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Essay Planner: Structure Your Essay Effectively

INTRODUCTION (Paragraph 1)
The introduction must be at least 4 sentences, but it may be more. You may decide you need more than one
sentence to explain the hook or relate it to your thesis. That’s fine.
Sentence 1: A hook that grabs the reader’s attention.
Sentence 2: Explain the hook._______________________________________________
Sentence 3: Relate the hook to your thesis._____________________________________
Sentence 4: Thesis statement – a sentence that clearly states your main purpose for
writing the essay. This sentence must have a specific subject narrowed down to 3
different focus areas.
BODY (Paragraphs 2-4)
Your body paragraphs must be at least 6 sentences. You must have a minimum of two details to support
your topic sentence; you must have at least one sentence of development for each detail. You may have
more details and more development.
Transition + Topic Sentence (the first focus area of the thesis statement).
Detail #1 ________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #1 __________________________________________________
Detail #2 ________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #2 __________________________________________________
Detail #3________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #3_________________________________________________
Concluding Sentence______________________________________________________
Transition + Topic Sentence (the second focus area of the thesis statement).
Detail #1 ________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #1 __________________________________________________
Detail #2 ________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #2 __________________________________________________
Detail #3________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #3_________________________________________________
Concluding Sentence______________________________________________________
Transition + Topic Sentence (the third focus area of the thesis statement).
Detail #1 ________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #1 __________________________________________________
Detail #2 ________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #2 __________________________________________________
Detail #3________________________________________________________________
Development for detail #3_________________________________________________
Concluding Sentence______________________________________________________
CONCLUSION (Paragraph 5)
Transition + Summary Statement. Paraphrase and summarize your thesis and main
points. Consider this your topic sentence for the conclusion.
So What? Explain to the reader why he should care about what you wrote. Why is this
End with a clincher statement (Use a quote, return to the idea you brought up in your
introduction, make a statement about the future, make a statement about how your topic
relates to the reader or society in general, refer back to the hook).