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Exam Prep & Test Anxiety Discussion

Discussion Assignment Unit 8
Preparing for Final Exams
Preparing for and taking exams is the practical application of the learning cycle; review and
apply (College Success, 2015). There are two strategies that are essential for me to do when
preparing for final exams, first is to review and reread my notes and the other is, answering past
year exam questions. But to do either of these tasks, I have to make sure to schedule a time
during the week to review materials, because it’s important to understand the material to be able
to apply it in my learning or in real-life experiences. Exams is a time when we are required to
apply our thoughts from material learned, explain our thoughts using critical thinking, manage
our thoughts properly to better answer questions and be able to summarize everything we have
learned in our answers. That is why it helps to have a plan when preparing for any exam and
follow it through.
I usually have test-taking anxieties before any major exam. Though my test-taking anxiety at the
moment is probably due to the fact that this is the first online exam I will be taking from an
accredited American university, it’s a whole new experience but something that I will benefit
from. It’s the same worrying feeling that I get from doing something that I have not done before
but something I am willing to experience to help me succeed in life and it’s important to have the
right attitude, to be able to manage test anxiety.
It is normal to have test anxiety, to control and best manage my test anxiety, what usually works
for me is preparing well for the exam, that is, reviewing and understanding materials learned
during the course. It also helps to read up on and practice study tips provided in the learning
materials, I find them very useful and important in guiding me during studying because we study
to learn, not just for tests (College Success, 2015).
Word Count: 324
College Success. (2015). Chapter 6.1: Test anxiety and how to control it.
by Casmir Adumekwe - Monday, 25 October 2021, 6:31 PM