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s parametr

What is a microwave network
• A microwave network is formed when several
microwave devices such as
Amplifiers etc
Are coupled together by transmission line or
waveguide for the desired transmission of
microwave signal
Network ports
• What is the difference between the port of
low frequency network and microwave
frequency network ?
For low frequency network a port is a pair
of terminals where as for a microwave
network a port is reference plane
transverse to the length of microwave
transmission line
Network Parameters
• Z, h, Y and ABCD parameters are difficult
to measure for microwave network
because at microwave frequencies the
physical length of the component or line is
comparable to or much greater than the
• so the voltage and current are not well
defined at a given point for a microwave
Why Z, Y,h and ABCD parameters are
difficult to measure for MW circuit ?
• 1) Non- availability of terminal voltage and
current measuring equipment
• 2) Short circuit and open circuits are not
easily achieved for a wide range of
• 3) Presence of active devices makes the
circuit unsuitable for short and open circuit
Properties of S - Parameters
• a) Zero diagonal elements for perfect
matched network
For an ideal N-port network with matched
termination sii= 0 since there is no reflection
from any port
so under perfect matched conditions the
diagonal elements of [S] are zero
Properties ….
b) Symmetry of [S] for a reciprocal network
A reciprocal device has the same
transmission characteristics in either
direction of a pair of ports is
characerized by a symmetric matrix
Sij = Sji ( i not equal to j)
• C) Unitary property for a lossless junction
For any lossless network the sum of the
products of each term of any row or of any
column of the S matrix multiplied by its
conjugate is unity
If all
d) Phase shift property
Complex S-parameters of a
network defined with respect to
the positions of the port or
reference planes
Device S
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For unprimed reference planes the S –parameters have
definite complex values
 S11
S   
 S 21
S12 
S 22 
Phase shift property cont..
If reference planes 1 and 2
are shifted outward to 1’
and 2’ by electrical phase
Device S
1  1l1
2   2l 2
The new S matrix is given by
 j1
S 
 0
 
0 
S 
 j 2 
e 
S parameters for some microwave
Wave guide sections
The S-Matrix for
ideal sections are
0 1 
S    
1 0
S Matrix for 3 – port networks
• Wave guide tees are three port
components. They are used to
connect a branch or sections of the
waveguide in series or parallel with
the main waveguide transmission line
for providing means of splitting and
also of combining power in a
waveguide system
Two basic types of Tees
• E-plane T
• H-plane T
S-parameters of E-plane and Hplane -T
 S11
S   S12
 S13
S 23
S13 
S 23 
S33 
Because of the
symmetry Sij = Sji
E-plane T
S31 = S13= - S23 = -S32
 1/ 2
 1/ 2
1 / 2
ai = incident power
bi = reflected power
I/p power =o/p power
(1  S33 )  2 S13
If S33 =0 ,
S13 = 1/ 2
1/ 2
1/ 2
1/ 2
1/ 2 
1/ 2 
0 
H-plane Tee
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In a H-plane tee if two waves are
fed into port 1 and port 2 of the
collinear arms the output wave at
port 3 will be in phase and
Reversely an input wave at port 3 will be equally divided into port1
and port 2 in phase.
 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 
S     1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 
1 / 2 1 / 2
S- matrix of a power divider
Directional Coupler
The coupling factor is defined as:
S-parameters of DC
• Insertion Loss (IL) = 10*log(P1/P2)=20*log(S21)
• Coupling Factor (CF) = 10*log(P1/P4)=20*log(S41)
• Isolation (I) = 10*log(P1/P3) = -20*log(S31)
• Directivity (D) = 10*log(P4/P3)=
- 20*log(S31/S41)
Hybrid -T
Several Losses in Microwave
• The losses in a microwave circuit can be
expressed in terms of S-parameters
Insertion Loss
Pi = Power fed at Port 1; Pr = Power reflected at the same port
Losses …
Transmission Loss
or Attenuation (dB)
Reflection Loss
Losses ..
Return Loss (dB)