Topic [HL] Evaluate /Discuss the influence of digital technology on the reliability of cognitive process Criterion A & B • • • • • We know that experience shapes neuronal connections through neuroplasticity Since humanity is becoming increasingly exposed to digital technology, it would be reasonable to assume that the brain and cognitive processing undergo some changes as well. There is research to show that interaction with digital technology can improve as well as impede cognitive processing skills: in this essay, the effects of digital technology on cognitive processes will be evaluated/discussed by looking at 2 phenomena, video games and multitasking Video games, visuospatial coordination. Research suggests that playing video games that involve rapid visuospatial coordination may enhance related skills in performing reallife tasks as well as tasks in wider context not immediately related to the tasks performed in game. Induced media multitasking, attention & focus. switching back and forth between various tasks rather than focusing on 1 task at a time, induced by technology – this can have a detrimental effect on attention and focus, resulting in lower academic achievment Criterion C&D Criterion D Conclusion Rosser et al (2007) Aim: Investigate the effect of video games on surgery performance of laporoscopic surgeons Participants: • 33 laparoscopic surgeons, Method/Procedure: 1. Surgical skills measured with standardized surgical drills 2. Video game mastery measured through playing games Results • Video game mastery highly correlated w/ performing surgical drills faster & fewer errors • Video game players had better results that non-players Rosser et al (2007) Correlational study Some participants might have done surgical drills before which allows them to be better (random assignment could have negated this factor) Very specific situation, need to study on wider domain than Surgery. Rossen et al. (2013) Ecological Validity Good Technology use is self reported – susceptible to demand characteristics, memory distortion. Used trained student observers who were comfortable with participants reduced demand characteristics? There is evidence to show beneficial and detrimental effects of digital technology on our cognitive processes. However, as rapid advances are made in digital technology and as it increasingly permeates our lives, more research needs to be done to determine whether the effects are good or bad overall Rosen et al. (2011) Aim: Investigate the effect of digital tech distraction on memory recall Participants: • 185 college students Method/Procedure: • P watch video lecture while receiving text messages (small, medium, large) • P tested on lecture content Results • More text messages received correlated to worse performance on test • P who respond to text messages strategically did better than who immediately responded to every single message Topic [HL] Evaluate /Discuss the influence of digital technology on emotion and cognition Criterion A & B • • • • There is research to show that interaction with digital technology can improve as well as impede cognitive processing skills: in this essay, the effects of digital technology on cognitive processes will be evaluated by looking at 2 phenomena, video games and induced media multitasking. In the context of digital technology, emotion and cognition can be considered using the example of empathy, which has both emotional and cognitive components Claim: Digital technology reduces empathy. There has been a decline in empathy scores in tests - researchers have linked this decline to the appearance of social networking websites. Counterclaim: Different types of digital activity have different effects on empathy. Some digital activities provide opportunities for the development of virtual empathy and predict increased face-to-face communication; these activities are associated with higher real-world empathy Criterion C&D Konrath et al. (2011) Aim: To examine changes in empathy scores in US college students over time Participants: • 72 us college students Procedure: • Cross temporal meta-analysis • Correlational study • P completed a Interpersonal Reactivity Index (self report measure of empathy Results: • The more recent the generation of the student, the lower the score on empathic concern and perspectivetaking. • Dramatic change from 2000-2009 – same time as the rise of social media and cell phones Carrier et al. (2015) Aim: Investigate the relationship between digital activities, virtual empathy and real world empathy. Participants: • 1726 p born in digital era (1980+) Method: • Correlational study • Anonymous online questionnaire • Collect information on daily media usage and empathy scores • Emotional and cognitive components of empathy were measured Results • High empathy score for face-to-face communication • Opposite was true for gaming Criterion D Conclusion - - - - Large sample size, generalizable to population Sampling bias Self-reporting – open to memory distortion, demand characteristics, peak-andeffect Individualistic culture – cross-cultural validity? Correlational study, doesn’t account culture? Temporal validity Low predictive validity - - Continued research has led to consensus: It is generally believed that it is not digital technology that influences empathy, but the way technology is used. If online communication is used for supporting existing friendships, it can produce positive effects-we will be exposed to more personal stories, share more with each other both online and offline, leading to enhanced mutual understanding and perspective-taking. On the other hand, activities not associated with face-to-face communication (e.g. gaming) can negatively affect empathy scores