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Industrialization Analysis: T-Shirt Cost & Impact

ACTIVITY 8.1: Article Analysis: Why is that T-shirt so Cheap?
Direction/s: Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer by providing
THREE (3) to FIVE (5) SENTENCES for each question.
Article Analysis:
Why is that T-Shirt so
Name: Catacutan Shekinah Chloe P.
Course: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Year & Section: RT – 101
Schedule: MWF (3:40 – 4:40 PM)
1. Give one (1) striking
If I were to choose the most significant factor towards
factor leading towards Industrialization, I would go back to the basics of how
Industrialization happened in the first place, and choose the
which convinced you
factor of fossil fuels from the vast amounts of energy that
the most. Explain.
were unleashed – such as coal.
Why? This is because I recognized that coal was a crucial
raw material that drove Industrial Revolution. This is evident
as coal was used across Europe, Asia and America; for instance
Song China had used coal extensively in its iron industry while
London had burned coal for home heating from at least the
thirteenth century. Above all, coal allowed textile industry to
become mechanized — for machines to be used on a large
scale. From these we can deduce that a lot of factories and
industries were dependent on coal at that time. Without the
raw material - coal, we won't be able to utilize other factors
(money to invest in innovations, and advances in
transportation) and cannot progress to the next level.
2. Give one advantage of
As discussed, one of the factors for industrialization is the
increased concentration of capital (money) as people and
companies at that time were becoming richer and able to
create large businesses. I have mentioned this because
realizations were made that this factor of industrialization
brought the greatest advantage of all: we are able to
practice and invest in innovation to create new inventions!
Innovation provided us the opportunities available to
build wealth by means of looking forward to creating and
developing a variety of products and services that we can use
in our daily lives. One example, is the steam engine which was
originally used to pump water out of coal mines but after
years of improving upon the invention, it was eventually
adapted and used for tugboats (1736), paddleboats (1788),
steamships (1814), and railroad engines (1825). Through
innovation offered by industrialization we had the chance to
take advantage of what the era offered which led us to a
growth in wealth, production of goods, and a higher
standard of living.
3. Give one disadvantage
Industrialization is associated to the use of fossil fuels such
of Industrialization.
as oil, natural gas, and petroleum; chemical solvents used in
the dyeing and tanning industries; the emission of untreated
gas and liquid waste into the environment, and the
inappropriate disposal of radioactive material. To our dismay,
all of these, contributed to an alarming disadvantage which
is environmental harm like air, water and land pollution.
According to a study published in Nature in 2016, climate
change caused by human activities began as early as the
1830s, the time when industrialization was at its peak. What
is the cause? The burning of fossil fuels released carbon into
the atmosphere. This environmental effect not just harmed
mother earth but even us humans as air pollution continued
to rise causing respiratory illness and higher death rates in
areas where coal was used more frequently.
4. Try answering the
The answer lies on Industrialization itself since global shift
question: Why is that
in how goods were manufactured happened during industrial
T-shirt so Cheap?
revolution. As mentioned, coal allowed the textile industry to
What is it referring to? become mechanized — for machines to be used on a large
scale. In addition, a machine that could turn raw cotton into
thread was created; the steam-powered spinning Jenny a
machine that could produce as much thread in three hours as
an expert spinner could produce in 50 hours by hand, and for
a lot less money.
What is the relationship of these to the price of goods and
labor? Machines that could manufacture textiles more faster
than a weaver working by hand, as well as a decline in the
price of a piece of cloth from 40 shillings to 5 shillings,
meant that textiles were being produced faster and cheaper
than ever before due to the revolution in fuel, machines, and
labor. This advancement in the textile industry is the reason
for the low cost of T-shirts.
5. Give one important
In this article, I was able to appreciate the human
realization you have
species' dominance over the affairs of the planet. Human
learned in this article. society is so powerful that it influences the fate of the entire
biosphere, as evidenced by how industrialization provides
numerous benefits to us humans while simultaneously
affecting our already limited resources from Mother Earth.
Because of our collective learning abilities, we were able
to work on a greater scale which accelerated innovation. With
the discovery of fossil fuels, humans were able to tap into
energy resources that have been stored in the Earth for
hundreds of millions of years. We have shown huge progress,
from which up until today, we are able to benefit from such
innovations as seen with the advanced standards of living that
we have. I learned that humans have gained control over
much of the biosphere - a huge yet formidable responsibility.
My Commitment:
During this activity, I learned that we humans are blessed with
the potential of collective learning, which allows us to shape
and improve our skills in the direction of innovation and
progress. And now that I have the opportunity to pursue
formal education, I will not waste it. As a student, I commit to
spend my time at Holy Angel University wisely and
productively so that I can contribute to my chosen fields of
medicine and nursing. In the future, I plan to practice
innovation, applying potential advancements and offering
new approaches to improving healthcare in our country.
I am a steward of God’s creation.