Reading the text about scaffolding language and learning has refreshed my understanding of scaffolding as providing supports so the learner can reach beyond their current level of independent performance. It has also reinforced the analogy of a temporary structure while constructing a building -- scaffolding is the strategic use of temporary supports while we raise autonomous, resourceful, lifelong learners. My new thinking is related to delineating and articulating the components of a lesson, especially the rationale for specific scaffolding. Scaffolding, to me, has become somewhat intuitive, and I automatically draw on background knowledge and experience of “what works,” and I am working to use a more academic, systematic process of explicitly identifying all the parts and analyzing how they fit together. CMS has adopted the EL Ed Curriculum, and has mandated implementation of the lessons with fidelity. Last year, I saw many teachers taking the content and making it their own to fit the needs of their students. Remote learning has forced further adapting, especially since direct, synchronous time is limited to 30 minutes per class. My 8th grade ELA PLC works together to preview, analyze, and adapt the lessons for our students’ particular needs. The “original” lessons are very detailed with many links of accompanying materials, and the district has provided some amplifications for English learners. We often comment on how these shouldn’t even be labeled as “EL,” since they are relevant to the needs of many of our students -- and sometimes they are beneficial to ALL the students. I have highlighted 2 parts of the EAL tpa lesson plan template that I’m focusing on as I’m reading and reflecting: the daily language objective and the language supports. The language objective encompasses so much -- content objective, language functions, linguistic competencies, academic vocabulary and language demands. It pulls so much information together and then can be crafted into a seemingly simple statement that clarifies how language instruction is integrated with the content, and tells how students will process the learning and how they will show their understanding. I want to use this as a starting point when I’m working with teachers to develop and use language supports, and I am starting by adding a space for “Language Objective” on the template.