OTC 4624 Applications of Total Scanning Fluorescence to Exploration Geochemistry by J.M. Brooks, M.C. Kennicutt II, L.A. Barnard, and G.J. Denoux, Texas A&M V., and B.D. Carey Jr., Tenneco Oil Co. Copyright 1983 Offshore Technology Conference This paper was presented at the 15th Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, May 2-5,1983. The material is subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. ABSTRACT A total scanning fluorescence technique is described for correlation (oil/oil and oil/source rock) and surface geochemical prospecting studies. The fluorescence system acquires a total fluorescence spectrum of emission, excitation and intensity for wavelengths between 200 and 800 nm using a computer controlled UV-Spectrofluorometer (Perkin-Elmer 650-40). The resulting matrix of intensity values, obtained at specific emission/excitation wavelengths, can be viewed in a three-dimensional or contour presentation. Similarity indices are calculated to compare spectra for correlation studies. The method can also be used as a regional evaluation tool for surface geochemical prospecting. Shallow surficial (>2 meters) sediments collected over oil, condensate, and gas provinces exhibit distinct fluorescence signatures. INTRODUCTION Fluorescence spectroscopy is a technique that has had wide application in characterizing hydrocarbon mixtures. Ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence is inherently more selective for aromatic compounds than conventional absorption measurements and at least an order of magnitude more sensitive. Fluorescence methods are particularly useful for the detection and measurement of organic compounds containing one or more aromatic functional groups. A number of workers have used fluorescence techniques to estimate petroleum hydrocarbons in marine waters 1 ,2,3,4,5 and sediments. 6 ,7 Since all oils contain a significant amount of aromatic compounds, with one to four (or more) aromatic rings and their alkylated analogues, oils exhibit distinctive fluorescence "fingerprints". These "fingerprints", used in conjunction with other analyses, can provide significant information for typing oils, shale extracts and sea bottom sediment extracts. Conventional fluorescence analyses have traditionally used fixed emission/excitation wavelengths or fluorescence emission spectra (at a fixed excitation wavelength) to characterize aromatic mixtures, References and illustrations at end of paper. qualitatively and quantitatively. Gordon et a1. 2 and Wakeham 7 used a synchronous scanning technique developed by Lloyd 8 to "fingerprint" aromatic compounds in marine sediments. The excitation and emission monochromators are simultaneously varied with the excitation wavelength offset 20-30 nm lower than the emission wavelength in synchronous methods. This technique was an improvement over simple emission spectroscopy for analyzing complex mixtures because larger ring number aromatic compounds generally fluoresce at successively higher excitation wavelengths. Synchronous scanning fluorescence approximates ring size distributions for aromatic mixtures. Fixed wavelength and synchronous scanning fluorescence suffer from non-selectivity and are generally ineffective in structural elucidation of mixtures. Despite the ability to select both the excitation and emission wavelengths, conventional fluorescence methods have limited applicability and are difficult to interpret because spectra of complex mixtures cannot be satisfactorily resolved. In an attempt to overcome these problems, a methodology for total scanning fluorescence was developed. A three-dimensional, contour and tabular presentation of the data is possible. A total scanning fluorescence system has several advantages over simpler scanning methods: (1) the acquisition of multiple fluorescence spectra is faster; (2) the amount of fluorescence data per sample is greatly increased; (3) the stored data can be extensively manipulated by computer; and (4) individual excitation spectrum can be retrieved from the total fluorescence spectrum and analyzed for the intensity and wavelength of maximum excitation and/ or emission fluorescence. Viewing the total fluorescence spectrum, using a three-dimensional or contour presentation, is a powerful and useful "fingerprinting" tool. HARD AND SOFTWARE The Perkin-Elmer (PE) 650-40 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer {s automated via a "SCANR" software program. The hardware system includes a 393 PE 650-40 Spectrofluorometer with RS232C Communications Interface, a PE Model 3500 or 3600 Data Station with 64K memory and dual disk drives, and a PE Model 660 graphics printer. The "SCANR" software runs on both PE 3500 and 3600 Data Stations and can provide a hardcopy of the generated three-dimensional plots via the PE 660 graphics printer. The matrix can also be transferred to a mainframe AMDAHL computer via a "TERM" program (PE copyright) for statistical analysis and contour presentation. A typical threedimensional presentation is shown in Fig. 1. Also shown is a contour presentation of the same matrix of points produced by a graphics package of NCAR 9 , 10 subroutines for the AMDAHL system. 11 The data acquisition time for a 200 to 600 nm grid for both emission and excitation, with 10 nm resolution, is approximately 30 minutes. The total fluorescence excitation/emission wavelength array is filled for each sample by sequentially stepping the excitation monochromator over the wavelength range of interest and scanning with the emission monochromator. Programming flexibility permits acquisition speeds of from 60 to 450 nm/min on each monochromator. Up to 2500 discrete intensity values may be acquired per spectrum and 2 nm resolution may be attained at slower scan speeds. After acquisition, the data array is permanently stored on a 5~" microfloppy diskette. The data can be transformed via a three-dimensional conversion routine adapted from Gottlieb 12 and a spectral plot generated with a graphics package (PE copyright). EXTRACTION AND GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Approximately 20 grams of well cuttings or sediment are required for analysis. A subsample is lyophilized, ground to a uniform size with a mortar and pestle, and Soxhlet extracted for 12 hours in a 100 % hexane solvent system. All glassware and alundum thimbles are precleaned with Micro Cleaning Solution, washed with nanograde solvents, and combusted at 500°C for at least 4 hours. The extracts are concentrated, using a Buchii Rotovapor R, to a volume of about 5 mI. Care is exercised at all times to ensure that the extract is not brought to complete dryness to prevent volatilization of lighter sample components. The volume of the extract is brought up to 7 ml and stored at 4°C in the dark until further analysis. This treatment minimizes photolytic losses and chemical interactions between the extracted compounds. A total system blank is routinely run for every set of samples processed and checked by both fluorescence and gas chromatography to ensure acceptable blank levels. Oil samples are generally directly diluted with hexane, although the oil can be Soxhlet extracted if a direct comparison with source rock or sea bottom sediment extracts is desired. compounds illustrates the molecular variability in excitation/emission spectra with structure (Fig. 2). The fluorescence signatures of four typical oils are shown in Fig. 3. A statistical comparison of fluorescence in two samples can be made using a Pearson product-m.oment correlation coefficient calculation that provides a point to point comparison producing a similiarity index (S. I.) . Two examples using fluorescence in oil/oil correlations are presented. The first example is ten pelagic tars collected in the South Atlantic Ocean and the second example is nine oils from the USGS North Slope of Alaska Intercomparison Study. These examples demonstrate the usefulness of fluorescence as a correlation tool. It should be noted that fluorescence is only one of many techniques used to generically type oils, and at all times more than one parameter must be evaluated in order for proper correlations to be made. Three distinct types of tars were delineated in a group of sea surface oils collected in the western South Atlantic Ocean. The tars were grouped based on their fluorescence similarity indices, i.e. S.I. ;;:0.90 (Table 1, Fig. 4). Type I tars occurred at low concentration levels «0.01 mg/m 2 ) and appear to represent low-level chronic oil pollution. Type II tars were less degraded based on gas/liquid chromato~raphy, occurred at higher concentrations (>0.01 mg/m ), and were found in more coastal-influenced waters. These groupings were confirmed by carbon isotopic compositions, molecular compositions (gas chromatography) and biological marker "fingerprints" (steranes and triterpanes), except in one case where the tar appeared to be a mixture of Types I and II. The third tar type was a single sample that was significantly different by all parameters measured and was probably due to a localized event (i.e., a spill, tanker washings, etc.). As part of the USGS North Slope of Alaska Intercomparison Study, nine oils were analyzed for a variety of parameters in order to type the oils. The majority of the oils were two basic types as defined by total scanning fluorescence, with two other light condensate oils being distinctly different from these two types (i.e., samples 006 and 024; Table 2, Fig. 5). The two basic oil groups (Types I It is and II) were very similar (S. 1. ~ 0.8). probable that Type II oils are different from Type I oils due to varying proportions of co-sources and biodegradation. All Type II oils were highly degraded as determined by gas chromatography. Isotopic and biomarker "fingerprints" supported these oil groupings. In conclusion, two closely related types of oils were present plus two distinctly different condensate fluids. APPLICATION AS A CORRELATION TOOL As part of the North Slope Study, fifteen shale samples were also analyzed for source rock/oil correlations. Based on fluorescence, other chemical parameters and geological considerations, three conclusions were arrived at: 1) the Torok formation was infiltrated with deeper sourced oil, primarily from the Pebble Shale Unit; 2) Type I oils were predominantly sourced in the Kingak shale with contributions from the Pebble Shale Unit and minor contributions from the Shublik formation; and 3) Type II oils were predominantly sourced in the Pebble Shale Unit with contributions from the Kingak Shale and again possible minor contributions from the Shublik. The total scanning fluorescence technique has been successfully used as both an oil/oil and an oil/ source rock correlation tool. The complex mixture of aromatic compounds in oils, source rock extracts and sea bottom sediment extracts produce characteristic fluorescence "fingerprints". Fluorescence "fingerprints" differ because the aromatic composition of oils are highly variable and different aromatic compounds produce fluorescence at significantly different excitation and emission wavelengths. The fluorescence signature of several authentic aromatic 394 - ----- ----- ------ ---------- -: --=-::"'-,..--..------ -~-----= Oil 006 had no source in the samples analyzed and oil 024 had a source similar to Type II oils, but appeared to have a higher contribution of Shublik sourced oil. APPLICATION IN GEO~HEMICAL istic of oil and gas/condensate regions. CONCLUSIONS Total scanning fluorescence is a useful correlation technique for grouping oils and evaluating oil/source rock relationships. It no doubt has to be used in conjunction with other correlation tools. However, it appears to be an inexpensive, fast, and effective correlation tool. The technique is another parameter that can be used in geochemical prospecting to differentiate oil and gas prone offshore areas. Sea bottom sediments sampled over oil and gas areas appear to have distinctive fluorescence signatures with gas/condensate zones characterized by two ring aromatic signatures and sediments overlying oil reservoirs characterized by three to five ring aromatic signatures. Total scanning fluorescence may also have application to soil geochemical prospecting. PRO~PECTING Surface geochemical prospecting for oil and gas has had a long history of use in the petroleum industry and has been received with varying degrees of acceptance. Most work, to date, has been based on variations of the soil gas techniques pioneered by Horvitz 13 '14 using fixed wavelength fluorescence and the molecular compositions of gases. Early studies often used questionable sampling and analytical techniques which lead to ambiguous results. Recent publications by Stahl et a1. 15 and Richers et a1. 16 have confirmed that hydrocarbons do migrate to the surface over petroleum deposits and that surface manifestations of deeper accumulations can be used to assess the potential of a given area. These soil gas techniques have been extended to sea bottom sediments and combined with other parameters such as carbon isotopic analysis of the methane 15 and total scanning fluorescence. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Tenneco Oil Company for providing much of our initial fluorescence instrumentation and for supporting our application of fluorescence to geochemical exploration. Fixed wavelength and single wavelength scanning fluorescence has been used extensively in geochemical exploration. Kartsev 17 , in the Russian literature, describes a prospecting technique using fluorescence, and more recently Hebert 18 has reviewed the use of fluorescence as a geochemical prospecting tool. Fluorescence methods have had limited success as surface prospecting tools, due no doubt to the limited fluorescence data obtained by conventional techniques and to interfering substances. REFERENCES 1. 2. Data obtained with the total scanning fluorescence technique described here indicates that one can distinquish oil and gas/condensate signatures in sea bottom sediments that reflect deeper accumulations of these hydrocarbons. As a geochemical prospecting tool this method is useful because of its specificity for aromatic hydrocarbons. The hexane extraction used removes primarily non-polar compounds from the sediments, of which aromatic hydrocarbons are generally the major components which strongly fluoresce. The technique detects aromatics in sediments which result from the upward migration of subsurface petroleum accumulations and from petroleum pollution occurring at the surface. Very few aromatic compounds are known to be produced in situ or deposited by biogenic agents in shallow recent sediments. 3. 4. 5. Our studies have established several prerequisites for attaining useful fluorescence data in surface geochemical prospecting for area evaluation: 1) deep penetration of the sediment column to obtain non-anthropogenically contaminated samples (>2 meters in many areas); 2) multiple samplings within the sediment column to minimize intra-core variability; 3) good areal coverage of the investigation area; 4) complimentary geophysical evidence to evaluate migration pathways; and 5) total fluorescence spectra to differentiate oil from gas/condensate areas. Fig. 6 shows a typical oil signature from a sea bottom sample obtained in the Buccaneer Oil and Gas Field located ca. 50 kID south southeast of Galveston, Texas. The sample was not affected by surface oil pollution. Fig. 7 shows a condensate signature from 6. 7. 8. 9. a sea bottom sample obtained offshore South Texas in ca. 50 m of water. Levy, E.M.: "The Presence of Petroleum Residues off the Coast of Nova Scotia, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River," Water Res. [1971] 5, 723-733. Gordon, D.C., P.D.-Keizer, and J. Dale: "Estimates using Fluorescence Spectroscopy of the Present State of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination in the Water Column of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean," Mar. Chern. [1974] 2, 243-256. Keizer, P.D., D.C. Gordon, Jr., and J. Dale: "Hydrocarbons in Eastern Canadian Marine Waters Determined by Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Gas-Liquid Chromatography," J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. [1977] 34, 347-353. Gordon, D.C.~P.D. Keizer, and J. Dale: "Temporal Variations and Probable Origins of Hydrocarbons in the Water Column of Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia," Estuarine Coastal Mar. Sci. [1978] 7, 243-256. Law, R:-J.: "Hydrocarbon Concentrations in Water and Sediments from U.K. Marine Waters Determined by Fluorescence Spectroscopy," Mar. Pollut. Bull. [1981] 12, 153-157. Hargrave, B.T., and G.A. Phillips: "Estimates of Oil in Aquatic Sediments by Fluorescence Spectroscopy," Environ. Pollut. [1975] ~, 193-215. Wakeham, S.G.: "Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy and its Application to Indigenous and Petroleum-Derived Hydrocarbons in Lacustrine Sediments," Environ. Sci. Technol. [1977] 11, 272-276. Lloyd,· J.B.F.: "Synchronized Excitation of Fluorescence Emission Spectra," Nature [19711 231, 64-65. ------Adams, J.C., A.K. Cline, M.A. Drake, and R.A. Sweet: "NCAR Software Support Library," TN/lA-lOS, NCAR Technical Note [1975] Vol 1, Chap 2. 10. Adams, These two patterns are character- J.e., and R.A. Rotar: "NCAR Library Routines Manual," TN/IA-67, NCAR Technical Note 395 Richers, D.M., R.J. Reed, K.C. Horstman, G.D. Michels, R.N. Baker, L. Lundell, and R.W. and Soil-Gas Geochemical “Landsat Marra: Study of Patrick Draw Oil Field, Sweetwater k. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Wyoming,” County, Bull. [1982] @ 903-922. “Geochemical Methods of Pro17. Kartsev, A.: specting and Exploration for Petroleum and Natural Gas”, Translated by P-A. Witherspoon and W.D. Romney, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley [1959] Chap. VIII. 18. Hebert, C.: “Geochemical Prospecting for Oil and Gas. Usin~ Hydrocarbon Fluorescence Tech‘;In sfipo~ium on Unconventional Methods in Exploration for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Southern Methodist University, 16. [1975] 5.1-5.47. “Computer Graphics Software for the Reid, T.: AMDAHL,” Data Processing Center, Texas A&M University [1980] 203 pp. 12. Gottlieb, M.: “Hidden Line Subroutines for Three [1978] ~, 49-58. Dimensional Plotting,” ~ “On Geochemical Prospecting,” L.: 13. Horvitz, Geophysics [1939] $ 210-228. ““Near-Surface Hydrocarbon and L.: 14. Horvitz, Petroleum Accumulation at Depth,” Mining Eng. [Dec. 1954] 3-7. 15. Stahl, W., E. Farber, B.D. Carey, and D.L. Kirksey: “Near-Surface Evidence of Migration of Natural Gas from Deeo Reservoirs and Source [1981] Am. Assoc. Pe~rol. Geol. Bull. Rocks,” ~, 1543-1550. 11. ~ Table 1. Station 1 1/2 2 2/3 3 3/4 5 5/6 6 7 Similarity Index Based on Total Scanning Fluorescence for Tar Balls in the South Atlantic Ocean. 1 1/2 2 2/3 3 3/4 1.00 1.00 0.93 1.00 0.79 0.68 1.00 0.93 0.93 0.87 1.00 0.85 0.78 0.97 _ 0.93 1.00 5 0.73 0.62 0.94 _ 0.77 0.90 1.00 5/6 0.31 0.22 0.32 0.26 0.28 0.31 1.00 6 7 0.92 0.97 _ 0.79 0.97 _ 0.87 0.27 0.27 1.00 0.76 0.65 0.96 m 0.92 _ 0.98 _ 0.31 0.76 1.00 Stations 2/3, 3/4, 5, 7 Type I: Type II: Stations 1/2, 2, 3, 6 Type 111: Station 5/6 I 396 L“’’i ’’’’ b’’’ ’I l“’’’’’’’I”” ’’’’l’’” J 8 CD 1 o m “0 0 ml 0 0 o Ln UI % 0 0 @ H19N373AVM * c-l o co o 0 a co m 1- 0 0 0 0 d % ‘d o 0 A l-l n . 0 0 UY in 0 m 0 o 0 I a o 0 o 0 : 0 0 In rr- 0 .4 0“ e u-i r-- 0 0 0 I-1 o co 0 0 . r0 0 . 1+ r- m cog 00 o 0 . . . 000 000 dmco g o 64 0 0 4 r< 0 0 + .. I+ N o 0 N 0 0 * 0 0 03 0 0 0 ml C9 w o NO11V11C)X3 0 0 N 0? 0 0 U3 ml Dbbenzanthracene NaQhthd8W ,1252 @ 1 Iwo / ,7, ialo !- ‘>~\~~:;$<&*\m ! !,!, I ‘\ 9!5 .722 .~~ ~ , xi a) ,Pr, i ;,, ~ +!’~<tif: EMISSION m ~~ 252 EXCITATION ~ Em m INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 1SY2 AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH R1(L?65/320): 181818 OF 3WNM IAND AN EXCITATION WAVELENGTH OF 2SONM INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 912 AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH !71(3s5 /322)= 19ss23 OF 332NM! AND AN EXCITATION WAVELENGTH OF 291NM Perylene +!’ : /! ,, ; ;Lb, , ‘\ ‘, <, , ‘\\i; !, ‘!, , I.w ? 1s970 Ewhenvl Anlhracene \ 1s176 $3 /: ~! !!, Ill,!fl /ilJ+, ,,,1 ;,’( ‘ ., . . 111342 ~ 1~ g ; 3794 i ID40 }m ~ % W2g i !S$l ,, . . WQ 2W mm INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 18970 AT AN EMISSION WAV5LENGTN R1(365/S22)= S125 OF 432NM AND AN ExCITATloN WAVELENGTH Fig. 2—Three-dimensional oF 2@3NM total scanning INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 12JMAT AN EkllSSION WAVELENGTH R1(265 /220)= 1 fluorescence presentations of authentic OF 4AONM ANQ AN ExCITATION WAVELENGTH aromatic standards. 8TSD 4SKI . ,s924 ~ --,’., . 9T6 ,, > ,,, ,,, ,, , ,. ,., ,.. , 1952 $ \ , 7024 \ .32Ea~ .aa~ ... OF 420NM ~ 2512 g ,- % . 17% ‘.- ~. EMISSION “-’-”-> mm INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 4WI AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH R1(S% /32+)= 32622 OF S?JNM ANEI AN EXCITATION WAVELENGTH DF w2NM EMISSION m 5S3 E43m INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 87?4 AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH DF 2t0NM ANO AN ExCITATION WAVELENGTH RI(2S5 (320P 10 , 7SSU .2220 ... .. . .. .>~~..... .’. bk&y --- . “-2-2. . 4512 g .Iwz i% , A..- .-.x ~ . W16 ~ ,?1s% . ‘:’;’$%..%. :.,>.> \.’sy+\\\\\ “>>:.+:>+& . . ._ ..; ,, g .\& *XL m m ‘“”*;’ m 5Y2 672202 mm INTENSITY MAXIMUM OF 2220 AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH R1(365 /2201= 182S56 OF 2AoNM OF 22UNM AND AN EXCITATION WAVELENGTH Fig. 3—Three-dimensional OF 270 NM total scanning INTENSIN MAXIMUM DF T520 AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH R1(26513M21=5 .S6%7 fluorescence presentations DF 4XINM AND AN EXCITATION WAVELENGTH of four typical oils. OF 39NM ,520 HA YES TAR MCK-2 82109/ TYPE 14 I !416 ~.-<-“% T3269 Station 7 ,y,~, “:.+, ‘., ,. ,, --..., ,. .+., ‘ , ,., ,, ., ,,,,,.;..,, ?$, ““’~’..”?.+ .-.. ,. .,.:.-;::...:.,.:,. .. ..:$+j@&- .312 G ,208 # >104 $ 20:M\**~p*r”, ,.. 350 500----- ExclTATtON 550> Intensity 400 200 250300 Of517 At An Emission And An Excitation Wavelength Maximum Wavelength of 310nm. Of 420nm Intensity HA YES TAR MC K-4 82i09[13 73277 Station 5ia TYPE A 200’2-52< \ ‘,.b ‘\ ‘\ ‘Vv& ,.;< .::> 1 219 ‘..>..N)>~>;?;? . . .~%. 500 aoo 200 TYPE Of361 At An Emission And An Excitation Wavelength fluorescence Put River ,,,.’,,. ,,, ‘, :-... ,% .,, ,’U 0.3, 500550 400 350 ; EXCITATION 250 Maximum R248.001 Prudhoe Bay, 1 450 > 300 550 total scanning ~ -. 450 Intensity 365 12 “’<’2XN<: >*N_t; IO Wavelength Of 330nm. Of 390nm patterns of three types of pelagic tar from the South Atlantic S248036 Seabee No. 1 (API #50-287-20ca37)OST #3 5366-5394 ft. Torok Formation, collected at separator 5-430 (23.1411.j3) (API #50429 -2C4157)10,417–10,536 ft. L4344 Sadlelrochit Group ~ .3258 ,= ; 2172 u ~’), ,, L.t ,. .7, ,-, ., .,, .,, 200 ;;<>>~\\\’...<%.<% \**y’~’ “’~%kv~:[ II R248-903 South Barrow No. 19 .. ~, .. ...,, ,_ .4.. (APl#50-023.20012) 2200-2245 ft. Sag River Sandstone ,,, .’, ., :, ,, -,, ,, ‘V’s ?“ ,3740 ;N2 Wavelength R248-024 Umlat No, 4 Rl(365/320) ~1495 g 600200 Emission Wavelength of420nm andan Excita~on =4.70652 Fig, 5—Three-dimensional total scanning North Slope Study. r 8020 2& 5 8+ ~ 4 200 ot370nm I 224 6 i 2244 i 200 intensity Maximum of3740atan 280 55U m 6131 200 Intensity Maximum of 278 at an Emtssion Wavelength of 290nm and an Excitation of .270nm Rl(365/320) =0.47 Wavelength 600 200 m Intensity Maxtmum of 5430 at an Emission Wavelength of 370nm and an Excitation Wavelength of 330nm Rl(365/320)=2.84357 TYPE of 430nm 292 r ~“, Fig. 4—Three-dimensional Ocean. Maximum Of 214 At An Emission Wavelength And An Excitation Wavelength Of 380nm. Intensity Maximum of 8020 at an Emission Wavelength of Wavelength fluorescence of400nm Rl(365/320) =Not 440nm and an Excitation Determined patterns of Type I and II oils and two condensates from the WINTER BOF 4 YEAR S-1OM 83/02/04 T4796 14.99 GR SEDIMENT EXTRACTED 125 [ ~1 t,, /“,! tloo : 175 f-$..,, y,, Intensity Maximum Of 121 At An Emission And An Excitation Wavelength Fig. 6—A typical oil signature of a sea bottom sediment Wavelength Of 330nm. extract ~ of 370nm over Buccaneer oil and gas field. t\,. 1, ‘\ i ~ II\,..,p, ~, “’,,, !,, \, > \i,, 11 \, ‘~, i, ‘i\, (., ( ! // }Jj it, ‘~,,‘\ ‘f\, y, ,.,, ‘,, $!,~,‘;, [ t. ‘, i ~.+- 600200 INTENSITY MAXIMUM RI (365/320)= .47 OF 278 AT AN EMISSION WAVELENGTH Fig. 7—A typical gas/condensate signature OF 291)NM AND AN EXCITATION of a sea bottom sediment extract from offshore WAVELENGTH south Texas. OF 270 NM