ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE GRADE 9 TERM 1 2009 WRITING A NARRATIVE ESSAY WRITE ABOUT THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Riding the wind. The dark road. The Fight. Flying unexpectedly. The Lie. Betrayal. Broken trust The arrest. This is an extended piece of writing. You are required to write 250 to 350 words. TOTAL: 50 Checklist: Have you: used full sentences? used different types of sentences (simple, complex, compound)? used a figurative device in one or two key places? written in paragraphs? used transitions between paragraphs? written an interesting introduction? written a conclusion that leaves the reader with something to think about? edited our work to ensure correct spellling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure? Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards LO3 Writing and Presenting AS: Demonstrate planning skills for writing a specific purpose, audience and context: - indentify the target audience etc. - decide on and apply the appropriate style etc. - research topics etc. - locate, assess, select, organise and integrate etc. - develop coherent ideas and organise them etc. Demonstrate the use of writing strategies and techniques for first drafts: - use main and supporting ideas etc. - use a variety of sentence types and etc. - apply paragraph conventions etc. - use conjunctions, pronouns and adverbs etc. Reflect on, analyse and evaluate own work, considering the opinion of others, and present a final product: - use set criteria for overall evaluation etc. - improve coherence etc. - evaluate whether content, style, register etc. - sustain own point of view etc. - identify and explain types of texts to be produced etc. Reflect on analyse and evaluate own work, considering the opinion of others, and present final product. - present final product paying attention etc.