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ILTexas Keller K-8: Spring Semester Reset - Expectations & Rules

ILTexas Keller K-8
Spring Semester
Why do we put so much emphasis on the 3 Bs?
Be on time
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Why is it important to be on time
Why from your School
So you do not miss out
○ You know what's going on
So you do not distract/disrupt
So you don’t take time from
You are ready and there to
Why is it important to be respectful
Why from your School
So that you receive respect
It impacts others throughout
the day
Set a good example for
younger students
It is the right thing to do
Why is it important to be Responsible
Why from your School
So you have all the things you
need to learn
So you can be trusted to do
new and exciting things
So you can continue to grow
and become a leader
Morning Expectations
Before 7:30 am
You will enter through Red or
Blue side and immediately go
to the gym or cafeteria for
breakfast. NO FOOD OR
Enter cafe once then sit down
NO wandering the halls, going
to classes to turn in work, or
sitting elsewhere
After 7:30 am
Dismiss from the gym with your
grade level
Head straight to your 1st period
Once there you can get a pass
from your teacher to go to the
bathroom, turn in work to
another teacher, etc.
If you are found wandering the
hallway unattended you will
have a lunch detention
If you are in the cafe multiple
times or in the cafe and not
eating, you will have a lunch
If you are loud in the hallway
and playing around instead of
going to class you will have a
lunch detention
Hallway Expectations
Level 1/0 Voice & Moving with
Level 1 voice when switching classes
Level 0 voice when transitioning to
lunch, recess, and gym
Move with purpose. If you are
headed to your next class, don’t
stop & block the hallway.
Misbehavior in the Hallway
Misbehavior in the hallway will be
followed by a consequence
Be respectful of all teachers even if
they aren’t one of your teachers
Any teachers or TAs can assign
consequences through your GLA
Tardies - Be on time
Slips & Discipline
Each student will have their
own slip each 6 weeks to track
tardies (teachers will mark you
tardy for attendance too)
After 3 tardies, you will have a
lunch detention. After that each
tardy will be a lunch detention.
3 lunch detentions= After School
Tardies Between Classes
Classroom doors will be locked,
so if you’re late (after the bell)
you will have to go to the front
office to get a tardy pass
The front office will give you a
pass to get into class. Your
teacher will then sign your slip
and put tardy on attendance.
Tardies in the Morning
School starts at 7:45 am
If you arrive after 7:45 am,
you will get a tardy pass to
get into class. Your teacher will
then sign your slip and put
tardy on attendance.
Bathroom Expectations
Use Pass, Sign In
Level 0 Voice, & 3 At a Time
Voice level 0 walking to and from
Voice level 0 while in the
No more than 3 students in
bathroom at a time
Must have pass from classroom
Must sign in before entering
Cannot go to the restroom 1st 10
and last 10 minutes of class.
If it is an emergency let your
teacher know and they can get
you a pass.
Cafeteria Expectations
Walking to Cafeteria
Voice Level 0 in hallway while
walking to cafeteria
Entering Cafeteria &
Getting Food
Voice level 0 as entering cafeteria
Enter through first hallway doors
Hands and feet to yourself
Facing forward
Respectfully respond to cafeteria
workers about food choices
Eating and Leaving
Voice Level 1 while eating
Remain seated unless given permission to use
the restroom
Clean up all trash/food from floor before leaving
Voice level 0 to exit cafeteria and while walking
back to class
Driveline Expectations
Driveline Classroom Expectations
Driveline Outside Expectations
No cell phones
Voice level 0 until 4:00
No cell phones
Eyes watching the driveline screen
to watch for name
Consequences will be given if not
following instructions above
No running
Pay attention and watch for your car
Must use crosswalk
NO being picked up at front of
building/parking lot
Assignments/ Eagle Academy
Focus on getting
work done in class
Use your time
wisely & ask your
teacher for help
while in class
Eagle Academy
will now be from
Eagle Academy
will now be held in
each grade level by
your teachers only
Utilize tutoring
time & turn in
If you fail to
attend Eagle
Academy when
assigned you will
attend ASD
Code of Conduct Violations
Highlights - See code of conduct for additional information
-Vaping and Expulsion
- Zero Tolerance for Slurs
-Cursing is not School Appropriate
-Keep hands and objects to yourself, no play hitting
-Bullying: If you see it, report it.
-Repeated Offenses can lead to Expulsion
Sporting Events
No students are allowed to stay after school to watch
sporting events.
Dress Code
-Hair must be natural colors for
boys and girls
-Boys may not wear earrings
-Hoodies are not allowed once in
the building
-Beanies & gloves worn outside
only in cold weather
-Wearing these items will get
you a warning, followed by a
lunch detention, & your item may
be taken to front office
Thank you! Any Questions?
Ask your GLA
or Mrs. Farrar
for more