Performance Task Creator Main Benchmarks to Assess and DOK Required by Benchmark: Real-World Role (Something the student might actually be or do): Real-World Problem / Challenge (A problem that the community or world is currently facing that requires skills and content embedded in the benchmarks to solve): Real-World Audience (Ideally beyond the walls of the school, an audience that is authentically a part of the challenge): Real-World Product: (A product that is similar to what would be found in the realworld. eg. Environment impact statement vs an essay, public service announcement vs a worksheet). Real-World Process: (The process mirrors what would take place in the real-world). Transfer Skills (how will these benchmarks be used in real life?): Real-World Scenario (Put it together and set up a scenario that is engaging for students): Copyright 2013 Pacific American Foundation & Kapono Ciotti inc What do students need to know or be able to do to accomplish this?