INVESTIGATORY PROJECTS TOPIC CHEMISTRY CLASS-XII S.No. Roll No. Topic 1 1,13,25,37,49 Chemical Test To Distinguish Between Functional Groups 2 2,14,26,38,50 Investigation of foaming Capacity of different Washing Soap. 3 3,15,27,39,51 Study of the effect of Potassium Bisulphate as food preservative under various conditions (temperature, concentrations, time etc). 4 4,16,28,40,52 To study the presence of Insecticides and Pesticides in Various fruits and vegetables. 5 5,17,29,41,53 Effect of Acid rain on Limestone Rock. 6 6,18,30,42,54 To study and compare the rate of evaporation of different liquids. 7 7,19,31,43,55 Determination of Caffeine in Tea Samples. 8 8,20,32,44,56 9 9,21,33,45,57 10 10,22,34,46 11 11,23,35,47 Comparative study and qualitative analysis of different brands of cold drinks available in market. Study of common food adulterant in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric powder, chilli powder and pepper. Preparation of soyabean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with respect to curd formation, effects of temperature etc. To test for the presence of anions and cations present in different brands of toothpaste. 12 12,24,36,48 Study of digestion of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH and temperature.