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Senior Board Rubric

CHS Virtual Senior Boards 2021 Rubric
English Teacher:
Visual Elements: Images and formatting are pleasing to the
eye, appropriate to the project and demonstrate that the
student has taken care in their selection.
Home Tab: Shows student’s name, title of the project, and
link to speech.
Senior Project Proposal Tab: Proposal is present and free
from obvious errors.
Senior Research Paper: Paper is present and free from
obvious errors.
Reflection: Reflection is present and free from obvious
Log of Hours: Log is present, signed, and shows at least 20
hours for a Proficient and 40 for an Excellent.
Visual Documentation: Pictures or video that verify the
project are present. For an Excellent score, pictures must
have captions.
Extras: At least two extra elements are included. These
could be a résumé, a copy of the mentor thank-you letter, or
any item a student included to give board members a better
understanding of the project.
Introduction: Opening statement is engaging and purpose
is clear.
Research, Expertise and Application of Learning: These
are apparent through clear main points and supporting
details. Self-discovery statements such as “I learned” and “I
never knew” reflect the speaker’s growth.
Organization: Topic is clear from the outset. Speech is
logically ordered. Transitions link various parts.
Conclusion: Major points reviewed. Final sentences make
the speech feel complete.
Language Usage: Word choice is mature and precise. Filler
words such as ummm, you know, like, etc. are minimal.
Body Language: Posture projects poise. Use of gestures
enhances the speech. Nervous or distracting gestures are
minimal. Makes eye contact with the camera.
Work Quality: The e-Portfolio and speech show the student’s
pride and/or care and attention in their work.
Learning/Growth: The e-Portfolio and speech show evidence
of the student’s growth or learning.
Verification/Value: The e-Portfolio and speech shows solid
evidence that the project took place and had value.
COMMENTS are greatly appreciated!