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Hellenic Period Guided Notes: Greek Culture & Epics

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Hellenic Period Guided Notes
Slide 85
 Collective ____________ ________________
 Religious tradition that invited ______________________ __________________________________
 _____________________________ government
 A respect for things of the mind expressed in philosophy, arts, and everyday experience
 A belief in the potential of man; an admiration of humans that was sometimes excessive, but that
encouraged creative expression
 An appreciation of _______________________
 A belief in the possibility of _______________________________ in all things; led to a creation of a
canon to all arts
Slide 86- The Greek Virtues
 All Greeks were challenged to live by the virtues set by their culture. Breaking one of the Greek virtues
meant angering the gods. The virtues are:
 ______________________
 Respect for all forms of life
 ______________________
 ______________________
 Respect for the gods and goddesses
Slide 88- Homer
 There are many theories about the blind poet Homer, who is credited with writing the Iliad and the
Odyssey. Homer is said to have lived between 900 and 700 B.C.
Slide 89- Oral Tradition
 Homer’s epics are all that remains of a series of poems that told the whole story of the __________ War.
 In later centuries, the _______________ and the ___________________ were memorized by
professional reciters, who performed them at religious festivals throughout Greece.
Slide 90
 The Iliad
 Based on _______________________ _________________
 Four centuries prior to Homer’s record
 Looks back at distant past as having been an age of heroes
 The Odyssey
 Odysseus’ ________________ _________________ from the Trojan War
 _________________________ to the Romans
Slide 91- Characteristics of Homer’s Poetry
 Selection of incident
 Organization
 ___________________
 ___________________
 _____________________ into character
 Sense of ________________
 Delight in __________________
 Poetic skill
Slide 93- The Epic and Epic Hero
 In literature, the epic is a ____________ ________________ poem about the deeds of a ___________.
 The epic hero is a ___________________-than-life figure who undertakes great journeys and performs
deed requiring remarkable ________________ and ___________________.
Slide 94- Epic Plot
 Involves a long journey, full of complications, such as:
 Strange _______________________
 Large-scale events
 ___________________ intervention
 _______________________ weather
Slide 95- Epic Hero Characteristics
 Possesses superhuman _____________________, craftiness, and ________________________.
 Is _______________________ and ____________________________ by interfering gods.
 Embodies _______________ and __________________ that a culture considers admirable.
 Emerges _______________________ from __________________________ situations.
Slide 96- Characteristics of an Epic Journey
1. The Call
2. The Threshold
3. The Tests
4. Into the Abyss (The low point)
5. The Atonement
6. The Return
Slide 97- Epic Themes
 __________________________ – Heroes must risk themselves for a greater ______________.
 The __________________ of a nation – Heroes often _____________ or found a nation.
 ____________________________ for the gods – Heroes may be punished or protected by the gods.
 _________________________ – Without written history, epics preserve _______________ history.
Slide 98 through 103- Conventions of Epics
1. Invocation of the Muse
A formal ________________ __________ ___________________ to the Muse Calliope.
Muse: one of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over
the arts and sciences.
2. In Medias Res
The epic plunges right into the action
Literally translates to “____________________________________________________”
_____________________________ provide background information
3. Epic Simile- Use of _________________________________________ similes
4. Metrical Structure
Dactylic Hexameter- _______ stressed syllables per line; Closely resembles speech.
A phrase that ______________________ a person and __________________ to their
5. Epithet
name. Often seen in Homer’s Epic Poems.
Epithets describe physical ________________, ___________________, or personality
Slide 104-111 Introduction to the Odyssey
1. Setting- City of ______________________
2. A _________________________ contest with participants: _________________________,
______________________, and ______________
3. The judge: _______________________, a prince from the city of Troy
4. The goddesses bribed Paris to choose them.
5. ___________________________ offer was the best; the most beautiful woman in the world_____________________
6. Helen is the wife of _________________ _______________________ of Greece
7. ______________________ _________________________, the brother of King Menelaus,
gathers all Greeks and sails to Troy.
8. The Trojan War begins and lasts for ______ years.
The Illiad
Takes place during the tenth year of the war
2. Tells the story of the Greek warrior Achilles and his fight with Agamemnon, ending with the death
of Paris’ brother Hector
3. After Hector’s death, the Greeks brought the war to an end thanks to the cleverness of Odysseus,
ruler of the island of Ithaca
The Odyssey- The Odyssey is named for _________________________________
1. Odysseus did not want to fight at Troy because he didn’t want to leave his wife,
______________________, and his son, __________________________________
2. Odysseus was tricked into joining the Greek army.
3. Odysseus thought of the trick that finally won the war for the Greeks.
4. The Odyssey is mostly about Odysseus’ adventures __________ the Trojan War.
5. In one adventure he makes an enemy of ____________________, the Sea God, who punishes him
by making him wander the seas
6. Odysseus ordered a giant __________________ _________________ to be left at the gates of Troy
7. The Trojans, assumed the Greeks had fled and left the horse as a peace offering
8. They took the horse inside, only to find that the horse was filled with Greek soldiers and that Troy
was doomed.