Universe Revealed Age of Stars 1. How far away is the Sun from Earth? 2. What is the goal of the Parker Solar Probe? 3. What is found in the cosmic dark ages? 4. What draws together the matter into a web the size of the cosmos? 5. How much hotter than the Sun was the first star? 6. What are the stars doing? 7. What is formed when helium fuses? 8. Why are the exploding first stars an important moment in the Universe’s history? 9. What do the leftovers become? 10. What phase is water in, on a planet’s surface, in the goldilocks zone? 11. What protects us from the solar wind? 12. How long can it take a photon to reach the Sun’s surface? 13. How do cells use sunlight? 14. How many stars are in our galaxy? 15. What will happen to the cores of stars? 16. When was star formation the most rapid? Universe Revealed Age of Stars 17. What is the last type of star remaining? 18. Paradoxically, the smallest stars____ 19. What is strange about these worlds? 20. How far will the Sun expand? 21. When will the last star die? Universe Revealed Age of Stars 1. How far away is the Sun from Earth? a. 93 million miles 2. What is the goal of the Parker Solar Probe? a. Understand how the Sun sheds its energy 3. What is found in the cosmic dark ages? a. No stars, mostly hydrogen & helium and small amounts of other materials 4. What draws together the matter into a web the size of the cosmos? a. Dark matter 5. How much hotter than the Sun was the first star? a. 17 times 6. What are the stars doing? a. Forging new elements 7. What is formed when helium fuses? a. Carbon, oxygen, and iron 8. Why are the exploding first stars an important moment in the Universe’s history? a. Seeded Universe with heavy elements and paved way for new stars 9. What do the leftovers become? a. The planets 10. What phase is water in, on a planet’s surface, in the goldilocks zone? a. Liquid 11. What protects us from the solar wind? a. Earth’s magnetic field 12. How long can it take a photon to reach the Sun’s surface? a. A million years 13. How do cells use sunlight? a. Turn carbon dioxide and water into food in the form of sugar 14. How many stars are in our galaxy? a. Up to 100 billion 15. What will happen to the cores of stars? a. Cool, darken and solidify 16. When was star formation the most rapid? a. 4 billion years since the big bang 17. What is the last type of star remaining? a. Red dwarf 18. Paradoxically, the smallest stars____ a. Last the longest 19. What is strange about these worlds? a. Only one side faces the star 20. How far will the Sun expand? a. Beyond Earth 21. When will the last star die? a. In 10 trillion years