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QUIS 1 - Copy final

1. examples from the case study compare and contrast
how leadership is viewed with in the company Using your
knowledge on the definition of the leadership, and theories
of leadership. What do you see to be the dominant
definition and theory at play?
What exactly makes a great leader? Do certain personality traits make people better suited to leadership
roles or characteristics of the situation make it more likely that certain people will take charge? When we
look at the leaders around us be it our employer or the president – We might find ourselves wondering
exactly why these individuals excel in such positions.
People have been interested in leadership throughout human history, but it has only been relatively
recently that a number of formal leadership theories have emerged. Interest in leadership increased
during the early part of the twentieth century
Early leadership theories focused on what qualities distinguished between leaders and followers. While
subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill levels.
How much you differ about leader looking at short period time long period time characteristics as you are
bone with, tittle, role or process. Behavioral
Theories given a tittle you are power to control the people Same level skill and attitude. Leader should
have capability to make inefficient person to effective employee, you as organization concern for results
such as country club management would be behavioral to get the results. effectively from the employees
concern and goal or objectives of the organization. (1. Supporting 2. coaching 3. Delegating 4. Directing)
Have you ever heard someone described as ‘born to lead? ‘According to this point of view, great leaders
are simply born with the essential internal characteristics such as charisma, confidence, intelligence and
social skills that make them natural born leaders such as birthright leader. great man theories assume
that the capacity for leadership is inherent that great man leaders are born, not made. These theories
often portray great leaders as heroic, Mythic and destined to rise leadership, when needed. The term
“Great man” leadership used because at the time, leadership thought of primarily as a male quality.
Especially in terms of Military leadership.
the fundamental underpinning of the situational leadership theory is that there is no single best style of
leadership. Effective leadership is task relevant and the most successful leaders are those who adapt
their leadership style to maturity (capacity to set high but attenable goals, willingness an ability to take
responsibilities for the task) of the individual or group they attempting to lead or influence. Effective
leadership varies not only with the person or group that is being influenced. But it also depends on the
task job function that needs to be accomplished. It means that the leader adapts style of leadership
maturity level of the follower, the individual employee or competence and levels of employee
commitment. The leaders choose different types of leadership by support, delegate, coach and direct to
get employees different levels of commitment and competences.
Every employee impacts an organization’s directions, but leadership has by far the largest and most
direct effect on company culture. Which revolves around employee engagement, environment,
atmosphere and success of the organization and its customers, Leadership affects the confidence of the
staff and whether they see mistakes as opportunities for learning or failures that damage the staff worth of
the employee, Leadership cultivates the foundation of culture to empower employees to achieve the
company mission and realize how vital each of their contribution is furthering those goals.
The drive to continuously learn comes in handy when you must resolve a vital issue for a client.
Sometimes the best resolutions occur as happy surprises in the simplest of packages. The best business
strategies consider the needs of each client from various points of view and ensure your employees are
on board to follow client journey. Ultimately the successful leader focuses on the social good of both
employee and client. This approach transforms a stagnant leader in to an inspirational one, who solves
issues creatively while measuring the large impact of the company’s services and products Leaders place
their attention on the deeper needs and desires of humanity, which drive that supply and demand truly
are in life and business. Technology connects people increasingly around the world, which places bigger
social responsibilities on companies and leaders recognize that fact.
How does your company show it cares about all its employees? Dividing the professional from the person
no longer applies in modern work place culture. While maintaining a professional, personal matters an
Employees well -being directly impacts how they perform and engage that work.
Additionally, leadership shifts and every leader influence the engaging work culture, which can easily go
from good to bad or from bad to worse. Leaders must honor those, who came before if the engine runs
well, but change is investable employees and leaders all play part. When employees feel engaged in a
dynamic and caring work culture, their performance pride and loyalty increasing the company and it’s
customers to success.
In the case study you see more “management” rather than leadership. At the beginning we witness Jim
mocking another companies’ failure to achieve customer satisfaction. But as he is presented with same
threat he fumbles and retreats. When Tom’s and Jessica’s case emerges. We see that no clear
leadership is portrayed but rather poor management. On Lisa’s and Jim’s account they find that managing
negative traction rather than retaining promising customers be more important. We see a clear top-down
hierarchy in Atida as they have clear boundaries authority strewn. But the authority stops Jim from acting
accordingly where he can please a long-term customer and placate another.
Lisa’s blatant refusal to let Jim handle the damage control under the guise of “cost inefficiency” and “long
term policy” shows that she is more interested in simply “getting it done” rather than achieving customer
satisfaction. We see that Jim does not have a say in the rebuttal of Lisa’s blatant negligence to the
company’s usual way of function.
The CEO’s arrival is mentioned a few sentences later. And we can see the clear unease in Jim as he is
expecting negative repercussion. The call backlog issue also emerges at the exact moment highlighting
the improper management and poor leadership skills display. Like mentioned before a clear top-down
hierarchy seems to exist within Atida.
This finally brings us to the question which leadership theory reigns in this company. An autocratic one
seems to be the ruler of all in this particular case study. A clear hierarchy and authority exist, which
prevents Jim from carrying out necessary procedures to satisfy the disgruntled customers on both of their
varying cases of organizational failure.
Coming back to the definition of leadership- which stands to be “an individual who motivates and inspires
their followers to achieve pre-determined goals and objectives. In the case study it is clear that although
the leadership style is a clear autocratic enforcer, there is no real leadership skills that are portrayed by
either Jim or Lisa. As Lisa is more concerned in “policy” management rather taking responsibility. Jim on
the other hand takes no responsibility or weigh the options or even pose an argument in the face of
“policies” and “old ways”. We see more management taking place than leadership.
Albeit poor management we see that neither party of the organization are interested in proper leadership
or even management. The issue of the backlash of the call centre clearly show cases the clear
impartiality both Jim and Lisa has towards their responsibility and work place citizenship. We are
presented an obstacle where there is a clear mismanagement of the newly established call centre and
clear issues with the functionality of it. We are met with Lisa outing the blame on “novelty” rather than
making an effort to fix the failing system.
In conclusion, pertaining to the definition of leadership and theories. It is clear that autocracy is what Atida
has been operating with. And referencing to the definition of leadership we see that no clear leadership
patterns are showcased through our main protagonists of the case study scenario. The actions taken by
them go along the seams of poor management rather than leadership.