Book Review Subject Title Book Title Book Author Chapter No. Chapter Title Book Review Demonstrating Excellence in Practice Based Research Association of Schools of Public Health, 1 Introduction Summary of the main idea of the Chapter: Chapter one consists of a concise introduction to the book - Demonstrating Excellence in Practice Based Research for Public Health which is offered by the Council of Public Health Practice Coordinators of the Association of Schools of Public Health as the third of the Demonstrating Excellence Series. In addition to giving a balanced consideration to the co-equal responsibilities of public health academia in educating public health practitioners and generating new knowledge to further the capacity of scient and practice, this chapter further highlights the purpose, definitions, the four dimensions of scholarships for Practice base Research, the eight basic characteristics of the core values of nearly all forms of practice-based research. This introductory chapter demonstrated how an earlier reliance on evidence-based practices evolved radically from the use of observational and bacteriological laboratory research in the 1880s to the later part of the 20th century when progress in evidentiary practice-based grounded public health practice in science to improve population health through policy development and assurance activities. This chapter concludes by reiterating the inherent complexity and inclusive conceptual foundation of practice-based research arising from the breath of its scope and the diversity of stakeholders who provide support for and influence its progress. Points: 1. 2. Chapter one consists of a concise introduction to the book - Demonstrating Excellence in Practice Based Research for Public Health which is offered by the Council of Public Health Practice Coordinators of the Association of Schools of Public Health as the third of the Demonstrating Excellence Series. It highlights the purpose, definitions, the four dimensions of scholarships for Practice base Research, the eight basic characteristics of the core values of nearly all forms of practice-based research. Conclusion and Recommendation: Chapter one consists of a concise introduction to the book - Demonstrating Excellence in Practice Based Research for Public Health which is offered by the Council of Public Health Practice Coordinators of the Association of Schools of Public Health as the third of the Demonstrating Excellence Series. This chapter describes the purpose of this book as one intended for those who produce, participate in, and use practice-based research such as academic researchers, community-based organizations, professionals and interested community members.