New energy evaluating methodology of Air conditioner and Heat pump ___________________________ The 3rd Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network Conference Research and Development of Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Technologies in Industrial and Residential Sectors 8 October 2013 Jun Choi Korea Testing Laboratory Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 1 Global Market Global market : 61.5B$(2008)→170B$ (2012) Major Market : US, Japan, Europe, China CAGR : more than 14% Ductless(67%)>Chille r(AHU included, 19%)>Unitary(14%) China(20%)>NA(19 %)>Europe(16%)>J apan(14%) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network World market : 170 B$ in 2012 2 High Efficiency What is high efficiency ? – Cooling • EER = Cooling Capacity / Effective Power Input • Large is Efficient – Heating • COP = Heating Capacity / Effective Power Input • Large is Efficient – Averaged COP = (EER + COP)/2 • Japan But, COP and EER at one point is not real usage – Part load efficiency is necessary – SEER (CSPF and HSPF) is using in some countries, but complicated – New high efficiency products are adopted with inverter-driven compressor and 2 or 3 combined compressors Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 3 Improved Technology Trend 70’s Fixed Speed Compressor 80~90’s Variable capacity with Bypass compressor Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 2000’s AC Inverter Compressor 2007’s DC Inverter Compressor 4 High Efficiency Air conditioners Korean Market a new model adopted with a new technology, two stage or variable capacity models in order to meet a new high EELSP in a market even a high price High Efficiency AC Models,Split type, 4.0 kW ≤ RCC < 10.0 kW High Efficiency AC Models,Split type, 10.0 kW ≤ RCC < 17.5 kW 600 70 400 500 400 455 60 254 Models 300 40 212 100 160 171 20 17 2001 7 2002 0 2004 2005 20 23 20 164 10 31 2003 22 30 245 164 28 29 Models 200 0 54 50 243 230 62 2006 2007 14 11 4 2001 1 2002 2003 7 2 2004 2005 2006 Split type, 4.0 kW ≤ RCC < 10.0 kW Two stages or variable capacity Split type, 10.0 kW ≤ RCC < 17.5 kW Two stages or variable capacity Split type, 4.0 kW ≤ RCC < 10.0 kW Fixed capacity Split type, 10.0 kW ≤ RCC < 17.5 kW Fixed capacity Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 2007 5 Power consumption rate of stocked AC in fiscal year has reduced 23.6% from 2001 to 2007 Power consumption rate of stocked air conditioners in fiscal year "n" 5.00 4.50 23.6% 4.00 3.50 3.00 MWh 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 6 Energy efficiency for Part loads SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) – Annual energy use for the appliances or system, unitary AC • Variable-speed, two-speed systems – SEER was developed by NIST, US (Parken et al 1977; Kelly & Parken 1978; Parken et al 1985) – Based on a bin analysis that calculated the cooling load, capacity and efficiency over a range of ambient temperature – CSPF (Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor) & HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) – US, Japan, Korea IPLV (Integrated part load value) – For Chiller developed in 1986, US – IPLV (Integrated part load value) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 7 ISO TC86 SC6 WG1 Japan proposed APF(Annual Performance factor) NWIP in 2006, and it was accepted in 2007 ISO TC86 SC6 WG1 is running to develop a new test method for AC/HP – ISO 16538 “Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps -Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors” • Part1 : Cooling seasonal performance factor • Part2 : Heating seasonal performance factor • Part3 : Annual performance factor Convenor is Mr. Bernard Hugh from England – Japan, USA, Korea, France, and Spain are participated Currently FDIS ballot stage, ISO FDIS 16358 Not available on water source – Air-to-Water, Water-to-Air, Water-to-Water, Water-to Brine etc Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 8 Types – fixed capacity unit • equipment which does not have possibility to change its capacity. This definition applies to each cooling and heating operation individually. – two (2)-stage capacity unit • equipment where the capacity is varied by no more than two steps. This definition applies to each cooling and heating operation individually. – multi-stage capacity unit equipment where the capacity is varied by 3 or 4 steps. This definition applies to each cooling and heating operation individually – variable capacity unit • equipment where the capacity is varied by 5 or more steps to represent continuously variable capacity. This definition applies to each cooling and heating operation individually. Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 9 Cooling mode Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 10 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 11 TCSPF(Total cooling seasonal performance factor) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 12 Heating mode Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 13 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 14 THSPF(Total heating seasonal performance factor) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 15 APF(Annual Performance Factor) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 16 Europe Standard - EN 14825 EN 14825 “Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps, with electrically compressors, for space heating and cooling — Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal performance“. Published March 2012. Will be the harmonized standard for the European Directive on seasonal efficiency of air conditioners (revision summer 2013). Developed using the data of a preliminary study of the European Commission, determining average climates in Europe and representative types of buildings and internal loads schedules. Bin method (number of hours at a given outdoor temperature) Includes the electrical input when the unit is not cooling nor heating. Testing methods for the cooling and heating capacities: EN 14511 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 17 3) Testing procedures and calculations reference design conditions for cooling (Tdesignc) temperature conditions at 35 °C dry bulb (24 °C wet bulb) outdoor tem perature and 27 °C dry bulb (19 °C wet bulb) indoor temperature reference design conditions for heating (Tdesignh) temperature conditions for average, colder and warmer climates o o Tdesign "average" temperature conditions at -10 C dry bulb outdoor temperature and 20 C dry bulb indoor temperature T design "colder" temperature conditions at -22°C dry bulb outdoor temperature and 20°C dry bulb indoor temperature T design "warmer" temperature conditions at +2°C dry bulb outdoor temperature and 20°C dry bulb indoor temperature Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 18 3) Testing procedures and calculations bivalent temperature (Tbivalent) lowest outdoor temperature point at which the heat pump is de clared to have a capacity able to meet 100% of the heating de mand - for the average heating season, the bivalent temperature is +2°CDB or lower - for the colder heating season, the bivalent temperature is -7°CDB or lower - for the warmer heating season, the bivalent temperature is +7°CDB or lower operation limit temperature (TOL) lowest outdoor temperature at which the heat pump can still de liver heating capacity, as declared by the manufacturer Important: both temperatures are declared by the manufacturer. Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 19 3) Testingprocedures and calculations The cooling demand Pc(Tj) can be determin ed by multiplying the full load value (Pdesig nc) with the part load ratio % for each corre sponding bin. This part load ratio % is calc ulated as follows: Cooling mode: Part load ratio % = (Tj-16) / (35-16) Part load ratio (%) Outdoor air dry bulb temperature (°C) Indoor air dry bulb (wet bulb) temperatures (°C) A 100% 35 27(19) B 74% 30 27(19) C 47% 25 27(19) D 21% 20 27(19) n SEER on hj Pc(Tj) j1 n j1 Pc(Tj) hj EER(Tj) The EER values at each bin are determined via interpolation of the EER values at part lo ad conditions A,B,C,D as mentioned in the t ables of Clause 4 of this standard. For part load conditions above part loa d condition A, the same EER values as for condition A are used. For part load conditions below part loa d condition D, the same EER values as for condition D are used. Tj = the bin temperature; j = the bin number; n = the amount of bins; Pc(Tj) = the cooling demand of the building for the corresponding temperature Tj; hj = the number of bin hours occurring at the corresponding temperature Tj; EER(Tj) = the EER values of the unit for the corresponding temperature Tj. Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 20 3) Testing procedures and calculations for fixed capacity units For each part load conditions B,C,D the EER is calculated as follows: EER B,C,D EER DC (1 Cd (1 Pc )) DC EERDC = the EER corresponding to the declared capacity (DC) of the unit at the same temperature conditions as for part load conditions B,C,D. Cd = the degradation coefficient Pc = cooling demand of the building in conditions B, C, D; DC= declared capacity of the unit at the same temperature conditions as for part load conditions B,C,D. If the degradation coefficient Cd is not measured, a default value of 0.25 shall be used. for variable capacity units For each part load conditions B,C,D the EER has to be measured and during the test the part load capacity shall be within ± 10% of the target load. If not possible, the measu rement is done at the closest steps and the EER is calculated in a linear way from the two results. If there is no step giving a load lower than the target, then Cd is used. Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 21 3) Testing procedures and calculations Building load Cooling capacity Cooling capacity of the air conditioner (FIXED CAPACITY) Pdesign (Declared) Values of EER to be claimed Outdoor temperature 16 20 25 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 30 35 Tdesign 39 22 3) Testing procedures and calculations Building load Cooling capacity Cooling capacity of the air conditioner (VARIABLE CAPACITY) Values of EER to be claimed Pdesign (Declared) Minimum frequency Outdoor temperature 16 20 25 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 30 35 Tdesign 39 23 3) Testing procedures and calculations Reference SEER SEER QCE QCE H TO PTO HSB PSB H CK PCK H OFF POFF SEER on HTO, HSB, HCK, HOFF = the number of hours the unit is considered to work in respectively thermostat off m ode, standby mode, crankcase heater mode and off mode; PTO, PSB, PCK, POFF = the electricity consumption during respectively thermostat off mode, standby mode, crankcase heater mode and off mode, expressed in kW. With Q ce Pdesignc H ce (Hce = 350 hours) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 24 3) Testing procedures and calculations Heating mode (Average climate): (%) Outdoor air dry bulb (wet bulb) temperatures (°C) Indoor air dry bulb temperature (°C) A 88% -7(-8) 20 B 54% 2(1) 20 C 35% 7(6) 20 D 15% 12(11) 20 E TOL 20 F Tbivalent 20 Part load ratio TOL: Temperature operation limit (lower temperature) Tbivalent: Lower temperature the heat pump can satisfy the heating load Outdoor wet bulb temperature at TOL and Tbivalent: not required below -7ºC Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 25 n n SCOPon hj Ph(Tj) j1 Ph(Tj) - elbu(Tj) hj elbu(Tj) COP (Tj) j1 PL n SCOPnet hj (Ph(Tj) - elbu(Tj)) j1 n Ph(Tj) - elbu(Tj) COPPL (Tj) hj j1 Tj = the bin temperature; j = the bin number; n = the amount of bins; Ph(Tj) = the heating demand of the building for the corresponding temperature Tj; hj = the number of bin hours occurring at the corresponding temperature Tj; COPPL(Tj) = the COP values of the unit for the corresponding temperature Tj. Elbu(Tj) = the required capacity of an electric backup heater for the corresponding temperature Tj, , expressed in kW The heating demand Ph(Tj) can be determined by multiplying the full load value (Pdesignh) wi th the part load ratio % for each corresponding bin. This part load ratio % is calculated as follo ws : For the average climate : Part load ratio % = (Tj-16) / (-10-16) % For the warmer climate : Part load ratio % = (Tj-16) / (+2-16) % For the colder climate : Part load ratio % = (Tj-16) / (-22-16) % Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 26 3) Testing procedures and calculations Building load Average heating season Building load Heating capacity Heating capacity of the heat pump (FIXED CAPACITY) Pdesign (Declared) ○ TOL -10 -7 Tbivalent Tdesign (Declared) 2 7 12 16 Outdoor temperature Values of COP to be claimed Heating needs covered by the heat pump Heating needs covered by an electrical heater COP = 1 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 27 3) Testing procedures and calculations Building load Building load Heating capacity Average heating season Pdesign (Declared) Heating capacity of the heat pump (VARIABLE CAPACITY) ○ Minimum frequency TOL -10 -7 Tbivalent Tdesign (Declared) 2 Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 7 12 16 Outdoor temperature 28 3) Testing procedures and calculations 600 500 hours (h) 400 Warm 300 Average cold 200 100 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 Outdoor temperature (ºC) Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 29 Standards in KOREA KS C 9306-2007 is available for SEER (CSPF & HSPF) Annex 5 provides the guidelines to define CSPF & HSPF Originally it come from ARI, and ASHRAE (US) standards, and developed in 1992 Compromised with ISO 16358 It was effective for Energy Efficiency Label and Standard Three types Fixed–Speed Compressor Multi-speed & 2-Compressor Variable speed compressor Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 30 Revision KS provides information to calculate SEER Two stage capacity units and variable capacity units should be adopted with CSPF method – But, KS is a little bit different with proposed ISO method • Temperature bin • Temperature conditions, and etc.. – KS is being considered to revise with ISO Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 31 Energy Efficiency Level for heatpump in KOREA Effective from Jan. 2009 : Single heat Pump R= Cooling EER(CEER) + Heating EER(HEER) 2 Non-ducted and ducted unitary (Including window type) R 3.20 ≤ R Level 1 Split type, RCC < 4kW R 4.00 ≤ R Level 1 2.90 ≤ R < 3.20 2 3.60 ≤ R < 4.00 2 2.60 ≤ R < 2.90 3 3.20 ≤ R < 3.60 3 2.30 ≤ R < 2.60 4 2.80 ≤ R < 3.20 4 2.00 ≤ R < 2.30 5 2.40 ≤ R < 2.80 5 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 32 Split type, 4kW RCC < 10kW Split type, 10kW RCC < 23.0kW Level R Level 1 3.20 ≤ R 1 3.40 ≤ R < 3.80 2 2.90 ≤ R < 3.20 2 3.00 ≤ R < 3.40 3 2.60 ≤ R < 2.90 3 2.60 ≤ R < 3.00 4 2.30 ≤ R < 2.60 4 2.20 ≤ R < 2.60 5 2.00 ≤ R < 2.30 5 R 3.80 ≤ R Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 33 Conclusion Promote higher energy efficiency product Need a actual usage under a range of climates, and more realistically and accurately assessing the performance of variable-speed drive compressor systems under conditions of actual use. (e.g. a range of part load conditions) Aligning to ISO 5151 (ISO 13253 and ISO FDIS 15042 as applicable) would appear to be a feasible option Some member countries already introduced New products were introduced ; Heat Pump water heater Asia Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Network 34 PROMOTION OF HIGHER EFFICIENCY ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS IN MALAYSIA: AIR CONDITIONER ROADMAP GUIDELINES (A NATIONAL ROADMAP) Endorsed by DECEMBER 2016 This report has been produced as part of the ASEAN-SHINE program. ASEAN-SHINE is an initiative implemented by the International Copper Association, in partnership with UNEP, SIRIM, RCEE, EEI and IIEE. Program ID Project title Promotion of higher efficiency room air conditioners Air conditioner roadmap guidelines (A national roadmap) Acronym ASEAN-SHINE Funded by European Union, Switch-Asia program Grant amount 1,749,099.90 EUR Contract ref. DCI-ASIE 2012/291-458 Name of beneficiary European Copper Institute Partners - United Nations Environment Programme - Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE), Energy Branch - International Copper Association Southeast Asia - Electrical and Electronics Institute - SIRIM QAS International - Integrated Institute of Electrical Engineers - Research Center for Energy and Environment Contact person Pierre Cazelles Director – Partnerships Asia International Copper Association China Email: Program implementation team Technical Advisor Funding Steering Committee PROMOTION OF HIGHER EFFICIENCY ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS AIR CONDITIONER ROADMAP GUIDELINES (A NATIONAL ROADMAP) MALAYSIA December 2016 Endorsed by Prepared by Technical support by Financial support Disclaimer: This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 01 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF FIGURE & LIST OF TABLES 2 ABBREVIATIONS 3 1 DEFINITION AND RATIONALE 2 VISION 3 MISSION 3.1 4-5 5 5-6 National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP), 2016-2025 4 GOALS AND TARGET 6 5 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 6 6 PAST EXPERIENCE ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY INITIATIVES 6-7 7 ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY LABELLING PROGRAMMES 7-8 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS RESULTS – MALAYSIA AC MARKET CHARACTERISTIC AND DATA 8.1 8.2 8.3 9 9.6 9.7 8-11 AC Market Survey 2014 conducted under ASEAN SHINE project EC Certificate of Approval (COA) for AC from 2014 SIRIM QAS International testing record from 2009-2014 ACTION AND MEASURES – THE ROADMAP COMPONENTS 9.1. 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10 Voluntary Programmes 2005 Implementation and Enforcement of Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) 2014 Energy Efficiency Labelling 11-18 Harmonization of testing methods Harmonization of evaluation methods Harmonization of MEPS Phasing out of R22 and alternative refrigerants Testing Infrastructure, national laboratory capacity and mutual recognition agreements Monitoring and verification Supporting policies to promote products with better energy performance at the national level REFERENCES 19 National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 02 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Label 2 Star to 5 Star (the highest is the most efficient) Sales of all ACs 2009 - 2013 Overview of AC sales by cooling capacity Average EERs for each ASEAN member states EER data with cooling capacities lower than 15,000Btu/h 8 9 10 14 15 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Data of approved COA issued by ST for air conditioners 2014-2015 Data of tested air conditioners for cooling capacity (CC) less than 15000Btu/h Data of tested air conditioners for cooling capacity (CC) more than 15000Btu/h Star rating for (CC) <4.5kW Star rating for (CC) 4.5kW CC 7.1kW 10 11 11 13 14 03 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia ABBREVIATIONS AC Air Conditioners AMS ASEAN Member States ASEAN SHINE ASEAN Standards Harmonization Initiative for Energy Efficiency CC Cooling Capacity COA Certificate of Approval CSPF Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CSPF); method of EER calculation/evaluation EC Energy Commission of Malaysia (ST-Suruhanjaya Tenaga) EE Energy Efficiency EER Energy Efficiency Ratio MACRA MALAYSIAN AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION ASSOCIATION MEGTW Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTH MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standard NEEAP National Energy Efficiency Action Plan NRM National Roadmap National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 04 1. DEFINITION AND RATIONALE 1.1 Foreword The residential air conditioning market in Malaysia is witnessing significant growth rates in recent years. The emergence of new development areas such as Iskandar region in Johor coupled with a steady growth of housing development in the Klang Valley and Northern region have contributed much to the expansion of the air conditioner industry to where it is now. A steady national economic growth, continuous boom in urbanization, increasing purchasing power of consumers and current lifestyles of the younger generation have encouraged homeowners to opt for air conditioners over economic alternatives such as air coolers and fans. Hot climatic conditions have also intensified demand for air conditioners to essentially overcome high temperatures and humidity levels in buildings. Better living conditions have also led to population growth in many geographical areas which consequently resulted in more thriving local residential construction businesses. This has translated into bigger profits for the air-conditioning industry where developers of high-end properties offer air-conditioners as part of their sale package to attract more purchasers. Air conditioner manufacturers have further tapped into the construction sector by supplying appliances and devices directly to developers, thus significantly increasing their market shares in this sector which potentially can be more than the retail market. Alternatively, air conditioners are also offered by developers to purchasers of new houses as a total package. The current market trend in Malaysia shows that one out of four air conditioners purchased is run on inverter technology. Public awareness on energy and cost saving capabilities will further see robust sales of high energy efficiency performance of eco-friendly air conditioners. ASEAN Standards Harmonization Initiative for Energy Efficiency (ASEAN SHINE) works to mitigate energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of the countries in the region by increasing the market share of energy efficient air conditioners. A regional study “Harmonization of air conditioner standards in ASEAN economies” completed under this initiative early this year found that space cooling appliances represent close to 50% of the total electricity demand in the residential and commercial sectors in ASEAN. The ASEAN market for air conditioners is expected to grow at an annual rate of 10% over the next 5 years, which will drive the electricity demand even higher. However, another remarkable finding of the regional study is that the majority of air conditioners available in ASEAN countries have energy performance that is already above the current national energy efficiency standards. In this context, ASEAN-SHINE aims to harmonize minimum energy performance standards for room air conditioners in ASEAN countries at a higher level to eliminate the most inefficient models from the market. The regional study has led to the development of a Regional Policy Roadmap to harmonize air conditioning standards in ASEAN countries by 2020, which was endorsed by the ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting on 7 October 2015 in a statement that was signed by the relevant ministers and high level officials from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and by the Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community. 05 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia This paper describes the national roadmap guidelines (NRM) for the harmonization of energy performance standards of small and medium residential air conditioners in Malaysia. The national roadmap guidelines (NRM) describe various components that have been recommended by the national committee and technical working groups of the ASEAN SHINE project and concrete action as required. To achieve that, the national roadmap guidelines will formulate a set of necessary actions for the enforcement of relevant national regulations and policies, improvement of technical capacity of the testing laboratories and personnel, and enhancement of procedures to ensure product compliance with new stringent standards. ASEAN-SHINE is funded under the EU SWITCH-Asia programmes, which seeks to promote the adoption of the Sustainable Consumption and Production goals among small and medium-sized enterprises and consumer groups in Asia. 2. VISION Our vision is to achieve the biggest market share for high energy efficient air conditioners in Malaysia. 3. MISSION Our mission is to carry out initiatives and coordinated programmes such as; a) adoption of harmonized standards b) having a regulation in place to enforce the standards (MEPS) c) mobilization of AC manufacturers in support of the regulation through engagement and consultation d) creating awareness among end-users (households) about the advantages of higher efficiency ACs e) creating an enabling environment for conformity assessment and market compliance f) having a time-bound plan for the progressive increase of MEPS over time 3.1 National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP), 2016-2025 The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) 2016-2025 presents a strategy for a well-coordinated and cost effective implementation of energy efficiency measures in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors, which will lead to reduced energy consumption and economic savings for the consumers and the nation.The target of NEEAP is to save electricity and reduce electricity demand growth. This document illustrates the promotion of higher efficiency air conditioners as part of the NEEAP in the Malaysian market as well as meeting the Ministry’s policy direction: ”Promote energy efficiency to ensure productive use of energy and minimise waste in order to contribute to sustainable development and increased welfare and competitiveness.” 1 ___________________ 1 Extract from NEEAP document National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 06 In meeting the policy direction, the NEEAP has identified 10 specific energy efficiency programmes to be implemented over a period of 10 years. The programmes are grouped into 5 key initiatives where 2 of the initiatives are related to domestic electrical appliances. They are; Initiative 1: Promotion of 5-Star Rated Appliances; Initiative 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) Those 2 initiatives are important in driving the nation towards a sustainable energy path. In general, the target of the NEEAP is to save electricity and reduce the electricity demand growth 4. GOALS AND TARGET (Scope and Objective) The objective of the National Roadmap (NRM) is to provide clear guidelines in the adoption of the national policies, regulations and approach in promoting the use of more efficient air conditioning equipment and in defining the targets to be achieved by Malaysia with regard to harmonization of the energy performance standards of air conditioners by 2020. This document will create the road map for air conditioner energy efficiency for the next 5-10 years. This will allow a coordinated effort to improve energy efficiency in air conditioners and ensure a continuous implementation of the initiatives The Regional Policy Roadmap sets the vision for the whole ASEAN region, identifies specific priority areas, where to apply effort with the objective to achieving the vision. The Regional Policy Roadmap was drawn up based on the regional study which was implemented by and with contributions from the ASEAN-SHINE partners. In this context, the National Roadmap (NRM) is formulated using the ideas and knowledge developed by the regional study, in line with its vision, priority areas and targets as stated in the Regional Roadmap. The development of this NRM has the involvement of the expertise of all relevant national stakeholders at every stage until its final outcome. 5. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The EC (Energy Commission), established under the Energy Commission Act 2001, is the regulatory agency for the electricity and the gas supply industry at the reticulation stage. The Commission’s main tasks are to regulate the electricity and gas supply industry at the reticulation stage from the technical, safety and economic aspects. EC also advises the Minister of EGTW (Energy, Green Technology and Water) on all matters related to electricity and tariffs including energy efficiency promotion. EC is the regulatory body mandated by the Malaysian government to regulate the implementation of energy efficiency labelling programmes in Malaysia The Electricity (amendment) Regulation 2013 was officially mandated on 3rd May 2013 by EC. The amendment includes additional new regulations with regard to the use of energy efficiency equipment and a Fourth Schedule (sub regulation 101A) that embed a list of equipment currently under MEPS mandatory requirement. Air conditioner is one of the items on the list. 07 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia 6. PAST EXPERIENCE ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY INITIATIVES (SAVE PROGRAMME) Sustainability Achieved via Energy Efficiency Programmes or SAVE was a programme designed under the Economic Transformation Programmes (ETP) of the Malaysian Government in July 2011. The programme was aimed to provide cash rebates for the purchase of energy-efficient refrigerators, air-conditioners and chillers. A total of RM 45 million was allocated under the programme for the rebates and promotional campaign activities throughout the country. The budget had covered the purchases of as many as 100,000 units of refrigerators, 65,000 units of airconditioners and 72,000RT capacity of energy efficient chillers for eligible domestic consumers and private companies. SAVE has helped to create a market for energyefficient appliances and market penetration of those products1. Total energy saved from the equipment for the period from 2011 to 2013 was 306.9GWh2. 7. ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY LABELLING PROGRAMMES Energy rating and labelling has been a key contributor in the market transformation of household appliances towards more energy efficient models. Labelling of appliances is an effective tool to inform the consumer about the energy consumption of the electrical goods. It is one of 5 key initiatives identified under NEEAP. 7.1 Voluntary Programmes 2005 The EC (Energy Commission) is responsible for the electrical appliances energy efficiency and labelling programmes. The programmes were introduced and opened to all manufacturers in 2005, initially for domestic refrigerator on a voluntary basis. It was expanded in 2009, to include other products such as electric fans, TV, air conditioners and ballasts. Each product is included in the programmes on the basis that the consumer will benefit from its regulation for energy efficiency. The purpose of the programmes are: ___________________ 2 Extract from Strategy Paper 17-EPU: RMK10-RMK11 National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 08 a. b. c. d. 7.2 to improve Malaysia’s energy efficiency performance. to encourage the development and innovation of high quality products (market demand for more high energy efficient appliance will spur more product technology innovations) to provide a better and fairer competition in the marketing of products, to help consumers in their purchasing decisions Implementation and Enforcement of Minimum Energy Performance Standard Effective 3rd May 2014, 5 domestics electrical products namely air conditioner, refrigerator, television, fans and lamps shall meet the energy efficiency requirement under Electricity Regulation 1994 (Amendments 2013) Regulation 101A (3). All the above appliances except lamp shall be affixed with the energy efficiency label onto the products before they can be sold to consumers. This energy efficiency label gives the customer information on energy consumption. The minimum requirement of the energy efficiency label for appliances to be sold in Malaysia is 2-Star. The 5-Star appliances are the most energy efficient and will give significant saving on the electricity bill in the long run. 7.3 Energy Efficiency labelling Energy efficiency labelling allows consumer to be informed about the energy consumption of the appliances they wish to purchase. Figure 1: Label 2 Star to 5 Star (the highest is the most efficient) 09 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia 8. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS RESULTS – MALAYSIA AC MARKET CHARACTERISTIC AND DATA 8.1 AC Market Survey 2014 conducted under ASEAN SHINE project Based on the regional study / survey conducted in 2014, for Malaysia market, the largest market share of around 83% is for air conditioners with CC <15,000 Btu/h and around 13% for air conditioners with 15,000 < CC < 25,000 Btu/h. Sales and types overview The room air conditioners market in Malaysia achieved sales of over 826,000 units in 2013. The average sales growth in the past 5 years is 4-5% per year. A large proportion (more than 90%) of the units are split ACs; window ACs represent a very small share and expected to further decrease over time.3 Figure 2: Sales of all ACs 2009 - 2013 A large A proportion (96%) of the models have a cooling capacity less than 20,000 Btu/h; within these, the most popular are units less than 9,000 Btu/h. ___________________ 3 Extract from ASEAN Regional Policy Roadmap National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 10 Figure 3: Overview of AC sales by cooling capacity The above figure provides an overview of the distribution of ACs models by capacity in 2013, in Malaysia. Most of the ACs available in the Malaysian market are of the non-inverter type and use R-22 refrigerant; while the inverter units available in the market use R-410A. In terms of EER, from market survey data 2014, Malaysia air conditioners have an EER of 3.1 W/W for air conditioners with cooling capacity < 15000 Btu/h. While for air conditioners with cooling capacity > 15000 Btu/h, the average value of EER was 2.9W/W 8.2 EC Certificate of Approval (COA) for AC from 2014-2015 The following EC data information is based on number of AC models that have been approved for COA in 2014. They are for all air conditioners (inverter or non-inverter) with a cooling capacity (CC) of 25,000Btu/h and below. During preparation of this document, total number of COA issued by EC was 373 STAR rating No of models percentage 5 211 56.57 4 47 12.60 3 64 17.16 2 51 13.67 Table 1: Data of approved COA issued by ST for air conditioners 2014-2015 Since the enforcement of energy efficiency requirement under Electricity Regulation 1994 (Amendments 2013) Regulation 101A (3) on 3rd May 2014, more than 60% of the air conditioners are either of 5 STAR of 4 STAR rating. This shows that the penetration of high efficient air conditioners are beginning to take shape and how the initiative is beginning to show results4. 11 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia 8.3 SIRIM QAS International testing record from 2013 - 2014 The followings are testing data on air conditioners as conducted by SIRIM QAS International 5 Applicant (Brand) Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Average EER Total No. of models (data) No. of models with EER <2.9 A CC < 4.5kW (15000Btu/h) 3.64 22 1 B CC < 15000 3.23 16 1 C CC < 15000 3.33 20 2 D CC < 15000 3.94 13 0 E CC < 15000 3.33 22 2 F CC < 15000 3.4 6 1 G CC < 15000 3.5 4 0 Other Brands CC < 15000 3.24 49 7 OVERALL CC < 15000 3.45 152 14 Table 2: Data of tested air conditioners for cooling capacity (CC) less than 15000Btu/h Applicant (Brand) Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Average EER Total No. of models (data) No. of models with EER <2.9 A 4.5kW<CC< 7.1kW (15000 <CC< 25000) 3.44 23 4 B 15000 <CC< 25000 3.36 6 0 C 15000 <CC< 25000 2.77 15 8 D 15000 <CC< 25000 3.28 8 2 E 15000 <CC< 25000 3.13 11 4 F 15000 <CC< 25000 3.04 6 2 G 15000 <CC< 25000 3.1 10 5 Other Brands 15000 <CC< 25000 3.10 47 22 OVERALL 15000 <CC< 25000 3.15 126 47 Table 3: Data of tested air conditioners for cooling capacity (CC) more than 15000Btu/h ___________________ 4 5 Data from ST (Energy Commission) Data from SIRIM QAS International Energy Efficiency laboratory National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 12 Based on laboratory test data collected by SIRIM QAS International from 20132014(till Sept), the average EER for air conditioners tested at SIRIM test facilities was 3.45 W/W with cooling capacity < 15000 Btu/h. As for air conditioners with cooling capacity > 15000 Btu/h, the average value of EER was 3.15W/W. Though the sampling size is not significantly big, but it gives us a general outlook where Malaysia is in comparison with other ASEAN countries in terms of EER values. This information is important yardstick for regulator to decide future EER values, and subsequently MEPS. 9. ACTION AND MEASURES – THE ROADMAP COMPONENTS 9.1 Harmonization of testing methods Current standard: As specified in the 2014 EC Information booklet, MS ISO 5151:2004 is a reference standard for testing of air conditioners. This standard is identical to the older version of ISO 5151:1994. However, Malaysia has a newer version of MS ISO 5151:2012 as a national standard, which is an identical adoption of ISO 5151:2010. EC has accepted and recognized this new standard and currently all tests on air conditioners are now using the latest standard. Malaysia has also agreed to take into consideration metrics to measure part-load energy performance and any revision to ISO 5151:2010 in the future. Migration to a new standard (if any) Current EC Energy Efficiency programmes are due for revision by earliest in 2016. Any revision of the harmonized testing standards will be discussed. Any changes at national level should be informed at the ASEAN level (EE&C-SSN) meeting Any future revision of testing standards should be done within 5 years YEAR standard / revision of existing standard 9.2 2012 Current MS ISO 5151:2012 2017 Next Revision 2022 Next Revision Harmonization of evaluation methods Malaysia has agreed to adopt a reporting format for air conditioner energy efficiency as EER or CSPF for fixed speed and inverter. Currently, an EER and a weighted EER are used to report a performance of an air conditioner for fixed type and inverter type respectively. The EER is calculated as shown below: i. Non-Inverter type: Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) = ii. Inverter type: Weighted (EER) = Cooling Capacity (CC) (btu/hr) ---------------------------------Power Input (W) 0.4x Capacity (100% load) 0.6 x Capacity (50% load) ----------------------------------- + -------------------------------Power Input (100% load) Power Input (50% load) 13 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia Adoption of a common evaluation method CSPF using ISO 16358-1 (as method of EER calculation/evaluation) to replace the current weighted EER for inverter models may be considered by 2020 or sooner. This will be considered during the discussion for the revision of Malaysia MEPS standard MS2597:2014, which should take place before 2019 or in 2017 at the earliest 2015 2016-2019 2020 2016- Study on adoption of standard ISO 16358, stakeholder Current consultation on revising current Full EER MEPS values and amendment of implementation calculation MEPS standard of CSPF method standard for 2017- MS (MEPS) standards EER calculation Revision 2018-Finalized & implementation 2019-Grace period for implementation ** Preparation of a comparison table & data between EER calculation with the existing formula and EER based on CSPF standard. YEAR Adoption of new calculation method CSPF 9.3 Harmonization of MEPS To further promote the efficient use of energy in the country, the Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) has been introduced by the government for efficient electrical equipment and material. MEPS establishes minimum level of energy performance that products must meet or exceed before they can be sold to consumers. It improves the average efficiency of products available in the market by raising the performance of the least efficient products. MEPS will ensure that low efficient air conditioners are not dumped in the market. MEPS is one of the initiatives identified under the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014. Malaysia has published a new MEPS standard MS 2597:2014 for air conditioners. To meet the requirements of the MEPS, the performance criteria when conducting test using the relevant testing standards have to be met. The current scope of the cooling capacity is for wall mounted single split units which are up to 25,000Btu/h. Based on the regional survey conducted in 2014, for Malaysia market, the largest market share of around 83% for air conditioners with CC <15,000 Btu/h and around 13% for air conditioners with 15,000 < CC < 25,000 Btu/h. The impact on air conditioners with larger cooling capacity >25,000 Btu/h is relatively insignificant. Currently, Malaysia MEPS policy for air conditioner has two separate tables, i.e. for CC < 15,000Btu/h and 15,000 < CC < 25,000Btu/h. i. For rated cooling capacity (CC) <4.5kW or Note: 1W = 3.412 Btu/h CC <15354 Btu/h (~ < 15000Btu/h) Star Rating 5 4 3 (Btu/h/W) 11.94 11.16 -11.93 10.37 - 11.15 2 1 9.56 - 10.36 9.00- 9.55 Table 4: Star rating for (CC) <4.5kW Tested EER W/W 3.50 3.27 – 3.50 3.04 – 3.27 2.80 – 3.04 2.64 – 2.80 National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 14 ii. For rated cooling capacity (CC) 4.5kW CC 15354Btu/h CC 7.1kW or 24225 Btu/h (~ 15000Btu/h CC Star Rating 5 4 3 (Btu/h/W) 10.71 9.83 -10.70 8.94 – 9.82 2 1 8.03 – 8.93 1.00- 8.02 Table 5: Star rating for (CC) 4.5kW CC 25000 Btu/h) Tested EER W/W 3.14 2.88 – 3.13 2.62 – 2.88 2.35 – 2.62 2.20 – 2.35 7.1kW Figure 4: Average EERs for each ASEAN member states EERs varies significantly among ASEAN economies as a result of the types of ACs available in each country and the corresponding efficiency and labelling policies that are currently in place. From Figure 4 above, Thailand displays the most efficient product market in all AC capacity categories among the surveyed economies (Singapore has the most efficient market but it did not participate in the survey and thus it is not shown in the figure). Vietnam is second on performance for smaller cooling capacities, followed by Malaysia.6 ___________________ 6 Extract from ASEAN Regional Policy Roadmap 15 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia Figure 5: EER data with cooling capacities lower than 15,000Btu/h From 2014 survey, average EER for models in Malaysia market with cooling capacities lower than 15,000Btu/h was around 10.6Btu/h/W or 3.1W/W In line with what have been proposed at the regional level, Malaysia has agreed to notify a minimum EER (also refers to weighted EER) of 2.9W/W (or CSPF of 3.1W/W by 2020 or as early as 2018) as mandatory MEPS for all fixed and variable drive air conditioners below 15,000Btu/h) capacities. Subsequently, for 15,000 < CC < 25,000Btu/h, the EER shall be increased but subject to further discussion with the regulator and the stakeholders based on the performance of the air conditioner. The discussion on the new MEPS will be finalized soon before the next revision of Malaysia MEPS Standard MS 2597:2014 in 2018. The MEPS will be periodically reviewed and revised at an interval of 5 years or less MEPS for ASEAN (CC <4.5kW (CC< 15000 Btu/h)) YEAR EER for MEPS value 2015 2018 Depending on each AMS country by 2020 2.9 or CSPF of 3.08 MEPS for Malaysia Referring to item 8.2, Malaysia has agreed to adopt a reporting format for air conditioner energy efficiency as EER or CSPF for fixed speed and inverter. If CSPF is used, then Malaysia will adopt MEPS value for CSPF of 3.1 W/W by 2020. This was proposed and agreed after a consultation workshop on air conditioner between ST and industry players was held on 29 th Feb 2016. This is in line with the value agreed at regional. National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 16 YEAR CSPF for MEPS value for all CC - CC < 4.5kW - 4.5kW CC 7.1kW 2016 -2019 2016- Study on adoption of standard ISO 16358, stakeholder consultation on revising current MEPS values and amendment of MEPS standard by 2020 3.1 W/W 2017- MS (MEPS) standards Revision 2018-Finalized & implementation 2019-Grace period for implementation 9.4 Phasing out of R22 and alternative refrigerants Despite favourable conditions for growth, the residential air-conditioning market is stifled by the change of refrigerant from R22 to more expensive environment-friendly alternatives. Malaysia will start to phase out R22 gradually starting from Dec 2015 with prohibition of manufacturing, assembly and import of HCFC-based air conditioners of 2.5HP and lower for use in Malaysia. This initiative is under the Department of Environment (DOE), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment: “Phasing out of R22 by 2015 – Through Malaysia’s Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) Phase out Management Plan (HPMP). Stage 1 (2012-2016)”.7 The main challenges for HCFC phase-out in air conditioning sector were identified to be; i. the absence of a mature technology and efficient alternative technology, ii. the rapidly growing population of HCFC-based air conditioning equipment, enhancing the HCFC demand in the manufacturing and servicing, and iii. additional cost incurred to change refrigerant from R22 to a more environmental friendly alternatives At the moment R32 and R410a have been identified and widely used in the air conditioners by majority of air conditioner manufacturers for their new models. YEAR Phasing out of HCFCbased refrigerant with a new environmental friendly refrigerant 2012-2016 HPMP Stage 1 (2012-2016) Ban on R22 in a new imported ACs by Dec 2015 ___________________ 7 Extract from Malaysia HCFC Phase Out Management Plan 2020 HPMP Stage 2 (2016-2020) Prohibit manufacture, assembly and import of all HCFC based product and equipment 17 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia 9.5 Testing Infrastructure, national laboratory capacity and mutual recognition agreement Malaysia currently has one government-link testing laboratory, i.e. SIRIM QAS International, which provides energy efficiency testing for air conditioners. The laboratory has complete test facilities that can provide technical support to ensure energy efficient appliances (including air conditioners sold in the Malaysian market) are thoroughly tested; meeting globally recognized energy efficiency standards and regulations. SIRIM QAS International has been accredited as a recognised CBTL (CB Testing laboratory) under IECEE CB scheme (an international scheme for electrical & electronic appliances), by STANDARDS MALAYSIA for SAMM accreditation scheme (for laboratory) and designated as a recognised testing laboratory by EC as well as listed as one of the laboratories under the ASEAN EEEMRA and AHEEERR (ASEAN Harmonized Electrical Electronic Equipment Regulatory Regime) agreements for electrical & electronic product/equipment. Being the largest certification body in the country with more than 40 years of experience in product certification scheme and testing, SIRIM QAS International is more than capable of fulfilling tasks assigned to support MEPS. Currently SIRIM QAS International air conditioner test facilities are able to conduct energy efficiency test according to two types of test methods – air enthalpy and balanced-type calorimeter. To further improve the credibility of the testing lab in the future, the followings are recommended; i. ii. iii. lab has to maintain its accreditation lab has to enhance its capability through a continuous training to increase staff competency lab has to reduce differences in reporting the results through participation in proficiency programmes or round robin test programmes As for mutual recognition agreement, Malaysia currently is a signatory to ASEAN Electrical and Electronic Mutual Recognition Agreement (ASEAN EEEMRA) and ASEAN Harmonised Electrical and Electronics Equipment Regulatory Regime (AHEEERR). The two documents are for mutual acceptance of test report and test certificates among ASEAN member states on certain regulated electrical and electronic products including the energy efficiency test requirements 9.6 Monitoring and verification 9.6.1 Collection of EE data A monitoring programme to follow-up the action plan is required. EC will monitor the effectiveness of the EC Energy Efficiency Labelling programmes through data collection from their information system and a database on energy efficiency. This can be in the form of sales data on the number of high efficient air conditioners sold in the country or an estimated amount of energy savings from energy efficient air conditioners sold in a given period of time. National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia | 18 9.6.2 Verification of information on label To ensure that the integrity of EC STAR rating programmes, a reliable compliance monitoring process is a must. EC need to ensure that the declared energy performance as well as related information provided on energy / STAR rating labels are correct. A regular inspection on ACs market should be initiated. The current mechanism where manufacturer or importer who have obtained COA and required to print out the EE label (based on EC Energy Efficiency labelling) may have to be reviewed. This is to ensure that the data information on the label are correct and not disputable. Label redesign should also be considered so as to reflect the current MEPS value as well as to distinguish the year the label was issued. 9.6.3 Market surveillance and a verification testing There is legal framework to act on non-compliance issues for the labelling programme in Malaysia. Under EC new Electricity (Amendment) Regulation 2013, regulation 109A, it states that the EC may, from time to time, carry out market surveillance to determine if the equipment referred to in the regulation is safe and affixed with an efficiency rating label. The non- compliance and related issues are addressed in the regulation. In addition, the EC is also responsible to ensure the compliance with safety requirements. A good STAR rating labelling programmes requires market surveillance as well as verification testing. The EC will initiate and plan a market surveillance programme to ensure that the products already in the market are always complying with the MEPS requirement. A component of the market surveillance includes a verification testing on the samples picked up at random from the market. The significant of this programme is: i. ii. to ensure relevancy of data to ensure that samples in the market are in compliance with regulation To ensure its effectiveness, it is recommended that the market surveillance programmes be carried on a regular basis. This is especially for air conditioner test data that were generated from overseas test labs and witness tests data conducted at manufacturers’ premises 9.7 Supporting policies to promote products with better energy performance at the national level. The NEEAP has identified energy efficiency programmes to be implemented over a period of 10 years. The programmes can be grouped into 5 key initiatives related:• Key Initiative 1: Promotion of 5-Star Rated appliances; • Key Initiative 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS); • Key Initiative 3: Energy Audits and Management in Buildings and Industries; • Key Initiative 4: Promotion of cogeneration. • Key Initiative 5: Energy Efficient Building Design. Key Initiatives 1 and 2 are related to promotional activities for high efficient air conditioners. Although most of the programmes will be mainly funded by the private sector, the government has also allocated a budget for awareness and promotional activities to encourage consumer buy-in for energy efficient products, including that of 7 . ACs ___________________ 7 Extract from NEEAP document 19 | National Policy Roadmap: Malaysia REFERENCES The following reference materials / documents are used during the preparation of these guidelines: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Harmonization of Air conditioners standards in ASEAN economies - A Regional Policy Roadmap – CLASP – Feb 2015. United Nations Energy Programmes for ASEAN SHINE – Guidelines for National Policy Roadmap Development National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP, 2016-2025) - Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Collaborative Labelling and Appliance Standards Programmes (CLASP) – Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment, and Lighting 2nd Edition EC Approval of Electrical Equipment (Electricity Regulations 1994) Information Booklet 2014 Edition Malaysia HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan (HPMP Stage-1)(2012-2016) – Department of Environment Malaysia and United Nations Development Programme- April 2012 EC Website – and (http:// Strategy Paper 17 RMK11 Document –EPU Suruhanjaya Tenaga - National Energy Balance 2014 PROMOTION OF HIGHER EFFICIENCY ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS IN MALAYSIA: AIR CONDITIONER ROADMAP GUIDELINES (A NATIONAL ROADMAP) Final Summary Report by Air Conditioner Evaluation Standard Subcommittee, Energy Efficiency Standards Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy The Air Conditioner Evaluation Standards Subcommittee conducted deliberations on judgment standards for the manufacturers or importers (hereinafter referred to as “manufacturers”) concerning performance improvement of air conditioners, and prepared a final summary report as below. 1. Evaluation of Current Standards The weighted harmonic mean of energy consumption efficiency by the volume of shipments of air conditioners (limited to those of wall-hung type among non-ducted types whose cooling capacity is 4.0 kW or lower out of air conditioners used for both cooling and heating) whose the target fiscal year finished in the 2004 freezing year was 5.05 (for products shipped in the 2004 freezing year). It corresponds to improvement by 67.8%, when compared with the weighted harmonic mean of the energy consumption efficiency by shipments prior to introduction of the Top Runner Standard (i.e., products shipped in the 1997 freezing year), which was 3.01. This means that improvements surpassing the energy consumption efficiency (5.00) and the assumed improvement rate (66.1%), which was then assumed in case that Top Runner standards were achieved. In view of the above, energy-saving efforts in air conditioners (limited to those of wall-hung type among non-ducted types whose cooling capacity is 4.0 kW or lower out of air conditioners used for both cooling and heating) have been progressing well as a result of efforts by the manufacturers for energy conservation, and thus we can evaluate that the current standards based on the Top Runner Program are functioning effectively. 2. Target Scope [See Attachment 1] This review shall cover air conditioners for household use (limited to those of wall-hung type among non-ducted types whose cooling capacity is 4.0 kW or lower, out of air conditioners used for both cooling and heating) whose the target year finished in the 2004 freezing year. Air conditioners that use any energy other than electricity as a heat source for heating, highly gas-tight/heat-insulating housing duct air-conditioning systems, and multi-functional heat pump system air conditioners shall be excluded. 3. Items to be judgment standards for manufacturers (1) Target fiscal year [See Attachment 2] It shall be the fiscal year 2010. (2) Target standard values [See Attachments 3 to 4] With regard to air conditioners that manufacturers ship within Japan for the target fiscal year, the weighted harmonic mean of the energy consumption efficiency (Annual Performance Factor (APF)) calculated in (3) by the volume of shipments for each manufacturer per category shown in the table below shall not exceed the target standard value. 1 Category Unit Form A Air Conditioners of wall-hung type among the non-duct types (excluding multi-type that control operation of indoor unit separately) B C D Cooling Capacity 3.2 kW or lower Over 3.2 kW and 4.0 kW or lower Dimension Type of Indoor Unit Target Standard Value (APF) Dimension-defined type 5.8 Free–dimension type 6.6 Dimension-defined type 4.9 Free–dimension type 6.0 Remarks: “Dimension Type of Indoor Unit” means that, with a standard Japanese wooden house as a model, air conditioner models whose indoor unit has horizontal width of 800 mm or less and height of 295 mm or less shall be defined as a dimension-defined type. Air conditioners other than those of dimension-defined type shall be free-dimension type. In addition, note that we decided to categorize air conditioners by dimension of indoor unit, because it was feared that only those of free-dimension type might remain on the market otherwise, resulting in a collision with household equipment. (3) Energy consumption efficiency measurement method [See Attachment 5] As an index of the energy consumption efficiency of air conditioners, Annual Performance Factor (APF) shall be used. The measurement method shall be a calculation method specified in Japanese Industrial Standards C9612: 2005 Room Air Conditioner. (4) Display items and others Items to be displayed shall follow the provisions in the Household Good Quality Labeling Law. The items concerning energy saving shall be as follows: 1) Display items: a) Category b) Cooling capacity c) Cooling power consumption d) Cooling energy consumption efficiency e) Heating capacity f) Heating power consumption g) Heating energy consumption efficiency h) Cooling/heating average energy consumption efficiency i) Annual Performance Factor j) Manufacturer’s name (Note) Regarding the display of a) and i) in the above, revision of the Electric Machinery and 2 Appliance Quality Labeling Regulations is required. 2) Compliance items a) The cooling capacity shall be displayed in kilowatts measured by the method specified in the cooling capacity test in Japanese Industrial Standards B8615-1. In this case, the allowable range shall be up to minus 5% of the displayed value. b) The heating capacity shall be displayed in kilowatts measured by the method specified in the heating capacity test in Japanese Industrial Standard B8615-1. In this case, the allowable range shall be up to minus 5% of the displayed value. c) The cooling power consumption shall be in watts or kilowatts measured by the method specified in the cooling power consumption test in Japanese Industrial Standard B8615-1. In this case, the allowable range shall be up to plus 10% of the displayed value. d) The heating power consumption shall be in watts or kilowatts measured by the method specified in the heating power consumption test in Japanese Industrial Standard B8615-1. In this case, the allowable range shall be up to plus 10% of the displayed value. e) The cooling energy consumption efficiency or heating energy consumption efficiency shall be a numeric value obtained by dividing the cooling capacity in kilowatts measured by the method specified in a) above by the cooling power consumption in kilowatts measured by the method specified in c) above. The obtained value shall be displayed to two places of decimals. f) The heating energy consumption efficiency shall be a numeric value obtained by dividing the heating capacity in kilowatts measured by the method specified in b) above by the heating power consumption in kilowatts measured by the method specified in d) above. The obtained value shall be displayed to two places of decimals. g) The cooling/heating average energy consumption shall be obtained by summing the cooling energy consumption efficiency and the heating energy consumption efficiency and then dividing it by 2. The obtained value shall be displayed to two places of decimals. h) Annual Performance Factor shall be obtained by dividing the sum of heat quantity to be removed from indoor air and that to be added to indoor air throughout cooling period and heating period by total energy consumption to be consumed during the same period; these heat quantities are obtained by the test and calculating method for seasonal energy efficiency specified in Japanese Industrial Standards C9612: 2005. The obtained APF shall be displayed to one place of decimal. i) Should any difference arise in measurements specified in a) to h) above due to different rated frequencies, measured values would be displayed for every rated frequency. j) The display items listed in 1) above shall be clearly placed on prominent positions in catalogues or instruction manuals so that consumers can refer to them when selecting equipment. 3 4. Proposals for energy saving (1) Actions of users 1) Through effective use of information such as “energy-saving labels”, etc, users are encouraged to make an attempt to not only select an air conditioner with excellent energy consumption efficiency but also reduce energy by using it appropriately and efficiently. 2) Users shall attempt to select an air conditioner while considering the setting or size of a room to install it in, in order to make full use of its capacity. (2) Actions of retailers 1) Retailers shall attempt to not only distribute air conditioners with excellent energy consumption efficiency but also provide appropriate information for users to select them through use of “energy-saving labels”, etc. When using the energy-saving labels, as air conditioners vary in performance depending on areas where to be used, retailers shall carefully display labels in a manner that users can easily understand and get no false impression by means of, for example, showing conditions for calculating energy consumption efficiency. (3) Actions of manufacturers 1) Manufactures shall promote technological development toward energy saving of air conditioners and attempt to develop products with excellent energy consumption efficiency. 2) From viewpoint of promoting the spread of air conditioners with excellent energy consumption efficiency, manufacturers shall attempt to provide appropriate information to encourage users to select air conditioners with excellent energy consumption efficiency, by displaying “energy-saving labels” in a catalogue, etc. As air conditioners vary in performance depending on areas where to be used, in implementing the energy-saving labels, manufacturers shall carefully display them in a manner that users can easily understand and get no false impression, by means of, for example, showing conditions for calculating energy consumption efficiency. 3) To respond to improved energy-saving performances such as insulation performance of buildings, etc. in recent years, manufacturers shall review guideline for applicable room sizes according to cooling capacity and heating capacity. 4) Since Annual Performance Factor (APF) adopted in this report is based on numeric values computed under certain conditions, manufacturers shall attempt to improve the measurement 4 method in the future as well, so that evaluation can be carried out in a condition closer to actual use. (4) Actions of Government 1) From viewpoint of promoting the spread of air conditioners with excellent energy consumption efficiency, the government shall attempt to take necessary action such as the spread and enlightenment activities, in order to promote actions of users and manufacturers. 2) The government shall periodically and continuously monitor the implementation status of the display items by manufacturers and attempt at appropriate operation of the law so that information on energy consumption efficiency can be provided to users in a correct and easily understandable manner. 3) The energy-saving standard based on the Top Runner Program is a very effective approach for energy saving of products. Therefore, the government shall make efforts to spread it internationally by catching appropriate opportunities. 5 Attachment 1 Target Scope This review shall cover air conditioners for household use (limited to those of wall-hung type among non-ducted types whose cooling capacity is 4.0 kW or lower, out of air conditioners used for both cooling and heating) whose the target year finished in the 2004 freezing year. Note, however, that air conditioners that meet under the following requirements shall be excluded. 1) Air conditioners that use any energy other than electricity as a heat source for heating Air conditioners being composite products that use electricity for cooling and use combustion heat of gas, oil, etc, as a heat source for heating. They are in limited use in cold region where heating by heat pumps cannot accommodate heating load. Presently no international standard regarding the measurement method for these products exists, and no national standard has been established, either. * Transition in shipments (2004 freezing year): Approximately 10,000 units 2) Ducted air-conditioning systems for highly gas-tight/heat-insulating housing Air conditioners being dedicated for highly gas-tight/heat-insulating housing and with heat exchange capability between exhaust air and intake air, etc., for which no evaluation method has been established yet. * Transition in shipments (2004 freezing year): Approximately 3,500 units 3) Multi-functional heat pump system air conditioners Air conditioners being capable of floor heating and/or hot-water supply through the use of heated water produced through their heat pump systems. Their shipment number is still small although they are expected to spread in future. * Transition in shipments (2004 freezing year): Approximately 2,000 units 6 Attachment 2 Target Year, etc, of Air Conditioners 1. In general, a considerable improvement in energy consumption efficiency is made when a model change takes place, and a typical development period of these new products is approximately 2 to 3 years. For this reason, consideration should be given so that manufacturers can take 1 to 2 opportunities of bringing out new models before the next target fiscal year. With the above in mind, it is appropriate to set the target year of air conditioners to fiscal year 2010 (Heisei 22), which is five years after establishment of the standard values. 2. In addition, it is expected that improvement rate of energy consumption efficiency in the target fiscal year will be approximately 22.4% based on an assumption that there will be no change from current volume of shipments (results of fiscal year 2005) as well as model composition of each category. <Overview of Estimation> (1) Energy consumption efficiency estimated from values of actual achievements of air conditioners shipped in fiscal year 2005: 4.9 (2) Energy consumption efficiency estimated from the target standard values of air conditioners to be shipped in the target fiscal year: 6.0 (3) Improvement rate of energy consumption efficiency (6.0 − 4.9) × 100 = Approximately 22.4% 4.9 7 Attachment 3 Classification of Air Conditioners 1 Basic Idea Idea of classification for overall air conditioners under the current standard is based on the following: 1) Classification by basic function 2) Classification by unit form 3) Classification by cooling capacity In the scope of this review, air conditioners are classified as shown below: Unit Form Cooling Capacity Air conditioners of wall-hung type 2.5 kW or lower among the non-duct types (excluding multi-type air conditioners that control operation of indoor unit separately) Over 2.5kW, 3.2 kW or lower Over 3.2kW, 4.0 kW or lower Table 1: Current classification in the scope of this review Air conditioners shall be classified, taking into consideration the fact that heat exchangers recently have been growing in size in order to improve energy-saving performance. 2. Specific Classification Method (1) Classification by design concept accompanying increased size of heat exchangers The growing size of heat exchangers shall be a major factor in improvement of energy consumption efficiency. Thus, current products (products that have satisfied the current standard) are roughly divided based on the design concept, as shown below: 1) Models that meet the current standard values in terms of energy saving while considering installation space and/or resource saving as well 2) Models that pursue energy-saving performance with no limit being imposed in terms of installation space and/or resource saving If this classification was not made in this review, it was feared that only air conditioners 8 categorized in 2) having excellent energy saving performance might remain on the market, possibly leading to a disharmony with housing setup. Thus, with a standard Japanese wooden house as a model, air conditioners shall be classified as follows: (See Figure 1) 1) Dimension-defined type: Models whose indoor unit is 800 mm or less in horizontal width and 295 mm or less in height. 2) Free-dimension type: Models other than those mentioned above Annual Performance Factor (APF) 通年エネルギー消費効率(APF) 7.00 ◆Dimension-defined Type ■Free-Dimension Type 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.6 4.0 Cooling Capacity (kW) 冷房能力(kW) Figure 1: Cooling Capacity – Annual Performance Factor (APF) (Products in FY 2005) (Reference: Basis for thresholds in dimension categories of indoor units) Given a standard Japanese wooden house as a model, the thresholds of indoor units are 800 mm or less in horizontal width and 295 mm or less in height. The rationale for them is as follows: 1. Basis for height being 295 mm or less 1) Building Standards Law, Enforcement Ordinance, Article 21 (Ceiling height of a living room) The ceiling height should be 2.1 m or more. 2) Standard window height is 1.8 m. 3) Approximately 5 mm is needed as a clearance for preventing an air conditioner from interfering with ceiling. With the above in mind, 9 2,100mm-1,800mm-5mm=295mm 2. Basis for horizontal width being 800 mm or less 1) Inter-column module dimension according to the old Japanese measuring system (Shaku-Kan system) is 910 mm. 2) Dimension of a 3.5-sun (sun: one of the units in Shaku-Kan system) column is 106.75 mm. 3) Approximately 5 mm is needed as a clearance for preventing an air conditioner from interfering with ceiling. With the above in mind, 910mm-106.75mm-5mm≒800mm 3.5-sun column 3.5-sun column 3. Setting of Basic Classification Proposal With the above in mind, we shall define a basic classification proposal, as shown in the following table: Temporary Category A B C D E F Cooling Capacity Unit form Air conditioners of wall-hung type among the non-duct types (excluding multi-type air conditioners that control operation of indoor unit separately) 10 2.5 kW or lower Over 2.5kW, 3.2 kW or lower Over 3.2 kW, 4.0 kW or lower Dimension Type of Indoor Unit Dimension-defined type Free-dimension type Dimension-defined type Free–dimension type Dimension-defined type Free-dimension type Attachment 4 Target Standard Values of Air Conditioners 1. Idea on Establishment of Target Standard Values (1) Basic idea We shall set target standard values based on the idea of Top Runner Method. The specific policy shall be as follows: 1) Target standard values shall be set for every category that has been defined appropriately. 2) As for categories where future technological advances are expected to improve efficiency, the target standard value shall allow for as much improvement as possible. 3) Target standard values shall not conflict among categories. (2) Target fiscal year In general, a considerable improvement in energy consumption efficiency is made when a model change takes place, and a typical development period of these new products is approximately 2 to 3 years. For this reason, consideration should be given so that manufacturers can take 1 to 2 opportunities of bringing out new models before the next target fiscal year. With the above in mind, it is appropriate to set the target year of air conditioners to fiscal year 2010 (Heisei 22), which is five years after establishment of the standards. (3) Room for improvement of energy consumption efficiency by future technology advances Technology development of air conditioners has been undertaken primarily for establishment of a comfortable living environment. Although technology development related to improvement of energy-saving performance has been implemented to accomplish the current target standards, development of each elemental technology has almost reached its limit and thus innovative technology development is hardly expected. [Main examples of technologies for improving efficiency of air conditioners] (See reference 2) ・ Compressors: High-efficient compression technology, neodymium magnet, improvement of motor winding, low-iron-loss magnetic steel sheet, reduction of mechanical loss, reduction of pressure drop in suction/discharge, sine-wave drive control 11 ・ Fan motor: Introduction of DC brushless motor, increased number of poles/introduction of slots, optimization of core shape, reduction of circuit loss, optimal energization ・ Electronically controlled valve ・ Heat exchanger: Three-row arrangement of an indoor unit, multi-stage bending, improvement of fin shape, improvement of piping process Although these technologies have been introduced into the current Top Runner equipment, it can be said that there still remains room for efficiency improvement in individual technologies, considering the fact that these introduced technologies differ depending on manufacturers and that each manufacturer is taking its own approach for further improvement of efficiency. Taking into consideration the fact in comprehensive manner that these factors might contribute to higher efficiency, we set the target standard value by 3% up from the current Top Runner Value for the dimension-defined type and by 4% for the free dimension type. 2. Specific Target Standard Values Target standard values of air conditioners shall be represented in real numbers. To be specific, for each category the best value of energy consumption efficiency shall be a Top Runner Value, and a value obtained by adding improved efficiency to the Top Runner value shall be a target standard value. In both the dimension-defined type and free dimension type, the category for cooling capacity of 2.5 kW or lower and the category for cooling capacity of over 2.5kW and 3.2 kW or lower shall be integrated, because their Top Runner Values are at almost same level. Table 1: Top Runner Values of Air Conditioner Temporary Category Unit Form Cooling Capacity Air Conditioners of 2.5 kW or lower A B wall-hung type among the Dimension Type of Top Runner Indoor Unit Value(APF) Dimension-defined type 5.65 Free–dimension type 6.40 C non-duct types (excluding Over 2.5kW,3.2 kW Dimension-defined type 5.60 D multi-type air conditioners or lower Free–dimension type 6.40 Over 3.2kW, Dimension-defined type 4.80 4.0kW or lower Free–dimension type 5.80 that controls operation of E F indoor unit separately) 12 Table 2: Target Standard Value of Air Conditioner Category A B C D Unit Form Air conditioners of wall-hung type among the non-duct types (excluding multi-type air conditioners that control operation of indoor unit separately) Cooling Capacity 3.2kW or lower Over 3.2kW, 4.0kW or lower Dimension Type of Indoor Unit Top Runner Value (APF) Improved Efficiency (%) Target Standard Value (APF) Dimension-defined type 5.65 3.0 5.8 Free–dimension type 6.40 4.0 6.6 Dimension-defined type 4.80 3.0 4.9 Free–dimension type 5.80 4.0 6.0 13 Annual Performance Factor (APF) 通年エネルギー消費効率(APF) (Reference 1) 7.00 Target Standard Value (5.8) 6.00 5.65 Target Standard Value(4.9) 5.00 4.80 4.00 2.2 2.5 2.8 Cooling Capacity (kW) 冷房能力(kW) 3.6 4.0 Figure 1: Top Runner Values and Target Standard Values in Categories A and C (for Annual Performance Factor (APF) 通年エネルギー消費効率(APF) Dimension-defined Type) 7.00 Target Standard Target Standard Value(6.6) Value(6.0) 6.40 6.00 5.80 5.00 4.00 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.6 4.0 Cooling Capacity (kW) 冷房能力(kW) Figure 2: Top Runner Values and Target Standard Values in Categories B and D (for Free-Dimension Type) 14 (Reference 2) Examples of Main Technologies for Improving Efficiency of Air Conditioners (1) Compressor 1) High-efficient compression technology The compressor is the heart of an air conditioner and requires high-precise processing technology. Although a rotary compressor with rotary method was widely adopted before, a twin rotary method or scroll method with better compression efficiency has now been developed and adopted. Twin Rotary Compressor Scroll Compressor [Reduction of mechanical loss] Sliding loss is reduced by improving precision in process of a sliding unit. In a scroll compressor, swirling scroll and fixed scroll are made to stick together, thereby reducing leak. increases. When the sticking force is strong, sliding loss between these scrolls On the other hand, when the sticking force is weak, a gat appears and causes increasing leak. Thus, in order to maintain the minimum sticking force to reduce sliding loss, there is provided a control valve for controlling pressure on the back of the swirling scroll so that there will be appropriate back pressure according to operating state. [Reduction of pressure loss in suction/discharge] An attempt to reduce a pressure loss is being made by improving a shape of passage. For instance, a suction passage is made to be tapered for a suction opening, and a discharge opening is stepped to be expanded. 15 2) Compressor motor [Neodymium magnet] An attempt to improve motor efficiency is made by changing ferrite that has been conventionally used in a rotor to neodymium that has high magnetic flux density. [Improvement of line area ratio of winding] A proportion of total coil sectional area within the stator to a stator slot area is referred to a line-area ratio. If the line-area ratio could be increased, the coil sectional area could be expanded, thereby reducing copper loss. In the past, as coil was threaded through a narrow space within a closed stator and winded, there remained a large dead space in the stator slot. However, development of a new manufacturing method allows for the high line-area ratio by winding the coil to the stator divided and spread out. In addition, coil covering an end face of a stator core can be reduced by directly coiling the stator (intensive winding), thus also reducing copper loss. [Low-iron-loss magnetic steel sheet] One of the factors of iron loss is eddy-current loss caused by eddy current generated in an iron core. Attempts have been made to prevent this current from flowing easily by means of, for example, adoption of silicon steel plates and/or thin laminated steel sheets. 3) Sine-wave drive control of compressor motor In the past, the square wave drive system, which switches current-conducting phases at every 60 degrees, was adopted as an operating method of a compressor for an inverter air conditioner. With this system, a position of a rotor could be sensed from induced voltage of the motor while motor current was not conducting, and thus the motor speed could be changed easily. In this system, however, the square motor current caused reduced motor efficiency. To respond to this, recently, coupled with improved arithmetic performance of the microcomputer, the sine wave driving of motor current was made possible through development of the control technology to estimate a rotor position from motor current. 16 Waveform of Motor Current of Square-Wave Waveform of Motor Current of Sine-Wave Driving System Driving System (2) 1) Blowers Indoor blower Various types of fans depending on unit form are used for blowers of indoor units. A “cross flow fan” is used for most of the wall-hung type air conditioners. [Cross Flow Fan] Although a cross flow fan was composed of blades that were processed metal sheets in the past, an attempt to increase air volume has been made through introduction of plastic blades having a wing-shaped section and growing size of fan diameter, while controlling noise. The layout and molding of a fan and blades have also been improved, by having random spacing between blades, angling a fan shaft, etc. Random Pitch Unequal pitch Close-up 17 2) Outdoor blower In general, a propeller fan is used for an outdoor unit of an air conditioner. Although it was made of processed metal sheets in the past, it is now made of plastics. An attempt to increase air volume has been made by improving a blade shape, while suppressing noise. 3) Fan motor For fan motors for both indoor and outdoor units, an efficient DC brushless motor has replaced a conventional AC motor. In addition, to improve efficiency of a DC brushless motor, techniques that were developed for a compressor motor having high power consumption are incorporated, and optimization efforts have been made to achieve the most efficient combination of technologies, such as increased number of poles/slots, a devised core shape, reduction of circuit loss, optimal energization, etc. Example of Increased Number of Poles/Slots 4-pole 6-Slot (3) 8-pole 12-Slot Electronically controlled expansion valve A decompressor is a component to create high-pressure and low-pressure states in a refrigerant circuit. Until now a capillary tube has been used primarily. A capillary tube refers to a thin and long copper pipe being about 0.2 to 2 m long and having an inside diameter of 1 mm to 2mm. This pipe generates pipe resistance and achieves throttling action (decompression). A capillary tube has been widely used for a room-air conditioner as it can be implemented with a simple structure. However, adjustment of appropriate degree of throttling according to number of revolutions is not possible because the degree of throttling is constant even when the number of revolutions of a compressor varies. Thus, an electronically controlled expansion valve has become used, which enables 18 appropriate degree of throttling based on an electronic signal from a microcomputer determining the operating state of an air conditioner. The valve is such structured that a pulse motor rotates based on an electronic signal, and a gap between the valve and a valve seat is adjusted by converting the rotation into up-and-down motion, thereby controlling the degree of throttling. This could achieve efficient control of the refrigerant flow, depending on the operating state, such as the changing number of revolutions of a compressor used in an inverter air conditioner. Thus, the electronically controlled expansion valve has become mainstream. Pulse Motor Main Body Valve Seat Valve (4) Heat exchanger A heat exchanger is one of the important components of an air conditioner. It exchanges heat between indoor air and a refrigerant in an indoor unit, and between outdoor air and a refrigerant in an outdoor unit. A fin-tube-type heat exchanger in which a copper tube for the refrigerant penetrates a plate-like aluminum fin for air is used as the heat exchanger. 1) Fin for heat exchange Initially, a flat aluminum plate (plate fin) was used for a fin of a heat exchanger. Then, a corrugated fin and a slit fin with cutouts were adopted, and improvement of the slit shape has been made. In addition, in case that wind speed of air passing through a heat exchanger is nonuniformly distributed, improvement has been carried out to increase the overall heat exchange capacity by equalization of the wind speed distribution, such as increasing the height of a fin facing faster wind speed and lowering the height of a fin facing slower wind speed. 19 Plate Fin Corrugated Fin Slit Fin Improvement of Slit Shape 2) Copper tube for heat exchange Initially, a smooth tube, inner surface of which was not processed like a copper tube, in general, was used for a heat exchanger. For saving energy, a tube with internal groove was developed and optimization of a groove shape has been pushed forward. Smooth Tube Tube with Internal Groove Optimization of a Groove Shape 20 In addition, in order to improve heat conduction with a refrigerant and a copper pipe, reduction of a pipe diameter has been implemented. [Example] Pipe Diameter 9.5mm → 7.0mm → 6.3mm Improvement has also been made to reduce pressure loss, and thereby increase the total heat exchange capacity, by reducing a pipe diameter for a part of liquid state and increasing it for a part of gas state, depending on the condition of refrigerant liquid and gas passing through the piping. 3) Form of heat exchanger In separate wall-hung type indoor units that account for most of the room-air conditioners, a cross section of the conventional heat exchanger was molded like a plate. However, in order to expand heat exchange area in a limited space, bent one and one molded like a curved surface have been developed. Heat exchanger Cross flow fan In addition, the heat exchanger in the initial indoor unit was arranged in two columns. However, improvement has been made to increase a heat transmission area and augment the heat exchange capacity by partially arranging it in three columns, if an indoor unit structure can afford enough space for it. 21 Attachment 5 Energy Consumption Efficiency of Air Conditioners and Measurement Method 1. Basic Idea When air conditioners were designated as equipment for the Top Runner Standard in 1998 (Heisei 10), “COP (Coefficient of Performance)” was adopted as an index related to energy consumption efficiency. The COP is represented by either a numeric value obtained by dividing cooling capacity (kW) by cooling power consumption (kW) (hereinafter referred to as “cooling COP”) or a numeric value obtained by dividing heating capacity (kW) by heating power consumption (kW) (hereinafter referred to as “heating COP”). The COP of a cooling-cum-heating air condition is a mean of the cooling COP and the heating COP. However, said index is an evaluation approach principally featuring constant-speed models. Thus, in recent years when inverter models have become a mainstream, it is pointed out that the index is no longer necessarily an appropriate evaluation approach. Thus, it is considered reasonable to newly adopt the Annual Performance Factor (APF) that is an energy saving evaluation standard better representing the reality. 2. Specific Energy Consumption Efficiency and Measurement Method An index related to energy consumption efficiency of air conditioners shall be “Annual Performance Factor (APF)”, and a measurement method thereof shall be in accordance with the calculation method specified in Japanese Industrial Standards C9612: 2005 Room Air Conditioners. 3. Annual Performance Factor (APF) A performance index in the current Energy Saving Law uses COP of rated conditions of cooling and heating. However, the capacity of air conditioners changes according to ambient air and also to the number of revolutions of a compressor in case of inverter models, which are the current mainstream (room-air conditioners of capacity variable type); therefore, evaluation in a manner closely reflecting actual use is difficult to be achieved only with the rated conditions. 22 Cooling Capacity – Example of COP Characteristic (2.8kW Class) 冷房能力-COP特性の例(2.8kWクラス) 7.5 Cooling COP 冷房COP 7 Interme中間 diate 6.5 6 定 格 Rated 5.5 5 4.5 4 0 500 1000 1500 2000 250 0 30 00 冷房能力W Cooling Capacity W Figure 1: Cooling Capacity – COP Characteristic (2.8 kW Class) Thus, Annual Performance Factor (APF) was provided to enable evaluation of energy consumption efficiency that is well representing actual use, by means of considering occurrence time of outside air temperature during cooling/heating period and efficiency of air conditioners according to capacity change that is a characteristic of inverter models. Shown below is a comparison between COP and APF: Calculation Method Measurement Points Features Cooling/Heating Average COP Cooling/heating average COP = (cooling rated COP + heating rated COP)/2 where a rated COP refers to a value obtained by dividing capacity (W) at a rated point by then power consumption (W). (Evaluation in both cooling and heating conditions) Two points Cooling rated Heating rated Annual Performance Factor (APF) A proportion of summation (Wh) of heat quantity to be subtracted from and added to indoor air throughout cooling and heating periods to total electric energy to be consumed during the same periods. Five points Cooling rated Cooling intermediate Heating rated Heating intermediate Heating low temperature ・ Measurements points are only a few, ・ Measurements points are many, i.e., 5 points i.e., 2 points and the measurement is and thus measurement takes time. simple to conduct. ・ Since the method calculates efficiency ・ They are efficiencies of fixed points considering intermediate performance that and hardly representing actual use at frequently occurs in actual use, it is possible all. to calculate efficiency closer to reality. Table 1: Comparison of COP and APF (1) Calculation conditions for Annual Performance Factor (APF) The prerequisite for calculation of Annual Performance Factor (APF) shall be as follows: ・Outside air temperature: setting Tokyo’s as a model ・Indoor set temperature: 27℃ when cooling/20℃ when heating ・Period: Cooling period: 3.6 months (June 2 to September 21) Heating period: 5.5 months (October 28 to April 14) ・Operating Time: 18 hours, from 6:00 to 24:00 ・Housing: An average wooden house according to Japanese Industrial Standards C9612 (face south) 23 Capacity 能力 Capacity 能力 Building 建 物負荷= load = Capacity needed heat a要 building 建 物を暖房to する のに必 な能力 Building load Capacity 建物負荷= 建物= を冷 房するのに needed to力cool a building 必要な能 Cooling 冷 房定格 rated 能 力 capacity ● ○ rated 暖Heating 房定格 能力 capacity 条 件 condition Equivalent to相heating 暖房定格能力 当 rated capacity -7 -10 -5 0 7 5 10 外気 温度(℃air ) Outside ● ○ 17 15 25 23 30 33 temperature (℃) 35 Outside temperature (℃) 外気air 温度 (℃) Figure 2: Characteristics of Heating/Cooling Capacity Needed for Air-conditioning a Building, According to 350 350 300 300 250 Occurrence Time (h) Frequency of 期間を通じてみた場合、 operation at rated 定格能力を行う頻度は capacity throughout 少ない。 the period is low. 200 150 発生時間(h) 発生時間(h) Occurrence Time (h) Outside Air Temperature 100 250 200 Frequency of 期間を通じてみた場合、 operation at rated 定格能力を行う頻度は capacity throughout 少ない。 the period is low. 150 100 50 50 0 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Outside Air外気温度℃ Temperature (℃) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Outside Air外気温度℃ Temperature (℃) Figure 3: Relationship of Outside Air Temperature and its Occurrence Time in Tokyo By adding intermediate performance evaluation points that are the most frequent, energy consumption efficiency throughout a period can be calculated simply and accurately. (2) Calculation of energy consumption efficiency during cooling period 1) The capacity of an air conditioner for every outside air temperature associated with building load is calculated, considering a change in capacity according to outside air temperature, which is determined from capacities at a rated and an intermediate capacity evaluation points. 24 2) Similarly, power consumption of an air conditioner for every outside air temperature associated with building load is calculated, considering a change in power consumption according to outside air temperature, which is determined from power consumptions at a rated and an intermediate capacity evaluation points. Building Load 建物負 荷 Capacity 能力 Maximum Capacity エアコ ンの Characteristic of性 最大能力特 Air Conditioner ○ ● Rated 定 格 Evaluation Point 評 価点 ○ ● Intermediate 中 間 Evaluation Point 評価 点 23 25 30 35 Outside Air Temperature (℃) 外気温度(℃) Figure 4: Outside Air Temperature – Capacity When Cooling The heat quantity (kWh) when an air conditioner cools a building is calculated for every outside air temperature from capacities an air conditioner shows per outside air temperature and their occurrence time. Then, the sum total of heat quantities needed for cooling a building at each outside air temperature (Cooling Seasonal Total Load (kWh)) is determined. 冷房能力×発生時間(kWh) Cooling Capacity x Occurrence Time (kWh) 3) 300 250 Interme▼中間 diate 200 150 100 ▼定格 Rated 50 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Outside Air Temperature℃ 外気温度℃ Figure 5: Heat Quantity which Air Conditioner Needed to Cool a Building (Example) 25 4) The consumed energy (kWh) for cooling a building is calculated for every outside air temperature from power consumptions of an air conditioner and their occurrence time at building load points. Then, the total sum of energy consumed by cooling operation at every 消費電力×発生時間(kWh) Power Consumption x Occurrence Time ((kWh) outside air temperature (Cooling Seasonal Energy Consumption (kWh)) is determined. 35 Interme▼中間 diate 30 25 20 15 10 Rated ▼定格 5 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Outside Air Temperature℃ 外気温度℃ Figure 6: Energy Consumed by Cooling Operation (Example) 5) Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CSPF: commonly known as Cooling APF) is determined from Cooling Seasonal Total Load and Cooling Seasonal Energy Consumption. Cooling Seasonal Total Load (CSTL) CSPF = Cooling Seasonal Energy Consumption (CSEC) (3) Calculation of energy consumption efficiency during heating period 1) The capacity of an air conditioner and its power consumption at each outside air temperature associated with building load is calculated from values at a rated and an intermediate capacity evaluation points. Similar to the idea for the cooling period, the capacity an air conditioner shows and its power consumption are calculated for every outside air temperature. They will additionally be calculated at a low temperature evaluation point, which is one of the capacity evaluation points. In addition, as for heating operation, when outside air temperature is low, an air conditioner’s capacity and power consumption shall be calculated by adding performance loss due to defrosting a heat exchanger of an outdoor unit. 26 Capacity drop due to defrosting 霜取り運転によ operation Capacity 能力 Building 建物負荷 Load る能力ダウン ● エアコンの Characteristic of maximum capacity of 最大能力特性 air conditioner Low 低温 Temperatur ● Rated 定格 Evaluatio n評価点 Point ○ ○ ○● -7 -10 -5 0 Intermediate 中間 Evaluation 評価点 Point 7 5 10 15 17 Outside Air Temperature (℃) 外気温度(℃) Figure 7: Outside Air Temperature – Capacity When Heating 2) The heat quantity (kWh) when an air conditioner heats a building is calculated for every outside air temperature from capacities an air conditioner shows per outside air temperature and their occurrence time. Then, the sum total of heat quantities needed for heating the building at every outside air temperature (Heating Seasonal Total Load (kWh)) is 暖房能力×発生時間(kWh) Heating Capacity x Occurrence Time (kWh) determined. 500 Interme- ▼中間 diate 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 Rated 定格▼ 100 50 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Outside Air Temperature (℃) 外気温度℃ Figure 8: Heat Quantity an Air Conditioner Needed to Heat a Building (Example) 3) The consumed energy (kWh) for heating a building is calculated for every outside air temperature from power consumptions of an air conditioner and their occurrence time at building load points. The total sum of energy consumed by heating operation at every 27 Power Consumption x Occurrence Time (kWh) (kWh) 消費電力×発生時間(kWh) outside air temperature (Heating Seasonal Energy Consumption (kWh)) shall be determined. 80 Interme▼中間 diate 70 60 50 40 30 定格▼ Rated 20 10 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Outside Air Temperature ℃ 外気温度℃ Figure 9: Energy Consumed by Heating Operation (Example) 4) Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF: commonly known as Heating APF) shall be determined from Heating Seasonal Total Load and Heating Seasonal Energy Consumption. Heating Seasonal Total Load (HSTL) HSPF = Heating Seasonal Energy Consumption (HSEC) (4) Annual Performance Factor (APF) Annual Performance Factor shall be calculated from the total load and the seasonal energy consumption of cooling and heating operations. Cooling Seasonal Total Load + Heating Seasonal Total Load APF = Cooling Seasonal Energy Consumption + Heating Seasonal Energy Consumption 28 Attachment 6 Air Conditioner Evaluation Standard Subcommittee Energy Efficiency Standard Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy Background of Holding First Subcommittee Meeting (August 8, 2005) - Disclosure of the Air Conditioner Evaluation Standard Subcommittee - Achieving status of air conditioners - Current situation of air conditioners - Scope of air conditioners to be covered - Energy consumption efficiency and measurement method Second Subcommittee Meeting (December 9, 2005) - Categories for target setting of air conditioners - Target standard values and target fiscal year of air conditioners Third Subcommittee Meeting (January 31, 2006) - Interim summary report 29 Attachment 7 Air Conditioner Evaluation Standard Subcommittee, Energy Efficiency Standards Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Energy List of Members Chairman: TAKANORI SAITO Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo Members: HIROSHI ASANO Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo KAZUO UENO Assistant Research Department Head, Energy Technology Research Department, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology AKIRA OKAGAKI Japan Building Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Association MAKOTO KAIBARA PJ Leader, Domestic Air Conditioner Energy Saving PJ, Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association MASAHIKO SASAKURA Chairman, Package Air Conditioner Technology Ad Hoc Committee, Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association HARUKI SATO Professor, Department of System Design Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University KIKUKO TATSUMI Managing Director of Nippon Association of Consumer Specialists EIJI TOBIHARA Professor Specialized in Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science, University of Tokyo YOICHI HORI Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo TOSHIHISA MASUDA General Manager, Technology Dept, Energy Conservation Center, Japan CHIHARU MURAKOSHI Director and General Manager of Laboratory, Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc. 30 Reference 1 Current Situation of Air Conditioners Air Conditioner Market Market Trend of Air Conditioners (1) Scope of air conditioners Air conditioners (AC) shall be roughly divided into those for buildings and those for transports. Shown below are an overall view of air conditioners and an overview of shipment volume: Electric Type Residential Air Conditioners 6,723,072 Those Other than Electric Type General Air Conditioners for Buildings (Unit: Number of units, 2004 Freezing Year) Air Conditioners for Transports 1-1 Air Conditioners 1. Service Air Conditioners 731,795 Gas Engine Heat Pump Air Conditioners 39,703 Air Conditioners for Automobiles 4,883,685 Air Conditioners for Buses 12,319 Air Conditioners for Railway Vehicles (Number of units unknown) Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 31 (2) Transition in the number of shipments of air conditioners 1) Residential air conditioners Although shipments of residential air conditioners tend to be greatly affected by climate factors, they have been stabilized around 7.0 million units for the past ten years. (Unit: 1,000 units) (Unit: 1,000 units) Freezing Year 冷凍年度 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 国内出荷合計 3,673 3,982 4,605 4,734 5,932 7,092 6,249 5,048 6,724 7,697 8,116 7,154 6,551 6,496 7,019 7,677 6,902 6,774 6,723 Total of Domestic Shipments (Freezing Year) 2) Service air conditioners Although shipments of service air conditioners tend to be affected by economic trends, they have been stabilized around 700,000 units for the past 10 years. (Unit: 1,000 units) (Unit: 1,000 units) Freezing Year 冷凍年度 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 国内出荷合計 557 600 707 786 930 1,081 928 785 745 805 830 786 682 624 684 734 668 659 732 Total of Domestic Shipments (Freezing Year) Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 32 (3) Shipment volume of air conditioners by function/form/cooling capacity [By Function] 1) Residential air conditioners A cooling-cum-heating type accounts for 99% of the total shipments. (Unit: Number of units 2004 freezing year) Dedicated for Cooling Cooling-cum-Heating Total 90,458 6,632,614 6,723,072 Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 2) Service air conditioners A cooling-cum-heating type accounts for 92% of the total shipments. (Unit: Number of units 2004 freezing year) Dedicated for Cooling Cooling-cum-Heating Total 90,201 674,594 731,795 Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association [By Form] 1) Residential air conditioners Among air conditioners that have a one-to-one combination of indoor unit and outdoor unit, those having a wall-hung type indoor unit account for 98% of the total shipments. (Unit: Number of units 2004 freezing year) Single (one to one) Total Multiple type Wall-hung type Built-in type 6,562,333 (98%) 90,754 (1%) 69,985 (1%) 6,723,072 (100%) Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 2) Service air conditioners Air conditioners that have a cassette-type indoor unit account for 63% of the total shipments. (Unit: Number of units 2004 freezing year) Floor-installed Ceiling-susp Wall-hung Cassette type -ended type type type 46,646 (4%) 152,373 (15%) 101,054 (10%) 660,168 (63%) Built-in type Duct type Total 38,881 (4%) 42,653 (4%) 1,041,775 (100%) Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 33 [By Cooling Capacity] 1) Residential air conditioners The residential air conditioners whose cooling capacity is in 2.2kW class (mainly for a six-tatami-mat room) has the largest shipment, accounting for 39.8% of the total shipments. (Unit: Number of units 2004 freezing year) Applicable Room Size in Terms of the Number of Tatami-Mats Cooling Capacity (kW) Total (Number of Units) 70,691(1.1 %) Less than 6 Less than 2.2 6 2.2 2,675,862 (39.8 %) 8 10 11 12 14 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 Over 14 Over 4.0 1,071,935 (15.9 %) 1,489,616 (22.2 %) 7,907 (0.1 %) 280,523 (4.2 %) 670,664 (10.0 %) 455,874 (6.8 %) 6,723,072 (100.0 %) Total Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 2) Service air conditioners Depending on diversity of business buildings, cooling capacities widely range. However, air conditioners having cooling capacity up to 28 kW accounts for 94.1% of the total shipment. (Unit: Number of units 2004 freezing year) Cooling Capacity (kW) Total ~ 4.5 ~ 5.0 ~ 6.3 ~ 8.0 ~ 11.2 ~ 14.0 ~ 16.0 ~ 22.0 ~ 28.0 59,668 79,553 44,520 113,107 88,398 105,537 63,329 45,812 88,773 ~ 40.0 ~ 56.0 ~ 63.0 ~ 80.0 ~ 160 Over 160 Total (8.2 %) (10.9 %) (6.1 %) (15.5 %) (12.1 %) (14.4 %) (8.7 %) (6.3 %) (12.1 %) 22,365 (3.1 %) 17,365 (2.4 %) 838 (0.1 %) 1,198 (0.2 %) 746 (0.1 %) 586 (0.1 %) 731,795 (100.0 %) Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 34 (4) Transition in the number of imported air conditioners 1) Residential air conditioners The majority of imported air conditioners for household use are from overseas production bases of Japanese manufacturers. The percentage of residential air conditioners that are manufactured overseas and sold in Japan has been increasing, and it is expected to be approximately 40% in 2004. Unit: Number of units 2000 Calendar Year 2002 2003 2004 450,354 1,030,780 2,045,781 2,211,207 2,682,811 China 210,839 252,940 1,561,341 1,808,583 2,371,002 Thailand 121,912 225,474 198,026 151,834 222,592 Malaysia 50,853 190,100 152,202 112,181 9,250 Total Import 2001 Source: Ministry of Finance, Customs Statistics (Reference) Freezing Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 7,018,512 7,676,629 6,901,805 6,774,002 6,723,072 Domestic Shipments Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 2) Service air conditioners There has been almost no import. (5) Penetration of residential air conditioners and number of air conditioners owned per household It can be said that now air conditioners prevail among almost every household. According to the statistic survey of housing/lands by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the number of rooms per house is 4.77 rooms, and the number of owned air conditioners will possibly increase in the future. In 2004, the number of air conditioners owned per household has reached 2.8 units per household. Year/Month Ownership Rate (%) Number of Owned 1984/March 49.3 75.2 Number of Owned Air Conditioners Per Household 1.5 1989/March 63.3 110.7 1.7 1994/March 74.2 151.6 2.0 1999/March 84.4 200.7 2.4 2004/March 87.1 245.3 2.8 Air Conditioners Number of Owned Air Conditioners: per 100 households Source: Cabinet Office, Survey of Consumer Behavior 35 1-2 Main Domestic Manufacturers 1. Residential Air Conditioners ・Corona Corporation ・Sanyo Electric Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. ・Sharp Corporation ・Daikin Industries, Ltd. ・Chofu Seisakusho Co., Ltd. ・Toshiba Carrier Corporation ・Hitachi Appliance, Inc. ・Fujitsu General Co., Ltd. ・Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. ・Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. , ・Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (In the order of Japanese Syllabary) 2. Service Air Conditioners ・Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. ・GAC Corporation ・Sharp Corporation ・Daikin Industries, Ltd. ・Toshiba Carrier Corporation ・Nippon PMAC Co., Ltd. ・Hitachi Appliance, Inc. ・Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. ・Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. ・Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (In the order of Japanese Syllabary) 36 2. Energy Saving Efforts in Residential Air Conditioners until Now 2-1 (1) Response to the Current Energy Saving Law Status of achieving target At the end of March, 1998, new target values were set according to the Top Runner Program, and the 2004 freezing year was set to be the target year of residential air conditioners. Although they were high target values requiring considerable improvement, because of efforts made by each of the industrial association member companies, all the member have achieved the target. Cooling-cum-Heating Type (Heat Pump) Weighted Harmonic Mean of Cooling/Heating Average COP Category Achievements of the Industry Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Cooling Unit Form Year Year Year Year Year Year Capacity 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2.5 kW or 3.17 3.24 3.37 3.49 3.75 5.33 lower Wall-hung Types Among Over 2.5kW, 3.47 3.63 3.83 4.00 4.18 5.14 Non-ducted 3.2kW or lower Types Over 3.2kW, 3.07 3.37 3.57 3.92 3.99 4.10 4.0kW or lower Category Achievement Rate (%) Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Cooling Unit Form Year Year Year Year Year Year Capacity 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Wall-hung Types Among Non-ducted Types 2.5kW or lower Over 2.5kW, 3.2kW or lower Over 3.2kW, 4.0kW or lower 60.2 61.5 63.9 66.2 71.2 101.1 70.8 74.1 78.2 81.5 85.3 104.9 84.1 92.3 97.8 107.4 109.3 112.3 Target Values Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 37 5.27 4.90 3.65 (2) Background to achievement of target The demand for products that place higher priority on a price than on energy saving performance was strong in the market. Thus, before the target year, in order to ensure the achievement of standards of the Energy Conservation Law, the industry prepared a self-action plan to increase the share of shipments of models that satisfied the standard. Transition of Efficiency Distribution of 2.8kW Air Conditioners Models whose production was stopped in 2004 as they could not achieve the target in 2003: Approximately 70 models Approximately 2.0 million units COP Highest AC COP Lowest AC Weighted Harmonic Mean 2-2 Comparison with Overseas Energy Saving Regulations Because of the Top Runner Program implemented by the Energy Conservation Law, the energy saving performance of Japanese air conditioners is at substantially high level in the world. Shown below is a comparison with various overseas standards, for reference: Explanatory Note Japan Japan Thailand Taiwan Australia China Thailand Regulation Value Regulation Value China Regulation Value Regulation Value Regulation Value Australia Taiwan Cooling Capacity (kW) 38 2-3 (1) Technological Approach to Energy Saving of Residential Air Conditioners in the Future Technology for improving performance of compressor The efficiency of a compressor is represented by “efficiency of motor” in a power output section and by “total heat-insulating efficiency” indicating how much compression actually takes place without loss using the obtained motive energy. The “compressor motor efficiency” is approximately 95% and “total heat-insulating efficiency” is over 80%. Motor Efficiency Total Heat Insulating Efficiency Cooling Rated Condition Cooling Rated Condition (社)日本冷凍空調工業会調べ Freezing Year Freezing Year (2) Technology for improving performance of a fan motor The efficiency improvement in “blower motor efficiency” is greater than 80%. (Mean of Indoor/Outdoor Motors) Motor Efficiency (社)日本冷凍空調工業会調べ Freezing Year 39 (3) Growing size of heat exchangers An attempt to save energy has been made by increasing size of a heat exchanger and thus alleviating the compression ratio. (Reference) Total of Values for Indoor and Outdoor Units Mass Cubic Capacity Highest-COP AC Lowest-COP AC Highest-COP AC Lowest-COP AC Year Year Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (社)日本冷凍空調工業会調べ COP最高機とCOP最低機の寸法と質量 Dimensions and Mass of Highest-COP and Lowest-COP Air Conditioners Lowest-COP AC in 2002 Highest-COP AC in 2004 Unit of Dimensions: 8mm Source: Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 40 2-4 (1) Approach to Reduction of Standby Power Consumption Independent declaration by the industry In January 2001, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, and Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association made an independent declaration for reducing standby power consumption. It stated that for anchor products of residential air conditioners, “they will make efforts toward the target which is to decrease the standby power consumption below 1W by 2004 freezing year”. (2) Status at the end of 2004 freezing year in response to the independent declaration of the industry Targeted models 191 models Achieved models 191 models Achievement rate 100% Mean of Standby power consumption 0.81W 41 3. Future Approach to Energy Saving and Challenges As it now stands, improvement of energy saving by increasing size of a heat exchanger is a key factor. 3-1 (1) Various Problems Accompanying Growing Size of Air Conditioners Installability Considering the fact that intra-column dimension of half-ken width (“ken” is a unit in Shaku-kan method) of a Japanese house is 800 mm, it is concerned that an air conditioner will not be suitable for being used as household equipment if its width exceeds 800 mm. (2) Comfort It is concerned that the further growth in size of a “heat exchanger/blower” might damage the basic comfort; such as, “evaporation temperature rises and thus humidity in a room is difficult to be cleared” in the case of cooling operation. (3) Resource saving Increased size of equipment might also increase usage of copper and aluminum, in particular, which are materials for a heat exchanger. Thus, from the standpoint of resource saving, the problem still remains. 3-2 Relationship between Difference in Running Cost and Sales Price In order to actualize the efficiency of an energy saving model for the next generation, it is essential to increase size of a heat exchanger, which leads to cost increase for material input. Hence, it is concerned that it will not be possible to offset a difference in the initial cost between energy saving models and others even with a difference in running cost for 10 years between them. 42