teacher could be ready for de-escalation practices, including a warm-up exercise. The learner
will be able to relax as a result of the warm-up routine. To reduce nervousness, the class may
start with some breathing exercises. Slowly divert the students' attention to how they feel and the
problem that is causing the outbursts. The student would express himself in a comfortable and
trustworthy setting when they received positive feedback from a concerned instructor. If the
instructor cannot help the learner, the instructor could provide some strategies to the student.
Physical and ambulatory restrictions are contentious practices that most schools have
employed to handle hostile student behavior. When the student displays violent behavior, it is
recommended to use ambulatory or physical restrictions (Allday et al., 2012). Whenever one or
more staff members apply their bodies to limit a student's bodily movement in an attempt to reestablish behavioral control and to create a safe for the student, their peers, and personnel, this is
known as physical restraint (Garwood et al., 2017). Although there are no standardized
mechanisms to track the usage of restraint procedures across nations effectively, certain
countries have started to follow their use in academic settings.
From a leadership perspective, a behavioral-specific praise approach could be applied to
the situation to reinforce positive behavior and conduct for students predisposed to EBD.
According to studies, instructor involvement in praise can help students behave more
appropriately (Smith et al., 2011). While generic praise-to-correction ratios have been
recommended, no standard has been developed regarding how many behavioral-specific praises
should be delivered in response to learners' behaviors (Van Loan & Garwood, 2019). It is,
however, been proven that there is a link between instructor praise and EBD students'
inappropriate behavior. According to such research, increasing the use of behavioral specific
praise resulted in higher student involvement, whereas decreasing the use of behavioral specific
praise resulted in lower student participation and more dysfunctional behaviors (Allday et al.,
2012). The application of contingent specific praise may aid in creating an excellent educational
setting and increasing student activity participation, significantly limiting the emergence of
disruptive behaviors.
Equally, deploying the teacher training package would effectively minimize the
reoccurrence of disruptive behaviors from EBD students and enable teachers to prepare for
handling such cases in the future. Markelz et al. (2018) prove that presenting definitions,
instances, and chances for teachers to create goals is a successful approach to training.
Performance feedback is also essential for supporting the use of behavior-specific praise by
teachers. With the training package, instructors can receive training and feedback that is more
readily available in their classrooms, rather than waiting for daily feedback (Smith et al., 2011).
Offering general educational instructors a brief, 30-minute session that includes self-selected
objectives and performance evaluation sent every three days through email can help increase the
use of behavior-specific praise provided to all students.
Lastly, through the leadership prospect, provision of inclusive classroom activities for
learners with or those subjected to the EBD risk could significantly minimize the reoccurrence of
disruptive conduct within school settings. Research has been undertaken on children with or at
risk for EBD in integrated environments and the impact of BSP in contexts other than the regular
classroom settings (Smith et al., 2011). However, it is critical to give general education teachers
practical skills that might effectively affect learners' conduct, as direct observations revealed that
task participation in the regular general education classroom varied from 75% to 85%
(Weinstein, 2019). According to the findings of such studies, learners with or at risk of EBD in
general education settings can have on-task behavior patterns compared to their non-disabled
peers. Furthermore, the findings of these studies demonstrate that behavior specific praise can be
used in general classroom settings for learners with EBD. As a result, learners with or at risk of
EBD do not require an overwhelming quantity of individualized appreciation to improve their
Instructors should be prepared to respond constructively to difficult emotional and
behavioral situations. According to reports, the most stressful and challenging aspect of a
teacher's job is dealing with EBD students' troublesome conduct. Behavior-specific praise is a
helpful method for teachers. This strategy provides pupils with praise comments that
immediately define the behavior to be appreciated. According to studies, behavior-specific praise
promotes activity and task accomplishment, correct scholarly responses, and on-task behaviors.
To assist instructors in classrooms, training on these and other tactics is required. On the other
hand, learners with EBD can benefit from effective interventions that support instructors and
students altogether.
Allday, R. A., Hinkson-Lee, K., Hudson, T., Neilsen-Gatti, S., Kleinke, A., & Russel, C. S.
(2012). Training general educators to increase behavior-specific praise: Effects on
students with EBD. Behavioral Disorders, 37(2), 8798. https://doi.org/10.1177/019874291203700203
Bambara, L. M., & Kern, L. (2021). Individualized supports for students with problem
behaviors: Designing positive behavior plans (2nd ed.). Guilford Publications.
Garwood, J. D., Van Loan, C. L., & Werts, M. G. (2017). Mindset of paraprofessionals serving
students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 53(4), 206-211. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053451217712958
Markelz, A. M., Scheeler, M. C., Taylor, J. C., & Riccomini, P. J. (2018). A review of
interventions to increase behavior specific praise. Journal of Evidence Based Practice for
Schools, 17(1), 67-87.
Mitchell, B. S., Kern, L., & Conroy, M. A. (2018). Supporting students with emotional or
behavioral disorders: State of the Field. Behavioral Disorders, 44(2), 7084. https://doi.org/10.1177/0198742918816518
Smith, C. R., Katsiyannis, A., & Ryan, J. B. (2011). Challenges of serving students with
emotional and behavioral disorders: Legal and policy considerations. Behavioral
Disorders, 36(3), 185-194. https://doi.org/10.1177/019874291003600304
Van Loan, C. L., & Garwood, J. D. (2019). Facilitating high-quality relationships for students
with emotional and behavioral disorders in crisis. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 55(4), 253-256. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053451219855740
Weinstein, A. (2019). Use of behavior-specific praise to improve learning outcomes in inclusive
classrooms (Doctoral dissertation).
Zoder-Martell, K. A., Floress, M. T., Bernas, R. S., Dufrene, B. A., & Foulks, S. L. (2019).
Training teachers to increase behavior-specific praise: A meta-analysis. Journal of
Applied School Psychology, 35(4), 309338. https://doi.org/10.1080/15377903.2019.1587802