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Bone & Muscle Strengthening Lesson Plan

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Lesson 2- Bone and Muscle Strengthening Activities
This lesson involves performance on another type of physical activity and its barriers that are needed to
overcome to adopt a physically active lifestyle.
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
differentiate bone strengthening and muscle strengthening;
identify barriers in performing some physical activities;
perform and assess one’s health-related physical fitness level;
follow safety protocol in doing physical activity; and
appreciate and accept one’s physical ability.
{insert intro activity here}
According to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, the types of physical activity are the following:
Moderate-intensity aerobic
Vigorous-intensity aerobic
Muscle- Strengthening Activity; and
Bone-Strengthening Activity
Short definition of the aerobics:
Aerobic activities, also called as endurance activities, are physical activities in which people move their large
muscles in a rhythmic manner for sustained period. This makes a person’s heartbeat more rapidly to meet the
demands of the body’s movement. Overtime, regularly doing this activity makes the heart and cardiovascular
system stronger and fitter.
It has three components which are the following:
Intensity, or how hard a person works to do the activity. The intensities most often examined are
moderate intensity (equivalent in effort of brisk walking, general gardening) and vigorous intensity
(equivalent in effort to running/ jogging/ swimming laps/jumping rope).
Duration, or how long a person does an activity in any one session.
Research has shown that the total amount of physical activity (minutes of physical activity) is more important
for achieving health benefits than is any one component (frequency, intensity, or duration)
Quick Review: Which is more important for achieving health benefits from aerobic activity?
Type A2 : total minutes
Type B2 : how vigorous the activity is
When engaging in regular physical activity or planning your physical activity routine, it is important for you to
know the types of physical activity that you should engage in and the benefits they provide.
Additional info: Also known as weight-bearing or weight loading activity, it produces a force produced by impact
with the ground that promotes bone growth and strength.
produce an impact or tension force on the bones that promotes bone growth and strength
also known as weight-bearing or weight-loading
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jumping rope
lifting weights
and basketball
They increase bone density, strength, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
They improve mental health and reduce the risk of depression.
activities that use the principles of strength training, resistance training, or muscular strength and
endurance exercises
consist of movements or exercise where they can move their body with a weight or other resistance
against gravity
Additional Info: Muscle-Strengthening activities includes resistance training and lifting weights that causes the
body’s muscle to work or hold against an applied force or weights.
Resistance exercises
push-ups , pull ups
calisthenics that use body weight for resistance (push up, pull ups and sit ups)
tree climbing
swinging on playground equipment
rock climbing
and using weight machines/loads/equipment
Like aerobics, it has three components:
intensity, or how much weight or force is used relative to how much a person is able to lift.
frequency, or how often a person does muscle strengthening activity; and
repetitions, or how many times a person lifts a weight (comparable to duration for aerobic activity)
o Effects are limited to the muscles doing the work.
o Important for working all the major muscle groups of the body: legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest,
shoulders, and arms
Additional Info: Muscle-Strengthening activities provide additional benefits not found with aerobic activity. Such
Increased bone strength and muscular fitness
Help maintain muscle mass during a program of weight loss.
They boost the strength of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
They develop lean muscle mass that contributes to healthy body weight.
They can help you perform well in daily physical tasks.
After knowing the type of physical activity you want to engage in, it is best to have a self-assessment to
determine and gauge your personal fitness level. It is done by recording and evaluating assessment result.
However, you should not make conclusions about your fitness level solely to your performance in the
assessment tool.
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Summary: Know already the types of physical activities you want to engage in?
Learn first about self-assessment to determine and gauge your personal fitness level. Its done by recording and
evaluating assessment result. But wait, you should not make conclusions about your fitness level solely to your
performance in the assessment tool.
Assessing one’s health status will help you know about one’s strengths and weaknesses. Being aware of your
health-related fitness level and its relevant interpretation will help you efficiently create an action plan in
observing a healthy lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities for areas that need improvement.
A fitness test is comprised of series of exercises that help evaluate your overall health and physical status. The
tests are considered the starting point for designing an appropriate exercise program. They are meant to ensure
you won’t be at risk of harm and provide insights needed to establish clear and effective fitness goals.
This will help you know about one’s strength and weaknesses. Being aware of this and its relevant interpretation
will help you efficiently create an action plan in observing a healthy lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities
for areas in your body that need improvement.
1. Body Composition: Body Mass Index, is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height
in meters. BMI screens for weight categories but does not diagnose the body fatness or health of an
individual. A high BMI can indicate body body fatness.
a. Identify your weight in kilograms and height in meters.
b. Calculate your BMI using the formula:
BMI = kg/m^2
To calculate your body mass index online, you can go in this site :
2. Cardiorespiratory Fitness: 3-minute Step Test, it is designed to measure a person’s aerobic fitness.
Participants step up and down, on and off an aerobics- type step for three minutes to increase heart rate
and to evaluate the heart’s recovery rate during the minute immediately following the step test exercise.
a. Stand at least one foot away from the step or bench with trunk erect and eyes looking
straight ahead.
b. The first step of the sequence should be alternate. Step up and down the step/bench for
3 minutes at a rate of 96 beats per minute. One step consists of 4 beats- up with the left
foot (count 1), up with the right foot (count 2), down with the right foot (count 3), down
with the left foot (count 4) for the second sequence. Observe proper breathing (inhale
through the nose; exhale through the mouth).
c. Immediately after the exercise, stand and locate your pulse and in (5) five seconds, start
getting the heart rate.
d. Don’t talk while taking the pulse beat.
e. Count the pulse beat for 10 seconds and multiply it by 6.
Image/GIF: https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-11-2016/UwMqAj.gif
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPbmoq5V6AA
Suggestion during reporting// kapoy basa qwq, so pwede ra ipawatch nalang na sila sa vid, aron dili sad kalas sa
oras lol.
Heart rate after the activity
3. Muscular Strength and Endurance: Basic Plank, simple fitness test of core muscle strength
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a. Assume a push-up position. Rest body on forearms with palms and fingers flat on the
floor. Elbows are aligned with the shoulders.
b. Legs are straight with ankles, knees, and thighs touching together.
c. Support weight on forearms and toes; make sure your back is flat. Head, neck, and spine
are in a straight line.
d. Keep abdominals engaged/contracted; do not let stomach drop and hips to rise.
Image/GIF: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/97/9d/f7979dfc8b43294f480d475e1e823246.gif
Record the time in the nearest seconds/minute. Maximum of 90 seconds for boys and girls.
4. Flexibility: Zipper Test , evaluates the flexibility and mobility of your shoulder joint. Use one hand to
reach behind your neck, between your shoulders, with the other. Measure how many far apart your
hands are.
a. Stand erect.
b. Raise your right arm, bend your elbow, and reach down across your back as far as possible,
to test the right shoulder; extend your left arm down and behind your back, bend your
elbow up across your back, and try to reach/cross your fingers over those of your right
hand as if you to pull a zipper or scratch across the shoulder blades.
c. To test left shoulders, repeat procedures a and b with the left hand over the left shoulder.
Image/GIF: https://omaradil11.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/wq_zipper.jpg
Record zipper test to the nearest 0.1 centimeters.
Short review before moving up to the last topic:
Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing asses one’s what?
This assesses your body composition.
This assesses your muscular strength and endurance.
Zipper Test assess what physical status?
You did well! Now for the last topic of our group:
Why are there many people who are not physically active? The list below are the common reasons with some
ways to overcome them.
There are lots of reasons for not being physically active. Here’s a list of some common Reasons with some ways
to overcome them. Remember, everyone is different, with different abilities, knowledge, interests, and free
1. Lack of time
- Schedule activities into your day and use an exercise log so you can see how little time it takes.
2. Lack of motivation to begin
- Keep in mind all the physical and psychological benefits of the activity.
3. No support
- Join a club or program, or get active with a friend or family member so you have support and
encouragement during difficult times.
4. Feeling of being uncomfortable and bored
- Choose an activity you enjoy and keep it varied.
5. Risk of injury
- Progressing gradually will help you avoid injury and don’t push yourself too hard.