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Discrete-Time Signals: Sampling & Sequences

Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
Information source
and input transducer
Source Coding
Ch 2: DT
Signals and
Information sink
and output transducer
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Channel Coding
Questions to be answered:
The Sampling Process: How to represent a
continuous-time signal by a discrete-time signal
without losing any information. (Why do we want to
do this?)
Discrete-Time Signals: Representation (in timedomain), operations, and classifications of discretetime signals.
Typical Sequences: Widely utilized sequences
that can be utilized to represent other sequences.
Correlation of Signals: How similar two signals
are? How can we utilize this?
Source Decoding
Channel Decoding
(Matched Filter)
Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
• The Sampling Process
• Discrete-Time Signals
– Time-Domain Representation
– Operations on Sequences
– Classification of Sequences
• Typical Sequences
• Correlation of Signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sampling: From Continuous to Discrete
• Often, a discrete-time sequence š‘„[š‘›] is developed by
uniformly sampling a continuous-time signal š‘„% š‘” .
• The relation: š‘„ š‘› = š‘„% š‘” |*+,- = š‘„% š‘›š‘‡ , š‘› = ā‹Æ , −1,0,1, …
• Time variable t is related to time variable n as
š‘”, = š‘›š‘‡ =
where š¹- and Ω - denoting the sampling frequency and
sampling angular frequency.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sampling Process
• Consider the continuous-time signal
š‘„ š‘” = š“š‘š‘œš‘  2šœ‹š‘“C š‘” + šœ™ = š“š‘š‘œš‘ (ΩC š‘” + šœ™).
• The corresponding discrete-time signal is
š‘„ š‘› = š“š‘š‘œš‘  ΩC š‘›š‘‡ + šœ™ = š“š‘š‘œš‘ 
š‘› + šœ™ = š“š‘š‘œš‘ (šœ”C š‘› + šœ™)
Ωwhere šœ”C =
=ΩC š‘‡ is the normalized digital angular
• If the unit of T is second, then
– Unit of šœ”C is radians/sample
– Unit of ΩC is radians/second
– Unit of š‘“C is hertz (Hz).
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sampling Process: Aliasing
• Consider three continuous signals
š‘”K š‘” = š‘š‘œš‘  6šœ‹š‘” , š‘”7 š‘” = š‘š‘œš‘  14šœ‹š‘” , š‘”N š‘” = š‘š‘œš‘  26šœ‹š‘” .
• Sampling them at a rate of 10Hz generates
š‘”K š‘› = š‘š‘œš‘  0.6šœ‹š‘› , š‘”7 š‘› = š‘š‘œš‘  1.4šœ‹š‘› , š‘”N š‘› = š‘š‘œš‘  2.6šœ‹š‘›
• Each sequence has exactly the same value for any given n.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sampling Process: Aliasing
• This can be verified by observing that
š‘”7 š‘› = š‘š‘œš‘  1.4šœ‹š‘› = cos( 2šœ‹ − 0.6šœ‹ š‘›)
š‘”N š‘› = š‘š‘œš‘  2.6šœ‹š‘› = cos( 2šœ‹ + 0.6šœ‹ š‘›)
• As a result, the three sequences are identical and it is
difficult to associate a unique continuous-time function with
each of them.
• This phenomenon of a continuous-time signal of a higher
frequency acquiring the identity of a sinusoidal sequence of
a lower frequency after sampling is called aliasing.
• How can we solve this problem?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sampling Theorem
• Recall šœ”C =
• Thus, if |Ω - | > 2|ΩC |, then the normalized digital angular
frequency šœ”C obtained by sampling the parent continuoustime signal will be in the range −šœ‹ < šœ”C < šœ‹.
No aliasing
• Otherwise, if |Ω - < 2 ΩC |, šœ”C will foldover into a lower digital
frequency šœ”C =< 2šœ‹ΩC /Ω - >78 in the range −šœ‹ < šœ”C < šœ‹.
• Thus, to prevent aliasing the sampling frequency šœ“š‘»
should be greater than 2 times of the frequency šœ“š’ .
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Why sampling is reversible ?
Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
• The Sampling Process
• Discrete-Time Signals
– Time-Domain Representation
– Operations on Sequences
– Classification of Sequences
• Typical Sequences
• Correlation of signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Time-Domain Representation
• Discrete-time signals are represented as sequences of
numbers, called samples.
• Sample value of a typical sequence is denoted as š‘„[š‘›]
with š‘› being an integer.
• Discrete-time signal is represented by {š‘„[š‘›]}.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Generating Discrete-Time Signals
• In some applications, a discrete-time signal {š‘„[š‘›]} may
be generated by periodically sampling a continuous-time
signal š‘„% (š‘”) at uniform intervals of time.
• The š‘›-th sample is given by š‘„ š‘› = š‘„% š‘” |*+,- = š‘„% š‘›š‘‡
• The spacing T is called the sampling interval/period.
• Reciprocal of T is called sampling frequency: š¹- =
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Real and Complex Sequence
• š‘„ š‘› is called the š‘›-th sample of the sequence, no
matter whether {š‘„[š‘›]} has been obtained by sampling.
• {š‘„[š‘›]} is a real sequence if š‘„ š‘› is real for all values of
n. Otherwise, {š‘„[š‘›]} is complex.
• A complex sequence {š‘„[š‘›]} can be written as
{š‘„[š‘›]} ={š‘„Z[ [š‘›]} + j{š‘„Z[ [š‘›]} where {š‘„Z[ [š‘›]} and {š‘„\] [š‘›]}
denote the real and imaginary parts.
• Normally, braces are ignored to denote a sequence if
there is no ambiguity.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
• Let š‘„ š‘› = cos(0.25š‘›) and y š‘› = š‘’š‘„š‘(š‘—0.3š‘›) denote two
– Are they real or complex sequences?
– Find the real and imagine parts of both signals.
– Find the complex conjugate sequence.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Why complex signals?
Complex envelope
(complex amplitude)
u(t) is the low-pass equivalent representation
of a bandpass real signal x(t)
Spectrum of real BP
signal x(t)
Spectrum of complex
envelop u(t)
Types of Discrete-Time signals
• Sampled-data signals: Samples are continuous-valued.
• Digital signals: Samples are discrete-valued.
• Digital signals are normally obtained by quantizing the
sample values by rounding or truncation.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Length of Discrete-Time signals
• A discrete-time signal may be a finite-length or infinitelength sequence.
• Finite-length sequence is only defined for finite time
interval: −∞ < š‘K≤ š‘› ≤ š‘7 < ∞ where the length is š‘ =
š‘7 − š‘K + 1. A length-N sequence is referred to as a Npoint sequence.
• Example: š‘„ š‘› = š‘›7, −3 ≤ š‘› ≤ 4, what is the length?
• The length of a finite-length sequence can be increased
by zero-padding, i.e., by appending it with zeros.
š‘›7, −3 ≤ š‘› ≤ 4
• Example: š‘„ š‘› = g
, what is the length?
0, 5 ≤ š‘› ≤ 8
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
• The Sampling Process
• Discrete-Time Signals
– Time-Domain Representation
– Operations on Sequences
– Classification of Sequences
• Typical Sequences
• Correlation of signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Operations on Sequences
• Purpose: Develop another sequence with more
desirable properties.
• Example:
– Input signal: Signal corrupted by additive noise
– Design a discrete-time system to generate an output by
removing the noise component.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Operations
• Product (Modulation) operation:
• Application: Develop a finite-length sequence from an
infinite-length sequence by multiplying the latter with a
finite-length called the Window Sequence. The process
is called Windowing.
• Addition operation
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Operations
• Multiplication operation:
• Time-shifting operation:
š‘¦ š‘› = š‘„[š‘› − š‘], where N is an integer.
– N>0, delaying operation
– N<0, advance operation.
• Time reversal (folding) operation: š‘¦ š‘› = š‘„[−š‘›].
• Branching operation: Provide multiple copies of a
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Operations: Examples
• Example 1: Consider two sequences
š‘Ž š‘› = 3, 4, 6, −9, 0 , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ 4
š‘ š‘› = 2, −1, 4, 5, −3 , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ 4
Determine the new sequence generated from Product,
Addition, and Multiplication (A=2).
• Example 2: Consider two sequences
š‘Ž š‘› = 3, 4, 6, −9, 0 , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ 4
š‘“ š‘› = −2, 1, −3 , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ 2
Determine the new sequence generated from Product,
Addition, and Multiplication (A=0.5).
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Operations: Ensemble Averaging
• Signal model: Let š’…\ denote the noise vector corrupting
the i-th measurement
š± š’Š = š¬ + šš’Š
• Operation: Averaging over K measurements
š± %o[
= q š± \ = š¬ + q š\
• Purpose: Improving the quality of measured data
corrupted by additive random noise.
• Assumption: The measured data remains essentially the
same from one measurement to next, while additive
noise is random.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Operations: Ensemble Averaging
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Combinations of Basic Operations
What are the basic operations utilized?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sampling Rate Alteration
• Definition: Generating a new sequence š‘¦[š‘›] with a
sampling rate š‘­wš‘» higher or lower than that of the
sampling rate š‘­š‘» of a given sequence š‘„[š‘›].
• Sampling rate alteration ratio š‘… =
• If š‘… > 1, the process is called interpolation.
– Interpolator = up-sampler + DT system
• If š‘… < 1, the process is called decimation.
– Decimator = DT system + down-sampler
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Operations: Up-Sampling
• In up-sampling by an integer factor of L>1, L-1
equidistant zero-valued samples are inserted by the upsampler between each two consecutive samples.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Operations: Down-Sampling
• In down-sampling by an integer factor of M>1, every M-th
samples of the input sequence are kept and the other
samples are removed
What kinds of DT systems do we need? Why?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
• The Sampling Process
• Discrete-Time Signals
– Time-Domain Representation
– Operations on Sequences
– Classification of Sequences
• Typical Sequences
• Correlation of signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Sequence Classification: Symmetry
Conjugate-symmetric sequence: š‘„ š‘› = š‘„ ∗[−š‘›]. What if it is real?
Conjugate-antisymmetric sequence: š‘„ š‘› = −š‘„ ∗[−š‘›]. If real?
What is š‘„ 0 for different cases?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Representing a Complex Sequence
• Any complex sequence can be expressed as a sum of its
conjugate-symmetric part and its conjugate-antisymmetric
part: š‘„ š‘› = š‘„{| š‘› +š‘„{% š‘› where
š‘› = (š‘„ š‘› + š‘„ ∗ [−š‘›])
š‘› = (š‘„ š‘› − š‘„ ∗ [−š‘›])
• What about a real sequence?
• Example: Consider a length-7 sequence defined for −3 ≤
š‘› ≤ 3, š‘” š‘› = 0,1 + š‘—4, −2 + š‘—3,4 − š‘—2, −5 − š‘—6, −š‘—2,3 .
Determine its conjugate sequence, and its conjugatesymmetric and conjugate-antisymmetric parts.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Finite-Length Sequence
• A length-N sequence š‘„ š‘› , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ š‘ − 1, can be
expressed as š‘„ š‘› = š‘„}{| š‘› +š‘„}{% š‘› where
š‘„}{| š‘› = š‘„ š‘› + š‘„ ∗ < −š‘› >~ , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ š‘ − 1,
š‘„}{% š‘› = š‘„ š‘› − š‘„ ∗ < −š‘› >~ , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ š‘ − 1,
are the periodic conjugate-symmetric and periodic
conjugate-antisymmetric parts, respectively.
• For a real sequence, they are called the periodic even
š‘„}[ š‘› and periodic odd parts š‘„}C [š‘›], respectively.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
• Consider a length-4 sequence defined for 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ 3
š‘¢ š‘› = {1 + š‘—4, −2 + š‘—3,4 − š‘—2, −5 − š‘—6}.
Determine its conjugate-symmetric part.
• Solution: Its conjugate sequence is given by
š‘¢∗ š‘› = {1 − š‘—4, −2 − š‘—3,4 + š‘—2, −5 + š‘—6}.
Next, determine the modulo-4 time-reversed version
š‘¢∗ < −š‘› >• = š‘¢∗ −š‘› + 4
For example, š‘¢∗ < −0 >• = š‘¢∗ 0 = 1 − š‘—4
Thus, š‘¢∗ < −š‘› >• = {1 − š‘—4, −5 + š‘—6,4 + š‘—2, −2 − š‘—3}
š‘„}{| š‘› = š‘„ š‘› + š‘„ ∗ < −š‘› >~
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Periodic Conjugate-Symmetric
• A length-N sequence š‘„ š‘› , 0 ≤ š‘› ≤ š‘ − 1, is called a
periodic conjugate-symmetric sequence if
š‘„ š‘› = š‘„ ∗ < −š‘› >~ = š‘„ ∗ < š‘ − š‘› >~
and is called a periodic conjugate-antisymmetric
sequence if
š‘„ š‘› = −š‘„ ∗ < −š‘› >~ = −š‘„ ∗ < š‘ − š‘› >~
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Periodic Sequence
• A sequence š‘„‹ š‘› satisfying š‘„‹ š‘› = š‘„‹ š‘› + š‘˜š‘ is called a
periodic with period N where N is a positive integer and
k is any integer.
• The smallest value of N is called the fundamental
• A sequence not satisfying the periodicity condition is
called an aperiodic sequence.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Energy and Power Signals
• Total energy of a sequence š‘„ š‘› is defined by
ā„°Å½ š‘› = q |š‘„[š‘›]|7
• An infinite-length sequence with finite sample values
may or may not have finite energy. A finite-length
sequence with finite sample values has finite energy.
• The average power of an aperiodic sequence is
defined as š‘ƒÅ½ = lim 7r”K ∑r
• The average power of a periodic sequence š‘„‹ š‘› with a
K ~•K
period N is given by š‘ƒÅ½ = ~ ∑,+– |š‘„[š‘›]|
Elec3100 Chapter 2
• Example: Consider the causal sequence š‘„ š‘› defined by
3(−1), , š‘› ≥ 0
š‘„ š‘› =g
0, š‘› < 0
Determine the energy and power.
• Solution:
Energy = ?
Its average power is given by
9(š¾ + 1)
š‘ƒÅ½ = lim
(9 q 1) = lim
= 4.5
r→• 2š¾ + 1
r→• 2š¾ + 1
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Energy and Power Signals
• An infinite energy signal with finite average power is
called a power signal.
• Example- A periodic sequence which has a finite
average power but infinite energy.
• A finite energy signal with zero average power is called
an energy signal.
• Example- A finite-length sequence which has finite
energy but zero average power.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
• The Sampling Process
• Discrete-Time Signals
– Time-Domain Representation
– Operations on Sequences
– Classification of Sequences
• Typical Sequences
• Correlation of signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
• Unit sample sequence š‘„ š‘› = g
• Unit step sequence: š‘¢ š‘› = g
Elec3100 Chapter 2
1, š‘› = 0
0, š‘› ≠ 0
1, š‘› ≥ 0
0, š‘› < 0
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
• Property 1 – Consider š‘„ š‘› = exp(š‘—šœ”Kš‘›) and š‘¦ š‘› =
exp(š‘—šœ”7š‘›) with 0 < šœ”K < šœ‹ and 2šœ‹ < šœ”7 < 2šœ‹(š‘˜ + 1)
where k is any positive integer. If šœ”7 = šœ”K + 2šœ‹š‘˜, then
š‘„ š‘› =š‘¦ š‘› .
• Because of Property 1, a frequency šœ”C in the
neighborhood of ω = 2šœ‹š‘˜ is indistinguishable from a
frequency šœ”– − 2šœ‹š‘˜ in the neighborhood of šŽ = šŸŽ and a
frequency in the neighborhood of ω = šœ‹(2š‘˜ + 1) is
indistinguishable from a frequency šœ”– − 2šœ‹š‘˜ in the
neighborhood of šŽ = š….
High or Low frequency?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
• Property 2- The frequency of oscillation of Acos(šœ”C š‘›)
increases as šœ”C increases from 0 to šœ‹ , and then
decreases as šœ”C increases from šœ‹ to 2šœ‹. Thus,
frequencies in the neighborhood of šœ” = 0 are called low
frequencies, and frequencies in the neighborhood of šœ” =
šœ‹ are called high frequencies.
• Frequencies in the neighborhood of šœ” = 2šœ‹š‘˜ are called
low frequencies, and frequencies in the neighborhood of
šœ” = šœ‹(2š‘˜ + 1) are called high frequencies.
• Example: Which is a low-frequency signal?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Basic Sequences
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Ch2.1: Discrete-Time Signals
• The Sampling Process
• Discrete-Time Signals
– Time-Domain Representation
– Operations on Sequences
– Classification of Sequences
• Typical Sequences
• Correlation of signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Correlation of Signals
• There are applications where it is necessary to compare one
reference signal with one or more signals to determine the
similarity between the pair and to determine additional
information based on the similarity.
• For example, in digital communications, a set of data symbols are
represented by a set of unique discrete-time sequences.
• If one of these sequences has been transmitted, the receiver has
to determine which particular sequence has been received by
comparing the received signal with every member of possible
sequences from the set.
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Correlation of Signals
• Similarly, in radar and sonar applications, the received signal
reflected from the target is a delayed version of the transmitted
signal and by measuring the delay, one can determine the location
of the target.
• The detection problem gets
more complicated in practice,
as often the received signal is
corrupted by additive random
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Correlation of Signals
• A measure of similarity between a pair of energy signals,
š‘„[š‘›] and š‘¦[š‘›], is given by the cross-correlation sequence
defined by
š‘ŸÅ½Ÿ š‘™ = q š‘„ š‘› š‘¦ š‘› − š‘™ , š‘™ = 0, ±1, ±2,...
• The parameter š‘™ is called lag, indicating the time-shift
between the pair of signals. The ordering in the subscripts
š‘„š‘¦ specifies that š‘„ š‘› is the reference while š‘¦ š‘› being
shifted with respect to š‘„ š‘› .
• We can obtain
š‘ŸŸÅ½ š‘™ = q š‘¦ š‘› š‘„ š‘› − š‘™ = q š‘¦ š‘š + š‘™ š‘„ š‘š = š‘ŸÅ½Ÿ −š‘™
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Correlation of Signals
• The autocorrelation sequence of š‘„[š‘›] is given by
š‘ŸÅ½Å½ š‘™ = q š‘„ š‘› š‘„ š‘› − š‘™ , š‘™ = 0, ±1, ±2,...
• Note: š‘ŸÅ½Å½ 0 = ∑•
,+•• š‘„ š‘› denotes the energy of š‘„[š‘›].
• From š‘ŸŸÅ½ š‘™ = š‘ŸÅ½Ÿ −š‘™ , we know š‘ŸÅ½Å½ š‘™ = š‘ŸÅ½Å½ −š‘™ , implying that
š‘ŸŸÅ½ š‘™ is an even function for real š‘„[š‘›].
• Question: Can you find the similarity between
correlation and convolution?
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Normalized Forms of Correlation
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Correlation for Power Signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2
Correlation for Periodic Signals
Elec3100 Chapter 2