Bruno-­‐Wickes Irony Pre-­‐assessment Name: __________________________________________________ # ______________ _______/ _______/_______ Directions: Read each example below. Circle Yes if the paragraph is an example of irony. Circle No if it is not irony. If it is irony, write on the line which type of irony it exhibits. 1. “One minute to go and he’d be eleven. Thirty seconds…twenty…ten…nine – may be he’d wake Dudley up, just to annoy him – three…two…one… BOOM. The whole shack shivered and Harry sat bolt upright, staring at the door. Someone was outside, knocking to come in.” Yes No ____________________________ 2. A teenage guy is about to leave the house for a night out with his pals. He tells his mother that she worries about him too much and nothing bad will happen. He hesitates and then kisses her just before he goes. Yes No ____________________________ 3. Aladdin had three wishes from the Genie, and one of them was to be a Prince: which meant have the riches of the land. He wanted to be rich so that he could marry the Princess, Jasmine. However, Jasmine was actually repulsed by his riches and did NOT want to marry him. Yes No ____________________________ 4. A man looked out of the window to see the storm intensify. He turned to his friend and said “wonderful weather we’re having!” Yes No ____________________________ There are 3 different types of irony. Name each type below. A. ___________________________ B. ___________________________ C. ___________________________ Bruno-­‐Wickes Irony Pre-­‐assessment Name: __________________________________________________ # ______________ _______/ _______/_______