Lecture Notes (AMSE303) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Instructor: Prof. Soo Young Kim (Eng. Bldg., Room 608) Teach Assistant: Mr. Jin Hyuk Cho(Eng. Bldg. 1, Room 638, Tel: 3290-3647) Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea University Grade: Midterm (40%), Final Exam (40%), Quiz (10%), Attendance (10%) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Chapter 1. The Crystal Structure of Solids Semiconductors: A general introduction Classification of Materials in terms of electrical resistivity: • Insulators 1010 − 1018 Ω cm • Semiconductors 10−4 − 108 Ω cm • Conductors 10−6 − 10−4 Ω cm Semiconductor Physics and Devices Conductivity of semiconductor The uniqueness of semiconductors is that their conductivity can be controlled by us over a wide range, e.g. By • adding minute quantities of impurities (10-7~ 10-1 %) • applying electric field • illumination Current, I Conducting (on) Non conducting (off) Voltage, V Semiconductor Physics and Devices Periodic table of the elements Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Materials Abbreviated periodic table of the elements 5 6 Be 12 B 13 Mg 30 48 Cd 80 Ge 50 In 81 Hg 15 32 49 Pb O 16 P 33 S 34 As 51 Sn 82 Tl N Si Al Ga 8 C 14 31 Zn 7 Se 52 Sb 83 Te 84 Bi Elements ESi = 1.1 eV EGe = 0.67eV Po Compounds EGaAs = 1.43eV EGaSb = 0.7eV EGaN = 3.4eV The most common semiconductor is Silicon <Classification of Semiconductors> - By the number of elements 1. Elemental Semiconductor: Group IV elements (C, Si, Ge) 2. Compound Semiconductor: metallurgically intermetallic compound IV-IV (SiGe, SiC) III-V (Al-P, As, Sb; Ga-N, P, As, Sb; In-N, P, As, Sb) II-VI (Zn-S, Se, Te; Cd-S, Se, Te; Hg-Se, Te) 3. Ternary Semiconductor: III-V (GaxIn1-xAs, AlxGa1-xAs) 4. Quaternary Semiconductor: III-V (GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Electron Mobility GaAs: 7500 cm2/ Vs Si: 1500 cm2/ Vs Electron Mobility (cm2/ V.s) = drift velocity (cm/ s) electric field (V/ cm) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Direct and Indirect Bandgap of Semiconductors Direct bandgap: most of compound semiconductor (optical + electrical) Indirect bandgap: elemental semiconductor (electrical only) Si GaAs Band structure Indirect Direct Band gap 1.12 eV 1.42 eV Mobility 1500 cm2/Vs 7500 cm2/Vs Devices MOSFET MESFET, HFET, LD Applications Logic Device, High speed, high Memory, … frequency devices, optoelectronic devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum X- ray: <1 nm, UV: 10~ 390 nm, Visible: 390 ~ 770 nm, IR: 770nm~ 1 mm Semiconductor Physics and Devices Bandgap Engineering of Compound Semiconductor Indirect bandgap Direct bandgap ultraviolet visible Si GaAs InP infrared E (eV) = hc/λ = 1.24/ λ (µm) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Band gap engineering of AlGaInP/GaAs system High-brightness system for red, orange, and yellow LEDs From red to ultra-violet Energy Gap (eV) 6.0 Direct bandgap Indirect bandgap AlN MgS 5.0 4.0 • Laser diodes • Light emitting diodes MgSe GaN(cubic) ZnS GaN 3.0 GaAs Sapphire 3.0 Si InN 4.0 /high power electric devices ZnSe AlAs GaP 2.0 • Photodetectors • High temperature AlP SiC 1.0 Applications of GaN 5.0 InP Ge (MESFET, HFET, HBT) CdSe 6.0 Lattice Constant (Å) Visible: 390 ~ 770 nm (3.18 eV ~1.61 eV) E = hν = hc/λ = 1.24/ λ (µm) E = h(c/λ) Bandgap engineering of AlGaInN system The GaInN material system is suited for UV, violet, blue, cyan and green high-power LEDs. 12 Application of Semiconductors Si semiconductor o MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) (n-MOSFET, p-MOSFET, C-MOSFET) - High density DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) - High density SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) - High Speed Microprocessor (486, 586, 686, 786?) - Custom IC (multi-functional switch and IC) - Power IC * Computers o Biploar Transistor - High Speed IC - Power IC o Micro-machine Compound Semiconductor o MESFET (Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) - High frequency IC (1~10 GHz, Receiver & Transmitter) - High speed IC with low power consumption (Cray Super Computer) * Mobile communication o HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) - Low-noise amplifier (12~14 GHz, Satellite Communication) - Milimeter-wave IC (>30 GHz) - Indoor wireless LAN (30~60 GHz) o Laser Diodes, LEDs - Optical Communications - Displays (Red, Green, Blue) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Crystalline solids The fact that one can alter the properties of semiconductors over a wide range may have something to do with the atomic arrangement of atoms in these materials. So, let us look at the crystal structure. Lattice: Periodic arrangement of atoms. The atomic arrangement determines the macroproperties of the crystal. Examples: • Amorphous Si thin film transistors used as switching devices in LCDs • Polycrystalline Si used as gate in MOSFETs • Actual active region of MOSFET is fabricated in crystalline Si Semiconductor Physics and Devices Crystalline solids • The Bravais lattices are the distinct lattice types, which can fill the whole space when repeated • Crystals could be divided into 14 unit cells, which meet the following criteria - The unit cell is (the simplest) repeating unit in the crystal - Opposite faces of a unit cell are parallel - The edge of the unit cell connects equivalent points Name Triclinic Monoclinic Orthorhombic Tetragonal Cubic Rhombohedral Condition a 1≠a2≠a3, α≠β≠γ a 1≠a2≠a3, α=β=90o≠γ a 1≠a2≠a3, α=β=γ=90o a 1=a2≠a3, α=β=γ=90o a 1=a2=a3, α=β=γ=90o a 1=a2=a3, α=β=γ<120o≠90o # 1 2 4 2 3 1 Hexagonal a 1=a2=a3, α=β=90o,γ=120o 1 Semiconductor Physics and Devices Unit cell concept The unit cell is a small portion of any given crystal that could be used to reproduce a crystal. Two different ways of representing a unit cell Simple 3-dimensional unit cells simple cubic body-centerd cubic face-centerd cubic Directions and Planes (hkl): a crystal face or a family of planes throughout a crystal lattice. [uvw]: a direction in the lattice from the origin to a point. {hkl}: a set of faces that are equivalent by the symmetry of the crystal. {100} in the isometric class includes (100), (010), (001), (100), (0-10) and (00-1), while for the triclinic {100} only the (100) is included. Miller indices of crystal planes: Cubic system (Si, GaAs, etc.) • Three steps that will lead you to its notating by Miller indices - Identify the intercepts with the axis. - Calculate the inverse of each of those intercepts. - Find the smallest integers proportional to the inverse of the intercepts. Multiplying each fraction with the product of each of the intercepts. 19 Bravais-Miller indices of crystal planes: Hexagonal (GaN, etc.) 20 Crystal structure of Si and Ge and other common semiconductors • • • • 2 FCC lattices displaced by ((1/4) a, (1/4) a, (1/4) a) along body diagonal* Diamond lattice : fcc + (1/4)[111]fcc (=fcc + (1/4) shifted diagonally) 8 atoms per unit cell, atomic packing factor = 34% Diamond lattice (also called “zincblende” if interpenetrating FCC lattices are made of different elements like in GaAs) Each atom is bonded to 4 other atoms (tetrahedral bonding structure with covalent bonding) The lattice constant or cubic edge is “a”. Generally a is expressed in Angstroms. 1 Å = 10–8 cm = 10–10 m 0 3/4 1/4 0 1/2 1/4 0 Diamond, Si (zincblende, GaAs) 0 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 0 Tetragonal Unit Semiconductor Physics and Devices Diamond and zincblende lattice unit cells Diamond structure (Si) Zincblend structure (GaAs) Semiconductor Physics and Devices * Surface Density of atoms in a crystal 1) BCC Structure 2) Diamond Strusture (Si) a1 For (110) plane with a1 = 5 Å 2 atoms Surface Density = = ( a1 )( a1 2 ) = 5.66 x 2 2 (5 × 10 − 8 ) 2 lattice const = 5.43 Å Surface Density = 4 2 (5.43 ×10 −8 ) 2 = 9.59 × 1014 atoms / cm 2 1014 atoms/cm2 * Density (# of atoms per cm3) For GaAs, a1 = 5.66Å Density of GaAs = 8atoms = 4.41× 1022 / cm3 −8 3 (5.66 × 10 ) Density of Ga Atoms = Density of As atoms = 2.205 × 10 22 / cm 3 * Doping Concentration 1016 1019/cm3 n-Si : ~ (ND < NC) + 19 3 n -Si : > 5 x 10 /cm (ND > NC) Source n+-Si Gate n-Si SiO2 Drain n+-Si MOSFET Semiconductor Physics and Devices Example What is the number of Si atoms in 1 cm3 of Si? Given is the lattice constant: a = 5.43 Å 8 atoms = 5×1022 atoms a3 cm3 What is the density of Si? Atomic weight of Si = 28.1 i.e. 1 mole (NA = 6.023 x 1023 atoms) of Si has a mass of 28.1 g gm 5×1022 atoms × 28.1 3 mole = 2.33 g cm Density = 3 23 atoms cm 6.02 ×10 mole 24 * Atomic Bonding 1) Ionic Bonding : Bonding between negatively charged ion and positively charged ion Na + Cl − Na + − + − Cl Na + Na Cl − Cl Na + 11 Na : 1S 2 2S 2 2 P6 3S1 One excess electron at outer orbit 17 Cl : 1S 2 2S 2 2 P6 3S 2 3P5 Depletion of one electron at outer orbit 2) Covalent Bonding : Bonding by sharing electrons between atoms Si H=H Si = Si Si = Si = Si As = Ga = As = Si Si = Si As = H- - H Si As For 14Si : 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P2 => SP3 bond => Tetrahedral Structure Semiconductor Physics and Devices 2) Covalent Bonding : Bonding by sharing electrons between atoms Si H=H Si = Si Si Si = Si = Si = Si As = Ga = As = Si As = H- - H Si As For 14Si : 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P2 => SP3 bond => Tetrahedral Structure Si 6 Be B 13 Mg 30 Zn 48 Cd Ge 50 In 81 Tl Pb 16 33 n-type: P doping in Si S Si 34 As 51 Sn 82 O P Se Si 52 Sb 83 Te 84 Bi e Si = P = Si Po p-type: B doping in Si h Si = B = Si = Hg 15 32 Ga N Si Al 49 80 C 14 31 8 = 12 7 = 5 Si Semiconductor Physics and Devices • As temperature increases, thermal vibration may break the covalent bonding - Generation of free electrons and hole - Current generation Moving directions for e- and h+ are different with each of e- → ← h+ Si e- Si = Si = Si = Si h+ 3) Metallic bonding For sodium atoms (1S2 2S2 2P6 3S1) Eight nearest neighbors with each atom Share valence electrons Semiconductor Physics and Devices * Imperfections and Impurities 1) Thermal vibration • Atoms form solid (energy lowering) E repulsive r0 a => affect to electrical properties, Lattice vibration (phonon scattering) interactive 2) Vacancy, interstitial, Frenkel defect <Vacancy> <interstitial> Semiconductor Physics and Devices 3) Impurities : foreign atoms and dopant (B and P in Si, Be and Si in GaAs, Mg and Si in GaN) Substitutional impurities Interstitial impurities Doping : diffusion, ion implantation, epitaxy <substitutional> <interstitial> GaAs Si <dislocation> Semiconductor Physics and Devices Si-implanted GaAs E = 120 keV Dose = 1 x 1013/ cm3 10 nm Source +-Si n+n-GaAs Gate n-GaAs Drain +-Si n+n-GaAs MESFET Semiconductor Physics and Devices From red to ultra-violet Energy Gap (eV) 6.0 Direct bandgap Indirect bandgap AlN MgS 5.0 4.0 • Laser diodes • Light emitting diodes MgSe GaN(cubic) ZnS GaN 3.0 GaAs Sapphire 3.0 Si InN 4.0 /high power electric devices ZnSe AlAs GaP 2.0 • Photodetectors • High temperature AlP SiC 1.0 Applications of GaN 5.0 InP Ge (MESFET, HFET, HBT) CdSe 6.0 Lattice Constant (Å) Visible: 390 ~ 770 nm (3.18 eV ~1.61 eV) E = h(c/λ) E = hν = hc/λ = 1.24/ λ (µm) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Semiconductor Physics and Devices Crystal Growth of Si: Czochralski Method Substrates from ingots Si (12”), GaAs (6”), InP (3”), GaN (2”4”6”) Semiconductor Physics and Devices Crystal Growth: MBE Semiconductor Physics and Devices Crystal Growth: Vapor phase epitaxy Semiconductor Physics and Devices Crystal Growth: Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) Semiconductor Physics and Devices How Si Chips are made?: From Sand to Intel Processors • Silica Reduced in presence of C ~ 2000oC • Very impure Si (99% pure) Chlorinated • SiCl4 (liquid) Distilled, etc. • Ultrapure SiCl4 Reduced in hydrogen atmosphere • Ultrapure poly-Si (99.9999% pure) From PCPlus.co.uk, http://www.pcplus.co.uk/node/3059 Semiconductor Physics and Devices How Si Chips are made?: From Sand to Intel Processors Growing a cylindrical Si crystal Sorting the good chips from the bad Slicing the crystal into wafers Device processing and interconnection From PCPlus.co.uk, http://www.pcplus.co.uk/node/3059 Semiconductor Physics and Devices Wafer Epitaxy + Process Applications Light communication Optoelectronics process Light Disk Electronics process Semiconductor Physics and Devices