www.frenglish.ru www.frenglish.ru ENGLISH FOR TODAY'S WORLD with WORKBOOK JOAN SASLOW ALLEN ASCHER With Tp Notch Pop Songs and Karaoke by Rob Morsberger www.fren www.fren lish.ru lish.ru ABOUT THE AUTHORS Joan Saslow Joan Saslow has taught in a variety of programs in South America and the United States She is author or coauthor of a number of widey used courses, some of which are Ready to Go Workplace Plus, Literacy Plus and Summit. She is also author of Englsh in Context, a series for reading science an technology. Ms Sslow was the series director of True Colors and True Voices She has participated in the English Language Specialist Program in the US Deprtment of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Aairs Allen Ascher Allen Ascher has been a teacher an teacher trainer in China and the United States as well as acaemic iretor of the intensive English program at Hunter College Mr Ascher has also been an ELT publisher and was responsible for publication and expansion of numerous well-known courses including True Colors NorthStar the Longman TOEFL Preparation Series and the Longman Academic Writing Series He is coauthor of Summit, and he wrote the "Teaching Speaking module of Teacher Development Interacti an online multimedia teachertraning program. Ms Saslow an Mr Ascher are frequent presenters at pofessional conferences and have been coauthoring courses for teens, adults, and young adults since 2002 AUTHORS' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T he authors are indebted to these reviewers, who provided extensive and detailed feedback and suggestions for The p Notch as well as the hundreds of teachers who completed surveys an participate in focus groups Mael Wls lvarad Mles Quito, Ecuo• rraa Guyqui, Ecuo• Ecuo• av rd hrle d Otm Uniit, yogo, Jpn • Rz• Rz • Ralh ras iom iom Ct61ic, im, Vaessa de drade CCBEU Int Amicno, Pu• Pu • Mra le Fti Uniit , Itnu, Itnu, Cuiti, Bi• Bi• Mel rrazla CBA, Snt Tuky• sald rrez POUEX, Cu Boii• Boii• Mar ra Pocincy So Guj, Guj , xico xico• • aa Hashsh o E ngi, So Puo, Bi• d ell Otm UniYity, yg, pn• la Lrea POUEX, Guj, xio • Mar l, Herdez de rs CAUSAC, Gutm CBA Cocm, Boii• Boii• Mara lzabeh Ci, Gutm• Gutm• e Hll Sigkuin UniYity a Pocincy Soo o Engi, So Puo, Sim-kn, Jpn • a Hra Niii Bi• aela rsa ra al Quit, Gkkn Compny, COO Juku, Jpn• Jpn• esse Ecuo• laa abel L. a ACAA, Ha Ntion Cnt Uni Yit, Toyun, no, Agntin• Agntin• s Hber alder Tiwn• Tiwn • r harles es S UniYity of Daz CAUSA Gutm Cit, Gutm• Gutm• Tcnoogy, Sou, Sout Ko• he Mara eresa alees se i Ct61ic, iwn• • sa reer Tjn Uniity, Pingtug , Tiwn , u • sher Mara arb Males Qui, Em CES, Sn Fio, USA• USA• a Maa d Ecuo• re Wash rdeas asll la rre are ICPA Cicyo, Pu• Pu• Quito, Ecuo • rdra adra arrera ara r Leasre Cu-Ang Uniit, Sou, U Cputp xico t, xco• Vva Sout Ko• Ko• lear Le Sooow UniYit, de ssa as arl S pum in, Po Tipi, Tiwn• h L (ella L) Fooyin Ag, Bi• Bi• er Colombo era UniYit, Koiung, Tiwn• Tiwn• ha L Si Bogot, Coomi• Coomi• ve Fti Uniity, in UniYt, Tipi, Tiwn• Tiwn• Lda L Ttng Itnu, Tuky• De sers CBA, Tij, nti o cnooy, Tiwn• Tiwn• rse Ldbl, Boii• Boii • al r i i Unit, Tokyo, Emy CES, Sn Fio, USA• ar Davd Jpn• leada Daz Loo, E Cu, Aquip, Lz Lah Quit, Ecuo• De Lz Pu• Pu • ess . Daz s Fi Ntion asara, iom Ct61i, im, Pu• el Cog, imi, USA• USA• Mara d eevva CBA, Maled Kni Gii Uniity, Ok, Jpn• Jpn• Boii• Boii • ala lvra Rdrez sza draa Mars iom Ct6ic, im, Pu• De Ls Mers Guyqui, Ecu• Ecu• Mara Rb MMrra Pn Nti Un, Bn, rela srada Vsez CAUSA Gutm Sut Ko• Ko• la eda onon ngug Ct, Gutm• Gutm• h eldeld Cog of nt, on, Cn• Cn• a arls Mz Engining, Nion Uniit, Aiuwkmtu-i, Amcn S y, ogot, Coomi• Coomi• r Jpn• Marle Hbla lres rzar Mr Otm Unii:·, yogo, Jpn • dr CAUSAC Gutm Cit, Gutm• Gutm• zal seba arvez ahe Cunc, Ecuo• re CBA, Suc, Boii• Boii• drea redrs eelds Toky UniYity Fcuty of Emy CES, Sn Fco, USA• USA• ra alles Ecomi Tky, Jp• Jp• a rsa ha elez U Tpn, xico t, ico• ico• CCBEU Int Amcno Cuti, Bi• aa lbe aarra C Snt C, Bi• Bi• lzabh rea aarz, Cu, Eco• Eco• Mara ar ara ea CPNA Cuo, Pu• Pu• Marha ara ez Quito, Ecuo• Ecuo• Mara de ada llsraa Kyot Sngyo Uniit, Lrdes rez Valdes Uni Kyoto Jpn• Jpn• Marha ela zlez xic, xc• xc• Whrea lzabh eser eser UniYity f Suwon, Gyonggi-o, Sot Ko• Ko• Wae lle eser Uniity of Suw, Gynggio, Sut Ko• Ko• dra Reba CCBEU In Amn, Cuit, Bi• has Rbb Kyoto Sngy Uniit, Kyoto, Jpn• Mhra be Sigkuin UniYity, Sitmkn, Jpn• Jpn• Mad aadara Msazadeh ICPNA Cicyo, Pu• Pu• h aels BigEngi, n, USA• USA• Hr hez POUEX, Guj, xico• Ma leadra hez salae Quito, Eo • re Mar hez Malv Qto, UniYi Poitic Sin UPS, Eo • La s ICBEU i, Bi• Bi• lea ITO Ogon Stt Unity, Coi USA• USA• Rber herda Otm UniYity, yogo, Jpn• h r hera g k Unit, Sou, Sout Ko• Ko• rs labah A Uniity, Tokyo, Jpn• Jpn• Vr ares NAC, So Puo, Bi • lva lares CA, Suc, Boii• Boii• haaa hae w Coty Cmmunity Cog, i, PA PA• Mara la rez CBA, Com Com, , Boii• Boii• lea dava da va gi ngug Cnt, Ki, Ukin• Rhard le Kni Gii Cog, Ok Jpn• Jpn • laa Lz erazas Zara ICPNA Cuco, Pu• Pu• adre St Jon' Uiit, Tip t, Tiwn• hrsa a rres Meda Guyi, Ecuo• Ecuo• Rael rr CBA, , , Boii• Boii• essa e Otm Uni, yogo, Jpn• Jpn• ea ar CBA, Tij, Boii• Boii• Re Valdva erera CBA, Snt C, Boii• Boii• lae Ls Vare sa SENC S Puo, B• Ma leadr Vvar Hrad Cu, Ecuo• Dr Wehse a Ntion Koiung iwn• • a pty Cog, Kung, Tiwn ra E Cu, Aqup, P iii www.frenglish.ru LEARNING OBJECTIVES COMMUNICATION GOALS VOCABU LARY GRAMMAR • • • • • ourist activities • The hand • Paticipial adjectives • he present perfect Statements and � I no questions Form and usage Past participles of irregular verbs With . w; ever before, and never Get reacquainted with someone Greet a visitor to your country Discuss gestures and customs Describe an interesting experience 0 iM; t = • he present perfec Information questions Yet and aread: expansion common errors Ever never and before use and placement • Apologize for being late • Discuss preferences for movie genres • Describe and recommend movies • Discuss effecs of movie vioence on viewers • Explanations or being late • Movie genres • Adjectives to describe movies • he present perfect With for and since Other uses • Wants and preferences would like and wold rather orm and usage Statements questions and answers o :• t;J • he preent perfect continuous • he present paiciple spelling • Expressing preferences review expansion and common errors Staying in Hoels • • • • Leave and take a mesge Check into a hotel Requet housekeeping seices Choose a hotel • Hotel room types and inds of beds • Hotel room amenities and seices • he future with will orm and usage Statements and questions Contractions • he real conditional orm and usage Statemens and questions ;h\•=tlJ • Will expansion • Can should and have to future meaning • he real conditinal factual and future; usage and common errors • • • • Personal Care and Appearance iv Discuss a car accident Describe a car probem Rent a car Discuss good and bad driving • Ask for something in a store • ake an appointment at a salon or spa • Discu ways to improve appearance • Define the meaning of beauy • Bad diving abits • Car parts • Ways to respond (with concern I reie • Phra verbs for taking about cars • Car types • Driving behavior • Salon sevices • Persona care products • Discussing beauty • he past continuous Form and usage Vs the simple pas tense • Direct obecs with phrasal verbs it • he past continuous other uses • Nouns and pronouns: review • Indefinite quantities and amounts and / lots of mn and mch • ndefinite pronouns smeone I ! I� iIt;J • • • • Sme and 1 indeniteness o man too mh, and enouh Comparative quantifiers fewer and ess ndefinite pronouns somethin anhin and nothin www.fren lish.ru CONVERSATION STRATEGIES LISTENING/ PRONUNCATION READING WRITING • Use "I don't thnk so. to sofen a negatve answer • Say I know! to excaim that yove dscovered an answer • Use Welcome to _ to greet someone n a new pace • Say Thats great to acknowedge someones postive experence senn lls • Lsten to classy • sten for dtals es • A poster abot word cstoms • A magazine acle abot nonverba commncation • A trave poster • A photo story as • Wte a descpton of an nteestn expeence Ponuncaon • Sond redcton n the pesent perect •'d MHi; = • Avodn non sentences klls/sraees • dentify spportng detals • Relate to ersonal experence • Apooge ad provde a reason when ate • Say Thats fine to reassre • Ofer to repay someone wth How mch do owe? • Use What wod yo rather do ? to ask abot preference • Soten a negatve response wth To tell yo the trth, senn lls • en for man deas • sten to nfer • Dctaton • Say Wod yo ike to eave a messae? if someone snt avalabe • Say Lets see to indcate yore checkng inormaton • ake a forma polte reqest with May ? • Say Here yo go when handn someone somethng • Use By the way to introdce new informaton senn lls • Lsten to take phone mesaes • sten fo man deas • sten for detals • press cone aot anoter·s condtion after an accdent • xpress reef when hearing a is OK • Use ony to minime the serosne of a sitaton • Use actaly to soften negative nfoation • mpathie with m sor to hear that senn lls • isten fo detals • Lsten to smmarze • Use Excse me to intiate a conversaton wth a salesperson • Confirm nformaton by repeatn t with rsng ntonaton • Use No probem to show yo dont mnd an inconvenience • Use et me check to ask someone to wait while yo confrm informaton senn lls • Lsten to reconze someones pont of vew • Lsten to tae notes Ponuncaon • Redcton of h e • A move webste • Movie revews • A textbook excerpt abot voence n movies • A photo story lls/saees • Understand from context • Confrm content • Evalate ideas Ponuncaon • Contractons wth wl Ponncaon • Stress of patcles n phrasal verbs e • hone message sips • A hotel website • A cty map • A photo story lls/saees • Draw concsons • dentify sppoting detas • nterpret a map es • A qestonnaire abot bad drvng habits • Renta car cstomer profes • A featre artce abot defensve driving • A drivng behavor srvey A photo story as • Wrte an esay abot volence n moves and on h;l=¥;I • aaaphs • Topc sntences as • Wrte a paraaph explann the reasons fo choosn a hotel •'h:MHl • Avodn sentence fragments wth becase or snce as • Wrte a paagraph comparng good and bad drivers •'iiH • Connectng words and sentences: and n additon fhermore and therefore klls/sraees • Understand from context • Critca thnkng Ponuncaon • Pnncaton of nstressed vowels es • A spa and fitness center advetsement • A heath advce comn • A photo story lls/saees • araphrase • Understad from context • Confrm content • Appy nformaton as • Wrte a ette on how to mpve appeaance •'t# • Wrtn a forma letter V www.frenglish.ru CONTENTS STUDENT BOOK I 1 Getting Acquainted · · · · . 2 I 2 Going to the Movies 14 I 3 Stayng in Hotels 26 I 4 Cars and Driving 38 I 5 Personal Care and Appearance 50 REFERENCE CHARTS Ponuciaton Table Verb Tense Review I Irrguar vrs .••.63 . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Grmm Bstr . 66 Wn Bosr 74 Top Notch Pop Lys . 79 WORKBOOK vi I 1 Getting Acquainted 81 I 2 Going to the Movies 89 IT 3 Staying in Hotels 97 I 4 Cars and Driving · · 1 07 I 5 Personal Care and Appearance 116 www.frenglish.ru TO THE TEACHER What is Top Notch? Top Notch is a six-level* communicative course that prepares adults and young adults to interact successfully and confdently with both native and nonnative speakers of English Te goal of Top Notch is to make English unrgeabe rough: • Multiple exposures to new language • Numerous opportunities to practice it • Delberate and intensie recycling The Top Notch course has two beginning levels Notch Fundamentals for true beginners and Top Notch 1 for false beginners. Top Notch is benchmarked to the Global Scale of English and is tightly correlated to the Cando Statements of the Common European Framework of Reference Each full level of Top Notch contains material for 6090 hours of classroom instruction In addition, the entire course can be tailored to blended learning with an integrated online component, MyEnglishLob. W This thrd edition of Top Notch includes these new features: Extra Grammar Exercises, digital fullcolor Vocabulary Flash Cards, Conversation Activator videos, and Pronunciation Coach videos. * Summit 1 and Summit 2 are he les of he 5h and 6h leves of he Top Ntch cose. Award-Winning Instructional Design* Daily conrmation of progress inguistic and cultural uency Each easytofollow twopage lesson begins with a clearly stated practical communication goal closely aligned to the Common European Framework's Cando Statements ll activities are integrated with the goal, giving vocabulary and grammar meaning and purpose Now You Can activities ensure that students achieve each goal and conrm their progress in every class session Top Notch equips students to interact with people from dierent language backgrounds by including authentic accents on the audio Conversation Models, hoto Stories, and cultural uency activities prepare students for social interactions in English with people from unfamiliar cultures. Explicit vocabulary and grammar Clear captioned picturedictionary illustrations with accompanying audio take the guesswork out of meaning and pronunciation rammar presentations containing both rules and examples clarify form, meaning, and use The unique Recyce ths Lanuae feature continually puts known words and grammar in front of students eyes as they communicate, to make sure language remains active High-frequency social language Twenty memorable convrsation models provide appealing natural social language that students can carry "in their pockets for use in real life Rigorous controlled and free discussion activities systematically stimulate recycling of social language, ensuring that its not forgoen Top oh h p of h Aoo of Edo Pubh' Distinguised Acievment Awrd. Actie listening syllabus All Vocabulary presentations, Pronunciation presentations, Conversation Models, hoto Stories, Listening Comprehension exercises, and Readings ae recorded on the audio to help students develop good pronunciation, intonation, and auditory memory n additon, approximately fty carefully developed listening tasks at each level of Top Notch develop crucial listening comprehension skills such as listen for details, listen for main ideas, listen to activate vocabulary, listen to activate grammar, and listen to confrm information wish you and your students enjoyment and success with N 2. We wroe i for you We Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher vii www.frenglish.ru Grammar Readinss SELF-CHECK The Grammar Readiness Self-Check is optional. Complete the exercises to conrm that you know this grammar previously taught in Tp Notch. THE SIMPLE PRSNT TNSE AND HE PRESENT CONTINUOU A RACTICE hoose the corect verb o veb phrase. 1 We (take I ae taking) a tip to alifornia this weekend 2 he flight (aives I is arriving) now. hat's great because the fights in this airort usualy (arive I are arriving) late. 3 Please drive slower! You (go I are going) too fast 4 (Does it rain I s it raining) often in March? 5 Bandon (goes I is going) skiing on his next vacation 6 We (like I are liking) milk in both coffee and tea USE THE GRAAR omplete each statement with the simple present tense or the present continuous 1 n my family, we usually 2 Next weekend, B GONG O + BAS FORM FR FURE A RACTICE omlete the conersations with be oin to se contractions : What (they I do) after nglish class? : hey (go) ot to eat 2 : (need) a rental car in hicago : (you I make) a reseration online? 3 : Who (yo I call) when yor plane lands? : My wife. he (wait) for my call in the airort caf : What (you I do) when yo get to New ork? : he first thing (we do) is eat 5 : Who (be) at the meeting? : My colleages from the office nd my boss (come) too SE THE GRAAR Write yor own question and answer sing be oin to + a base form Q: ····················· A: ... . . GRAMMAR READINESS www.fren lish.ru CAN, HVE TO COULD AND SHOULD: MEANING AND FORM A PRACCE hoose the correct phrases. 1 We a reservation if we want a good room a couldn't make b should make should making 2 Susan doesn't have to wear formal clothes to the office She eans. a can't wear b can wearing can wear 3 Dan can't go shopping this afternoone drive his children to school doesn't have to b has to a have to 4 They ust missed the 3: express us, ut they the 31 local ecause it arrives too lateThey sould take a taxi a could take b shoudn't to take shouldn't take 5 The cass has to end on time so the students the us to the party a can take b can to take can't take 6 I can sleep late tomorrowI go to the office b don't have to a have to doesn't have to B UE HE GRAMMAR Write one statement with oth can and have toWrite one statement with either should or could 1 ..... 2 .... OBJECT P RONOUNS A PRACICE ewrite each sentence correcting te error lease call aout it us 2 Shes uying for you it 3 The rown shoes? She doesn't like on him them e wrote for her it 5 B They're giving to them it UE HE GRAMMAR ewrite each sentence changing the two nouns to oject pronouns gave my sister the present yesterday 2 The clerk gift-wrapped the sweaters for John COMPARTIVE DJECTIVES A PRACCE omplete each sentence with the comparative form of the adective. thnk very co weater s (a) tan very hot weather. 2 talet is convenient than a laptop GRAMMAR RADINESS ix www.frenglish.ru 3 A T-shirt is ........ (comfortable) than a sweatshirt in hot weather 4 he clothes in a department store are usually ........ (affordable) than ones in a small neighborhood store S Orange juice is .......... (good) for your health than orange soda 6 Rio is pretty hot in the summer, but Salvador is .. (hot) 7 If you're getting dressed for the ofice, you should wear a ... (long) skirt B Write your own two sentences, using one of these adjectives in comparative form in each sentence: chea oular near fast USE THE GRAMMAR 1 ....·························· 2 .............. SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES A 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 B Write statements with the superlative form of each adjective old .Th'. �!f P�r � t'�. . . ?< -...... good .................................... funny ..................... appropriate ................................... unusual ............................. large ............................. beautiful ......................... short ............................... interesting .......................... crazy .................... PRACTICE USE THE GRAMMAR ;,Language.com Write one statement about yourself, using a superlative adjective THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE: STATEMENTS A Complete the paragraph with the simple past tense Chris .......... ( go) to New York at the end of the school year His flight ..... ( get in) late so he ... ( take) a taxi directly to his hotel and ...... ( eat) something fast at the hotel caf Chris . (5 have) tickets to a roadway show, and he ........ ( not ave) time to eat at a regular restaurant Just before the show, he .......... ( meet) his riends in front of the theater He really .... ( love) the show After the show, he ........ (9 buy) a book about it His friends .. ( say) good night, and Chis ...... ( walk) back to the hotel, .... ( drink) a big gass o old juie, .. ( go) to bed, and .... ( sleep) fo hours PRACTICE DIN www.frenglish.ru B USE THE GRAMMAR Write fou statements about what you did yesteday.se one of these verbs in each statement: 9 get dressed coe hoe 1 2 ················································· 3 .................................. 4 ............... THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE: YES I NO QUESTIONS A PRACTICE hane each stateent to a I no question. 1 hil lost his luae on the fliht 2 hey drove too fast 3 he wrote a letter to her uncle 4 hey found a wallet on the street 5 laie's husband spent a lot of oney at the all 6 s arter tauht he children to play the piano. B USE THE GRAMMAR Write thee I no questions se each of these vebs brin seak beak. 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ... . .... ... . THE SIMLE PAST TENSE INFORMATON QESTIONS A PRACTIC omplete each conversation with an information question in the siple past tense. 1 hinese? I studied in hanhai. 2 you husband? I met him two years ao 3 , about the problem? I called my dauhter he always knows what to do 4 you car? y brother-in-law bouht it e needed a new car 5 B in exico? y parents lved there for more than ten years US TH GRAMMAR Write two inforation questions in the simple past tense one with ow and one with What 1 2 . IN www.frenglish.ru �- , 2 UNIT 3 4 I Gettng Acquanted (KlGeacquaindwthsomeone. ]\� It, 1)�I(f:i1]H : �i Greet a visitor to your ountry Disuss gestures and ustoms Descibe an nteresting experiene. PREVIEW CUSTOMS AROUND THE WORLD Greetings Some people bow. People greet each oher derenly around he world.-------� Some people kiss once Some kiss twice Some shake hands. And some hug Gettng Acquanted ople v dre1t ustoms for xhanin b ess rds aroud t' world Wa aout sall alkthe ops people alk aou whe hey do know eah other well? Some customs are very formal People always use two hands and look at the card carefully In some places, it's not polite to ask people about how much money they make or how old they are But in other places, people think those topics are appropriate Other customs are informal People accept a card with one hand and quickly put it i n a pocket wwwirLanguge.com A PIR WORK n your opinion, is there a rght way and a wrong way to greet people? Explan. B DISCUSSON n your country, are there any topics people should avoid durng small talk? hat about the topcs below? • ar • ' j • e' l 2 UNIT 1 • ee' fa • ' • ()_ www.frenglish.ru FOR ODAY'S WORLD 1:02 Read and listen to two people meeting in a hotel lobby. PHOTO STORY Leon:oul ook fearmi bliaro. Haven we et r e ? T:aroIunddonher he.n so. Im no from Leon:IIsnow! rmeena youhe fIrToconfm Jaepan?rence u r e we lTaa:asfweecourse! oure from Mexco, rg some-h 0 0 0 ENGISH Understand nglish speakes fom deet language backgounds. Leon = pansh speake Taka = Japanese speake 0 FOCUS ON LANGAGE LeonorgThaoens yourrghnae I sor y. Ive er e s y car d The con e e nce i s TcallKaura Takash Bu you can n caulco nex year and I could me Taka wous eaud eifgrue. a I hear Leon:calHme, Takaeoneono whaPreohaveou Please T:Tha caul c o � \ _ s n ce Len: I was n c e o s e e you agai n Taka T:wayNoo uch. c u al l y I on y ack homehe aror now Im fyng Ta ou oo. Leon: Hey, � .sh. lI P. if ' ?!.ch. _ • �?:. Y.u 9\!d- the con.f;e�? Find the underlined expression in the Photo Story that matches each explanation You say this when you want to offer to introduce someone to a new place 2 You say this to suggest that someone cal or e-mail you in the future 3 You say this when you're not sure if you know someone, but you think you might E 4 You say this when you want to ask about someones recent activities THINK AND EXLAIN Answer the questions according to the Photo Story Explain your answers " Heeye heohno hefnr T. Why does Leon begin speaking with Taka? 2 Has Taka been busy since the conference? 3 Why does Leon give Taka his business card? 4 What does eon offer to do at the next conference? SPEAlIN With a partner discuss and write advice for visitors about how to behave in you country Then share your advice with the class PAIR WORK n e nen "Qe e hon he How old are you? ow much money do yu make? j e I I 2 3 - - n ehneyenerhn h ne hn UNI 1 3 www.frenglish.ru GRAMMAR The present perfect Use the present peec to alk about an indefinite time in the pas. Form the present peec with � or and a pas paiciple Airmative and negative satemens 's Se · hasnt We • ve met e called : ' aven t Yes I no questions Has se called ? Have y met e? ' B es, e have I N, e haven t B es, se has I N se hasnt Remember Use the simple past tense to alk about a definite or specific time present pee: ndefnte time smple past tense: deinte tme ve met Bll ce We met n 1999 and aan n 2004 Contratons 've = h avent = h no s t= h asn't = h no Fo gu b, h c o h h o. on - od uy - ued Irregar vers ase orm sme past past pae een w/ w b ome co done o eaten aen gone go w h ad h k made et w seen k ok spoen k ook taen ren wo w Fo o gu eb or g 123 GRAMMAR BOOSTER A Choose the orret form to omplete each sentene. • Th n c n q 1 We've the 2:00 express train mny times. a take c taken b took I hd reakfast t 9:00 ut I hvent lunh. have b had having 3 lison has to the mall. b gone go went 4 My younger rother has home from work ome b me omes 5 They posted some messages yesterday ut they havent anything aout their trip. written b write wrote PIR WORK Complete the onverstions with the present perfet or the simple past tense. Then pratie the onversations with a partner 1 : our new teaher? Jake I meet B: Yes, . He her in the offie this morning meet : to this lass efore? they I be B: No Theyre new t this shool. 3 : in the new shool resturant? you I eat B: No . Is it good? 4 : with the shool diretor? your classmates I spea B: Yes, . They with her yesterdy spea 5 : the new language l? Beth see B: No . But she the lirry. see 4 UNI 1 p. 126 www.frenglish.ru C GRAMMAR PRATIE omplete the message with the present perfect or the simple past tense. New Tb - 01 X New message KuaiYu St: se HeonSh Cret c: Va October 6 6:00 PM Hllo, Mr. Kmpr: Rmmr m? Im Kuai your rmr studnt! I still think aout your ondrful English classs in Shanghai. This moing I (1 dd) c_ � to snd you a mssag to say hllo W (2 not s [ _ J ach othr in a long tim-not sinc you nt ack hom to York I hop I can visit you thr som day! So lt m tll you hat Iv n up to In 03 I (3 m) [ � : to Canada r · my studis and I'm lving in Vancouvr right no. I (4 fall) in lov ith this city-it's rally autiful! I (5 vst) a lot of placs in th US I (6 L to Sattl Porland San Francisco and Los Angls. Last Sptmr I (7 go) ] ack hom to Shanghai to visit my parnts Do you think my English is tr no? I think I (8 la) J ho to us th prsnt prfct inally! Lt's kp n touch. If you m to Vancouvr Id lov to sho you around. Your studnt Kuai M <CI CONVERSATION MODEL 1 ead and listen to people getting reacquainted : udrey, have you met Hanah? B: No, haven't : Hanah, d like you to meet udrey Hi, udrey You look familiar Have we met before? B: dont think so : know! Last month You were at my sister Nicoles party B: Oh, thats right How have yu been? B � RTM AD ITATI Listen again and repeat he practice the onversation odel with a partner � PRONUNCIATION Sound reduction in the present perfect COA 05 Listen to how the sound It of the negative contraction "disappears in natural speech hen listen again and repeat 3 hey havnJaken the test havn to that class 2 He asn m his new teacher 4 She hasn' heard the news . B Now practice saying the sentences on your own ' VERATI ATIVATR With two other students, practice making introductions and getting reacuainted Use your own names and the present perfect hen change roles have you met ? B No haven't DJlO,IP __ • y yu hv n d like you to meet • y mr out th tim you mt. You look familiar ave we met before? • Introdu ter clmt. B: . Ide met t t tn • n nt _ UNI 1 5 www.frenglish.ru Greet a visitor to your country The Forbdden Palace CONVERSATION MODEL A � 1:6 Read and listen to someone greeting a visitor. : Welcome to Beijing Have you ever been here before? No, it's my first time But yesterday I went to the Forbidden Palace t was fantastic! Thats great Have you tried Beijing duck yet? Beijing duck? No, havent Whats that? ts a famous Chinese dish I think youll like it. 07 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat hen practice the Conversation Model with a partner Bijg duck � VOCABULARY urist actvtes around the world CRDS A Read and listen. hen listen again and repeat. mb M. Fuji go sghtseeng n Nw Yrk go to the top of El Twr ty Kr d tae a to of w Ld tae ptes of Gr Wll Use the Vocabulary to say what you have and haven' t done. PAR WORK H I've climbed two famous mountans. " haen ried ndan ood GRAMMAR Te present perfect: already m eve. bere and never Use ever or beore in m I questions about life experiences. Hve y ever ee Id fd? H he ee P beore? B ! I v v (OR v' v) O A Use � or alread in m I no questions about recent experiences Hve y red Q yet? H he already ee he p f he Efe Twe? n airative and negative stateents We hve ed Bej dck yet We've already ee he Ge W. They hve never ved Mexc They hve ever ved Mexc He h' ee B beore. He ee New Yk beore Awy pce efe d Y he ed f ee d e 6 GRAMMAR BOOSTER �- p 126 • : x, c • v v L_ __ www.fren lish.ru A B GRMMR PRCTICE Use the words to write statements or questions in the present perfect 1 (you/ go sightseeing I in London I before) 3 (they I ever I be I to Buenos Aires) 2 (she/ already/ try I Guatemalan food) 4 (we I not take a tour of I Prague I yet) � :0 LISTEN TO CTIVTE GRMMR Listen and complete the questions, using the Vocabuary. Then listen again and complete the short answers 1 Qestos Has she of the Taj Mahal yet? 2 Has he 3 Has she ever Has she ever , he in Kyoto yet? cev iche? 4 Has e already 5 Shot swes she she , he . the Pyramd of the un? to Rio de Janeiro before? she of ugarloaf yet? , she 6 Has she - The foJ Mahal , ) - � - Pamio & • x nd,a Write five questions a out tourst activties in your city or country Use m alread ever and before l Have yo ever tied o ,eafood d,Jes-? - 1 _r. 2 ... 3 4 E�g 5 . ... . . ... . IWl�'irJ:1 "�mE . .... Greet a visitor t yur county A On the notepad write at least fiv activities for a tourist in your city or country B With a partner, change the Conversation Model to greet a visitor to our country Use the present pefect uggest tourist activities in your city Use your notepad Then change roles NOTEPDDING Actvty r_jin9 dk Descpto I' a fmu CJ, d/. COV ERTION CTIVTOR y Welcome to Have you ever been here before? No it's my first time But yesterday I Have you yet? : DONT SOP! • b h l Practice the conversation agin asking about other tourist activities on your notepad CHGE PRTER UI 7 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU READ l � VOCABULARY • The hand ead and listen. Then isten again and repeat 1 2 3 4 tumb index finger mddle fnger ring finger pinkie 6 pam 7 fis S READING We talked to June Galoway abo her book, Get of on the Right Foot: Don't Let the Wrong Gesture Run Your Day. English is the world's International language. But in your book, you've focused on non-verbal communication. Why is that so impoant? Well gestures and othr body l anguage can have dierent meanings in dierent places. Something that you thnk is iendly or polte could come across as v ery rude in another culture Ive described many of these customs and cultural dierences so my readers don't get o on the wrong ot when they meet people om places where the culture diers om their own "one most Europeans use a thumb. North Americans extend all ten ngers r ten: However, Chinese indicate the numbers one to ten al on one hand For example, an exended thumb and pinke means six, and a st means ten· Imagine how consing this can be when your e trying to communicate quantities and prices with your hands! What other gestures can cause confusion? Tke the gesture r come here; r example In North America, people gesture with the palm up Well, in southern Europe, that gesture means goodbye And in many Asian countries, the palmup gesture is considered rude Instead people here gesture with the palm down Can greeting someone in the wrong wa y really lead to misunderstanding? In some cases, yes e rm handshake a North American expects may seem quite aggressive in ot her places And a light handshake-which is normal in some countries-may seem unendly to a North American 've heard that, In Japan, pointing with the index nger is not polite s that right? Yes Japanese prefer to point wth the pam open and cing up n what ways can hand gestures lead to misunderstanding? Well as an example we assume al peo ple indicate the numbers one to ten with their ngers the sae way But in ct they don't. While N orth Americans usuay use an index nger r Surely there must be some gestures used evehere, right? What about the thumbsup sign for "great"? Sorr ats exremely rude n Austalia and he Middle Eas is is why its so mportant to be aware of these cultura dierences What gesture do you use ... ... for the number six? 8 UNI 1 ... for "Come hee: palm up or dow? . fo potg? Do you use yo dex ge or a ope pam? www.frenglish.ru A IDENTIF SUPPOR TING DE TILS Check the statements that are true, according to the article. Write X next to he statements that are not true xplain your answers 1 2 3 4 S n most of urope, a thumb and an index finger mean "two'' n orth merica, a thumb and a pinkie mean "two Japanese point at pictures with an open palm facing up o be friendly, orth mericans greet others with a light handshake veyone uses the thumbs-up sign for "thats good ,, Tue. Gaoway says mos Euopeans begn wh he humb So the ndex fnge s he nex fnge ate ha RETE TO PERSON EPERIENE iscuss the questions MORE �Ec1s Have you ever been surprised by someone's gestures o body language on V, in the movies, or in ea life? Wha did you see? What do you think the acion meant? Why were you surprised? _., • ·"- Discuss gestures and customs �:- ·. •>I • A PIR ORK ead the ravel tips about gestures and customs around the world Compare your own gestures and customs with those described o any of them seem strange or rude? Travel Tips � see ives a i a e es a e i i aa (cr) a e a servers aei is re ie se eye a raer a a esres (K) e a visir is eavi r e s a i a ers e (K) are i e re a 5 ies ae r a ar r ier s a (U ) exlai e reei ee e ee s aas e eee irs (M) Bere eer sees e s ae ses (Uki) T esre a sei is r a a ai a s i a r ies te (k) NOTEPDDING With a partner, choose a topic and discuss your count's customs hen write notes about your country on the notepad Topic: fho1i9 re5pect ld pope, Csoms: I'5 not t t d qee ; od r. � Topic: - usoms I ·- I - �oun eole o ole eole? xlan • • tor • a inviaons • v!5!ing someone's home • 1v • O • • _ • Ae he ules he same fo boh men an women? How abou fo Top - i i DSUSSON ell our classmates about the customs ou described on your notepad oes everyone agree? x F R Di " , . . UNIT 1 9 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU LISTEN VOCABULARY • Participial adjectives Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat sky-iwere ve wasfgtnd gtnng. dgutng) The(Theysaariwerewsfcntd. fcntng.) The(They ski ripwerewastd. tng.) The(They ) The(Theyoowerewasdgutd. B Write lists of things you think are fascinating, thrilling, frightening, or disgusting PAIR WORK Compare your lists HIhey 've ever re iseae ssai ! ls. I hik " 1 iRealsse ly? I'vearalel They hem,reaooI was LISTENING COMPREHENSION ,� 1 LISTEN TO CLASSIFY Listen to the three inter views Then listen again and write the number of the speaker described by each statement. . J.. travels to have thrilling experiences describes differences in body language was disgusted by something is fascinated by other cultures Andrew arlow tries to be polite does things that other people think are frightening Nanc Sullivan Mieko Nakaura 0 I www.frenglish.ru B ·1 LISTEN FOR DETAILS Lisen again and answer he quesons in complee senences. Nany Sulivan a How an counries has she sted? b Wha dd she noce aou gesures in India? 2 Andrew Barlow Wha dd he people n he ilage do o hank hi? d Wh did he ea somehing he ddn' wan o? 3 Mieko Nakamura e Wha has she done wce? f How did she ge o "he op o he word? Utm'1rl�:a Describe an interesting experience A NOTEPADDING nswer e quesions Explan wha happened Wrie as man deals as ou can I Have you ever been someplace that- wasreall fascnatin ? - -,· ,- _ . · -- = really�ge o dgun ? T ave youeve, eat-ensomehin_a wa ' I Have you eve d: -ethin ;at was realy thrilling or frjg�tening_? I I s our parner aou he experences on his or her noepad PAIR WORK � RECYLE THIS LANGUAGE. \� DONTSOP! • Ak q. • A a x: "a C GROUP WK hocne oe of th experiees you M told yo abot Te yo ssms bou y te' expee. pane wen han ldn la ea She wa hened, wa eall hlln l [a a) g gg [al) g El T) al) ak a N Yk) ak [t Taj Maal) www.frenglish.ru A s iten to the converation with a tourit in Vancouver and check Ye or No. Then liten again and write the anwer to the quetion, uing or already H e 1 been to the ncouver quarium? 2 viited Gatown? 3 been to the top of Groue Mountain? 4 een the Capilano Supenion Bridge? 5 tried dim um 6 gone to the top of the arbour entre wer? e o @ D D D D D D D D D D D Ue the photo to write quetion uing the preent perfect with ever or before Don't ue th ame verb more than once : 3 ............. 2 ............ 4 ............. Write entence about the topic Ue the preent perfect 1- � of tJe Tai ei 101 /vildin9. _ 3 food ouve tried 4 mountain or high place ouve climbed tall building ouve been to the top of 2 citie or countrie ouve viited WRITING Write abot one of the intereting experience ou talked about in Leon Decribe what happened, where ou were, who ou were with and how ou fet WRITNG BOOSER UNI n TOP NOTCH ( . Lyric p. 1s3 "Greting and Small Talk life. 12 For add1tonl guge prcie . · 'I [K=I www.fren lish.ru ORAL REVIEW PAIR WORK 1 Create a conversation for th man and woman in photo . Imagine the man is welcoming the woman to his city Choos on of th citis in th travl brochur Welcome to Pari5. Have yo bee1 Jere before? 2 Creat a convrsation for th three peopl in photo Imagine they get racquaintd during a tour of Eurp A Have yo met_? : Actally yo look famlar Have e met before? C: Ye5 I tJ1k we Jave We were at tJe 1 1 . 3 Look at the rochure and imagin that you ar on one of ths tours Ask·and answer questions, using th present perfect Have yo tred tpa5 yet? UNI 1 3 www.frenglish.ru 1 Apologize for being late. � 2 Dcusspreereces ormoe geres 3 UNIT I Descibe and rommed mov. 4 Discuss efecs o volence o iewers Going to the Movies PREVIEW 14 A Did you see any of these DiCaprio movies wen they were in te theater? If so, tell your partner about tem. If not, is there one you would like to see now? Explain wy B DSCUSSION PAIR WORK T 2 Where do you like to see movies: at home or in a·movie theater? xplain your reas ons www.frenglish.ru C . 1: s PHOTO STORY Read and liten to a converation at a movie theater. Anna: So, wht re yu i h mod f? Ty've g bch f gt s mo t.· P: Tey e do He yue bg DCp fan I ed Gangs of New York wen it ·�as lg e yo r een i Ann Nope, I he 'e hed s pey et Fkl; j t 't e tt i° P Yh I is pped t e petty boody Wa ee a: Wel, ere Ice Age. he y t etua Wa do you n Hm e y te ut n't tnd animaed m V eer lied em I thn d ater ee ometing Hey! W au Casablanca? A Caablana Nw yue ang A y te y i m ea pad a ie o y a da! I et e pop D Find underlined word or phrae in the Photo Story that have almot the ame meaning a the one below. 3 "To tell you the truth, .. 5 "I didnt ee .. "I'll pay 6 "They ay ... 2 "really dont like 4 "a lot of INFER MEANING Firt anwer each quetion.Then explain your anwer with a quotation from the Photo Story. What actor doe Anna lke? �C 3 What movie doe Anna ugget? How do you kno? How do you know? FOUS ON LANGUAGE With a partner dicu find, and underline .. a noun that ha the ame meaning a "movie 2 two different adjective that are related to "fighting or "klling. 3 an adjective that mean "realy great THINK AND EXPLAIN : o·c .':.......... " 19 R. � P�!.. 2 id Anna ee Gangs of New York? How do you know? 4 Who i gong to pay fr the popcon? How do you know? SPEAKING Make a lit of movie playing in your ton.Which move would you like to ee? Whic movie would you not like to ee? Give reaon for your anwer. PAIR WORK I2 15 www.frenglish.ru GRAMMAR The present perfect: r and since Other uses of the present perect Be careful! Use fo and since to descbe peods of time that began in the past Use fo to They've lived hee since 2013. descbe a length of time. Use since with a specific time time o date n the past NO heyve lived here R eaF • 've bee ere fo ten nutes (a leg o e) - - How long ave you been bee n ere? I 've bee ere fo many yeas (a leg o e) 've bee ere snce eght oclock (a secc e e as) Othe uses: w lael lael,, recel recel or Have you see a w w alwa alwas s ve always wa waed ed o see see Car Plane. w good ove ecently (o lately? ve just see w ordna ordnals ls ad ad suerla suerlaves ves Ts s te td The Beac-wat a grea ove! tme ve seen Ping Pong. s te best ove w sl slll or so ar ar You stll ave ave see see Tomao ve ever see e .'e� es �sso_fa:! _____. Babies? ve seen r;e GRAMMAR BOOSTER p. 127 • h p pt t pt pt otiuou otiuou:: ufiih tio • Sp Spig ig ul ul fo fo th pt pt ptiip: evew, ommo eo GRAMMAR PRACTICE hoose the correct words words to to complete complete the paragraph. 've been a big fan fan of nloe uz (1 fo I ine) oe han weny yea 've followed he aee (2 ine I o far) wa in high hool ha ean 've wahed evey oie he he ade (3 fo I ine) 993, exe fo Vicky Cristina Bacelona. (4 ye I ill) haven' een ha one bu lan o ee i oon 've (5 ill I alway) loved eloe wok 've (6 ine I alway) been he fi eon n line a he heae when wh en he ovie oen Of he ovie ovie enloe ha ade (7 laely I alway) he o ineeing one o e ae T Rome with Love and I'm So Excited. hink heye he (8 be I ju) ovie he ade (9 o fa I ill) ve (0 alway I aleady) ee he wie! B l MORE ERCISS ·m� RDS PAIR WRK ae trs asg ad aswerg the qestons. Use the resent perect al yor aswes s there a moe yoe yoe always wated to see? Whats the worst moe yoe eer see? Hae yo see ay good moes recetly? recetly? S Whats the best moe yoe eer see? s there a cas cassc sc moe that yo yo stll haet see? VOCABULA OCABULAR RY Eplanations r being ate ead ad lste he lste aga ad repeat I ovspt. B 6 How may moes hae you see so ar ths oth? I missd th bs I odn't od n't gt a taxi PAR WK h o two other eplaatos or beg ate UI I odnt find a paking spa I got stk taffi. www.fren www.fren lish.ru lish.ru C VIDE COH 2 LIST LISTEN EN TO ATI ATIVATE VATE VOABULARY VOAB ULARY isten to the conversations. conversations. omplet ompl ete e the sentences, inferring the information and using the ocabulary. 1 ed's late because he 3 hey're going to be late because they .. Maude probably 4 First they . hen they probably .. PRONUNCIATION Reduction of h :2 otice how the sound /h/ often disappears in natural speech ead and listen hen listen again and repeat 1 How ong �e you waited? When i �e by he ies? Where �e you been? 5 3 hat �s �e read about the film? 6 Whos �is favorite star? Whs er favorite movie? CONVERSATION MODEL ead and listen to someone apologize for being late late Have you been here long? B For about ten minutes minutes orry orr y m late got stuck in traffic id you get tickets? B es. ut the 800 show for The Love Boat is sold out. got tickets for Paradise Island. hope thats K hats fine. How much do owe? B othing t's t's on me ell thanks! ext time its my my treat :2 RYT RYT AND INTONATION INTONATI ON isten again and repea repeat. t. hen practice the onversation Model with a partner partner Apologize for beng late "�Jr dd four more movies to the showtimes. ONVERSATION ATIVATOR ith a partner perso personalize nalize the onversation Model with your movies and explanations hen change roles. B B Stck i" Trafc Have you been here long? For or ry m late id you get tickets? es ut . hope thats K. 7:00 900 1 1 0 0 730 9:35 730 sold outJ 7 7:45 1020 midnight 10 800 11 :00 7:50 1010 10 I 8 00 sold out A: ....... ....... DONTSOP! • Say more more about about the the movie. movie. • Of Offe ferr to to pay pay.. • Discuss what to do after after the show show C [itanic 3] is sold out We missed . It started _ minutes ago 've already seen_ Thats past my bedtime! Im not a [Naomi Watts] fan ve heard its spectacuar] They say [its pretty vioent]. How much do I owe? Its on me Its my treat ANGE PARTNERS ractice the conversaion aga again in making other changes. U 2 17 www.frenglish.ru Discuss preferences for movie genres ·;� CRDS VOCABULARY Movie genres A :24 24 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat n ction film comedy B C 0 Compare your favorite movies for each genre. genre. PAIR WORK horror film drm My v aa 44 film s " Frzen. isten and write the genre for each movie in the chart. Then circe the movie if the peope decided to see it. LISTEN TO INFER Which movies sound good goo d to you? you? isten again if necessary. Expain your choices DISCUSSION GRAMMAR Ways to express wants and preferences cience-fiction film n nimted nimt ed film documentry documentry muicl 2 The Bottom of the Sea ango in p Shoes 3 he Ant Who Wouldn Wouldn't 't Die 1 Chickens Never Wear Shoes 5 Goldilocks Grows Up 4 7 he Equalizer elve Angry men 8 Ciy Under the Sea 6 B li n? Y, I w. l li + ifiiti � + b fr) lil xr r W NOT Y ! , , W k g g? Y w b NOT Y j IL IL ' li W p k g ? l t The Dancer? S Y w NOT Y U1/ t l i t l rr + b fr xr r bt rf b r iiti l r i : rr : H rtr Gangs of York. W l rtr t + b fr t xr ti rfr T i p. 128 I qti r • E E gg l i I l rtr I OR I GRAMMA RAMMAR R BO B OOST STE E 8 www.frenglish.ru RAMMAR PRACICE omplete the conversations about wants and preferences. : ( lik I 'd lik) to see Star Wars X again Would you? ts at the ineax. B: ctually, ('d rathr I 'd rathr not) Lets stay ho. 2 : (Do you lik I Would you like) to stream something on TV? B: Yes, ('d lik I would) 3 : What would you rather ( I to ): a science fiction film or a comedy? B: e? ('d rathr I rathr) see a science fiction movie 4 : heres a usical and a horror movie on TV (Would I Do) your husband rather see the horror ovie? B: Yes, (h would rathr I h would) 5 : y sister (would lik to I would lik) go to the movies on Friday B: Great. ( would I would lik), too AIR ORK Use would like and would rather to ask your partner about movies he or sh would like to see and his or her prfernces " Would you like to see Bomerng? l MORE XRCISS ,, Wha woud you raher see: a documenary or a drama? " CONVERSATION MODEL J16 ead and listen to peopl discussing their ovie prferences What would you rather do: stay home and stream a movie or go to the theatr? d rather go out s that ? Sure! Would you rather see Horrr City or Love in Pari? re you kidding? can't stand horror ovies, and to tell you the truth, m not that big on lov storis Well, how about a documentary? The Great Wall of China is-playing, too v hard its great � rk s .! J1;7 RHHM AN INONAION isten again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. irLanguae.com Ways to agree on a pla That works o me. is a·de1 · · · · · Geat idea! IW} /A1nf�!1: Discuss preferences for move genres 1 "trm CON ERAION ACIAOR Write the names of some moviesWith a partner, change the onversation odel, using your own movies hen change roles What would you rather do: stay home and stream a ovie or go to the theater? Id rather s that ? Would you rather see or ? re you kidding? I cant stand , and to tell you the truth, I Well, how about ? DJlf iOP!.__ ! RECYCLE HI LANGUAGE. f • Say moe about the moves and expess moe ove pefeences CHANE PARN ER hange the conversation agan, using different moies � I don't I ove lke I hate Have you eve seen _? I msse t. Fankly, m not that big on s. 've head I hey say ts [fasinaing thillng fightenng dsgustng] 9 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU LISTEN l�& A 1:29 VOCBULRY• Adjectives to describe movies Read and isen. Then isen again and repea weird very srange r unusua, in thought-provoking smehing funny smehing ha makes yu augh a negaive way ha makes yu hink hilarious very very funny unforgettable smehing yu are violent bdy; wih a f ging remember fighing and kiing silly n serius ams supid romantic abu ve boring n ineresing PIR WORK Wrie he ie f a mvie fr each adjecive Then e yur parner abu yur chices a funny vie a hiarius mvie a siy vie a bring vie a weir mvie an unfrgeabe vie a ranic vie a h-rving vie a vien vie LISTENING COMPREHENSION A 1· LISTEN FOR MIN IES Lisen he mvie reviewer Wrie a check nex he mvies he recmmends and wrie an X nex he nes he desn' D Popcor 2 D The Vacation 3 D Aquamundo 4 D Wolf Babies 3 LISTEN TO INFER Lisen carefuy each mvie review again Based n he reviewers pinin circe ne r mre adecives describe each mvie � Popcor (weird I funny I bring) e Vacation (rmanic I vien I unfrgeabe) 3 LISTENING: ICTTION Lisen he fwing excerps frm he reviews Cmpee each saemen based n wha u hear . POPCORN* ( First up is cor, a new ....... starring David Bodine and Judy Crabbe Unrtunately, Popco is a complete waste of . ... .. THE VACATION* * * * * Our next lm Te Vaat, is a well-acted and . ..... 1 highly ..... wonderl ... 0 Aquamundo (bing I vien I hughprvking) 4 Wolf Babies (vien I bing I hiarius) AQUAMUNDO * * * @ Aquamundo is no ..... .. .. lm; it's based on real scientic research A ......... lm Don't . ... .. ... WOLF BABES * * * Adlts will find the story . but children wont rget these ..... .. scary scenes r a long time www.frenglish.ru _1m� 1�:l/oescribe and recommend movies "-;--. 1 A PIR WORK ead the short movie reviews and choose the movie you think sounds the ost interesting. Then compare movie choices Explain your reasons WHA'S YUR L-TIME fVORIE IE? Phil Ito Trn, CANADA I've just seen Totsie. What a great movieperhaps one of the most hilarous omantic comedes of all tme Before I saw the movie, I thought the plot sounded both werd and sly. but it wasnt Dustin Hoffman stars as out-ofwork ator Mchael Dorsey who dresses as a woman to get a pa on a dama But probems begin when he fals in love with hs costar Jessca Lange who doesnt know Mchae s a man If you want a good augh be sue to see ths funny funny fim l gela eixeia Frz BRAZL When someone says that documentares are boring, say "You have to see Grizly an one of the most thought-provokng documentares of all tme Ths 2005 move by German drector Werner Herzog tes the true stoy of the lfe and death of Tmothy Treadwel who ived for 13 years among bears in he Alaska wderness readwel believed that he coud ve near bears wthout danger In he end however Treadwel and hs grlfriend are kiled by bears Even f you would rather avod volence go to see Grzly Man because there s no actua volence on screen Rebecca Lane ebecca ae M, USA Ive ust seen Casabaca for the hundredth tme Its the most romantic move in the word, and theres no movie woud rather see Humphrey Bogat and ngrd Bergman star as former overs who meet ater many years Theyre stll in ove and have to make some dffcut choces The endg s unforgettabe and always makes me cr Ths move was made n 1942 but ts always "new I guess thats what makes t a cassic B NOPDDING rite notes about a ovie you've seen recently (ts if you dont have al the nformation) I Title of ilm: C GROUP WORK escribe and recommend the movies on your notepads se adectves from the Vocabulary and other adectives you know DON'T STOP! j • Ask questions. Genre: Stars: irecto or poducer djectives that esie t ov: Questions Was [uy I slly I scary]? Who was 7 Wha d of move was Do you rcommd Wha was abou7 hat the movie is aout More adjecives hllg xg gra fascag rsg rghg dsgusg lody uusual say popular rr awul pry good Text-mining (optional) rvws Ercs ·J'"d d udr hr rLkPhrsshh wds wr w y�u s !.; , ur Gru Wr Fr : . f s v wh . I A UNIT 2 1 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU READ WARM-UP moves and TV shows? Explan At what age do you th·nk.it,s safe to permt chldren to see violent READING .,33 ildrn? Ch m r H m gr V Pr T or es vi o M t n e ol Can Vi tnd to n t gh i g d b d hd l o s o m mor childrn hav bec at th a s opl e any p is, thy are mor e nt ears -that rc n i e v s s i gr ag , and broth ers. A e ir fri ends sis trs th h wit t gh t o likl atchi ng rp o rtd that w a v s h udi c st tii n umb r of sci en in aggression t ca us a gr owth fc in n ca n l o vi rch two Accor ding to th e resa m ovi es nds o programs and havi or n co urage aggrssiv e b tha n in o ung chi ldrn mor M c violnt othr : ( 1) ralisti m ovis acti on pro gra ms and ar t o ons and (2 vi olnt c n On disturbng conclusio nt that the cts o vi ole i ars viwng last r man childr en One tud showd that TV wh o watchd violent r e programs whn th w likl 8 ars old wre m ore sivl at to bhav aggrs re m or likl as adults th w r o m hr rt Fu a g 18 as child abus olent crims such vi o d te vic on c to b e and murder g violent ated that watchin str n o e m d s o al v Studis ha attituds n a e ct childrn's movis and T sh ows ca em Childr w orld around th e h t n i e c ol n towards vi A rI e the correct wod or phrase to complete each statement accord.g to the nformaton n the artcle wth others 1 ( ealtc I n ggee) person s someone ho s lk e y to fight 2 Scentfc studes have eported that some kinds of moves and V programs can (Imt I encouge) aggressve behavor of violent 3 One kind crme s (mude bd beao) 4 A ord that means almost the same thn gas hurt s (ep m) t's d"f icu t to (pem peen) older chldren from seeng any violence on V and n moves 6 Research has suggested that ( conequence n dntge) of atchng volent flms s aggressve behavor UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT c· 5 22 UNIT d t n an w ho watch a lot o in s o city he t more violnc cp c a m d an "normal iolnt ac ts themslv mi m co t o gi n e b n ma v n who movis and on telvisio Vr oten characters in r the ir acti ons s ar n ot sorr m cri t n l vio mit m co squnc or and dont c con drn se e punishmnt hn chil o ar cri minals ctional charactrs wh doing d lik ths the larn that n who ar things is K or childr thi s a growing and dvl o pin rtant r them bad mssag ts imp o do esnt t o se that o ur socie to lrate crim With oung o what can we do? th power to childrn we hav ograms and contr ol the TV pr can protct m ovs the watch, s o w violnc thm om sing an p ossble to er children its m d ol t wi h r v w e at al Ho olnc But we eir xp osur e t o v th t n v e e pr l te compl sp end watching er o h ours the m u n th mit l o t can tr a vio lnt lm or TV drn hav se n chil n wh d n it o help thm s i t with th em t cus dis to t n rta show its impo o li ce is nt a noral part understand that viol en www.fren lish.ru B CONFRM CONTENT Discuss the questions, using the information in the article. Then share your answers with the class 1 Accordng to the artcle what are some ways that viewing violence can affect children? 2 What kinds of programs and movies are most harmful? 3 Accordng to the article some studies show that viewng violence can have effects that last for many years What are some of these long-term effects? 4 What bad "message can come from violent programs and movies? 5 Jc MORE :ERCS What suggestons does the artcle make to help parents prevent the bad effects of violent TV programs and movies in very young children? In older children? EVALUATE IDEAS Do you agree with the article that "violence is not a normal part of life? Explain your answer Discuss effects of violence o n viewers Complete the chart with three films or television shows you know Rate the level of violence from Oto with being the most violent. ile Meim Level o lece film 0 B = not violnt, 1 = somwhat vole 2 I 2 voln, 3 = ulra vn NOTEPADDNG Write notes about the most violent film or TV show on your chart Should chidren see t? Wh ? Wh not? Is t OK for adts to see it? Wh ? Wh ot? I DSCSSON Discuss the efects of violence on vewe Use the information from your notepad to help you epress your ideas Here are some questions to consider in your discussion: • Does violence encourage adults to behave aggressively? think I agree . • n your opinion are there some people who should not see violent movies? f so who? • s the effect of viewing violence the same in children and adults? " vad oedont.vtTheyhoeestamesemove tvhneegsne,cantheyandmakeseethnpeop eythgoe moveote. J _ - Tex-minng (op •• I disagree feel that " tnal) Fi� a�d uderne three words or phrases t h e eadrng that were new to you Use em .n your Disc usso n. For example: •a bad message" UNIT 2 23 www.frenglish.ru A Lsten to the conversation about movies. Check the correct description of each movie. 1 D D D D a romantc flm a documentary about Brazl a horror move D D D D D a documentary about cookin ham a musical tragedy a slly comedy D D an unforgettable movie a werd police story an anmated children's flm 6 D D D D D D a documentary a movie only for adults an animated musical a comedy an animated flm a drama Complete the conversations Choose the correct verbs and adverbial expressions, and write the movie genres. 1 : (Have you seen I Did you see) a good - (just I lately)? B: To tell you the truth no. But last night (weve seen I we saw) a great . 2 How many times (have they seen I did they see) War of the Worlds? B: That remake of the old movie? I think (they saw it I theyve seen it) twce (stll I so far). D an animated polce story a weird love story an unforgettabe comedy 5 4 3 2 3 : Sally is such a fan. How long (has she waited I nr• did she wait) for this film to come out on DVD? B: Shes waited (for I since) at least six months. 4 : (didnt see I havent seen) a as ood as Twelve Angry Men. B: Really? (lately I still) (didn't see I haven't seen) it Complete each statement or question with or snce. 1 hat film has played at the Metroplex two weeks. 2 Te Talking Parrot has been available to stream online last Tuesday. 3 ve loved animated movies was a chld. 4 Have you been here more than an hour? ve been a fan of science fiction movies over thirty years 6 ve been in the tiket lne :0! 5 n TOP NOTCH l • Lyrics p. 153 "Beter Late Than Never .. J SN 1 KR - WRITING Write two paragraphs about violence in movies and on T Explain why some people think ts harmful and why others think it isnt 24 UNIT 2 WRITING BOOSTER p. 14 • Paragahs • oic seteces • Guidace for his writig exercise www.frenglish.ru ORAL REVIEW oooa PAIR WORK -SOLD: G°ult-l 1 With a partner, guess the genre of te three movies. Imagine what the movies are about and coose actors to star in te movies. Present your ideas to te class. Use te ollowing as a model . QU1 -7:20.9:QOMi<n,gbt £ova in Prdise We tJik "Love i Paradi>e i> a romatic movie. It '> about a ma ad a oma wJo meet ad fall in love in Hawaii 2 Create a conversation or one o the coupes Say as much as you can For example: , T: t5 9"46- -i:ketotheon t> 7:30 Did e mi>> "Love in Paadi>e? =- D D D Apologize or being ate. Discuss preferences or move genres Describe and recommend movies. Dscuss efecs of voence on viewers. 2 www.frenglish.ru 1i)\� I1'J1�1:,!I]� UNIT _ Leave and take a message. 2 Check into a hotel. 3 Request housekeeping ervie. 4 Choose a hotel. 1 I Staying in Hotels \) PREVIEW w.toprc,avel�m Top Notch Choose room typ Flights Travel smoking Sign n Car Rentals • non� mokng u Choos 1w y hot •f I •r hutt vc • wlr I • pl d un m in 24-h b I c t r ve vc ft lop o ' rvlo fltn I x rel W k ·U I c n r vc vc Chtok AVilb • " u, &' A :0 VOCABLARY Hotel room types and kinds of beds a a . T aa a a 1 a 2 a 3 a a 5 a 6 a w a qz 8 a z 9 a away 7 PA ORK Ha y a y ay a a ? T y a a , aay a a 26 UNIT 3 www.frenglish.ru EGUH FOR TODAY'S WORLD Understand English speaker frm dferen language backgronds. Gues = Korean speaker C . 0 PHOTO STORY R n n sn chcin h Ge ood morg Im !t f oom 6. Clek Ill be appy to elp you wt tat Wa your tay <tr7 Ge Ye Very e a Cek Dd yo ave aytg from te mbar lat gt? Ge: jut a bottle of water Cek OK Le me add tat to your bll E Clek: Ad would you le to u t ! your Vta ard? Ge e I would, pleae By e way, I eed to go to te arport Cek ertaly If you � !r . Ill all you a tax. But f youd rate tae te free arport uttle, tere oe leavg twety mute Ge rat I'l te te utle. Wy pay for a tax? Ad tatll gve me tme to p up a few tg at te gt op before I leave. Cek No probem. I'll a te bllma to � , �P. wt your uggage He'll let you ow we te utle ere. Ge a o mu Cle Youre welom ave a ae trp ad we ope to e you aga. Fin nin s n hss in h Ph S ih h s nin 1 ih 2 h 3 in 4 5 n h ch i THINK ND EXPLAIN Ein h ch sn is s sin inin h Ph S 3 h s s h i in csh 1 Th s is sin s 2 Th s hs cins h h 4 h sh is iin in n h FOCUS ON LANGUAGE P AKING Mch ch c ih h sic h is hch sics n in h • Hotel serices r l ll l r 2 - 3 4 . 2:04 p mp m e I l ll l _ 5 . ... 7 UNIT 3 27 www.frenglish.ru CONVERSION MODEL A 2:os Read and liten t mene leaving a meage. Hell? I'd like t peak t nne SmithShe a guet B I l ring that rm fr yu .m rryShe nt anweringWuld yu ike t leave a meage? Ye Pleae tel her Tim Klein caled l meet her at the htel at three thi afternn B I that a? Ye, thank M ND NONON iten again and repeat. Then practice the Cnveratin del with a partner. I 2:06 GRAMMAR The future with wll You can use will or won't + a base form to talk about the future. Affirmative statements He wll call bc omoow Negative statements We wont be e oel enoo Questions Wll e meet e e? e, e wll I o e won Wll ey ake xi o e oel? e ey wll I o ey wo We wll e le arve? (I bo en me) W wll yo do ew o? (V e Empe Se Bldg) Wee wll ey go o e ex vco? (Pobbly Lo gele) Wo wll call wen e ve? (Sell cll e on de) UT Wo wll call e o de? ( wll) Contraions w= ' w on Remember: Yu c l lk h fuu wh gg , h p cuu h p p . Im on to 400 Thye meet h h Sh ve PA Fh 24 h GRAMMAR BOOSTER 19 • W x d h w • hd d h A FND E GMM Lk at the Cnveratin de again Circle tw ue f wil. GMM E Cmpete the tatement and quetin in the meage uing wi r wnt Ue cntractin when pible eage fr Yalmaz . Calway caled back later thi evening. she I call eage r r.alinger at the Claytn Hte unti after 500 your coeague I not I be 3 eage fr Jhn Trrence Yur b caled a recmmendatin fr a he need . retaurant fr tng . t nce MORE (ERCISS 4 eage frm ark Smith u t the airprt after the meeting? 5 eage fr Harri at the airprt befre 600 6 eage frm ani Trre at 00 tmrrw ndn time 7 eage frm r Park cme in t the ffice early tmrrw? 8 eage fr rady ·�he- /y; " 'ni u tmrrw? who I take your brother I not I arrive the conerence ca I tat I have to i 8 UN 3 www.frenglish.ru C 2:01 LSTEN FOR DEALS isten to the phone messages. hen listen again and complete each message slip, according to the information you hear Use the future with will in each message 1 t PHONE MESSAGE t PHONE MESSAGE FOR:�y_Dller FROM 0 M. D Ms Ms DMissPe,I D W ca again D a ca Wts to s ou D Rtu ou ca Msg He'll be 3 FOR Cll k FROM M. Ms Ms Miss as ca W ca again Wants to s ou Rtund ou ca Msg; 2 t PHONE MESSAGE FOR k P FROM 0 M 0 Ms Ms. Miss Wi ca again 0 as ca 0 Wants to s ou O Rtund ou ca Mg 4 t PHONE MESAGE FOR P C,lf FROM 0 M Ms. Ms Miss----------- Wi ca again as a Wants to s ou Rtu ou ca Me:--------------- will PRONUNCIATION Contractions with "tmf COACH otice that each contraction is one syllable ead and listen. en listen again and repeat. 4 � need a taxi. r call back later be at the rank Hotel 5 Yu'l have to leave at 6. 3 bring his laptop to the meeting meet you in twenty minutes. ' B ook at the message slips you wrote in xercise above. ead each message aloud using the correct pronunciation of the contracted form of will Leave and take a message FR AME OR DEAS n a separate sheet of paper write four messages you could leave someone r 8 ONVERSATION ATIVATOR With a partner change the onversation odel eave your own messagesour partner completes the message sliphen change roles ello? d like to speak to ll ring that room for you m sorry Would you like to leave a message? es Please tell . s that all? 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 WHILE YOU WERE UT .•. FOR: _ D Mr. D Ms. D Ms. D Mis -- - caled. Phone: 0 Pleae ca back WI ca gain Message: _ DONTSOP! • Leave anoter message. • Confrm tat you've uderstood the message corectly • Ask or more infomation NG ANS eave other messaes How o ou spe ou st me? ou ou pese spe tt fo me? ou ou pese epet tt? Wts ou_? UNIT 3 2 www.frenglish.ru Check into a hotel GRAMMAR The real conditional Conditional sentences expess the esults of actions o conditions. j clause (the condition) result clause (the esut) I e bue eer oe, ek my e-ma Real conditional sentences expess factual o futue esults When the esult is futue use will in the esult clause (A aua reu: Ue ree ee bo aue) a oe room ha wree ere gue don't have to o o a bue eer o hek emal (A uure reu Ue ree ee e aue a uure w w e reu laue) e chec in eary e'll et e room e wa Questions ey dont have a omokg room will you ta a a fere oe? ere will you o hey don't have a room or og ere ae o rea ar a e aro wha wll hey do? Be caeful Neve use will in the clause you urry you a e hue NOT you ! you a e hue n conditional sentences the clauses can e evesed with no chane in meanin n witin use a comma when the j lause comes fist e e eer i l oe go wmmg go wmmg e e eer oe A GRAMMA BOOSTER p. 130 • The real cnditonal: pesen and fuure; usage and mmn ers NDERSAND HE GRAMMAR Write factual if the onditional sentene expresses a fact ,L•m Write future if it expresses a future result 1 If you ake your reservation in advance you save a lot of oney. B 4 We will call your roo this evening i there are any essages 2 She' iss the :00 shutte if she doesn't heck out early today 5 f you request a suite you usually get free breakfasts 3 f a guest is in a hury a taxi is faster than the shuttle 6 You'll have to pay a daiy fee if you want wireless service GRAMMAR PRAE Coplete the real conditional stateents and questions with orect fors of the verbs 1 to order breakfast at the restaurant if I I 2 f a suite on their next cuise a lot ore cofortable �e/gt 3 a roo with a king-size bed if affordable? I I 4 e a hand if help with y luggage? I 9 5 Who if laundry service? WI 6 pay if wireless Internet service? I I havl to l rORE (fCISES 3 us 7 If a rollaway bed it to your roo I quest 8 Where if to ake copies? h nd sh I 3 www.fren lish.ru CONVERSAION MODEL A 2 Read and listen to someone checking into a hotel. Hi I'm checking in. The names Baker. : Let's see That's a double for two nights. Non-smoking? : That's right. May I have your credit card? Here you go. By the way, is the restaurant still pen? It closes at 9. But if you hurry you'll make it Thanks. 2 RHYTHM AND INTONATION isten again and repeat. Then practice the Conversatin Model with a partner 21 ISTEN FOR DEILS Listen to guests check into a hotel Cmplete the information about what each guest needs. 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 Check into a hotel VD A With a partner, roleplay checking into a hotel Change the room and bed type, and ask abut a hotel facility rom the pictures Then change rles CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR Hi, Im checking in The names Lets see Thats a for night(s) Nonsmoking? Busines Center Hours 9 Mi 10 5 PM A: .. May have your credit card? Here you go y the way, is the still pen? t closes at ut i you hurry, youll make it DON1STOP! • Ask about other services and faclities. A: .. Ftne Cente Hus ( AM 10 9 lM J Practice the conversation again Discuss other rom and bed types and hotel acilities CHANGE PARTNERS UNI 3 1 www.frenglish.ru Request housekeeping services BEFORE YOU LISTEN :1 VOCABULARY • Hotel room amenities and services Ra a list Th list agai a rpa We need. extra towels. extra hangers skrt hangers an iron a har drer Coud omeone• make up the room? turn down the beds? pick up the aundry? brng up a newspaper? take awa the dshes? plt t statts a qstis with tr its y kw Th cpar its with a partr I xtra 9�0 • diy towels 2 as • breakfast I lunch I dnner • bags I luggage 3 l s pick p y ? • a coee make 4 l s brig p ? • a ollaway bed laundy ags 5 l s tak away th ? • (you own dea) _ EXPAND THE VOCABULARY LISTENING COMPREHENSION A U LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Satisfi Nt satisfi 32 UNIT 3 Dci if th gsts ar satisfi r t T xplai yr aswrs Satisfi Nt satisfi List agai a cplt ach statt T gst wats s t tak T gst wats s t away , brig p ......... �e ..... a brig p a a ick p th LISTEN FOR DEILS . , www.frenglish.ru Request housekeeping services A B PIR WORK Look at the pictures. With a partner, discuss what you think each hotel guest is saying. Role-pay a telephone conversation between one of the guests and hotel staff Use your ideas from Exercise A. Then change roles Stat ike this: PIR WORK A Hello. Room Service. How can I Jelp yov? B: i, rn like to order . Hotel staf Helo, [Git Shop. Is everyhng OK? 'm sorry to hear that Let me check Certainly be happy to hep you with that Hotel guest s the sauna] stl open? Wha tme does the busness cener] close I open? Coud someone ? The_ snt I arent workng he won't turn on need d ke to order room servce d k to leave a message fo DONTSOP! • Complain about other roblems. • Ask about the hotel facltes and services. • Leave a message fo another hotel guest www.frenglish.ru Choose a hotel BEFORE YOU READ EXPLORE YOUR IDEAS What do you think is the best way to get information about a hotel? D by word of mouth D from an online hotel booking servce READING from a travel guide book from a travel agency D other ... Flight Car Retals �21s Top Notch Travel Our best picks for New York City • S Budqet • Moderately p,ced The Plaza Hotel 8 • Ex;ens Sign in SSS iey Most fmous Located ust across from New Yorks fabulous Central Park ths is as near as it gets to the bet shopping along ew Yorks famous ifth Avenue This 197 hotel with its beautiful fountain, s a famous location in many popular movies and books Rub shoulders with the rich and famous Attentive hotel staf available on every floorsevce doesn't get much better than this! : •- • • • • Broadway at Times Square Hotel 8 Most convenient In a great locationnext to imes quare and the best roadway muscals and plays this convenent hotel is two blocks from the subway ten minutes from Rockefeller Center, and ten blocks from the Museum of odern At 24 • 24 • lo • W- • YOTELG Most hgh-teh Popular with young travelers, this vey cool hghtech hotel located only two blocks from the Port Authorty bus station oers automatc electronic checkin and robot bell service A ktchen on every floor offers free hot drinks and a way to prepare your own food And superstrong iFi service makes connecting to the Internet fast and headachefree njoy Yotels atinAsian restaurant and enteainment or hang out at New York's largest roof garden •• • • • • • W Casablanca Hotel C Most unusual Conveniently located near Times quae and more than fity restaurants and wo major museums th is awardwinning hotel has lots of atmosphereit's decorated in a coloul authentic Moroccan style Its friendly, helpul staf make your stay an experience you won't forget and its also surprisingly aordable 24- • W • • • • Mor In For the budet minded Hotel Pennsylvania $ , 00 . ? . The Hotel Newton $ E r S, . The Gerhwi Hotel r E S B, 03 G S U B y Mot In . . 34 UNIT 3 www.frenglish.ru A DRW CONCLUSIONS omplete each statement with the name of a hotel (or hotels) from the eading. Then compare choices and reasons with a partner 1 n his vacations, arl yan 43 likes to stay near the Theater istrict If he stays at _�<-9l}!0H he'll be near the Theater istrict 2 tella Korman 35 doesn't like the beds in most hotels owever if she stays at her room will definitely have a great bed Mark and ancy Birdsall ( and ) are always online f they stay at the the iFi servie is not only free but it's really fast 4 ucy ee 36 will pay more for a hotel that is very omfortable and offers a lot of servces f she stays at she'll be very happy 5 Brenda ey prefers hotels that are different and interesting If she stays at shell find th ifr fr hr l 6 James Kay always travels with his dog oue If he stays at will have to stay home E x IDENIY SUPPORING DEILS ompare responses in er eplan why you chose a particular hotel 1wN�:li Choose a hotel A RE YOUR IDE S hats important to you in choosing a hotel? ate the following factors on a scale of to 5 not important e oo ze leanlne loaton eve aente atohee 2 very mportan 4 3 5 - 2 - 3 4 5 2 3 - 4 5 - 2 3 4 - 5 2 3 - 4 - 5 2 3 - 4 - 5 2 - 3 - 4 5 PAIR WOR Find each hotel from the eading on the map iscuss the advatages and disadvantages of each Then hoose a hotel u The Casablanca Hotel sounds like t has a lot of atmosphere. It's affordable, and the loation is good " Tt·mig (tal) Fd h wds hass h Rad ha w w u. Us h Pa Wk F xa: "c cad SURVEY AND DISCUSSION Take a survey of how many cassmates chose each hotel iscuss and eplain your choices U Most of us hose the ote Newton beause . " UNIT 3 5 www.frenglish.ru �worZd sLfirsotemntthoetboxhe phone. conversations in a hotel Then listen again and complete each statement, using belauldry rsohomoeshine tdionwenelsr hawankgee-ursp maturnkedownup thtehreobeomds 12 HeShenewaednstssomeonetobrinsgerupvice and hewa ntssomeShoenealsotonebreidnsgup extraservice 34 HeShenewaednstssomeonetoservicean dandshewa nts ssoemervicoene to bring up extra B Wha1 Mst .hotGleeal srooomn is ortravbeeldintgypaelosnehoulSdheeadoechsguen't snet aesdkmucfor?h space. !9 2 Mrone aknindg-Mrsizse.Vabenditeandtheirtwelve-yea r-old son oris are checking into a room with 34 GeMikoergKeraNauseckplisanasbitgo mausenhi asnrdoomhesfovrerbusy tainl esHemeneeetdinsgsa goodwith inimgporhttsasnlet cpusftoormearismportant mePaueltKinroghntomors cormpaow.nywa ntshimtosavesome money by sharing a room with a c o l e a g ue . C Wrcoriteecrtepuncal condituattiioonanl statements and questions Use the cor ect forms of the verbs and 1 if it rain this morning Mona not go to the beach 2 if you walk to the restaurant you be there in fi te n minutes 3 Mr Wang get a bet er job if he do wel on the English test tomorrow 4 what Karl do if the airline cancels his flight if you not like your room who you cal Wrwoulitedalpaikeratogrsatpayhtahbeoutre Whathe hott areel iytsouadcvhaosnteaginesLeasndondisadEvxapnlataingewhys? you ._] 5 I I I I I Jf .it q_i�rt.1'9, .f�< -�.it9 1.c!:.............. I I I I I I I I I I I I I .......................................... ? I 5 I I I I I ·······? For add1tonl nguge prctic . WRITING nTNO I • Lyrics p. 153 "Checking Out -�I t·K= I Wovld like to s attJe Hotel Caablanca. p. 145 Avoiding sentece fragments with beause or sine Guiane o witing exeise _ 36 UNIT3 www.frenglish.ru PAIR WORK Create a conversation between the hotel guest in Room 816 and the woman at the front desk. Ask for hotel services or complain about a problem. Start like this: ello? Is this the frot desk? 2 FOR: FROM D� M;r. o; Ms------ D Mrs D Miss O Plcl D W - -,--n- O ans to y 0 Retur yor cl ic Create a conversati on between the man at the front desk and the caller. Use will. Complete the message slip. Start like this A: Frot desk. C I help yov? B: Yes, thkS. rn like to leae meH09e Q . M: _____ • 3 Create a conversaton between the two men at the front desk Check into or check out of the hotel Discuss hotel amenities, services and schedules. Start like this: i I'm checki9 i. The Omes ••• Business Center Gft Shop Fitness Center Spa 2 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM 3 5 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM 12 www.frenglish.ru 1Discuss �l�:It@it Rm, a ca a ccidet. 1 2 3 4 UNIT Cars and Driving Descib e a ca poblem Ret a ca Discuss good and bad drvg PREVIEW Eight Hits of Bad Drivers How may drivers in ou cit ... Ospeed? Dnone 0 wea through fc? Dsome Dmost Dall @tilgte? Dnone Dsome Dnone Dsome Dmost Dall don't stop t red lights? Dmost Dall Dnone Dsome O most Dall I @ tlk on the phone? Dnone O some Dmost don't signl when turning? Dall text while driving? Dnone ·'F� CDS A Dsome Dmost Dall · VOCABULARY • Bad driving habts ead and listen. Then isten again and repeat speed tailgate talk on the phone text while driving weave through tafic not stop at red lghs not signa when turning pass in a no·passing zone 3 UNIT 4 Dnone Dsome O most Dall pss in no-pssing zone? Dnone Dsome O most Dall PAIR WORK ompare surveys with a partner Dscuss and expain you answers "Soe ies i y cit y tak o the hoe whie they'e iig It' teible " Lots of tax ies t withot igalig o't lke that www.fren lish.ru • PHOO SO Red d le ce eee ld fed Ba: You wont biv what I just saw Ba: ason Your right. It has bn a Maso: What? ong ti.owv you bn? Ba: This taxi was oing aroun h Maso: I ant o ain.What about ornr, an h hit a bus oon you ·Ho�i the a·;1? sai th guy was txting whi h Ba: rat I was ust going in hr was riving to pik up a prsnt or arissa. Maso ( 9 oorows our ith annivrsary - [in Was anyon hurt? Maso: ongratuations .. y Lts have�·p oi o'end .c.at. .P <r Ba I ont think so. o tis Thrs a ni o pa Maso Jh] g f<r t�!· r n th ornr Mason: Brad! L'19 t[ �. E· 0 0 ¥ 4 Ba I just ant stop thinking about that aint. Maso I know.Th riving in this ity has aays bn ba but now vryons txting an taking on th phon insta o paying attntion to th roa Ba �¥ tat<�i_ You shount utitask whi your riving a ar ; FOCUS ON ANGUAGE c ec meed eece e f e q fm e . "l! 'e ee fe " c' cml 2 ll ee . " me ee 3 'm f ! 4 'm ld ele eed " de f e " c ! 5 Rell ' elele. 6 ' e ee "e e dd! HNK AND EXPAN c e dd me e e d "e' e c f cffee d cc ld me 2 dd d me e e d " ld' ml le 'e d c SPEAKING DSCUSSON c ccde e e qe n. UNI 4 39 www.frenglish.ru • 2:21 Read and isten. Then isten again and repeat. © windshield wiper ® wndshield @engine C headlight turn signal light side-view mirror bumper emergency bake M!O;I seatbelt 0 gearsift C steering wheel PAI WOK Take turns identifying the car part for each definition l a ight at the back of the car or 2 a ight that indicates a tun 3 a part the driver uses to turn the car 4 a part that ceans the front window 5 gas pedal a part that makes the car go faster 6 a part that keeps passenges safe during an accdent 7 a ight that heps the drier see the road clutch 8 a pace in the back for carrying things The past continuous The past continuous describes an activity that continued durng a perod of time in the past or at a specifi time in the past Form the past continuous wth was o wee and a present participle. The other driver g The car s mking a fuy oud whle they ving. W he headh king? (Ye, they wee I No, they wee't) ho · ivng your car at 10:00 lat ht Remember: The simple past tnse describes a comleted past action. Use when to ombine a ontinuing pat ction with a completed action past continuous smle st tense It nng whe he the accdet 40 UNI 4 - � GRAMMAR BOOSTER p. 131 • The past continuous: other uses www.fren lish.ru A GRMMR PRCTICE .omplete the paragraph with the past continuous and the simple past tense an accident yesterday slowly and 'm 2 dive 1 have sure attention But for a phone call When 4 wait 3 pay the phone , it Suddenly, the car in front of me 5 ring 6 nser , and it certainly 7 MRE top 8 it 9 learn my lesson! Luck ily, when the accident (S 11 ave 10 not peed 2:22 ITEN TO CTIVTE VOCURY Listen to the conversations about accidents Write the number of each conversation in the box under the picture hen listen again and write the car part or parts that were damaged in each accident D ...... .... ..... CONVERSATION MODEL A 2;23 ead and listen to a conversation about a car accident : had an accident B: t�. �?. 9Y· Are you OK : m fine o one was hurt B: !�1k .9.- How did it happen? : Well, the other driver was tailgating, and he hit my car : .�i19 Was there much damage? : o ll only have to replace a taillight 8 �: Ways to respond With concern With relef I'm . • Tk ; Hcw fu T I'm T b. :24 RYTM ND INTONTION Listen again and repeat hen practice he onversation odel with a partner Discuss a car accident A Write what the driver was doing se the past continuous ' CONVERTION CTIVTOR With a partner, change the onversation odel, using the pictures hen change roles : had an accident : re you K? : DONlSOP! : How did it happen? • Ak m qu bu , : Well, , and hit my car mg : Was there much damage? v CNGE PRTNER iscuss other accidents UNI 4 41 www.frenglish.ru Describe a car problem 'it � VOCABUlRY Phrasal verbs for talking about cars CDS A �6 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat turn on turn o fill up pck up drop off B Complete the sentences with the two parts of each phrasa verb 1 2 3 4 he car's almost out of gas Let's go in here so I can it It's raining, and I can' t the windshield wipers They aren't working Can I use your car this afternoon? I can it at :0 if you don't need it then. We have to return the rental car before :00 Let's . it early at the airport and get something to eat, OK? I can't the air conditioning It's freezing in here! 5 GRAMMAR Placement of direct objects with phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs cai a verb ad a paricle ha geher have heir w meaig. main verb r + pacle = s ( mcie) May phrasal verbs are separable This meas ha a direc bjec ca cme befre r afer he paricle T , r ff, ick dr ff ad fill are separable dre object drect obect I' drp he car OR I' he car Be carefl ! Wih a separable phrasal ·verb if he direc bjec is a pr i ms cme befre he paricle drp i ff (NOT 1'11 ; :) Did y ll hem p? (NOT Did y � th . ?) ee wi ey pick s p? (NOT ee wi ey 1 .?) GRAMAR BOOSTER 13 ���• Nouns and pronons: reew � PRONUNC( ION Stress of particles in phrasal verbs A 7 Stress changes when an object pronoun comes before the particle Read and listen hen listen again and repeat • • 1 like to my car. • OK. What time can you ? 42 UNIT • • 2 : hey need to the keys • : Great When do they want to ? www.frenglish.ru B GRAMMAR I VOCAULARY PRACTICE Write statements or questions, placing the direct objects correctly. hen practice reading the sentences aloud with a partner se correct stress 1 2 3 4 l MORE XERCIS 5 he taillghts aren't working (can't I I on I them I turn) heyre expecting the car at 0:00 (off I drop I 0:00 I at I ll I it) . ts too cold for air conditioning (button I which I off I t I turns) ? hanks for fing the car (t I pick I what tme I I can I up) ? he car is almost out of gas (up I please I fill I it) CO VERSATtO ODE � ead an listen to someone escribing a car probem. m droppng off my car Was everything K? Well, actually, the windshield wpers arent working m sorry to hear that ny other problems? No hats t s the gas tank full? es just filled t up 8 RHYTHM AD ITOATIO isten again an repeat hen practice the onversation odel with a partner FID THE GRAMMAR ind and underlne two direct objects in the onversaton odel 1Wl /if�:I 1 _ Describe a car problem OTEPADDIG Write two or more possible car parts for each car probem I won't opn clos: he 1 he hd . I wont tun on I o I (i I ar) makng a funny soun I isnt I arnt workn 8 COVERSATIO ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the onversaton odel eport a problem with a car se your notepad for ideas hen change roles and problems 'm dropping off my car Was everything K? Well actually ny other problems? A: .. CHAGE PARTERS escribe other car problems OPTIO oe-play a conversation in which you report an accident when you drop of a renta car escribe the accident ay what you were doing when you had the accident using the past continuous hen change roes tart like this m roppng of my car I had an accient O, H i a? t a aa? Wa a ? 1 Y [ailli b i i ai a f UNIT 4 43 www.frenglish.ru Rent a car BEFORE YOU LISTEN ·�ts CRDS A , 2:0 VOCBULRY • Car types Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat • \. a_compact_car � ',nuu,• - a converible . . a spors ar nn.Hl 7 1 ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.Hn•' a saion wagon •, ,u.,.,,,, a inivan I a van , HlIHOU#H, .• 0 . ,,,, .a luxuy car an SUV .. ...... , Which car would you like to drive? Which car would you not like to drive? Discuss with a partner, using the Vocabulary PIR WORK H I'd like to drive the luxuy ca because peope wil think I have a lot of money. " Really? Id athe dive the convetible Its ealy cool " LISTENING COMPREHENSION A 13 LSTEN FOR DELS Listen. Write the car type that the speakers discuss in each conversation 4 I> • LSTEN TO SUMMRZE Listen again. Write a check mark if the caller rented a car Then isten again Write the reasons the ther callers didn't rent a car. 1 ..................... 4 UNIT 4 1mI�'rl:a A www.frenglish.ru Rent a car PIR WORK Read about each customer at Wheels Around the World, an international car rental company. Choose the best type of car for each person Discuss reasons with your partner 0 A---a Bakr: M: Pottr i a ,, A compct cr is good for drving in bg city. It s eser to k n smll prkng spce. C .-li___ Bakn: M Luna a banr from Curtiba Bral. H on i ttin marrid n Valarao Chil H want to driv to Valarao from th aro in Santiao Chl with hi wf and thir two othr hldrn for th wddin. Th hav a lot of loth and rnt for th wddn bunwoman from Boton in th US Sh i flin to Dalla to attnd a buin mtin Sh don't hav a lot of lua. Sh onl nd a ar for loal travl around Dalla ar ........... Raon ............... ar ....................... Raon ................ • .----. Sskr: Dr Andrad from : M Par a torit Prra Colombia H fln to an ntrnational mdal onfrn n La Pa Boliva H ha invitd thr dotor to dinnr and aftr-dnnr nttainmnt H l to driv. from Buan Kora viitin wtrn Autrala with hr ouin Th njo hiin and fihn and th'r lannn a oad tr throuh th La Ditrt Th lan to drv on om ouh road o th want a ar wth four-whl drv ar ....... Raon ........... ar .................... Raon ........... B�roun: M. Kimura a tourit from Oaa Jaan vitn natonal ar and ti n h wtrn at of th U.S wth hr huand and thr thr hldrn Th lan to do a lot of hon too ar . Raon ............ NOTEPDDING Plan a trip for which ou need a rental car esnon cku e ro o de Nuer o conons Acves ROLE PLY With a partner roe-play a phone call to Wheels Around the World to rent a car for the ip you planned on your notepad Choose one of the car types from the Vocabulary on page 44 iscuss the trip and your needs Then change roles Hll Whl rn h Wrl W n r [ n I l]? H mn l r rvn h? Whn ll u I r f] th r? Wr r r? Wl rr r lz r [n ? l m rrv l [m r rhr hv vn] Im rvln m hn] n r vn] hv I n v] l r r ? UNIT 4 45 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU RAD = A � : VOCABULARY • Driving behavio ead and listen. Then listen agan and repeat. Bad or aggressive drivers ... ? -· honk their horns &. r-·, "' I • ' I gesture at other drivers stare at other drivers flash their lights at other drivers Good drers And don't frge . on text while drvng pay attention observe the speed limit maintain a safe fllowing distance weave thrugh tafic not s�op at stoplights not sgna while tun ing z WARM-UP In your opnon, whch of the bad and aggressive drvng habits are the most dangerous? hy? READING FEATURE ARTICLE f F 3 " The geatest chance of a colision is in font of you Maintaining a safe ollowing distance of thee seconds behind the ca in front o you wi give you enough time to eact if that ca slows o stops suddeny I P Be awae of wee ote vehices ae and wat is appein on th oad Check you eaview and sideview mios fequenty Beoe changing lanes aways ook ove ou soude to check you blind spots-aeas to the side and ea of you ca that aent visible in you mios D Use tun signals to et othe dives kow what youe going to do bfoe you do it This helps othe dives undestand you plans so they can make thei own defensive diving decisions E Assume that othe dives wil make mistakes lan aead what you will do if anothe dive beaks a tafc law o cuts you of o eample dont assume that a vehicle coming to a stop sign o a ed ight is going to stop Be pepaed to stop you own ca if necessa. Othe peope will div badl eye not thinking about you f you pemit them to make you ang it can affect you own diving and ead to an accident hen othe dives show signs of agessive diving just slow down o pu ove to let tem pass . We a know that not everyone dives well Some peope taigat, gestue weave though tafc and honk-cassic sgns of the aggessive diving that causes one thid of al ca cashes. But moe and more people ae now taking on the phone eating and even watching V as they dive xamles of the multitasking and inattentive diving t at is a growing cause of accidents Athough we can't con(o the actions of othe dives the flowing defnsive diving tips can help us educe th isks caused by ou own diving and the bad diving of othes. D Diving too fast fo weathe o oad conditions gives you less time to eact to danges on the oad ahead of you Aso as you incease you speed you ca becomes hade to contol and takes longe to come o a sop . NI 4 ' . Lt'• www.fren lish.ru A UNDERSTND FROM CONTEXT Circe the correct word or phrase to complete each statement 1 A person who is doing more than one activity at the same time is (multitasking I driing defensiely). 2 Following the "3-second rule means maintaining a safe (oad ondition/ followng distane) Tailgating, gesturing and honing are three examples of (inatentive I aggessive) driving 4 Not paying attention is an exampe of (inattentie/ aggresie) driving 5 Collision and crash are two words that mean (dange I aident). 6 A part of the road that you an't see in your mirrors is caled a (blind spot I lane) MORE XERCISES B How can defensive driving help drivers avoid accidents? Expain your opinion using the Voabulary and examples from the Reading or from your own experience CRITICL THINKING Utm'li:1 Discuss good and bad driving A PIR WORK Complete the survey and then compare surveys with a partner Rate eac bavo on a scale of 1 to 3. D Mkig rud gur hr D Hkig xiy D Srig griy hr drir D Tigig mk hr g r r g u h wy D Fhig igh ig hr m hr D Wig i d u r D Driig wy If o soe s..• D Cuig hr drir � C B Ttal your score. 2024 Calm down. Don't take other peoples bad driving personall y They re not thinking about you � 13-19 Stay fused. Don't alow bad drivers to distract you Pay attention to your own driving instead � 812 Congratulations! You're as cool as a cucumber Dere wha good and ad drver do Use he oauar NOTDDING L Good drivers ... Agessive drvers ... Ve t"eir r i9als· fla" t"eir li9M at ot"er Du ood and ad drivn Wha perenae o driver do you hin are ad or areive? Ue your notepad or uppor DISUSSION Tex-minig (optlo1I) r �: & r p " UNI 4 47 www.frenglish.ru A :35 Listen to the conversations. Then complete the satements with words and phrases for bad or aggressive driving. 1 The other driver just them Jim's mother says hes . 2 The driver behind them is at them. 4 The driver opened his window and at them. The driver is because he wants to pass. 5 6 The driver is . 7 The driver is at them B Read each definition. Write the name of the car part 1 a window on the top of the car C 4 a place where the driver can find informaton about speed and amount of gas 2 a part that stops the car . 5 3 a window the driver looks through to see the cars in front a part that people wear to avoid injuries in an accident 6 a part that prevents the car from moving when its parked omplete each statement or question about driving. Use the past continuous or the simple past tense I and I an accdent not pay attention have 2 The other driver at the stop sign, and she a seat belt not wear not stop He on a cell phone and hs car my trunk 3 damage talk 4 Who when the accident ? drve 5 occu Where they when they the accident? tand D see omplete each conversation putting the phrasal verbs and objects in order Wont the car start? No. I can t it/turn I on 2 Do you need gas? For add1t1onl nguge pcice . Yes. Please upfll/t Hey, you havent turned on your headlights Oops Thanks. I cant believe I forgot to . turn I on I them n TOP NOTCH 1 L p. 153 "Wheels aund the World . . �, r K= 4 an ll Star Limo drive us to the airport? Yes. Theyll at 0 us I pi I up p. 146 WRITING WRITING BOOSTER Wite a hor paaaph abo he diferne betwen good and bad driver Inlude language from pages 8, , and in your paragraph. • Cnnecing ws an sentences: An, In aiin Fheme an Theefe • Guiance hs wng execse I www.fren lish.ru C I ORAL REVIEW GROUP STORY gether, create a story about the pictures. Each person adds one sentence to the story Begin with January 16. Use the past continuous and the simple past tense in your story. Start like this: Tey picked up ter rental car n emuco on January lG . PAIR WORK Create conversations for the people in the irst three pictures. For example We� ke to rent a car. 3: Certanly Wat knd of a car do you eed? A: 2 Create a phone conversation or the ourth picture. The woman reports the accident to Multi Car Rentals The agent responds. ay as uh as you can or example We a an accen My usband \a . - www.frenglish.ru 1@,��(:te�,ti:,a �, Afuromdinao. UNIT - ' Personal Care and Appearance 2 Make an appointment at a salon or spa. 3 Dscuss ways to improve appearance 4 Deine the meanng of beauty PREVIW THE.P X SPA and FITNESS CENTER For better·looking-nd better-yu! Make an appointmnt wth our pesonal tranrs. �A 1Q VOCBULRY • Slon serices ead and listen Then listen again and repeat -CARDS a haircut a facla a shave a manicure a pedicure PIR WORK ith a partne, discuss the pex lub sevices. hat are the adantages of combining execise and fitness with spa and massage services in one cub? 5 UNIS www.fren lish.ru C �3:0J PHOTO STORY ENGISH FOR TODAY' WORLD Understand English speakers from diferen anguage backgronds. Reeptont = Frenh seaker Read and listen to a conversation in a spa salon. Receptionist: Ca I help you, r? lient Would be poble o ge a maage do' have a appome. Receptionist Well aually you're luk. Our eleve olok ju alled o ael h appome. lient Terrf Receptionist Le me how you o he dresg area FOCUS ON LANGUAGE lient hak Oh whle 'm a do you hk ould ge a haru oo? Receptionist Ye Bu you mgh have o wa a b We do have ayhg ul 1200 lient No a problem. By he way how muh wll he maage ad haru ome o? Receptionist e ee wll be 110 euro all lient Grea Oe more queo uomary o p he aff? Reetionist Well ha up o you Bu mo le gve he yl ad he maeuse a euro or wo eah Answer the questions, using language from the Photo Story 1 How does the client ask for a assage? 2 How does the receptionist indicate that the client can have a massage without an appointment? 4 What phrase does the receptionist use to tell the client the total cost of the salon services? How does the client ask about the price of a assage and a haircut? 6 What expression does the receptionist use to tell the client that the amount to tip is his decision? 5 How does the client say "That's OK? P AKING heck the word or phrase that best describes how often you get these salon services hen copare charts with a partner PERSONAIZE haircut facial shave anicure pedicure massag B PAIR WORK a I ! D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D n your opinion what is th valu of ach srvic? ompare opinions with a partner •• in assages are great or bacaces A assage elps e eel beer H wwwirLanguage.com A sae Are ou ddng do tt sel don go to salons! " U5 1 www.frenglish.ru 'li VOCABULARY Personal care products A � Read and lisen. Then lisen again and repea 2 a brush 1 a comb 1 soap 2 deodoran 3 a oohbrush 3 savin cream 4 a razor 4 atershave A 5 a nail clipper 6 a nail ile I 12 lipsick 14 eye sadow 13 5 oohpase 6 shampoo 9 dena oss B : LISTEN TO INFER 7 hairspray mascara 8 sunscreen 10 and and body lotion 15 ace powder Lisen and circe he ind of produc eac ad describes Spring Rain (samoo I deodoran) Rose (soap I nai pois) ll Oer (ace poder I and and bod loion) Pro- (sunscreen and and bod loion) Maximum Hold (airspra I sampoo) 5 Scrubbie (oopase saing cream) GRAMMAR Quantifiers r indefinite quantities and amounts Use some and with both plura count nouns and non-count nouns. some: airmative statements negative statements We oug soe cobs Now we ae some I o ave any azos I o' wa any Tey ee some soa We ave some We o wa any akeu We o ee ay some or questions Do you wa any afesae? Does se ae any ai fes? 52 16 nail polis UNIT OR OR Do you wa some afesae? Does se ae some a fes? www.frenglish.ru Use a lot of or lots of with both plural count nouns and noncount nouns in tatement and qustions. They have the am meaning soe s a lo of (o lots of} zos ey on' e a lot of (o los of} snseen ---------- Do ey e a lot of (o los of} mke? p. 132 Use man and much in negate tatemet man with plural count nouns much with noncount nouns ey on e many ns o mke e soe oesn' e much oose GRAMMAR PRACTICE • S �: , C Complete the conversation between a husband and wife packing for a trip. Dana: Neil: Dana: Neil: Do we have (1 any I many) shampoo? Yes We have (2 many lots of) shampoo And Maggie uses (3 mch I a lot of) sunscreen Is there (4 many I any)? No, there isn't (5 some I any) And we don't have (6 much I many) toothpaste eithe I can pick (7 some I an) up on my way back from work Dana: Hey, Adam's shaving now. Does he need (8 any I many) shavng cream? l x� Neil He doesn't shave every day He can use mine! CONVERSATION MODEL 0 Read and listen to someone looking for personal care products in a store A B A B A B Ecuse me Whee would I find sunscreen? Snscreen? Have a look in the cosmetics section, in aisle 2 Actually, I did, and there wasn't any Im sorry Let me get you some from the back Anything else? Yes I couldn't find any razors either No problem There are some over there I'll show you. . 0 RHYTHM AND INTONATIO B isten agan and epeat hen practce the Conversation Model with a partner Find and underline the four quantfers in the Conversation Model FIND THE GRAMMAR Utm'1n�:a Ask for something n a store "efk A With a patner, use the store diectory to change the Conversation Model. Use the Vocabulay and quantifiers hen change oles CONV ERSATION ACTIVATOR A B A B Ecse me Whee wold I find ? ? Have a look in Actually, I did and there any. I'm sory et me get yo from the back. Anything else? A: ... DONlSTOP! A B CHAGE PARTERS H [ I ] I ] I 7 I [] ] Practice the convesation again asking for other podcts (osmetics Plus DIRECTORY Aisle 2 Nail M 2 2 UNIT5 3 www.frenglish.ru Make an appointment at a salon or spa CO VERSATION MODL A ":os Read and liten t mene make an appintment r a haircut A Hell. Claic Spa and Saln B ell Thi i Mnica Mrgan I'd like t make an appintment r a haircut. A When wuld yu like t cme in, MMrgan? B day, pible. A Let me check Sean ha an pening at 200 B ctually that a little early r me I mene available ater 400? A YeYelena can ee yu then J ND NONON Liten again and repeat Then practice the Cnveratin Mdel with a partner I GRAMMAR Indefinite pronouns: someone I no one I anyone f E f U f f Q a / a air l i aailal a N �rne i aii r airi r a a r aii r a a a a r . i N Be careful! GRAMMAR BOOSTER p. 133 r it aii yon. not o, wih h Us n i a al • Ief p: n ngtv om o vb didn' k a ve a NOT I idn' speak o. 1-c_th g _ A 54 EN O VE VOBU ND G ien he cnveratin Cmplee each tatement wih mene r anne and the aln ervice() 1 Tey cant ind t give her a thi aernn can give him a and a at 0 3 Tere i wh can give her a and a a 6 Tere int wh can give hm a day UNIT www.frenglish.ru B GRAMMAR RACICE omplete each statement or question with soeone, no one. or anyone n some cases more than one answer is correct 8 called and eft ou this There's �( *) at the front desk message while ou were getting our shampoo 2 The didnt tell it would be a 9 There wasnt there when she long wait called for an appointment 3 Did ou see gving a manicure? didnt speak to about the 4 didnt ask about the price bad haircut 5 There will be here to give ou a told me the salon offers pedicure in a few minutes shiatsu massage now 6 can cut our hair at 1:0 if ou 2 dont have the nail file gave it to can wait 7 Please dont tell the price t was ver expensive! l M X -; PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation of unstressed vowels · The vowel in an unstressed slable is often pronounced // ead and listen paing attention to the sllable or sllables arked with Then listen again and repeat • • • • • • • • • • • fa cial ma ni cure pe di cure 5 de o do rant ma ssage /a/ /a/ B Now practice saing the words on our own _utm'l1I�:i Make an appointment at a salon or spa ·1 A COVERSAIO ACVAOR With a partner change the onversation odel using services and staff from the list hen change roles Hello Hello This is d like to make an appontment for When would ou like to come in ? if possible Let me check has an opening at ctuall thats a lttle or me s soeone available ? Yes can see ou then DONTSP! • Ask about other sevices. • Ask about prces and payme " {4 REE I UE SER\ ICE S haircut Pedicure sho"e oncur e oss oge Persnof trolnng Christophe rDiana Karin/Carlot a Nick/Gior gio Sonia/Mar ie VladimirE d ouard Igor/Betty Is someone avalabe on I a How much is [a pedcre]? How long s [a massage] Can someone [wash my har] need [a shave] Is he p ncuded Do yo accept cred cards B CAE ARERS ractice the conversation again an an aontent o othe evce UNIT 5 55 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU READ PREDIC Look at the photos and title of the article. What questions do you you think the people will ask r Weiss? READING I l l3:12 Some people consider cosmetic surge no more serous than visiting a spa or a salon. But others sa "I think I'll pass They're aware that cosmetic surge is, in fact, surge and surge should never be taken ghtl. Fitness editor D Ga Weiss answers readers' questions about cosmetic surge Im a 24yearold man who is already losing his hai. Dr Weiss, Im looking for a wife and Im afraid n o woman will want to mar a Calvin 25-year-old bald guy I need some advice Dear Calvin There are several surgcal procedures whch a cosmetc surgeon can peorm o help reat hair oss and restore ar for bo men and women u that's not praccal remember that some o e words most att racve men are bald! Gal Wess MO Dear D. Weiss: Dear Dr Weiss: I'm at my wits end with my face I have wrinkles and sun damage When I was young I was a chocoholic. I ate a lot of chocolate, but Im only 30, but look 50 Do you think a face-lif is an option for me? I never gained any weight Now at Im olde I cant eat anyhing Josephine Dear Josephine Josephine:: This popular and effectve surge ifs te face and te nck in one operaon. But a face-lft s surge, and afteards you wl have to say home for a number of days. I takes time to recover Beore you decde to ave a aceit ask your dermatologst or a cosmetc surgn about a chemcal pel A cemca peel removes the top layer o skin and can mprove the appearance of he skin wtout surge Compared to surgey a hafhour visi o your dermatologs woud be a piece o cake! Good luck Gal Wess MO A B without gaining weight! Ive hea that liposuction is the answer to an oveeight persons persons dreams Is that true? Dawson Dear Dawson t's true ta posucon can remove fa deposts ta don resnd o detng ng and exercse but ts expensve and can be dangerous would be a good dea to ask your doctor for some help n deting frst en f you are unsuccessfu be sure to fnd a surgon wth a lo of experence beore decdng on lsucton Ga We Wess ss M.O PRPHRSE Find and circle each underlined expressi expression on in in the the article Then circle the correct word or phrase to complete each statement. 1 2 3 4 If you say I think I'l ass, you mean ("No hanks I "Thats a great idea idea) If you are at our wits end about something, something, you are (happy I unhappy) about it. won n t) feel better It takes time to recover means that you (wl / wo better immediately omething that is a iece of cake is (easy I diic diicllt) UDERSD ROM ROM COEX CO EX With a partner, find these procedures in the eading and write a definition for each one poscon 2 hair restoration Dear Dr Weiss UNIT 5 3 a face-it 4 a chemical peel www.frenglish.ru CONFIRM CONTENT AND APPLY IFORMATION Complee he char wih nfomaon fom the acle. The Then, n, wh a pane gve g ve you own advce fo each peson. Joephne alvn Dawon l MORE XRCISS IWUA1J�: Discuss ways to improve appearance FRAME YOUR IDEAS ake he opnon op non suvey abou ways o mpove appeaance How fr would you go to Improve your aprance? Would you try ... diet? exercise? massage? hai restoration? cometics co metics and and makeup? facials? ace-lifts? liposucton? chemica pees? B NOTEADDIG hoose one mehod yo would y and one o ne mehod you you wold no y On he noepad we advanages and dsadvanages Method 1 Wul ry i Method _ Advantage(s)_ Advantage(s) �advatae) 'f r / Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s) DISCUSSIO Wha's e es way o mpove you appeaance? Wha ways wold yo NO y? Explan Use yo noepad fo suppo Tii () T Fi w i R w y. U m i y Di. m: "i - ' . ' ·, I 5 ., • : 7 www.frenglish.ru BEFORE YOU LISTEN 3 VOCABULARY • Discussing beauty Read and listen. Then lisen again and repeat physical features skin, hair, body shape and size, eyes, nose, mouth, ec. beauty he physical features mos people of a particlar part iclar culure consider good-looking attractive having a beauiful or pleasing physical or facial appearance unattractive the opposite of attractive youth appearing young; the opposite of looking old health the general condition of one's body and how healthy one is Write a staemen or wo escribing in yor opinion he characeristics of an aracive man or woman. EXPLORE YOUR IDEAS I An a1ractive" Woman ha� long hair and dark ' -.e., - _ " Use your statements to talk about the physical features you consider aracive for men and women. Use the Vocabulary PAIR WORK H, LISTENING COMP COMPREHENSION REHENSION " - Listen to he inerview Check all of the staemens hat summarize Maya Prasads and icardo Figueroas ideas abot beauy. D ' very lucky to be so beautful D All te contestants were beautful I was just lucky yscal beauty only lasts a sot ime D Love akes people beautful J1 LISTEN TO TAKE NOTES Ric ic o o Figueo Figueoa a Pyscal beauty s not important at al Bot pyscal beauty and nner nner beauty ae portant Only nner beauty s portant asad repesents an almost pefect cobnaton of inner and oute beauty Lisen and ake noes abo wha igueroa says abot each of the qualities below hen compare yor notes with he class. I ."rm.h· aence: - oodness and ndness 58 In my opinion, attractve people have . � :1 ISTEN TO RECOGNZE SOMEONE'S POINT OF VE Maya Pra.Pra .-d d r NI 5 www.frenglish.ru C Tlk about one or more of the questions. DISCUSSON 1 In what ways do you agee or disagree with Prasad's and Figueoas ideas about beauty? 2 Do you think the Miss Universal Beauty contest sounds bette than the usual beauty contest? Why o why not? 3 o you think there should be beauty contests for men as well as fo women? Why or why not? What in your opinion is the difference between a woman's beauty and a mans beauty? 4 How do you explain these words in the song Prasad talks about: "o you love me because m beautiful, o am beautiful becase you love me? -,·wWl1"n.1.�:! 1oefine the meaning of beauty " A " Look at the four photos What qalities of beauty do you find in each peson? Write notes NOTEPADDNG _lnner beautL 2/ Ot�beaut , 3 Oter baty Ir bea Ote be- AR ORK scuss the qualties of eauty you found in the people in the pctues ompae your opinions Use you notepads fo suppot C DSCSSON efne the meanng of beauty '' I think beauty is hard to describe. Its a combination of things I consider my gandmother eay beautiul because " UNI 5 59 www.frenglish.ru t I' I I A :16 Listen to the conversations Infer what kind of prduct the people are discussing Complete each stateent Hawaii Bronzer is a brand of ............. 2 Swan is a brand of .......... 3 Truly You is a brand of ............... 4 Mountain Fresh is a brand of ...... 5 Silk 'n Satin is a brand f .................. Fresh as a Flower is a brand of ...... Complete each statement or question There arent (many I much) customers in the store right now 2 D they sell (any I many) sunscreen at the hotel gift shop? I forgot t pack soe 3 Your sister desnt want (some I any) body lotin 4 She doesnt wear (much I sme) makeup She doesnt need to-she has beautiful skin 5 My sn uses (any I a lt of) shaving cream Theres (anyone I smeone) on the phone for you Do yu want e to take a message? 7 There are (any I a lot f) salons in this neighborhood Cmplete each statement about services at a salon or spa Theres nothing like a professional ....... when youre sick and tired f your beard 2 If your hair is to lng get a .. 3 In the summer, before you wear sandals for the first time your feet will look great if you get a 4 When your hands are a ess you can get a ..... 5 When your muscles are sore fro too uch wrk r exercise a ....... can help Cplete each conversation with the correct procedure I lok so old! Look at my neck and my eyes B Why dont yu get (a massage I a facelift)? 2 My back and shulders are sore fro too much exercise B They say (a chemical peel I a massage) can really help 3 Lok at this! Im getting bald! B Have yu thought about (liposuctin I hai estoation)? WRITING Reread the letters n page 5 Choose one letter and write a respnse using your own opinion and aking your own suggestins Explain what you think is OK or apprpriate for en and women WRITING BOOSTER p. 147 • Writing a formal letter • Guidance for this writing exercise For add1t1onl nguge pcice . n TOP NOTCH l • Lyrics p. 153 "Pece of Cake •· "i�Nt f K=I 6 UNIT 5 www.frenglish.ru l GAMES 0 · EVIE look at the picture for a minute, and then cose you books. With a patne ty to emember a the poduct and sevices in the pictue. Te pai who emems the most product and sevices wins. CONEST PAIR WORK 1 Ceate a convesation between the cient and the cek at the front desk of the saon Start ike this: Hi. I have a 2:30 appointment for 2 Ceate a convesation for te man and woman waiting fo saon sevices For exampe WJat are yo /ee o? D D D Ask for something in a toe. Mae an appointment at a alon o pa Dscu way to impove appeaance. Defne the meaning of beaut). UNIS 81 www.frenglish.ru www.frenglish.ru Reference Charts "'-'",f. PRONUNCIATION BLE Vowels Symbol I 1 £ a a J O u I < J Ir H J Key Words eafeed dd dapad eed aad xddfa h dg aad kgd f d f d aaaog rrder ee w v deer ar ar dr r Consonants Symbol p d k g t d f V e 0 ! C Key Words cky bck ubb ti qui u huc tu th ju jo hoogh thgth th th sip iy syoogy utto tt u tto Symbol z J 3 ' I y s s I o ou ui ou u o o u dd d dd I d d dov d ou oud i oo o v d d i d u zip psgos shiphi, tio pildicussio suvisio howho m unnonuoi unnn wwhi g og rigwrog wirLanguage com RRGUR VRBS s o i i ud u oo o o u do d d d dv d d i o iv o o v i od u o Key Words s o u o ou ui o u o o o u do d dd I d du div d ou oud o oo o iv o o d d d u s v o u ui d /d/ id i i u d i d d i i o udd u i s s o d id u ui d /d/ od o id od oo o ood o oo u od ou udood o u o o o s o d d u u d /d/ idd u i u id od u o ood o u u od ou o udood o u o o i REFEENCES 63 www.frenglish.ru VERB TENSE REVIEW: PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE 1 Statements I am I am watching T are You We They are studying English. is arriving now late. He She It He She is I � I questions THE SIMPLE PR ESENT TENSE Am Statements I You speak English We They He She Are Is speaks English Does he she Yes, he she it No, does you we they need? is No, I you we they dont. he she it doesnt are. When does star? Who wants needs likes this book? I'm not you arent youre not. he isnt hes not she isnt shes no it isnt its not. we arent were not hey arent I the re not Informaion questions you doing? What are we they When is Where am Who 4 he she it leaving? staying tonight? is THE PAST OF BE Statements he she it RFRCS am. are. I you he she we they Inormation questons What do going too fast? i eat meat? Sho answers I you do we they Yes, I you we ey he she it Sho answers Ys no questions I you know them? Do we they 64 THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS Statements You We They 2 3 THE PRESENT OF BE I He She It was late We You They were early driving? www.frenglish.ru (The past of b-ontinud) Yes I no quesions I h tm? Wa h t W w y thy th am cla? So nsers h wa. h t , w y y nforion quesions y h Wh dd h ad that? t w thy Wh N w h h t wa't w y thy wt 6 nforion quesions Wh Wh Wh Wh S w wa w? y? thy? h h t w thy? wa h? h? t? h? Many verbs are iregular in the simple past tense. See the list of irregular verbs on page 123 Seens H h t W Thy tppd wkg. ddt ta aga Yes I no quesions y h Dd h mak a gd d? t w thy So nsers y h h dd t w thy THE FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO Seens m ' H h gg t t' W hy' . y h h t w thy - b h Yes I no quesions y A w gg t wat c? thy Am gg t b lat? h h t gg t av tm? So nse am y a h h t w a thy N m t y a't I y' t h 't I h t h t h t t t t t w a't w t y a't I thy t nfoion quesions y What a w gg t ? thy Wh N b h m H h' t gg t t W Thy' THE SIMPLE PAST TNSE H h t W Thy calld? Wh am Wh h h t gg t hp? gg t tay tmw? gg t call? ddt REFERECE 65 www.frenglish.ru Grammar Booster The Grammar Booster is optional It ofers a varie of information and extra practice. Sometimes it further explains or expands the unit grammar and points out common errors In other cases, it reviews and practices previously learned grammar that would be helpful when learning new grammar concepts If you use the Grammar Booster you will find extra exercises in the Workbook in a separate section labeled Grammar Booster. The Grammar Booster content is not tested on any Top Ntch tests -Lessonl The present perfect: inrmation questions Form nformaton questons by nveng have and the subject of the sentence. Wha have you seen in Pais? Wha (OR Which) counies have you vsed ? Whee has she gone scuba dvn? How have you paen been? How many ciies have you visted his week? Who have you aveled wih? Note: hen ho s the subject of the sentence, there s no nverson Who has aveled o Miami in he as o monhs? U 1 ·2 3 4 I I I I I I I I I - I I I I 6 I I G 7 I I I 8 I I I a 5 -Lesson2 The present perfect: use and placement of yet and already emember: se� or aread n questons Have you ead he book ye? OR Have you aleady ead he book? se alread n armatve statements lace aread befre the man verb or at the end of the statement ve aleady ead he book. OR 've ead he book aeady se� n negatve statements lace� at the end of the statement or between have and the base rm I haven' ead he book yet OR haven' yet ead he book. Be careful! Dont use � n armatve statements Dont use alread n negatve statements ON'T SAY s 've ead he book. / No havenead he book Dont use ever th� or aread ONT SAY Have you read he book I Have you ead he book ? 2 a Y. 2 L 66 3 4 GMR BSR 3 4 www.frenglish.ru Ue ever n queton Ue never n negtve ttement nd hort nwer Do not ue ever n rmtve ttement ! Yes, I have. OR Yes I've made sushi NOT Ye, Ive made uhi Have you ever made sushi? ! No, I never have OR No Ive never made ushi. You cn lo ue befoe n negtve ttement wth never Ive never been o haand before n very nfrml peech e ver ometme ued wth never for trong emph h menng of ever mlr to "n my whole lfe I've never ever seen a Chae Chaplin movie. C On a separate sheet of paper, answer each question, using real information. If he answer is� write when this happened. Have you ever gone on a cruise? 2 Have you ever tried Indian food? 3 Have you ever been to Hawaii? 4 Have you ever met a famous person? 5 Have you ever fallen in love? 6 Have you ever played golf? -Lessonl The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: unnished (or continuing) actions Unfnhed (or contnung) cton re thoe tht begn n the pt contnue n the preent nd my pobly contnue into the future ee re three wy to tlk bout unfnhed cton: irLanguage.com 1 the preent perfect wth nce Ue nce wth tted trt tme n tpt. ve ived hee nce 200 200 is he aed sa ime. I s live hee so he aion onnues 2 the preent perfect wth for U e for to decrbe the perod of tme from t trt untl the preent Ive ived hee for ive yeas. Emphas s on he ive-yea peiod I sl ive hee so he aion oninues 3 the preent pee contnuou wth for or nce: For m the preent perfect contnuou wth the preent perfect of be nd preent prtcple Ive been lving hee ine 200. OR Ive been lvng hee o ive years n boh ase he aon oninues When decrbng unfnhed or contnung cton wth for nd nce the preent peect nd the preent peect contnuou re both correct Some people feel the preent peect contnuou emphze the contnung tme bt more A Read the sentences with the present perfect heck each sentence that describes an unfinished or ontinuing action. D 2 D 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Pitts have lived in hina since the late nineties armen has been living in Buenos ires since last year I've visited Paris three times Ted has been visiting Paris since 2005 We have eaten in that great Indian restaurant for years They've eaten in that Indian restaurant before. My brother has been playing tennis for many years Min-ji has played tennis twice. omplete eah statement with the present perfet continuous 1 Rio ( play) at te hildren's lassis inema every Saturday sine 00 2 Robert .. (wait) in the ticket holders' line for a pretty long time 3 People ............... (worry about) violence in movies since the sixties 4 I'........................ (talk about) that movie for weeks 5 We............. (come) to his classis movie theater for two yeas GRAMMAR BOOSTER 67 www.frenglish.ru Spelling rules fr the preent participle: review Add to the base form of the verb speak , speaking If the base form ends n a slent �. dro the � and add ave , aving In verbs of one syllable f the last three leters are a consonant-vowel-consonant (C-VC) seres double the last consonant and then add eve s , sing Be careful! low , fx , pay , Don't double the last consonant n words that end n w or lowing fixng paying In verbs of more than one syllable that end n a consonantvowelconsonant seres double he las consonant only f he sress s on the last syllable o • r , onrollng BUT r • er , orering C Write the preset partiple for these base forms. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fid be lose . . . . put et . . . . . . say write 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o · · · · make . . . . . . fi kow speak hear let · · · · · · · 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 coe leave drve meet blo . . . . . . ive ru 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 foret eat pay stad . . . . . thik buy see . . . . . · -Lesson2 Like wan' would like� would rather review and expanion ; common errors se le and wan+ a drect objec to exress les dsles and desres Tey like oumenares We on like sene on Se was a ke o e lae show se would le+ a drect object to mae a olte oer or a request A: Would you like kes or Csablanc? B: Yes please We like wo kes or e 800 show se would le + an nfntve + base form) to mae a olte oe or to exress wan Would you lke o sream a move on your able? Were woul you like o go? I like o downloa a move ono my able Se like o see a omedy se would rather+ a base form to exress a reference for an actvty A: Woul you lke o see e move ownown or a e eaer n he mall? B raer see a e mall se than wth would raher to contrast references raer sreama move an go o he eaer Tey raer go o a Woody Allen lm an a Man Sorsese lm Be areful! Don use a base form aer would le My rens wol like o mee n ron o e heaer NO My rendsotd le n,e n ron of e eaer Dont use an nfntve aer would rather Wed raer ge kes or e early show OT We e kes or e early sow 68 GRAMMAR BOOSTER · 29 30 31 32 bei . . . . . . tel · bri take · · · www.frenglish.ru On a separate sheet of paper, write sentences and questions using these words and phrases. They I would like I see I the Woody Allen film 2 What time I you I would rather I meet? 3 Who I would like I order I eggs for breakfast? 4 they I rather I Would I watch T V or go out? 1 B 5 Jason / would like I have I a large container of popcorn 6 I'd rather I rent I a sci-fi film tonight 7 Her parents I rather I not I watch I anything too violent 8 Whod rather I not I see I that silly animated film? Correct the errors in these sentences would rather to stay home than to go out 2 She woud like buy a ticket to tonights show 3 My friends would like download movies from the nternet 4 Would they rather to see an animated film than an action film? 5 Do they rather see movies at home? 6 Who would like go to the late show tonight? 7 My husband likes two tickets to the concert 1 On a separate sheet of paper, answer each question in a complete sentence, expressing your own preference What genre of movie do you usually like? 2 What movie do you want to see this weekend? 3 What would you like to have for dinner tonight? 4 Would you rather see a comedy or a horror film? 5 Would you like to rent a DVD or go to the movies? -Lessonl : 1 WI ad be ol o Use w or be goin o for pedictions abou he future. The meanin is he same. ' ai omoow = on o an omoow Use be goin to, NO wi when you aready have a pan fo he future A: Ae yo o o ome o a omoow? 8 o m on o o o e ea ea. O o ! o e ea ea Or e o ll Use wi NOT goin o, to tak abou he mmediate fuue when you do no aready ave a pan. Maye o o e ea weee O Maye o e ea weee w tV Use wi NOT be goin to to express wiinness p y o ee eve wo py o e apor e ( m w o pay o ene eve m o w o pay o e apo e) L Can ad shoud ae modas and shoud never be used wih wi You can use can aone to express future possibiity omoow mo yo e oe o a oaway e ey o e mem omoow. ose o Monay. You can use shoud aone o expess future advice. o v1 e Empe Sae Bn e wee ea However you can use wi wih have o + a base fm o expess fuure obiaion VQ e 00 meen eay We w a esevaon a a esara o. On a separate sheet o paper, write five sentenes about your plans for the weekend using be oin to Then write the sentenes again using will. GRAMMAR BOOSTR 69 www.frenglish.ru On a sepaate sheet o pape, wte ve sentenes wth ! o� o wngness on one o the oowng topcs. Ti • kd xr yu'r l (r l d • kd d yur (r ) a r braka • kd l yur (r l ar C Compete the sentenes sng w o wont wth have to. she I have to I a the oe eoe 6:00. 2 ········· the I have to I eseve the tets Mona. we I not have to I ane the meetng M. Casons ght s on tme 3 4 . I I have to I eave a message o m oss. 5 o I not have to I oe oom seve o ave eoe 000 P we I have to I tae a ta to the aport ILesson2 irlnguage.com The real conditional: present U ii iifi f U i f i . I l la [a] I yu ar dr il a I ii i i f W (r W ra l ar la W (r W y a ar dr l A On a separate sheet o pape wte pesent ea ontona sentenes ate eeze when o owe ts tempeate eow zeo egees 2 heneve m aghte tae he mela to shool she oget to ng t home 3 She go on vaaton eve gst she not have too mh wo 4 He n n the pa the weathe e 5 In m ompan ashes mae a mstae the epa the mone The real conditional future U f ii i il i f i f i i U i f - i if U f f i i I I l la I (r d r I ar 8 I i dr (r di r l R U if fi D f � I I Ill l r - Ill ll r I B f! D f f i I I Ill ll N I I Ill l r N I Ill ll r Ce the oet om to ompete eah te eal ontona senene. 1 2 3 4 5 70 I the I w the move the see I w see t agan I m on to t/ t to he she oes I's gong to o that agan. I o I on to some eggs I mae I II mae o an omelet tonght I the s I w s he tomoow the ve I II ve he home o on to st I o o st Itaan the oe I w oe t net ea? GRAMMAR BOOSTER www.frenglish.ru C On a separate sheet of paper, complete each future real conditional sentence wth true information. Use a comma when the clause comes irst 1 If live to be 00 . 2 My famly will be angry if . 3 I don't practce English every day 4 If go to my favorte restaurant next week 5 I'll buy a new smart phne if . 6 If I need new shoes . -Lessonl Te past coninuous: expansion The past continuous describes an action that was continuous until (and possibly after) the moment at which another action took pace. The words when - or while are oen used in sentences that contrast continuing and copeted actions He was aking on he phone when he sor began oninuous aion, hen opeed aion Whie I wa iving in Chie g arried onnuu aion, hen opeed an he pas continuous aso describes two continuing actions occurring in the same period of time Whie she was driing he husband was reading he newspaper hey were eaing, and he musi was paying On a separate sheet of paper, use the prompts to wrte logical sentences.Use the past contnuous and the simple past tense n each sentence 1 2 3 4 She I take a test at school I when I she I hear the fire alarm While I I talk to my mother on the phone I the TV show I start Mr Park I cook dinner I when I Mrs Park I finish the laundry Mr Kemp I work in the garden I when I the ran I begin 5 While I lauda I pck up I ther rental car I Alex I call / their hotel 6 While I Nancy I shop at the grocery store I she I see I an old friend -ssn2 Nouns and pronouns: review A noun is a word that names a person a place or a thing Nouns are either common or proper A proper noun is cpitlized common nouns: ar windshied dotor woan ather proper nouns Main Caaas Cara's Resauran wo functions of nouns in sentences are subjec and direct objects. he subje peorms the action of the erb he object receies the action u dre Caras Resauran sees breakas a day ong. A ronoun is a word that represents or replas a noun Pronouns also function as sbjec and direct obj subject pronouns you he she i we hey object pronouns me you him her it us the dire obec uect he car My parens droe · to the airpor. They GMMAR BOOSTER 71 www.frenglish.ru First derlie the sbjects ad circle the objects i these seteces. The label each o as either "coo or "proper. Fiall, pt a check (.) above each proo. Note ot ever setece cotais a proo talias drve fasta 5 A a drivig a sports car hit or iiva We ove big vas. 6 I retred the retal car at the airpor. 2 The childre broke the sideve irror. 7 A-1 etal Agec called e abot the reservatio. 3 s Worka picked p the car this orig 4 ad loves sports cars, ad his ife loves the, too ILessonl Some and�: review Sm � nii qui y i um mu r ar m ru in ail nt nw w many.) y ar yin m ain ram. ( n nw w mu) Cul m nail il? (r n ain r a ii numr nail fil) D y a ny mau in i r? ' n ain ifially w m.) B ul u m � rly wi u -u u m w un nu n lur un nu i rmi m nnn nn r n nn n m unr an m m y a mr n : wi n-un u ul u u n m nnn nn n nn nt wan any am an n n any nail r 8 G! n a y any n 'm u a n r m w un u un i qun D y n ny r nrn r t ri? D w n ay rzr r r? mmr: n n n n n n n n n' n nn nn n I n n 0 n I I I a separate sheet of paper chage these seteces fro affirative to egative Follo the exaple. There is soe shapoo the shoer. J There are soe raors ext to the sik 5 The aicrists eed soe e ail polish 6 I at soe sscree o back. 2 We have soe ail clippers. 7 There is soe detal floss i aisle . 3 The eed soe brshes for the chidre. The eed soe deodorat for the trp. 4 hes big soe ascara. oplete each setece ith soe or 5 ts too bad that there ist toothpaste. dot eed ore had lotio 6 dot see cobs or brshes o those shelves 2 There ist akep i the bag 7 I ko had . ail files i bag No I cat fid the. 3 We dot see . scissors the hole store. The eed .. soap to ash their hads 1 Too ma1y, too m1ch and e101gh w qu i m m w U u qu mu U m m u u r mny um wiin in lin. U mu mu un u r mu u. U u u u u u r nu m u r rn nu RMMR OOER www.frenglish.ru C omplee each senence wih oo many. oo much, or enough 1 Le's do our nails Do we have nail polish for boh of us? 2 This shampoo has perfume smells awful! 3 I's no a ood idea o bu frui We're no oin o be home for a few das 4 Ths menu has choices can make up m mind 5 heck he bahroom shelf o see f we have soap Mom and Dad are comin o visi 6 don' lke when hee are brands can' decide which one o bu 7 Theres no wa o e a haircu oda people had he same idea! 8 The don' wan o spend mone on makeup he're in o save mone Compatve quantiers fewer and le Use ewer or coun nouns. Use less or non-coun nouns The Cosmetique stoe has fewe band of makeup than the Empoium Thee's ess samoo in this ottle than in that tue omplee each senence wh fewer or less Which class has sudens-he earl class or he lae one? 2 he recipe calls for cheese han I houh 3 I has inredie ns oo 4 Don' en from ars Plus The have kinds of cars han Inernaional 5 The ineplus has movies his weekend han usual 6 Is here bod loion in he small size or he econom sie? 1i•I Lesson 2 Use soeng, nong or eveng n arave saeens Thees somethin in this ox Nothin can conince me to et a peicue ein s eay. Use anng n neave saeens Thee isnt anyin in the fie. Use soeng anng o r eveng n � I no uesons Is thee somethin we shou tak aout? Is anytin won? Do yo hae eeyhin you need? Nong as e se eann as no anng on use nong n neave seens Thee isnt anyhin in he fie.= Thees nothin in the fide NOT There ;t 5 in he fie hooe he correc indenie pronoun o complee each enence 2 I need o o o he ore o bu (somehn I anhin) here i (somehin I anhin) can do o help here n (evehin I anhin ou can do o make ourelf aller en on he nerne o find (somehin I anhin) abou how o ue uncreen S he have (somehin I anhin) ha help o loe weih here (anhin I nohin) ha an make ou look oun aan he can e (anhin I nohin) o ea here afer en oclock GMMAR BOOSTER 73 www.frenglish.ru Writing Booster The Writing Booster is optional. It is intended to teach students the conventions of written English. Each unit's Writing Booster is ocused both on a skill and its application to the Writig exercise rom the Unit Review page Avoiding n on sr:ntnus UNIT An independent clause is a sentence with a subject and a verb. vr I saw a poo of monan It looked e g n wrting, don't cobine independent clauses without using a coordinatng conjunction, such as and or but Run-on sentence " Reeber: a apa a a po f Q' a IVV u: L V ;, :1 vvc YCJ 5 . Correct a run-on sentence by (a) using a period to separate it into o sentences or (b) using a coordinating conjunction to cobine the two independent clauses A coa beore the conjuncton is optional. a a poo of mounan I ookd e g aw a poo of e munan and ooke g Be careu! Do not use a coa to cobine independent clauses Use a period to separate the Run-on sentence " � CU \n1 l ct C • e uen a eda H fom Sano A Wrt X f th tm ta a r t. Writ f th tm wrtt rrtly. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 74 Caada h d't pak Frh Thr gd tdt th wrk vr ard My brthr a lawr, h lv Hg Kg. Vtr ad La am hm lat lat ght. Th tayd p tl :00 Sm pp thk t ar batf I dt agr hav b t thr frg tr, hav vr b t th Utd Stat W havt trd Plh fd bt w hav trd Hgara fd hav vr b t th tp f th Empr Stat Bldg Nw Yrk, hav b t th tp f Tap 0 Tap vtd Jj Kra ad t wa rally batf O a parat ht f papr wrt ah f th r t Exr rrtl Ga r r r ( 12) ftr y wrt abt r trtg xpr, hk arflly t f av wrtt a r t U a prd t parat th dpdt la r th rdatg t ad r bt t mb thm WRITING BOOSTER om www.frenglish.ru UN IT he paragraph i -[ ]Bfre h 1960 mos mov· J d'd not Iw much vl ence. , on the screen, t was clean: Ban g ! Yu're dead.1 The m fell to the ground vct and died ' perhaps afer er nev s e vew er saw blood - 1 grup of t tt rt to top. or · · ot o f top1 t W our tg to out ·t goo ' to 1 t 1 to prt prgrp . uto toug W t 1 or t o prgrp t 1 ot ruir to iu i prgrp tt uriz or ou t i i of t prgrp T otr t i t prgrp tritio iu ti or ft tt upport t i i ig topi t prgrp rr ir to urt t ritg o to t rigt tr r to prgrp giig it topi t (igigt i o) I t firt pgrp t topi t ifor u tt t prgrp oti ti out io i oi "for t I t o prgrp t topi t ifor u tt t pgrp i ift fou T or "o t t rr o t t fou of t prgrp i Witout t topi t t i ou ru togtr iffiut to foo R: It t fit or of prgrp o rr o tt tio of t ritig i gig gra h When htin or shooting occurred speakng a few nal wo d T or suerin.But n the late 196Os, lmmakerssu ch as Arthur Penn and Sam eckinpa h bean making moves with more graph.IC v0 1ence such as Boi and C Yde .ieved tha and 1e W' 1 Buh They bel · t if audiences could see how truly horrble r . ea1 vo l enc e was people ent would be less vl in the �day peal-ts thnly ha md pos to rat very rat m of lod hed ad ole Steven Prince authorag of Saag Cima: Sam Pkpah ad th Ris ofU t Moi, descbes the dierencebetween tearaio ly movies and the ir own 1ves. movs o oday ". lmmak ers can create any imae that they can dream up." so, p · rce believes, because of technolo y movies today are more and more volent and bld Coo o for rr 1 Sme ele ae wed ha vewn a l vlence n mes and vde ames can be danes hey eel ha can make vlence seem nmal and can case ele mae he ven behav, dn he same hn hemselves Ohe ele dsaee hey beleve ha shwn vlence s hnes and can even be hell M o o o ru o rt oo ou o o r o o ior o 2 _ s 967 Ah Penn mve s ab a eal an vlen bank bbes wh eed he US Shwes n he 93s Bnne Faye Dnaway and lyde aen Beay, and he an wee beleved be esnsble heen deahs and many bbees bee hey wee naly klled Bonnie and Cyde o u or rur o o o ou ror o 0 Tr r o o ror 0 3 ___ e US dcmenay Spellbound ss h hmes eh nass he Nanal Selln Bee and hen ws hem h as ashnn D e w he kds ad he mles r our r ur o o o o o C o our u o o r WRmNG BOOSTER 75 www.frenglish.ru 8 O a sparat sht of papr, writ two paragraphs of thr to fi sts ah with ails aot th folowg opis. Mak sr o ha i a topi st fo ah paagraph hat smmarizs or aos th mai ia of th paragraph P 1 Te f a ie u ( e) ee lae ee ee f eve P 2 Te f a u ( e er) i ae e eve Gu ri E 2 O th otpa, writ ots aot wh som popl thik wathig iol is harmfl a wh oths thik i is't. Us or ots as a gi for or paragraphs ot iol l a topi st for ah paragraph to smmaiz th mai ias u: N u UN IT Avoiding sentence fagments wth bec�use or s_1 nce Reebe Yu c ue e ubdinin cnjuncin becue ince e en. ecue nd ince ne W quein A cue bein i becue ince i ced deenden clue A deenden cue ie inin bu n indeenen cue - nnn - - n ee e He Cl ee e i e ee A deenden cue i becue ince cn ce e beinnin enence. i ce i ue c. ee i e ee ee e Hte Caa n iin deenden cue ne i n e ced "enence en. i n enence becue i de n exe cee ie eee ae ee e He C e e ee cec enece en becue ince ke ue i i cbined i n indeenden cue eie e enence iu becue ince cee n ineenden cue ee e He Ca ee t ve iere ee e e Caal l ve ee A the followig paragaph, rli fo s t fragts with as or si. I I y B I y I y I B I S S I y y y I y B I y y I y 'I 76 O a sparat sht of papr, writ th paragraph agai orrt all th st fagmts. omi th pt lass with iept lass to mak omplt sts ui f t iti Ei 36 or prgrph aot hotl, il lst th sos sig as or si h hk afll to mak sr tha thr ar o st fragmts WRmNG BOOSTER www.frenglish.ru UN IT And n add1ton. Furhemoe. and Theefoe And And connects two or more words in a series. Use commas to separate words when there are more than two in the series. (he last comma is optiona) I'm onene abou agressive and inatentve iving (no omma: an onnes wo adje ives Inaenive ives someimes eat and k on ei ell hones wle ey ae iving (no omma an onnes wo vebs wi e same subje Gesturing, saring and mut iasking ae ee ings aggessive ives oen o ( omma is neessay an onnes moe an wo wos in seies Te omm afe sain is oional And can aso omine two separate complete sentences into one sentence In the new sentence the o origina sentences are caled "independent causes he omma is common ut optiona - lee enene lee enene ggessve ives o many angeous ings Tey ause o of ases. ineenden ae ineenen e ggessive ives o many angeous ings and ey use a o of ases I r l . 1 S i i 2 I i SV 3 W al F Il Si B 4 Mi S a 5 I i Ci 6 i a a O i ii l a l al i 2 I 3 W z i W i al 4 I i i i a Y Y In addiion urhermore and herefore Use In addition and urhermore to add to the ideas in a previous sentence In addition and uhemoe are approximatey equal in meaning ut uhermore is a ie more orma ou can use oth in the same writing to avoid repetition Peole soul ay aenion o e own iving In addition ey soul be awae of e iving of ohes. I n efensive iving mes sense urthermore i as been oven o eue e numbe of aiens Use thereore to introduce a resut - e Ron as a a lo of aiens herefore e ena omany sai e oun en one of hei as Note Is usomay o use a omma ae In aiion uemoe an Teefoe l a i I ii 1 2 3 4 D i a i i i a il I i I ii i M. _ f i i Guidance r h Wrtng E 48) I i I a l WRmNG BOSTR 77 www.frenglish.ru UNIT Convcnt,ons of formal letter writing here rules foraninfohanri ral socit eanl couni ceats.iohere n such asare,hoeer e-aren' ails, ttean timessaes soci a l not ort aasnt rulbusiesnessanleconent ions foranforaleriailst. en comuni c at i o n, such t e rs, meos, or•thesebeasuree to inclue the fol oin eleen: •• hhee aeieie' name iin an ae •• aa ml aamie a le • ha ieeiitennaaee an i a le e me Note Whentobusiinclnuesse aresss corresonence is an eail its not necessar the reci earient[titslenae tname] he salu tItatsiocomon n shoulinusea ftohral e flIefotloueoritkno nouseforat + l a st a colonat(e:) aer the nae. In less foral let ers a coaDea iMs arori mih Dea Marie If ouDeaon'irt knoMaam the rciORients h nae ior maener,oeusen this forat ollo the laout an unctuation in the ritin oel to the riht A Think of a business such as a hotel stoe, salon a gym, o a restaurant where you hve received good service. On the notepad wite notes about the business I _me of usiness: ddress I Whyou are hJY wth the serie �I I \ 657 Bl v d E { wmmp Flg l l @vm . a m 46 . ThTg T p Sp p22Bywy Hl S ; SylvS �,-• ImSw1dm } l hg10l yhhTipIw vwh y hppyI wwh ylh vl pv d d y Sp w Th h y l gv m wdl h d h m ly phplhIp y lly jmFydlhly hlpxgmw 1h1. d plwI lydlhv dd p l g g Iw y w h I m mmd g h p 1 Sp l l my ydd hvhhld 1hl m 1h1hy1hyhl Syld vvy 1hy g 1h dyI h p I hvCg ld hlmhh h wd !vlgl p10 Sylv 1 v S ly } � litiatr ho F Cl } a o on o n eeaeea }.:• , r, 'R• F 8 On sepate sheet of ppe wite lette of thnks to the manger of the business in xercise plin what you like about the sevice Use you notes and the writing model bove s guide C Gae e Exeie ( ae 60) Look t the lette tht you chose fom page 5 On the notepd below list thee methods tht the writer could use to impo his or her ppernce Make notes of the advantages and disadvntges of ech method Then use you notes s guide to help you write your sponse lette Be sue to include your name and ddess the dte sluttion nd a complimenty close in your lette dntges Dsdntes _ ethod J_,. 2. f ' 1, 8 G .· www.frenglish.ru fF Top Notch Pop Lyrics J �}161:1ZJ Greetings and Sma Talk [Uit ) You look so amlar. Have we me beoe? I don' hnk youe om aound hee I mgh have been wo weeks ago bu I'm no sue Has been a monh o a yea? I have a unn eeng ha Ive me you wce Tha's wha hey call dj vu. You wee sayng somehng endly yng o be nce-and now youe beng endy oo One ook, one wod Is he endles sound ha Ive eve head. Thanks o you geengs Im gad hs meeng occued (CHORUS) Gts sm t me te ee ii hs is t f Have ou wen any ees o you ends back home? Have ou had a chance o do ha? Have ou spoken o ou aml on he eephone? Have you aken me o a cha? Bow down shake hands Do whaeve ou do n you nae land Il be happy o gee you n an way ha you undesand (CHORUS) Have you seen he laes move ou o Hoywood? Have you ead abou ye? I you haven eaen dnne ae ou n he mood o a mea ou won oge? Bow down shake hands Do whaeve ou do n you nave land I' be happ o gee you n any way ha you undesand (CHORUS) _ Bette Late Than Neve [Uit 2) Whee have you been? Ive waed o ou Id ahe no say how ong The move began one hou ago How dd you ge he me all wong? Well I go suck n afc and when I aved I coudn nd a pakng plac Dd ou bu he ckes? oue kddng o eal? Le me pay ou back n ha case (CHORUS) S m t it f s it ts s ee te t When ha knd o move comes o he bg sceen alwas aacs a cowd and I've awas waned o see wh you bu looks lke weve mssed now I know wha ou'e sayng bu acuall I would ahe wach a vdeo o wh don we en and bng back home? es ge n he ca and go www.irLanguagecom (CORUS} Ddn ou menon when we made ou plans ha youve seen hs move ecenly? I sounds so damac and Im so upse d ahe see a comed! Well whch comed do ou ecommend? eal doesn mae o me. I sll haven seen The Wod and a Da Ive head ha one s pey un (CORUS) Checkng Out [Uit 3) Ms Jones aves al alone he doesn need much space a sngle om wh a nce wn bed and a place o he sucase say s alwas sasaco bu n he monng shes gong o be checkng ou M Moon w be leavng soon and when he does Il say "Thank you s o sayng wh us ow do you wan o pa? And n he end sn had He pu on hs ced cad Hes checkng ou Woud you ke o leave a message? Coud you cal back lae? Do ou need some exa owels o odas newspap? Can I ge you anyhg? Would you lke oom sece? Im so so Am I makng o neous? ood evenng I ng ha oom o you Is ha a? Il be glad o pu you hough Im so bu hes no answeng The phone jus ngs and ngs The couple n oom 586 have made a kngsze mess Pck up he laundy Tun down he beds We have anohe gues comng wh hs amly oud bee hu o he wl be checkng ou .. I Whees aound the Wod [Uit 4) Was I gong oo as o a le oo slow? I was lookng ou he wndow and I jus don know mus have uned he seeng wheel a le oo a when dove no he bumpe o ha uxu ca h no! How awu! Wha a ebe da! Im soy o hea ha Ae ou K? (CORUS} s the iti i i t t t i s e i t f i e Dd I h he ed sedan o dd h me? I was alkng on he cel phone n m V Nohng was boken and no one was hu bu I dd sp some coee on m avoe sh h no! Thank goodess oue sl alve! Im so happy ha you suved (CORS} Wha wee ou dong when ou h ha ee? ws acng down he mounan and he bak aled me. How dd happen? Was he oad sl we? Wel hee mgh have ben a dange sgn Bu oge The hood popped open ad he doo e o The headghs blnk and he engne coughed The sdevw mo had a eble cack. The geash boke Can I bng he ca back? h no! Thank goodness oue sl ave! Im so happy ha you suvd (CORUS} Pece of Cake [Uit 5 need o pck up a ew ngs on he way back o school Feel lke soppng a a soe wh me? Id lke o bu I hnk ll pass I don have me oda s aead nea a qae o hee 1•• (CORUS} t be fi it t ts s t be i f I need a ube o oohpase and a ba o uvy soap some sunsceen and a bole o shamoo. Whee would nd makeup? How bou a comb? Have a look n as one o wo (CHORUS) I have an apponmen o a hacu a The pa n second hough hee aways unnng ae M cass sas n an ho. Ill neve make now How long do you hnk wel have o wa? (CORUS) The sa hees someon wang o a m ahead o me Can I ge ou som coee o so m ea? n h meanme l be geg someh song o hs hedache a he phamac (CRS TOP NOTCH POP LYICS 79 www.frenglish.ru WORKBOOK JOAN SASLOW ALLEN ASCHER with Terra Brockman and Julie C. Rouse www.frenglish.ru UNIT Getting Acquainted 1 Look at he pictures. Write the correc greeing nder each picture Use word rom the box. bow hug 1. 2 shake hnds kis 2 3. - 4 Complee the converstion. Wrte he letter on he line : Y f H' ? a Of ! J B: Y, . -,. c N A I y y A: A y f ? B: d ' f 2. : ! I J' e. Y, I' V B: 3. : Y ' y ? B: 4. A B: A: 3 4 -5. T H y Rad he converstion in Exercise 2 ain Circl h subjects the poe al ao fy y When ou meet smeone new what subjecs do ou tak abou Wrie a t next to the topcs o sa tak about Wite an ) next to the topcs ou dont like to talk about _ . y fy y y 5. y e y 6. 4 7. 8 y 9 81 www.frenglish.ru JESSON 5 Complete each sentence with the present perfect. Use contractions when possible 1. A: you I have 2. A: you I be 3. A: you I exercse 4. A: you I ead 6 y dy? B: Eu? B: k? B: y k y? B: Y, u I I have Y, S we I be Y, I I go N, I I be gy uy Complete the qestions with the correct form of the verbs from the box Use each verb onl once Then write or own responses When o answer a specific information, sin the simple past tense be chec eat meet 1 H yu y gd y?" @ I I 3 7 2. H yu @ y u ?" 3. H yu @ Eu?" 4 H yu @ u dy?" 5. H yu @ yu - dy?" Complete the conversation with the present perfect or the simple past tense Use contractions when possible. Joe: ________ u ? ' g 1. you I take Trish: Y, ________ Ru gu y g 2. ome du __ ? 3. be Joe: 4 you I be Y, ________ M 202, u ________ u y 6 no I see 5. vist ______ u y d u this ! 7 be Trish M u g 8 read g By y, P, u u gud? 9. you I meet Joe N, u d k Trish du yu 82 UNIT 1 see www.frenglish.ru r '.' ' it ESSON :- 8 •> Complete the sentences Circle the correct words. 1 2. 3. 4 Have yu ve e Lve (ye I eve)? I ave' bee e ea (aeay I ye) W e? I ave (eve I befe) ee e Ha Eva ( ye I eve) e eve (aeay I befe)? 5. Weve y bee ee e ay, bu eve (aeay I ye) ake a f ue 6 My ae ave bee Iay (eve I befe) 7 Ha e (ye I eve) ge geeg Ne Yk? Have ey (aeay I befe) ee e e Ba P ve? 9 Complete the conerstios rite qestions or nswers in the present perect Use lred m eer or eore 1. A: : Ye e a Gege e ebak g a ue 2 A Have Te a e aeay ake a u f eSaue f Lbey? NTey���������������3 A : Ye Ive bee L evea e 4. A: : N bu ey a g e f W Te 5. 10 A: Ha La eve e Tuk ffee? : YeSe�������������������������� oo t Anne rie nd ilerts tdo list r their ctin in oronto Ane rie hs checed wht the he lred done . - take a tour o the universi . - ee Mchel for dnner on Spadna Avenue - vs the Baa Shoe Mueum . - see a usal downtown - take a boa trp around Toonto Harbor . - go shoppng a the Eton enre G q 83 www.frenglish.ru Now finish Anne Marie's postcard to her friend. Write what she and Gilbert have already done and what they haven't done yet Use the present perfect Sunay Augus 6 Dear Agnes, Gilbe an I are havng a wonerful tme i Toronto. We'e one so man thngs See ou when we get ack Loe Anne Mare 3 11 Read the artile on page 8 in the Students Book again Answer the questions 1. What is non-verbal communcton? _ EXA READNG COMPEHENSION _______ 2 Wha kd of handshakes d Norh Ameans expet? 3 On how mny hans do Chee ice the numbers ne to ten _____ 4 What gestur mans "god- ye in souher Europe? _ ___ 5. Wa avice does the artle gve? 12 Read the information about greetings in Asia Then read the statements and hek true, false or no information. T GREETINGS he traditional greetng in Asa i a bow In ct, there are derent types of ows u ed in greetings throughout Asia. For example n Japan Chn an Ko rea people o but in Japn the bo s usually lower In Ina an nearby ountrs n Suth Asi ost people put ther hands together and o just a lttle While ech Asian culture has its on tradtional pecial greetng thee days don't e surprsd f pople i Asa just shke your hand 84 UN 1 www.frenglish.ru 1. 2. 3. 4 3 Pepe n Chn, Jpn nd Ke bw when hey gee ene. In Ke pepe y bw we hn n pn In Ind y hdn' ch he pen y e geeng Pepe n ny pe n Sh A e geeng o iormaio true false D D D D D D D D D D D D omete e seees aout ourself 1 In h cny he cn geeng __________________ 2 When I gee ene he e I y- When I gee y ebe ce end I y _________ [FACTOID] History f he Handhake _ 4 Shaking hands was a way of makng sure that people wee not cyg a wapon suh as a knfe or sword. When you shook hands, you were saying, "Look, I don't have a weapon. I trust you Lets be friends omete te art rite tis ouve oe a tis ou avet oe ut woul lik e to o Things I've done climb Mt. anjaro Tis ve oe hings 'd like to do t Everet Tis like to o cb g gheeng n en g he p ee y ee e Getting Acquaited 85 www.frenglish.ru 15 CHALLENGE. ook at your experiences in xercise 4 Write about three things you've doneusing alread or before Describe each experience with a participial adjective I m M K� Tz S J9/ - . ,-_ , _ 1 2. 3 ow write about three things you havent done but would like to do Use , have never or haven't ever 1 2 3 GRAMMAR BOOSTER ook at the answers Write inforation questions using the question words in parentheses 1. A: (Where) _________________ ? B: He's lived in Santiago, udapest and Kyoto 2 A: (How) _�? B: Its been great-sunny and warm every day! 3. A: (What) __________? B: Sophie has studied English, Spanish and Japanese 4 A: (Which) __________? B: They've gone to the Metropolitan Museum of rt and the Museum of Modern rt 5. A: (How many) ___________________ ? B Shes been to Paris three times B 'e met Mr Russ, Mr Sherman and M Savidge B Rewrite each sentence changing the placeen of or alread 1 We've taken that tour already 2. They haven't yet climbed Mt McKinley 3 Has he eaten dinner already? 4 've already gone sightseeing in Prague 5. 86 She hasnt tried Vietnamese ood yet UNIT 1 www.frenglish.ru C omplete the sentences. ircle the correct words. 1. Have you (yet I already) taken pictures of the City of Arts and Sciences building? 2 Josefina hasn't had her lunch (yet I already) 3 Ryan has finished college (yet I already) 4 Has Michelle (ever I before) been to Greece 5. My parents have (ever I never) gone on a cruise 6 I havent (ever I never) studied talian 7 Ruth has (ever I never) tried duck before 8 Simone is fro Paris, but shes never gone to the top of the Eiffel Twer (ever I before)! D City of Arts and Science-Valena, pain Think of a frightening, a thrilling a fascinating and a disgusting experience Write questions with ever j l 1. frighteng: - 1. frightening: 2 thrilling 3 fascinating 4 disgusting Hae yov eer vmped ovt of an airplane? _,. Now write short answers to your questions. E 1. 3 2 4 HALLEGE What are four things that you've never done? Write sentences using the words in parentheses 1 (neve0- 2 (not ever) _ 3 (never before) 4 (never, ever) Getting Acquainted 87 www.frenglish.ru WRITING BOOSTER A Read the run-on sentences. Write each sentence correctly Separate the independent clauses with a period or combine them with a coordinating conjunction, such as and or but 1. My parents went on a cruise to the Bahamas they haven't been to Bermuda yet 2. Ive been to the top of the CN Tower, the view is amazing. 3 They went skiing in the Himalayas the trip was thrilling 4 Ive tried snails before they were disgusting. 5. Devin has never traveled to continental Europe he has visited Ireland before. 6 We have met before we were on the same sighteeing tour yesterday 7 He's from Russia he has studied English, he wold like to learn Mandarin 88 Look at Exercise C on page 11 in the Student's Book On a separate sheet of paper, write your partners experience Describe what happened, where your partner was, who your partner was with and how he or she felt C After you write about your partners experience in Exercise B, check to see if yu have written any run-on sentences Be sure to use a period to separate the independent clauses or us connecting words to combie the. UNIT 1 www.frenglish.ru UNIT2 1 -.======•· �:lmi' Going to the Movies Complete the sentences with words or expressions rom the box. a bunch f frankly 1. There are _ 2. It my treat I've heard good new comedies on Netclips I can't decide which one to watch the new Leonardo DiCaprio movie is fantastic Have you seen it yet? 3 I have two tickets for the 0:00 show Would you like to go? 4 The Wolf of Wall Street? 5. 2 , Im too tired for a three-hour epic! horror movies I watch movies to relaxnot to be frightened Answer the questions about our own movie preerences 1 What actor or actress are you a big fan of? 2 What movie genres are you usually in the mood for? 3 What was the last movie you saw in a theater? 4 What was the last movie you watched at home? _ • 3 1 Complete the posting rom an online movie message board Use since or or ( Back Q Fward omments Ive been an action film fan 0 years I was 0 years old I havent seen a good one MOIE RVJWS a vey long time ast night I saw the movie Crz Aiens, and it was terrible I watched it for about an hour but then I had to turn it o I kept falling asleep! It was the worst action film Ive seen 4. 997 when I saw Anther Panet Eath. In my opinion there still havent been any good action films 5. Avata in 009 What a disappointment! 89 www.frenglish.ru 4 L h Th h v. P H, osemay Sorr 'm late. Hae yo be ee log? R: Fo bou wety mnues Wa appeed P: Frs---------· ran cac i, bt it plled aay Ad _ ___ __ because t a raig So wn back ome to get my a 2 e Fally t 4 3. I to me abot e intes efore I oud oe! R Wll youre ere now ets ee e moe 5 Mh h v h h h h . _ feaue fapacd, exting and dngros sittios _ e draw b and r cratd o compte . dumenarie 4. _ te a stor y w singng ad dng __ gie s informaio bout l peopl an ig sienefction fim . aton fms 5. uually take plae n e fure aimate films 6. _ make us smle and lug f. 1 2. 3. C. 7 _ fcus on ter poble and otios 6 dramas usals md h v h h h v s I riJ.1 ,\ l1 2 pa1e 39 <,,/11i1 lt. H-1w � " Yl ll l )OU ) D 1 < B O )O S't! C 0 0 ; E 00 8 03 Gere _____ 9 UN Gee _____ I t'Olry ·.1 I ( B ( ,t 0 0 Gere ____ y www.frenglish.ru Which of the movies from the listing in Exercise 6 would you rather see? Explain your answer. 7 CHALLENGE. 8 Look at Tom's favorite things and least favorite things Then read each statement and check true or false based on Tom's lists Tom s Lea Favorie Tings 1 I. omeies beaG1 2 a ti? to te '. ?O? musi gm A. going to te � 5. rice l. 1 2. 3. 4 5. 9 doee 2. a trp to the mountains ?. classical music 4. going shopping . p H H H true false D D D D D D D D D D Look at the statements in Exercise Write five true statements about your own preferences Use would rather Going to the Movis 91 www.frenglish.ru 3 10 Read the on line movie reviews. Then compete the chart Write the genre and choose two adjectives from the box to describe each movie Circe "thumbs up if the reviewer recommends the movie or "thumbs down if he or she doesn't recommend it borng hiarious Tols interesing unforgettable silly violen i Hep 0 wirLanguge.com THE ALIEN! j tI washreal: Mary loaokins nakeg foove ward 1 ualylinlohee year 2030. I hese ki d of [ moi e s, b i s s oostorsage foke words Theee doesn' h spidI wa dow -Kris Baker The Alen! l DAD'S BACK! ; fIs hi sf adMoranhis reaSva ons a rbor nwho e on h ba you neg "� srpi s ed a ow e ovi e i s I s g y ! oe end h l o goo / ah lookng f-Mry9 Dad's Back!, :-L_ SEARCH FOR THE LOST KINGDOM hi i s goi n g be a b o ckbus e hi e g w A ile oaio h l ig veeI woni ws l l ka grea s ovie r a longae007 �i 0N1 SCREA NOW Ais fsay o ki l r ose and exi g, r g h? Norei hs noneg aIa wasl Alos eveoe ges ykl eaake d, nd siIlaher olhave s a yd oe an ead a bo -Yar QoNUNE Move tite 92 Genre Adjectives Reviewers opinion The Alien! � Search fr the Lost Kngdom � Dad's Back � o ream Now � UNIT www.frenglish.ru 11 Complete the conversation. Write te letter on te line A: Hi, Janelle. Seen any good movies recently? B: - A: Play Tme? What kind of movie is that? B: 2. A Well, what is it about? B: 3. A That doesnt sound very funny Was it any good? It was terrific. It ight be the funniest film I've seen this year. b Its a comedy c Definitely I highly recommend it Yeah, I just saw Pay Tme at the rt Cinema e Its about some hgh school kids who don't want to graduate It stars Wilson Granthe was really hilarious. B 4 A: The funniest? Wow! Who was in it? B 5. A: So you think I would like it? B 6 12 HALLENGE Write your own review about a movie you've seen Use the reviews in xercise 10 for support In our review, answer the following questions: What kind of movie was it? Who was in it? What was it about? Was it funny? Romantic? Tought-provoking? Would you recommend it? 3 Read the article Can olent Movies or TV Programs Harm Children? on page 22 in the Student's Book � again Then read each statement and check true or false according to the information in te article RING true false CMPENS 1 It's OK for children to watch violence in animated TV shows and movies D D 2 Children who watch a lot of fighting and killing on TV are more D D likely to act violently as adults 3 Eight is a safe age for children to start watching violent movies and TV shows. D D 4 Violence is normal so children should be exposed to it. D D 5. Children should learn that there are consequences for doing bad things D D 6 Parents should watch and discuss vioent TV programs with their D D very young children Going to he Movies 93 www.frenglish.ru 14 Read the on ine blog post. Then answer the questions. How can I protect my kids from media violence? 08 APR 2014 10:05 PM James F. v fl POST A COMMENT The forecast is for rain all weekend, so I thought I'd rent some movies for the kids to wath. When we looked at the movie list on the television, my nine-yeaold son clicked on the new release setion. Every movie he picked had a gun or an explosion in the picture My sixyeaold wanted a movie based on one of his favorite toys. He begged me to rent it "Please, Dad. I have the toys Why ant I see the movie? But this movie is not for children According to the reviews Ive read its ver sary and pretty bloody. We decided to rent a popular animated film I found in the family section, but even that had fighting in it And the violent scenes were also silly and funny Frankly, I think thats sending kids a bad message. I was so upset that I deided to do some researh on children and media violence. Did you know that between the ages of four and eighteen the average child sees 200,000 ats of violene on TV and other media inluding 40000 murders? Also 60 to 90% of the most popular video games have violent subjet matte. Another study found that 61 % of television pgrams show some violene, and 43% of these violent scenes a used to make people laugh! Why ant the enteainment industry make kids movies and shows that are actually appropriate for kids? And when will they stop selling toys based on violent movies and video games that young children should not see or play? Maybe next time it rains Ill take my kids to the library instead! . " 1 W ' -y-l 2. W xyl ? _ 3. W ? 4. Wy ? 5. W k y ? 6. D y ? Exl y 5 Compete the statements, according to the bog post in ercise 14. Circe the etter 1 B f f v V a. 0000 lv b 200000 . 0000 2 f ll V vl . a. M lf b Hlf 3 Vl V f a fl b. fy 94 UNIT 2 L lf y www.frenglish.ru GRAMMAR BOOSTER A Read the sentce i column . The dcide if the sentnce i colum B is true or fals 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6 S' b vg M w y H v Q 2011 Iv b M Sk Hw g v y b g bk? S w vw w v Wv b wg Gravity. B true false S v M H v Q w I bg M Sk w Y g bk S wg vw Wv y Grat. D D D D D D D D D D D D Thi of three actiities that ou ejo Whe did ou start For each actiit, write one prsent perfect setece and oe prest perfect cotiuous setece Us for or sice u�1 u;j > I've played tJe pia0 for three yea,. ve bee payin9 the piano fohee yea C omplete each statemet with th preset perfct cotinuous y g g b w K Kgy v hear 2. 3 Jy __________ DVD w wk give Sk Trp _________ b vw get 4. Planet X _________ y wk y g __________ g pay J _________ E travel W v J g! make 5 6 7 ook omplete the seteces ircl the correct words I ( I w ) y v v v b (k I w ) 3 W ( I w ) k 4 S w (k ) w y 5 W y ( I ) ? 6 N I ( I w ) w 7 O ( I w ) g v g Going to the Moves 95 www.frenglish.ru E Look at the answers. Write questions with like, prefer, or would rather. There is more than one correct answer 1. ? A: B: A I' bg 2 ? A: B P ee I e y 3. ? A: B: Deey ve Py e e b I ey ve ve 4. ? A: B Sy e I by Sy 5. ? A: B: I' e Cee b Mex? 6 ? A: B I e' e e Y e WRITING BOOSTR A Write a toic sentence for the followin ararah Toic sentence:��������������������������� Pee ' e e bev ey ee e y y jg e e bg e bee y ? e ve ve J e y ee- y b e e e ve e ve vee e V eee bee g e b e g Re Wh do some eole think iolence in moies is harmful Wh do others think it isnt omlete the chart with eole's oinions Look at Eercise aoe and the article on ae 22 of the tudents Book for ideas. iolence in moies Harmful Can make cJildren more a99re»ive 96 Not harmful On a searate sheet of aer, write two ararahs of three to fie sentences each with details aout the followin toics Then write and add a toic sentence for each ararah ararah 1 ararah 2 e be ve y eve y y e e ve y eve y y ' UNIT 2 www.frenglish.ru UNIT3 Look at the hotel bill Then answer the questons. 1 ROOM ARRIVAL DEPARTURE TIME Mr. Philip Paul 11 Rue Ravignan Place Emil Goudea 7581 Paris, Frane CLUB ONE MEMBER # PP2139 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 9/14 1313 0:32 3036 2765 Loal Call Overseas all Internet aess Launry Room 1631 Internet aess Room Servie Room Servie Loal Call Photoopies Internet aess Loal Fax Room 1631 Airport Shuttle Free (Club 4034 Free (Club 3600 17908 Free (Club 192 2645 Free (Club Free (Club Free (Club Free (Club 17900 3000 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/15 9/15 9/15 9/15 9/15 9/15 9/15 3036 2762 2762 09 52 42 3036 75 0956 BAL ANCE VAT7.00% TOTAL INCLUDNG VAT 1631 89/14 09/16 15:52 One member) One member) One member) One One One One member member) member) member) 50971 35.6 545.39 1. What date did Mr Paul ceck n? _______ 2 How m did he py fo phone lls, faxes, and Intn sev? 3 How man nights dd Mr Pau say a th hote _ _____ 4 What s he oa amun of e oe b? _______ 2 Check the hotel services that Mr Paul used at the Nova Hotel, according to the hotel bill D D D D D D D 97 www.frenglish.ru 3 Which services are important to these hotel guests? Read what each person says and write the hotel service on the line. evening. 4 Put the conversaton in order Write the number on the line Can I speak with Kein Mercer, please? He's staying in room 376 _ Thats right _ YesCould you tell him Babara called? Please ask him to call me back at 228-5553156 _ One moment please ..Im sorryheres no answerCan I take a message _ Barbara at 228555356? _ Is that all? 7 Yes, that's it hank you very much 98 UNIT 3 www.frenglish.ru 5 The rtune-teer is predicting the future. Read her predictionsThen rewrite the sentences using wi 3. When you are in Barcelona, you meet an od frien 1. 2 3 4. 5. 6 Rewrite the foowing future statements and questions using wi 1 I ll l y_ 2 S' k 3 My l y 4 W bk? 5. W y k v? 6 W y y M? 7 Read the phone conersationThen compete the message sheet A: Hll I lk k M M S, l B: O l Ill MS I y b Wl y lk ll bk l? A N I lk l Pl ll S ll Ill b 55587 l 500 y B OK M S A N S SEED "D " T M 5+q De '14 3:5 HILE YOU ERE OU AQ P' 0Mr/ 0Ms. 0Ms. -1 Phone----�--- Numb Area coe Eensio ps w bk ssge: ____________ 0 telephoned 0 r 0 0 OK M S Ill k S 99 www.fren lish.ru 8 Look at the sentences in the box. Write the correct sentence below each picture If you book the hotel early, you will save money If you request rollaway beds someone will bring them to your oom If a guest is in a hurry a taxi is faster than the shuttle If you book a suite breakfast is free = 2. 1. --- HOTEL 3. 9 4 Write factual if the conditional sentence expresses a fact Write future if it expresses a uture result _ 1. If you check in early, you'll get the room ou want 2 a hote oom has weless Intret gests dont hav o o to a busess centr to che e-mail 3 W will provide wakeup servie te morning i yo e quet 4 If you ak somethng rom the mnba, youl hav o pay exta 10 Find the errors and write the correct sentences 1 If you wll hury youll cat th shttl 2 If the fss cene s st pen go swimmg 3 If there wll not be rena cars a the airport wl you tae bu? 4 I ae my reervation early Ill get a cheaer oom 100 UNIT 3 www.frenglish.ru 11 Label the pictures. 5. 12 Look at the pictes Then compete the convesations 1. A Guest services May I help you? B Yes, please ould you bring up some _______? 1. I need clean ones A: Cerainly B nd I could use a-------, too My hair is we, 2 and I don' see one in the bahroom A Sure Well bring those up righ away nything else? B Oh, yes I have a lot of dirty clothes ould someone please _ __ ? 3. A Yes, of course B I hink has all Thanks! A Front Desk May I help you? B Yes, Id like o go for a swim Is the ___ stil open? 4. A No, Im sorry, it cosed a 900 B Oh Well, maybe a workou How abou he __? 5. A No, i also jus closed B Oh, no Well, I guess Ill have to do some work hen Is the 6 still open? A No, Im sorr y, it closed a 630 ut you do have highspeed Inerne access i your oom B Oh, OK Thanks Staying in Hotels 10 www.frenglish.ru 13 Read the website on page 34 of the Student's Book again. Then read the statements and check true, false or no information. RI CPREHENSON true false no information 1. Pz xv D D D 2. y q H D D D D 3 Y D D D 4 H P D D D D D D D 5. G H v y E 6. H N y 14 Read the trael guide about places to sta in ublin Ireland. SLEEPING IN DUBLIN €€€ History, Locaton 182 - 1922 112! O L M L res1aurant. room ervice laundry ervie buines center, Internet ervie €€€ Style Nightle M W M the : re aura room ervie launry ervie buine� enter Internet ervice tne room 102 UNIT 3 , €€ Atmophere Servce A A L retaurant. room ere launry ervie C €€ C1ve1e1c ocation A pool auna itne: rom rm rice bune enter ee Intrnt er e bety ln rtaurnt ree rng € Price Locaton F J ateria- tyle reaurant ree breakf www.frenglish.ru 5 Complete the chart. Use the travel guide in Exercise 14 to list an advantage and a disadvantage of each hotel. Hotel Advantage Disadvantage Te Seboe Hoe Te Mog Hoel Te Abedee Lodge Te Cde Co Ty Colege 6 Read about the people's hotel needs and preferences. Use the travel guide in Eercise 14 to decide the best hotel for each person. Write statements with If and will /won't. I o ee oe eoe y ge d k o b g I eg e e oo o o e, b I o bdge I' edg oeee Db I' e o ke ely o I'd ke oee qe O d e go o be be o eee Staying in Hotels 103 www.frenglish.ru GRAMMAR BOOSTER A Write sentences. Use have to, must not don't have to or doesnt have to 1 Eply g I k l _ 2. Hl g I k bf --------------------- 3 g I yg f b---------------------4 Hkpg ff I k p ___ 5. Hl g I wl b y _____ 6 I fg plg ------------------------- B Read the situation Write a suestion Use coud shoud ouht to shoudn't had etter or had etter not 1 T 7:00 w l _________ 2. l f lggg------------------------ 3 I xp k x p_ 4 T ply 8:00 _ 5 T Pl Hl y xp ______ 6 kw w g f __ ______ C Write a rue or each ace Use e suosed to or not suosed to 1 pl: Y 55 5 J5 2 3. 4. pl: 5. : 6 lby: D omete the conversation usin i or on't. Use contractions hen ossie A: B: __ y b yg w 1. g N w · k w 2 __ b bk x 3 B: G Hw y b pyg y? ____ y f OK A: S T____ b f A: 104 5. UNIT 3 6 www.frenglish.ru E Look at the pictures. What do you think the man is going to do? Write sentences with a form of be oin to or not be oin to 2 1. 3 4. F 5. Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of be oin to if there is a plan for the future or will if there is not a plan. 1 A: Ha y a y aa y B: Y, w a _ Ia! 1. go A: w! y ________ 2 leave 1h B: --- 20 . 3. fy A: Ta' aa _ y 4 stay B: I w ye I w a va aye w j e w w ave 5 ind A: G wa I a w aa x we 6 move B: Ta' a w! I y 8 ove 7 hep y y a ay _ ? A: Ta! I Saay a 9 M OK? B: O ! I 9 pck up y a a A: N J y w ye Staying in Hotels 105 www.frenglish.ru WRITING BOOSTER A Read the hotel reviews in Exercise 14 on page 22 again. omplete each statement with a reason, according to the information in the reviews. Write the letter on the line. 1. I prefer the Shelbourne a becuse I'm not tht big on noisy cities 2. __ Im going to sty t the Morgn b since I'm ooking for the chepest ccommodtions 3 _ Id like to sty t the Aberdeen Lodge 4 I'd rther sty t the Cmden Court 5. I chose Trinity Colege c. becuse I'm interested in Irish history since I wnt to be in emple Br e since I'm going to rent cr Rewrite the sentences in Exercise placing the dependent clause at the beginning of each sentence Use a comma 1. 2 3 4 5. C D 106 Look at the hotel reviews in Exercise 14 Which hotel would you rather stay at? Write the name of the hotel in the circle List reasons with because or since in the boxes. becavse sirce becavse srce On a separate shet of paper write a paragraph about the hotel you chose in Exercise . Explain why you would like to stay there Give reasons using because or since re there any disadvantages? fter you write your paragraph check carefully to make sure that there are no sentence fragments UNIT 3 www.frenglish.ru UNIT4 1 PREVIEW Cars and Driving Complete each sentence with a bad driving habit from the box. Use the -ing form of each verb speed tailgate lk on the phone text not signal . T ! I ' S' ______ 2 T u · H' a w ' ! 3. T w u , u T' u! 4 T uy w w! I w 5. H' 70 u ! H' I' ! Read the convesations Complete the missing text in the speech bbbles with the expressions from the box ong time no see ngatlations cant complain catch p on old times 107 www.frenglish.ru 3 Choose the correct response. Circle the letter 1. "This car was trying to park, and he hit another car The driver was talking on the phone You'e got to be kidding! Just a moment Thats ight 4 2 I dont think anyone was hurt in the accident I cant complain Youre all set hank goodness for that 3 So many people drive and text at the same tie You can say that again Congratulations Either way 4 I just got a new car! Here you go I ant complain Congratulations Label the car parts 1. d a s Jb o a r d 6. ----- 9. 108 UNIT 4 www.frenglish.ru 5 Complete the conversation with the past continuous or the simple past tense. A: Hi, Sandra. What's wrong? B: _ an accident on the way home today. 1. have A Oh no! How _ it _? 2appn B Well I home when my sister 3. drive -·She 4. call ,- 5 ask what I _ , and I 7 tell 6. do her I _ home and would see 8.go her soon ut she _ she had a funny 9 say story that she just had to tell me Anywa, by the end of the story, I so hard I couldn't seeand 10 laugh 11 d 6 right into a stop sign Choose the corect response Write the letter on the line. 1 "I had an accident today 2. "Are you OK? a. 4 "Luckily, I was wearing my seat belt 5. "Was there much damage? The other driver was speeding b Not really The other driver will have to r eplace a taillight 3 "How did it happen? 7 -· C. Thank goodness d. Yes, I'm fine. o one was hrt e. How awful HLLENGE ave you or has someone you know ever had an accident? What happened? Write a note to a frend about it Cars and Drivng 109 www.frenglish.ru 8 Look at the pictures. Writ the letter of the correct picture after each phrasal verb ! 1 _ 9 i 2 n n 3 d 4 n 5. Complete the ote blow Use the correct phrasal verb from Exercise Sometimes you will e to use iect object proous CHALENGE. Hi, Lsa! I m ade a app oitmetto h ae a fx the ca tday. Ca"yov - 1 atte erce tat o"th afte"o o"? Tell St"th atthe lefttvn 9"al "'twok"9· hism on9 I covld_ bvtoWt ' tvck a1d ca"'teem to 2. -- Ak hm t call me wen tJe ca doe I'l _______ 4. 0 myway h ome f om Wok 1 oe Dael PS hle yov ' e tee covldyov _ tJe ta"k? See yov t9 ht 0 Choose the correct respose Circl the letter "I' dng y n a I dy g b eyng OK? 2 3 4 10 "Any a I d b T n wn n c dg? c I y a t ng nnng a I wn b I g c I ng nny nd "I g n a N Ta c I wan ayng aenn UNIT 4 b O, n! I g www.frenglish.ru 11 Complete each sentence with a car type from the box. a convertible a minivan a luxury car an SUV 1 Mavis loves hiking She has _ a compact car with four-wheel drive that she can drive on rough roads when she takes a trip to the mountains. 2 If you just need a car that's small and easy to pak, would be great for you 3 Mrs. Jeter drives to take her husband to work and their five chidren to school every morning 4 Peter thinks that owning is realy cool He said, "You can have the roof down and enjy the sun, wind, and beautiful sky when the weather is nice 5. 12 Jack is the president of a big company, and he drives with expensive leather seats Read the phone conversation. Then complete the rental form Agent: Good afternoonL & M Car Rental How can I help you? Renter: Helo Id like to make a reservation for June 0 1h. Agent: Certainly What type of car do you need? Renter: A compact car Agent: Lets see I'm afraid I don't have a compact available for that date. Is a fullsize sedan OK? Renter Thats fine Agent: How long do you need the car for? Renter For eight days Can I pick up the car here in Middletown and return it at Bradley Airport? Agent Yes, that's fine But there is a drop-off fee for oneway rentals Renter All right One last question Where are you located? Agent: Were at 355 South Street in Middletown. L & M Car Rental Agency, td. Pick up date: - Pick up location: -· Drop off date: _ Drop off location Cars and Drivng www.frenglish.ru 3 Red Six Tips Fr Defensive Driving on pge 46 of the Studen's Book gin. The red the sttemets nd write for defensive driving, A for ggressive driving, or 1 f r intteive diving. RI CPEON . ala o mae oe o ae 5. _ lo o a eae 2 _ ollo e "-eco le 6 _ ll oe o ao a a e _ mla le 7. _ c oe e o 4. cec o mo eqel 8 al o e oe le Red the rie bout rening r in the U.S Driving in the U.S.A. Pnning trip to the U.S.? Hve you thought bout how youll get round? If youre going to sty in big ity suh s New York, Chigo, or Sn Fniso, pubi trnsporttion is the most onveient opion However, to trve most nywhee ese in the U.S, youl need r Car Rental Tips Requirements: Mo el ee ee e o e le 5 e ol ome llo oe e, m ge e e o e e , o wll eed ed e' lee Vistors ll e e w e' lee om e ome o oee, f o lee lge oe e e om le, o ol o eol D em El Cost: el e e oe, d o ll e moe o o o e e e e e o e el el e wee o el le o Loo e el oe el e o oel o oe lo e o ele lexle, ome e o ee el e oe ee o e o weee o o ll wee e ew Hidden charges: l e e mll o o el eeme ello e o e e xe, o e, oo ee ( ex e o e o ee loo om ee o e ) Me e o o o e w ll o el ee e ll ee e e e o ll e Safety eoe o lee e el lo, e e ell o me me e ee o oel e e o oe olem o e el om e e me o eom e ml e j o e mo Loe e ool o e l l wel e e, le ! We o e el, o ee o e e, oo Mo e e e el l, ll e ee o le e e e el ld e. We o'e e, ollow e l o e e o'll e . oe o e, e w el eoe o e o . Find nd ire the phrses in the rtie in erise 4. Then mth the phrses nd their m enings Write the etter on the ine. e o 12 . exa o e o lel e 2. e el b e o e el 3 e e el om le o lae 4 _ ll ee d. e a 5. _ le e. eal oe o o moe ee o oe e 6. _ e o f. ex e o e o ll o UNIT 4 www.frenglish.ru 15 Answer the questions about renting a car in the U.S. Use information from the article in Exercise 4 Explain your answers 1. I am 23 years old Can I rent a car? ______________________ Do I ned n Inrnationa Diving Prmit to dive in he US _____________ Where an ge he bet price fo a a ental? __________________ 4 I wat to ick up a car in New Yo an drop o at Los Anl Intenational Airpot What hidden hares shoud I chck for- 5. W a traveg with mall hldrn Are the any special requiements? _______ GRAMMAR BOOSTER Complete each sentence in your own way Use the past continuous or the simple past tense 1 Thy ee having dinne whe _______________________ Wl-, t rd rin Whil Mri was watching TV he hsband ___________________ 4 When-, I was leaig my office 5 B He had an accident whie __________________________ HLLNG ook at the pictures On a separate sheet of paper, write a story about what happened using the words and phrases in the boxes drive run in front of hit tak on cell phone stop hurt not ay attention damage Cars and Drivng 113 www.frenglish.ru C Put the words in order and write sentences. If a sentence can be written in two ways, write it both ways 1. dropped I Margo I off I the car Mar90 droped o t,e car. OR Mar90 droped te car o 2 up I it I Sam I picked 3 the tank I filled I I I up 4 can't I turn I on I Sue I the headlights 5. turn I off I I I can't I them 6 like I Hed I it I to I drop I off at noon 7. I I to I need I up I it I fill 8 picked I the car I William I up I has D Label each nderlined non either common or proper. Then rewrite each sentence replacing the Underlined nOUn With a SUbjeCt Or Object prOnOUn. ;,Laoguagecom commol 1 The car door is making a funny sound It if makiD a vy £VJ 2 Mr Lee rented the convertible 3 The mechanic replaced the tailliht 4 Alex already called Econo-Car 5 The Amio minivan hit the tree 6 My sister will drop off the kes 7. Mrs Lane is going to pick up her son at 5:00 14 UNIT 4 www.frenglish.ru WRITING BOOSTER A Insert commas where necessary n the oowng sentences. 1 Yu d div' li d di d e a 2 T l a iludd dp-ff fe fillup f d ip u 3 Yu uld p aud f b pi d k a vi 4 dju u mi d di 5. B L l f li d u il Comne each ar o sentences nto one sentence consstng o two neenent cases. Use an 1 T div ' pi i H i i f f i. 2. ii T uf l 3 Lu fiv kid S div iiv 4 T GPS i' i W' l Comete the statements oo ac a the artce n Exercse 14 or eas commas 1 M a f S d' av d publi api Tf _ 2 l fqul Tf 3 fid d ae, k vel d eal bi ddii 4. Ru u l i a full k f f u d' u'll p dubl ula pi f a ddii 5 M v a bl l Tf 6 Sl ild u i i bk a ddii D On a searae sheet o aer wrte aot yor riing or a ren or amy memer's ring Ince goo an a rng ehaors Cars and Driving 115 www.frenglish.ru PREVIEW Personal Care and Appearance 1 Complete the sentences with salon or itness serices. Yu fge k ge Dd yu ge _ -0- - - -_? 2. H geg g, e de e f --___ -· 3. I ve f e y ude f g e ue. I eed __ 4. Afe y Q, y k fe d f. 5. -_ - I ve kg _Q _ e I fee exed fed. Now nscramble the circle letters. What's the wor Complete the conersation with qestions rom the bo Write the letter a. D yu k I ud ge ge ? b I uy eve ? c H g I ve ? ud e e ge f? e. I ge y ? Client: ? I d' ve e 1. Receptionist: Yue uk. A e ju eed e Cient: Ge. ? 2. Receptionist: Ye Bu yu g ve Client: -3 . · Receptionist: Le ee I ve eg 00 Client: T fe ? 4. Receptionist: ey Ju g ee ee Te I yu e deg e Client: I ve e e ue ? 5. Receptionist: T u yu Bu e gve u 0 ee. 116 www.frenglish.ru 3 How often do you get these salon services? Look at each picture and write a sentence . 1 2. 3 4 5. 1 4 Complete the word ebs. Write personal care products on the lines. Tooth care Hair care Makeup Personal Care and Appearance 17 www.frenglish.ru 5 Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words 1. 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 0 6 Complete each each statement or question with someone, no one, or anyone In some cases more than one answer is correct i,Languae.com 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 This store doesn't have (much I many) combs I n n fin findd (om (omee I any) sucre, but ee (ome I ny) body lotion Do you hav (mch I a lot of) razo at home? home? Sh oesnt hae (much I many) har py lef Emma nds som I ay) denal floss Hee He enn d dn ntt ned ned (o (oee I mch) soa Do you ha have ve (a (any ny I my) deodoant? I hav havee (som (somee I ay) exa hampoo I fon hving ream but ee arent (oe I an azors here Ar ou ot of tooast tooaste? e? have (so (some me I much) _ mae a en olock appointmen fo pedicure Exu me me s a he fon fon des des Can p p me avalable to help you now I'I'm m sr sry y W do don ntt have have Theres aead of you Do you mnd waiting id you see ou know at the r slon Theres waiing fo a massage Look at the pictures Write statement sta tementss using the words in parentheses and someone, no one or anyone n some cases, more than one answer is correct (ge/ shave) > . (give I fia) (ge I haircu) (use I comb 5 (give I massage) 6 (ue I sampoo) 7 ge I mnure I pedure) 8. (se I al le) 1 2 3 4 18 UNIT 5 I • •- : ' t www.frenglish.ru 3 8 .l� RDING COMPREHENSON 9 Read the article Cosmetic surgery-fr everyone? on page 56 of the Student's Book again. again . Then match the terms with their definitions. 1. _ chocoholic a. s srge rgery ry to corre correct ct bl blde dess ss 2. liposctio som someo eoe e who like l ikess chocolte chocolte very very mch d ets ets it ll the time 3. hir restotio c. srgery to remove wrikles d other sgs of gig from the fce 4 _ fce-lif fce-lif t te tetme tmet t for w rikles tht removes th the e top lyer of ski o the fce 5. chemi chemicl cl peel e srgery to remov remove e f ftt from the body Read the article about ways to improve personal appearance Look Great - Wihu Csmic Sugy G in i inn Wll in i l lil l li inl l in, in l i l T u in u in ill l inin uu ill u u iin i i l n l i 2. Dnk a lot of war war l w L M m l i i il lii l i l w l w i im mm i i A i v il, ll ll i iv lw- w imv 1 I ll "u l n Ni i n u u in n i ll l l n n i i l l l l u u in n u lin in i i l n l l n u il un u Bu n n rliz n in i u l ni n l l inl n i in 3 E T il il ni xi inlu u n n ul Wil 60 inu il iu xi i il in i nl l 0 inu C in u nj n nrll in l in ln u ull i u u rin 4 E T l i i u n n u in i u ul l in n l in li Yu l n l u i u n n l i n u in n ir? F uiul in i in nixin Dl rui n l nin nixin i l i un n n inl Blui in in n l nixin nixin F in l i, i in ln in li i n n nu T l l rn i l W u l i l u l S, ni' l n xi Drn l n r r nl l u n i I l nin n n' u u l? x il! Personal Care and Appearance 119 www.fren www.fren lish.ru lish.ru 10 Complete the chart. Use information from from the article. How much much sleep,• water, and exercise does the article recommend? What types of foods does it suggest? What the article recommends sleep waer exercise diet 11 What are the results of doing what the article recommends? I sleep j water exercise :f-� diet I 12 ALLENGE How much sleep and exercise do you get? How much water do you drink? drink? What types of foods do you eat? fter reading the article, what would would you like to do differently? Why? 120 UNIT 5 www.frenglish.ru 13 Think of a famous person or someone you know that represents both inner and outer beauty. Describe he peson's inner qualities on the lines inside the head Describe he persons physical features on the lines outside the head Name of person: _ 14 Complete he staements with words from the box ve hel heart inner kd de ouer paien 1. Someone who is a good listener and lets others speak is _______ 2 Beautiful skin and hair and a ice body are features of ______ beauty 3 Goodness, _____ to other people, truthfulness, and happiness with life are qualities of _ beauty 4 Someone who has nice physical features is _______ 5. The condition of a person's body is called ___ _ 6 Someone who doesn't talk proudly about his or her own appearance or abilities is 7. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched but are felt in the ------· Helen Keller Personal Care and Appearance 12 www.frenglish.ru GRAMMAR BOOSTER A Look in the medicine cabinet. Write sentences about the products you see, using words from the box. ba bottle can package tube /,' "' I � i �-, :Ef• r TJere are fovr bottles of nail polis. 1. 2. 3 4 5. 6 nswe the questions about your own personal care products Wrte complete sentences with some or an 1. Do you have any dental floss at home? 2. Do you need some toothpaste from the store? 3 Is there any shaving cream in your bathroom? 4 Are you wearng any perfume or aftershave now? 5. Do you have some sunscreen at home? 6. Is there any makeup in your bathroom? 7. Would you like some hand loton? 122 UNIT 5 www.fren lish.ru C Write a t next to the sentences that are correct. 1. D 2 D D 3 D D a Tee ' eug ap b Tee ' may ap a. D yu ave mu az? b D yu ave may az? a I d' ave may makeup b. d' ave eug makeup 4 D 5. D a De e ave may pae? b. De e ave eug pae? a Tee ' mu amp b. Tee ' may ampoo olete each sentence with too ch too an or enoh amp ef 1 I oud a my a Tee a' 2 I'm gg e e D yu ave 3 Tee ae ju fu make e ake? pepe ee d' fee ke ag 4 D' yu k a _ mey f a pedue? ' epeve 5 E a fe e y eed e Yu ug olete each sentence with ewer or less 1 Bdge ud ea makeup. Se k eaufu u ! amee a epeve e 2 Budge e ave 3 T fm a _____ vee a a e a adveue mve 4 Te mpa a ue 5 ga a e SUV pepe ag ? ke e a a maua am a 6 Te ea agey a auma am. F olete each sentence with soethin or anthin 1. e ave 2. He dd' ake f eadae 3. D yu eed fm e duge? 4 I dd' ee ke e aag. 5. I aay uy fm a e. 6. I u a' ea. Tee aay 7 Tey gave me I d k 8 e a u a. d dk a e a. aut me ugey Personal Cae and Appearance 123 www.frenglish.ru G Read the paragraph. Find and correct five mistakes. I entt te svpermarkettoda y becavse I needed to 9etn otJi9 t c o ok for my dier party ti9 Jt. I ated t bvy s ome jvice, to o Bvt Je I 9 ottJere tere aS t othi9 on 1 tJe s Jelf! I wentt te tore mana9er and aked Jim w J y te Jele ere empty He ap ol o9ized and aid there wa an ytJin9 wr on9 with the delier y truck "Itdidn t c ome 1 tda y/ Je old me He said 1 d hae to waituntil te nextda y Now I d on t ae 0metin9 to ere for te bi9 party toni9t. I'e neer een n othin9 like tJi ! WRITING BOOSTER A Think about a time when you had bad service at a place of business such as a salon, a car rental agenc a hotel a movie theater or a restaurant Write an e-mail message to the manager complaining about the service. Describe the problem you had. Suggest a way for the business to improve � To: - Suject: B I Prepare to turn your email message into a formal business letter. Write the fllowing information 1. your address: _� 2 recipient's name and I or position and address: 3 today's date: _ 4. a salutation 5. a complimentary close: 6. your signature and printed name:- C 124 Now type (or write) your formal business letter Use the email message you wrote in Exercise A as the body of your letter Include all the information from Exercise . UNIT 5