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English Tenses: Form and Usage - Lecture Notes

Language structure #2
Tense forms - notes
• Perfect Tenses use a special form of the main verb, called the "–en
form" or "-ed form".
• This form is indistinguishable from the Past Simple form for
REGULAR verbs, but it is different and must be memorized for
IRREGULAR verbs. Example:
worked (past simple and –ed form)
Irregular Verbs
• The alphabetic lists of irregular verbs can be found in dictionaries,
grammar books, textbooks, online.
• A list of irregular verbs that you are supposed
to learn and know for your exam will be
provided to you.
Present Simple / Present Progressive
Upotreba (značenje)
Engleski jezik ima više sadašnjih vremena, za razliku od našeg jezika.
Ako zamislite situaciju u kojoj neki čovjek mirno sjedi kod kuće i pije
kafu, a vi za njega kažete da radi u Energoinvestu, možemo se upitati:
sjedi, pije i radi su svi u sadašnjem vremenu (prezentu), pa kako neko
može da ispija kafu kod kuće i istovremeno radi u Energoinvestu?! To
je moguće zato što b/h/s prezent ima dva značenja:
1. označava radnju koja se odvija u trenutku govora, ali može
2. označavati i radnju koja se dešava povremeno, u određenim ili
neodređenim intervalima.
Use of Present Simple and Present Progressive
U engleskom nije tako. Englezi imaju posebno glagolsko
vrijeme za
1. radnju koja se odvija u trenutku govora, ili je ograničena
na uži period sadašnjeg vremena, bilo da se ponavlja ili
ne (present progressive);
2. radnje koje se odvijaju ”inače”, redovno, uobičajeno,
kao navike i sl. (simple present tense).
Napomena: sva "progressive" vremena imaju ovo značenje
"privremenosti" (eng. temporary).
Use of Present Simple and Present Progressive
• Present Simple
The earth revolves round the sun. Does it ever
I work in an office and live in a flat in the suburbs. I
usually take the bus to work.
The early bird catches the worm. (poslovice)
Birds of a feather flock together.
Do you understand? Yes, now I understand
perfectly. (sa glagolima koji izražavaju stanje)
President resigns (naslovi u novinama)
Use of Present Simple and Present Progressive
• Present Progressive
I'm doing the washing-up right now. (now)
I'm reading one of the Harry Potter books at the moment. (around
At the moment we're sending all the mail by courier because the Post
Office is on the strike. (temporary habit)
Whenever I see Tom, he is smoking (temporary repeated action)
You're making the same mistake again! (annoying repeated action)
Progressive or not?
• Verbs not used in Progressive: stative verbs, perception verbs, "thinking"
verbs: be, believe, cost, depend, have, hear, know, matter, smell, suppose, taste,
think, understand
He is being a teacher.
 He is a teacher.
 He is thinking he is knowing the answer.
 He thinks he knows the answer.
 I'm accepting your offer, thank you.
 I accept your offer, thank you.
 Tom is being rather difficult at the moment. (= behave, ponašati se)
 I'm tasting the soup to check if it needs more salt. (= probati ukus)
 I'm thinking of buying a new car. (= razmišljati)
Use of Past Simple and Past Progressive
Past Simple se koristi da označi:
• jednu radnju koja se desila u prošlosti,
• za radnje koje su se ponavljale u (ne)određenim intervalima u
• za neke ”opšte” istine ili nečije atribute koji su važili u prošlosti.
Za ovo glagolsko vrijeme je važno da se kompletna radnja završila u
prošlosti i da se ne povezuje sa sadašnjošću.
Vrijeme u prošlosti je označeno u rečenici ili se podrazumijeva
kontekstom (vremenskim oznakama kao što je 'two days ago', 'last
year', i slično).
Use of Past Simple and Past Progressive
• He arrived yesterday ‘Stigao je jučer’
• He worked at Energoinvest ‘Radio je u Energoinvestu’,
• She played the guitar ‘Svirala je gitaru’
Homework: Think of two things about you that you did in the past and
don't do it any more.
Use of Past Simple and Past Progressive
Past progressive se koristi za:
• "radnju koja je trajala u odnosu na neki trenutak ili događaj u
• privremenu radnju koja je trajala izvjesno vrijeme u prošlosti, ali
čiji početak i kraj ili nisu poznati ili nisu važni,
• privremenu radnju koja ispunjava cijeli vremenski period u
• radnju koja se ponavljala u prošlosti ali samo na ograničeno
I ovo gl. vrijeme označava "priveremenost" neke radnje u prošlosti;
vremenska tačka ili period mogu biti podrazumijevani kontekstom,
glagolom u obliku Past Simple, ili direktno naznačeni u rečenici.
Use of Past Simple and Past Progressive
Past progressive:
• She fell while she was coming here
Pala je dok je dolazila ovamo
• Last night at eight o’clock I was talking on the telephone
‘Sinoć sam u osam sati razgovarao preko telefona’.
• They were sitting and talking. I was writing letters all morning yesterday.
• Those days I was eating out
‘Tih dana sam se hranio po restoranima’
Use of Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Progressive
Present Perfect koristi se da označi:
• radnje koje su upravo završene sa izrazima kao što su recently ili
lately (u zadnje vrijeme)
• radnje koje su završene bilo kad u prošlosti ali im efekat još uvijek
• radnju koja je počela u prošlosti i još uvijek traje
Vremenski izrazi koji se javljaju uz ovo glagolsko vrijeme:
just, already, (n)ever, since [last October], for [two years], this
[afternoon], recently, lately
Use of Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Progressive
Present Perfect:
• I haven’t been out lately
‘U posljednje vrijeme nisam izlazio (iz kuće)’
• I haven’t seen her this week
‘Nisam je vidio ove sedmice’
ALI: I didn’t see her this morning 'Nisam je vidio jutros', ako je jutro završeno.
• I have read Hamlet
'Čitao sam Hamleta'
• Have you seen that film?
'Jesi li gledala taj film?'
Use of Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Progressive
Past Perfect:
1. radnje/stanja koji su upravo završeni u odnosu na neku tačku u
2. za 'skok' u prošlost (sa 'after', 'when', 'as soon as', 'before'):
3. za neispunjene planove u prošlosti (sa 'hope', 'expect', 'think',
Use of Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Progressive
1. Had you had your computer long before it broke
2. He looked for the pen where he had left it.
3. After John (had) finished reading, he put the light out.
4. I had wanted to visit the Tate Gallery before I left
London, but I didn’t have time.
(U primjeru 3, past perfect nije obavezan, moguće je
upotrijebiti i simple past, zato je pomoćni glagol u
zagradi – naime, sam veznik 'after' i cijela rečenica
podrazumijevaju koja se radnja desila ranije pa onda to
nije potrebno signalizirati i glagolski oblikom tj.
Kako prevesti sljedeće rečenice?
• When he stopped laughing, everyone left.
• When he stopped laughing, everyone had left.
• I got up when the telephone rang.
• I had gone to bed when the phone rang.
Perfect AND Progressive
Present perfect progressive:
1. Radnje i aktivnosti koji su započeli u prošlosti
i nastavljaju se u sadašnjosti, privremene
2. Privremene radnje koje su se zaustavile
• We've all been wondering what to get Tony for his birthday. (1)
• I've been living in Sarajevo for seven years now. (1)
• What have you been doing in the garden? – Feeding some ducks. (2)
 Trajanje privremene situacije/radnje ili njenih rezultata do trenutka u
Past perfect progressive
Za situacije i radnje koje su se dešavale tokom nekog perioda
do određenog trenutka u prošlosti ili neposredno prije tog
Upotreba 1 + naglašavanje odvijanje i privremenost radnje
Upotreba 1 + naglasak na dužini: koliko dugo se nešto odvijalo
prije određenog trenutka u prošlosti
Mason was arrested, even though he hadn’t been doing
anything illegal.
I’d been working hard so I felt that I deserved a holiday
uporediti: I had worked hard and the report was now finished.
They had been travelling for about 36 hours (before they got
to Paris).
 trajanje i privremenost radnje ili situacije prije nekog
trenutka u prošlosti
Uporedite i prevedite:
When we met Simon and Pat they had been riding.
When we met Simon and Pat they were riding.
When I got home, water was leaking through the roof.
When I got home, water had been leaking through the roof.
Prevod treba nedvosmisleno da izražava značenje engleskih
glagolskih vremena (tj. da ne bude dvoznačan).
Will (buduće vrijeme)
• Radnje i situacije koje se predviđaju u budućnosti
• Lična odluka se napravi u trenutku govora a koja se odnosi na
• Ponude, obećanja i molbe koje se odnose na radnje u budućnosti
• Will + glagol (u osnovnom obliku)
We'll have a break at half past 1.
The President will outline his policy tomorrow.
They'll be here soon
Would you like to come with us? – I'll join you, yes!
will = 'll (skraćeni oblik, najčešće uz zamjenice: I'll, you'll …)
Will + progressive
Will + glagol + 'ing' (will be doing)
1. za radnje koje će se odvijati u nekom trenutku u
budućnosti (privremene, pojedinačne situacije)
2. za namjere ili događaje koji su planirani ili se očekuju
3. za radnje u budućnosti kada se govori neutralno,
kada ne želite izražavati volju
(privremene, pojedinačne situacije)
1. This time tomorrow we'll be sitting on a plane.
I'll be studying in the library all evening.
2. They'll be going to town tomorrow to do some
He'll be arriving at six.
3. She'll probably be running her own company in a few
years' time!
• Vježbe pisati rukom (u svesku/na papir) i
poslati na Assignment, kao sliku (jpg itd)
Homework - Practice
• will OR will + progressive
Would you like to come for lunch on Saturday?
Unfortunately, I …….. (work) all day on Saturday.
That's too bad. I …….. (phone) you on Sunday.
……… (you / be) in?
Do you ever think about you …… (do) in ten years' time?
Sometimes I imagine I ……. (have) a much more interesting job I ……..
(earn) a lot of money.
I'm taking the car so I …… (give) you a lift tonight.
Thanks, I …….. (play) tennis until seven but I ……. (be) back shortly after
Present simple ili present
progressive ?
• This year the International School for Languages has about 100 part-time
students who … (take) evening classes and a further 300 who … (study)
full-time. Many of them … (learn) a new language to improve their job
prospects or to prepare for university. The European languages …
(remain) very popular but Chinese and Japanese … (gain) in popularity.
• The school … (offer) an excellent range of learning facilities and …
(organise) social activities like excursions to local areas of interest.
• Every year our students … (perform) extremely well in their examinations
and many … (go on) to study at top universities in the country.
China (present simple or progressive)
• The landscape … (rise) from the lowlands in the east to the
Himalayas in the west. High plateaux and mountains … (occupy)
one third of the area. The coastline on the Yellow Sea is flat at the
mouths of China's two major rivers, the Yangtze and the Huanghe.
Unfortunately, rapid industrialisation … (destroy) much of the plant
and animal life in the country.
• Most people … (live) in rural regions. Rice production … (provide)
enough food for the local population and surpluses are exported.
However, the economy … (develop) rapidly and as a result, China
… (open up) to world markets. China … (export) many
inexpensive processed goods, including machinery and textile,
and income from foreign trade and tourism … (increase).
Present perfect or past simple
• I'm sorry I … (not be) in touch recently but I … (be) really busy. I …
(go) to my third job interview this morning but unfortunately, no one
… (offer) me a job yet. I … (look) everywhere and I … (fill in) dozens
of application forms. Still, I'm not discouraged. Some things take
• In fact, I'm really enjoying myself here. I … (already see) Cats and I
… (just buy) tickets for the next Madonna concert – I … (stand) in
line for an hour this afternoon but it was worth it. Also, I like the family
I'm staying with – they … (give) me lots of advice about finding work
and last night they even … (take) me out for a meal.
• We talk all the time and as a result, my English … (already improve)
a lot. Anyway, someone … (just come) to the door. I hope it's the
pizza I … (order) an hour ago. I'll write more often in future – I