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Lesson Evaluation: Strengths, Weaknesses, Improvement

The lesson on music and dance was well taught and it was taught as per lesson plan. All the
lesson plan stages were followed and were done in sequence. The objectives of the lesson
were achieved as pupils managed to clap to the minim beat as they were able to identify the
number of beats in a minim. Pupils proved that they grasped the concepts as this was
evidenced by the dance performance and pupils managed to get higher marks. The lesson
introduction was motivating and it captured pupils’ attention and the lesson was sequenced
well. The language used by the teacher was appropriate and the teacher used good
questioning techniques in the lesson. The teaching methods employed by the teacher were
pupil centred and pupil to pupil interaction was noticed. A relevant conclusion was done by
the teacher.
However the major weakness of the lesson was that of over excitement in pupils and some
pupils in their groups were clapping what they were not taught as this was not in line with the
The teacher should monitor group work closely so that all pupils pay attention in the lesson
and also not to clap what is not in line with the concept.
The lesson on different past forms was well taught and media for the lesson was relevant and
effectively used to teach the lesson. All the stages of the lesson plan were followed and were
sequential. The teacher was able to achieve all the lesson objectives as pupils are now able to
construct sentences in the past form can now also identify words in the past form. Pupils
participated very well during the lesson and the group work was done and pupils were very
active throughout the lesson. In the group exercise pupil did very well which showed that
they have grasped the concept of the causes of conflicts in a family. A relevant conclusion
was done to end the lesson.
The major weakness of the lesson was that of the main part of the lesson was taught in
ChiShona since most of the pupils were not able to express their selves in English. Some of
the pupils did not grasp the concept well.
The teacher should encourage the pupils to speak in English if they have to build their oral
skills of the English language. The teacher will remediate the pupils who did not grasp the
concept and assign homework to them.
The lesson was well taught and media was used to teach the lesson. All the stages of the
lesson were followed as per the lesson plan. The teacher was able to achieve all the lesson
objectives. The different sounds of “th” in words was well explained and pupils participated
positively during the question and answer section. The group work was well done and all the
groups participated very well. The language used by the teacher and the pupils during the
lesson was age appropriate and suited the grade level of the pupils. In the written exercise
pupils managed to get higher marks which showed that they have grasped the concept taught.
A relevant conclusion was done by the teacher in wrapping the lesson.
However pupils like Ngoni, Austin and Kimberly proved that they did not grasp the concept
which was taught as they failed the written exercise. The group tasks which were given by
the teacher proved to be not challenging as pupils finished quickly without hassles.
The teacher intends to help the pupils who failed with remedial work so that pupils will grasp
the concept and also the teacher intends to set challenging group tasks. Pupils are encouraged
to keep on revising the concept.
Chidzidzo chino chenzwisiso yendima Mhembere yaMavis chabudirira sezvo zvinangwa
zvechidzidzo zvose zvagonekwa, Vana vakwanisa kudoma zvinoitika pamhemberero
dzakasiyana siyana uyewo vana vakwanisa kududza zvinoreva mazwi matsva abva mundima.
Mhando dzemadzidzisiro dzashandiswa dzange dzakanaka sezvo dzanga dzichikurudzira
vana kuti vadzidzisane pachavo. Basa remumapoka raitwa vana vakwanisazve kushanda vari
vaviri vaviri. mutauro washandiswa muchidzidzo wanga uchienderana nezera negwaro
revana. Vana varatidza kunzwisisa chidzidzo sezvo vakwanisa kubuda zvakanaka mubasa
ravo ravanyora. Mhando dzemadzidzisiro dzashandiswa dzange dzakanangana nevana
pachavo izvo zvakurudzira vana kuti vashandidzane zvakanaka Mhedziso yakakodzera
Mudzidzisi haana kubata nguva yechidzidzidzo yangayakatarwa. Vamwe vana vanga
vasingakwikwidze muchidzidzo. Vana ava ndivo vaita dambudziko pakupindura mibvunzo
yanga yapihwa yekupedzisa tsumo..
Mudzidzisi anotarisira kubata nguva muzvidzidzo zvinotevera. Mudzidzisi uyewo anotarisira
kukurudzira vana kukwikwidzawo muchidzidzo zvinoita kuti vabudirire muzvidzidzo zvavo.
Mudzidzisi anotarisira kubatsira vana vose vasina kubuda zvakanaka.
The lessons’ introduction was relevant; it was in line with the topic and the concept being
taught. Media which was used to teach the lesson was informative and educational. The
teacher managed to teach the lesson as per lesson plan. All the lessons, objectives were
achieved as pupils managed to add fractions and also managed to reduce them to their lowest
terms. The lesson was a success and most of the pupils were very active and participated
positively. Group work was done and it was effective as interesting activities came out from
the pupils. Pupils participated very well during the lesson and the group work was done and
pupils were very active throughout the lesson. In the group exercise pupil did very well which
showed that they have grasped the concept. Pupils proved that they have grasped the concept
and this was evidenced by the outcomes of the written exercise were three quarters of the
class got high marks and pupils like Rutendo, Shandel and Sharon got all the questions
However the teacher failed to conclude the lesson and the lesson was ended on the fourth
stage the extension work stage and conclusion were not done the teacher did not manage time
Teacher intends to improve on time management and not to use much time on stage two and
group work in order to give time for other stages.
The lesson on reducing fractions to their lowest terms was successfully done and it was
taught as per lesson plan. The lesson objectives were all achieved as pupils managed to
reduce fractions to their lowest terms as directed by the teacher. The introduction was in line
with the concept being taught. All the stages of the lesson plan were followed and were
sequential. The methods of teaching employed by the teacher were all pupils centred and
pupil to pupil interaction was noticed during group work. The pupils also managed to
participate by coming in front to demonstrate what the teacher had shown. The teachers’
voice audible and clear that all pupils could hear the teacher clearly. Media used in the lesson
was educational, informative and effective. Some of the stages of the lesson plan were done.
The teacher managed time very well.
However the teacher failed to conclude the lesson and the lesson was ended on the fourth
stage with feedback from the pair work. The time was not managed well by the teacher.
The teacher intends to stick to the lesson plan and follow all the stages sequentially so that all
the stages will be done. The teacher also needs to keep time for each lesson so that time is not
wasted on minor issues.
The practical lesson on the take off point, the set go technique was taught and it was
according to the lesson plan. The general warm up and the specific warm up were in line with
the skills and the coaching points. The coaching points were well explained by the teacher
and the pupils did not find difficulties in following what was being commanded. The group
activities were done and they were pupil centred as pupils also peer taught each other during
the group activities. The conclusion was done and it was relevant pupil had time to cool
down. All the stages of the lesson plan were followed and were sequential. The teachers
voice was audible and clear that all pupils heard the teacher clearly.
Class management by the teacher was poor as the area was not marked the whistle was not
available for the lesson.
The teacher intends to mark the working area and also use a whistle control the pupils so that
when the whistle is blown it means stop whatever you are doing.
The lesson was taught and it was taught as per lesson plan. All the stages of the lesson plan
were followed and were done in sequence. The lesson objectives were fairly met as pupils
managed identify some of the different types of foods people buy. Pupils managed to explain
on what is HIV/AIDS and how a person with the disease should eat well. The lesson was
introduced very well and pupils were motivated by the introduction. In each stage of the
lesson a clear explanation was done was by the teacher and pupils were very positive in the
class discussion. The group work was done and pupils were very cooperative during the
discussions. A relevant conclusion was done by the teacher. The language used in the lesson
was age appropriate and it suited the grade level of the pupils.
However no media was used during the lesson and some pupils were not participating in the
lesson since the group work was not done. Only class discussion was done.
Teacher intends to bring media for the lessons to follow so that all pupils will be participating
in the lessons and also to help pupils grasp the concept.
The lesson was introduced with the explanation of field crops as this was relevant to the
subject matter. The intended lesson objectives were achieved as pupils managed to define the
value of crops, they also managed to identify root vegetables. The lesson was well sequenced
and the teacher managed time effectively. The teacher did not face any challenges in
declaring the lesson since the assumed knowledge for the pupils was correct. The pupils
seemed they have grasped the quite well due to effective teaching methods employed by the
teacher which were suitable to the grade level of the learners.
The major weakness of the lesson was that the teacher did not manage time effectively and
the other weakness of pupils speaking Shona in the explanation of field crops.
The teacher will practice to manage time effectively. The teacher will also encourage pupils
to speak in English in all lessons that require to be taught and spoken in English so that their
oral skills will be built up.
The lesson introduction was good because it motivated pupils to learn. Most pupils grasped
the concept well; they were able to construct drums using empty tins, plastics and tins. All the
lesson objectives were achieved and pupils participated very well in the lesson. Methods used
to teach were pupil centred and encouraged pupil to pupil interaction. Class discussions were
done and were successful pupils also peer taught each other on how to construct drums and it
was good. Media was available for the lesson and was effectively used. The outcome of the
lesson was good. The language used in the lesson was age appropriate and suited the grade
level of the pupils. All the stages of the lesson plan were done.
However though the lesson was well done the major weakness of the lesson was that of other
pupils not performing well as they did not bring the material needed to construct the drums.
Teacher intends to tell pupils well in advance so that pupils will have time to bring the
material needed to make the artefact in the concept.
The lesson was well taught and a relevant introduction was done. Media was used to teach
the lesson. All the activities were pupil centred and pupil to pupil to pupil interaction was
noticed in the lesson. All the activities were done as per lesson plan. Pupils enjoyed working
with the environment in the lesson. The lesson introduction was very motivating and pupils’
interest to learn was stimulated after observing a woodlot in the school grounds. The
objectives of the lesson were met pupils managed to state the tree that are found in a woodlot
and managed to identify the ways of growing the trees in the woodlot. A relevant conclusion
was done in concluding the lesson
The major weakness of lesson was that the teacher did not manage the time effectively since
some of the pupils were making noise during the lesson.
The teacher should always encourage the pupils to pay attention regardless of what ever
subject which is being taught. The teacher should always manage time effectively.
Dzokororo yaitwa semarongerwo ayange yakaitwa munhevedzwa ino, nhanganyaya
yechidzidzo chino yanga yakanaka sezvo vana vakwanisa kuverenga zvavanga vachitarisirwa
kuita pamubvunzo wogawoga vakakwanisa kudoma zvanga zvichitarisirwa Chidzidzo
chaitwa semarongerwo achange chakaitwa munhevedzwa ino. Midziyo yashandiswa
muchidzidzo yange ichienderana nepfungwa dzechidzidzo.zvinangwa zvose zvechidzidzo
zvakabatwa. Vana vapihwa nguva yekutsanangurirana vari mumapoka vachipanana pfungwa
itsva. Mhando dzemadzidzisiro dzashandiswa dzange dzakanangana nevana pachavo
dzichivakurudzira kuti vapanane pfungwa itsva. Vana vazhinji varatidza kuti vano ziva
nyadzosingwi sezvo vazhinji vavo vagona kupindura mibvunzo yenyaudzosingwi zvakanaka.
Nguva yatorwa mukuitisa chidzidzo chino yange yakarebesa kupfuura yakatarwa. Mudzidzisi
atadza kubata nguva zvakanaka.
Mudzidzisi anotarisira kubata nguva muzvidzidzo zvinotevera izvi zvichagoneka kana
mudzidzisi akapavana nguva yakaringana pavanenge vari mumapoka.
The teacher conducted the lesson very well and the lesson outcomes were good. The lesson
on numbers expressed in expanded notation was introduced well and the lesson introduction
stimulated the pupils’ interest to learn. The methods of teaching employed by the teacher
were pupil centred and pupil to pupil interaction was noticed. There was also a good rapport
between the teacher and the pupils during feedback time. The objectives of lesson were fairly
met as pupils managed to identify and expand numbers in ten thousands. The media provided
for the lesson was appropriate and effectively used. The language used in the lesson was age
appropriate and it suited the grade level of the pupils. Pupils participated very well during the
lesson. All the lesson plan stages were done sequentially.
The major notable weakness of the lesson was that the teacher did not bring enough media for
the lesson and the group work was done from the chalkboard which made other pupils not to
participate fully well
The teacher should always bring the enough media for the lessons as it aids pupils to grasp
the concept being taught.
The lesson was taught and learnt according to the lesson plan. All the lesson objectives were
achieved and pupils did very well in the group activities which show that they have grasped
the concept of different past forms. The teacher declared the lesson well and it was
successful. The lesson introduction was in line with the content and concept being taught.
The objectives of the lesson were met as pupils managed to construct sentences using words
in the past form and can now identify words in the past form. The group work was conducted
and pupils participated very well. The rapport between the teacher and the pupils was good
during feedback time. All the stages of the lesson plan were followed and were done in
sequence. The language used in the lesson was age appropriate and suited the grade level of
the pupils. A relevant conclusion was done.
The major weakness of the lesson is that the teacher did not use media for the lesson and
there was poor class management. There was too much noise in the classroom.
The teacher intends to bring media for all lessons as it helps pupils to grasp concepts being
taught. Teacher also intends to improve on class management.
The introduction which was done the lesson was effective and it stimulated pupils’ interest to
learn and it was a motivator. The intended lesson objectives were fairly met as pupils
managed to identify the stages of a baby from birth up to three years and also pupils managed
to state the changes of young boys and girls to adulthood. The assumed knowledge for the
pupils was a good starting point the teacher did not face any challenges in declaring the
lesson. The media provided by the teacher was relevant to the concept taught. The language
used to conduct the lesson by the teacher was appropriate. All the stages of the lesson plan
were followed and were done in sequence. The media was available and the experiment was
carried out which made the lesson successful.
The major challenge was the question technique which was used by the teacher, the questions
were of high order hence pupils with learning difficulties found it difficult to answer the
The teacher intends to set and ask questions which cater for pupils of different learning
abilities so that all pupils will be motivated during the teaching learning process.
The lesson was delivered according to the lesson plan and the lesson outcomes were fair. The
lesson introduction was brief, captive and relevant to the subject matter. The teacher declared
the lesson easily due to the assumed knowledge of the pupils which was correct. Most pupils
grasped the concept quite well due to effective teaching methods enabled which were child
centred and suitable to their level of education. The media brought to the lesson contained
relevant information which helped the pupils in the understanding of the concept taught. The
language used by the teacher was suitable to the level of the pupils thereby enabling an
effective teaching – learning process taking place. The teaching methods used to conduct the
lesson were suitable to the grade level of the learners thereby enabling their understanding. A
relevant conclusion was made in wrapping the lesson.
There are hindrances noted during contacting there lesson and these include poor
management of time by the teacher. Some of the pupils seemed they did not grasp the
concept well.
The teacher should manage the time effectively. The teacher is going to assist the pupils who
seemed to have not understood the lesson quite well by conducting remedial lessons with
them as a well as assigning homework.
Chidzidzo chino chaitwa semarongerwo achange chakaitwa. Zvinangwa zvabudirira sezvo
vana vakwanisa kuisa mazwi muuzhinji uye vanyora zvakanaka mibvunzo yese vavabvunzwa
nomudzidzisi. Midziyo yange iripo uye yashandiswa nomazvo zvaita kuti vana vanzwisise.
Nhanganyaya yange yakanaka uye yaita kuti vana vave nechidokwa dokwa chekuda
kudzidzidza. Midziyo yange iripo uye yange ichienderana nechidzidzo bhambiri rine mazwi
muuzhinji rashandiswa zvakanaka uye makadhi ebasa ashandiswa nomazvo vana pavange
vachiita basa romumapoka. Vana vakawanda vakwikwidza zvinofadza muchidzidzo chino
zvinova izvo zvinofadza uye zvaita kuti vawane zvibodzwa zvinofadza. Mhedziso yaitwa apo
vana vadzokorora basa ravanyora vachibatsirwa nomudzidzisi.
Mudzidzisi haana kupa vana nguva yakakwana yekuti vaite basa mumapoka avo
vachikurukurirana. Vamwe vana vange vachisanganisa chirungu nechishona mukupa mazwi.
Mudzidzisi anofanirwa kupa vana nguva yekuti vaite hurukuro vari mumapoka avo uye
mudzidzisi anofanirwa kukurudzira vana kushandisa zvirunga mutauro senzira yekukurukura