1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19TH, 2022 | Donate BREAKING NEWS The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards BY RHODA WILSON ON OCTOBER 9, 2021 • ( 22 COMMENTS ) There has always been a lingering question as to why 5G is being hyped up as the panacea for all things with communications and especially the Internet of Things. In October 2020 Claire Edwards issued a statement to the people of the world warning that wireless technologies supress the immune system, of the many purposes of 5G technology, how 5G is implicated in Covid-19 and that Covid-19 is genocide. To give some background information we use some points Edwards discussed ten months prior in an interview with Greenplanet FM: ‘Claire Edwards: What Is The Real 5G Agenda And Why The Frantic Hurry To Deploy It?’ (https://www.ourplanet.org/greenplanetfm/claire-edwards-what-is-the-real-5g-agenda-and-why-the-frantic-hurry-to-deploy-it) Edwards, an editor on drugs, crime and anti-terrorism, had worked at the United Nations (“UN”), Austria, for 18 years. She especially worked on documents regarding space and worked on the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/index.html) which has a legal subcommittee and a scientific and technical subcommittee. Edwards has a good understanding of Space Law (https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/index.html) as well as22some of the issues regarding space. What brought Edwards to an in-depth understanding of 5G and its effect on human health is when, in December 2015, the UN installed Wi-Fi and cell phone boosters along the ceilings in “public access areas.” She decided to take some readings using her radiation meter. She discovered that in areas where the ceilings were lower, in the corridors where most of the staff worked, the radiation exposure was “off the scale.” https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 1/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate Claire Edwards Addresses the United Nations Read more: UK Column: Claire Edwards former UN Editor and Trainer. Covid-19 Genocide. Powerwatch UK: Helping people to understand EMF effects on health EMF Scientist Appeal The 5G Appeal International EMF Alliance: 5G & Beyond First generation wireless was voice. Second generation wireless, 2G, allowed both talk and text. Third generation, 3G, the internet, in a limited way. And today’s internet using fourth generation wireless, 4G, completed that digital migration. Fifth generation, 5G, will connect the Internet of Everything (“IoE”) 22 (https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/technology/digital-world/the-internet-of-everything-ioe/). The IoE with four pillars – people, process, data, and things – builds on top of the Internet of Things (“IoT”) with one pillar – things. With IoE, if something can be connected it will be connected – hundreds of billions of microchips connected in products from pill bottles to plant water, requiring massive deployment of small cells (https://www.smallcellforum.org/5g-product-definition-report/). Small cells, which may not be all that small size-wise, are low-cost radio access points delivering coverage indoors and out. In the 5G era small cells will be deployed in a far wider range of scenarios. https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 2/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose “Putting tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world,” said 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% ofofour readers support us evenSciences though we solely on State your support. But if MartinONLY Pall (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Pall) , Professor Emeritus Biochemistry and Medical atrely Washington University. every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate ‘Totally insane’: Telecomm Industry ignores 5G dangers 22 According to the World Economic Forum ‘Totally insane’: Telecomm Industry ignores 5G dangers, RT America, 6 March 2019 (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/what-is-the-internet-of-things/), “robotics, the IoT and artificial intelligence, is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution – and COVID-19 has accelerated the use of these technologies.” Read more: https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 3/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose Environmental Health Trust: 5G And the Internet of Things ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if The 5G Apocalypse every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have Donate 5G: Great for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) the fundsrisk to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them, Martin L. Pall, 2018 Edwards claims there have been over 28,000 studies of the effects of 5G but regulatory agencies have been co-opted by corporations and so the public is not made aware of these studies, the information is being suppressed. In 1976 there was a document emanating from the US military stating that it’s not desirable to have adequate public exposure limits because this would impede the development of weapons and also impede the profit of industry. For proof that these studies exist we need only look at what is published about microwaves. For example, Edwards said, in the 1970/80s the United States military compiled a whole series of compendia of the body’s biological effects from microwave radiation; and, in 1973 the World Health Organisation held a symposium: Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1775882/). Why would militaries want to develop microwave radiation weapons? In order to kill. And, it is not only the United States military that has microwave weapons. An internet search will reveal that these weapons are now being regularly reported on, even by corporate media, whether as the cause of Havana Syndrome (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/02/microwave-weapons-havana-syndrome-experts) or questioning if the police will also use microwave weapons (https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2021/06/23/the-us-military-wants-a-better--microwave-weapon-will-the-police-also-use-it/). 5G is to going to supersede 3G and 4G but we are going to be exposed to all of them at the same time as 3G and 4G will continue to be used. Read more: The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technology You can listen to Edwards’ full one-hour January 2020 interview with Greenplanet FM HERE (https://www.ourplanet.org/greenplanetfm/claire-edwards-what-is-the-real-5g-agenda-andwhy-the-frantic-hurry-to-deploy-it). In October 2020, Edwards issued an important video message for the sovereign peoples of this world: ‘The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020’. Now, a year after she issued her message, a lot more information is known and it is worth revisiting it as it seems more relevant than ever. “5G is implicated in COVID-19 through correlations between the locations of the 5G rollout and morbidity/mortality, as well as the prior administration of flu 22 vaccinations in Wuhan and Milan. “The symptoms of “COVID” are virtually identical to the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). “Extensive military research over many decades was kept secret and regulatory agencies were co-opted in order to prevent the public learning about the extreme dangers of electromagnetic radiation. https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 4/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose “Doctors receive no training on the risks to health of exposure to EMR and therefore misdiagnose EMR symptoms. Hospitals are extensively equipped with 5G, 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if puttingONLY patients’ lives at risk … every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate “… Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger,” Edwards warned. The Covid-19 Genocide Of 2020 by Claire Edwards, October 2020 (20 mins) The transcript for ‘The Covid-19 Genocide Of 2020’ and links to supporting documents are in the PDF below: Claire-Edwards-Covid-Genocide-of-2020 Download 22 Read more: Claire Edwards: Investigative Report on The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Relationship to Sars-Cov-2 And Other Factors “Doctors for the Truth” Speak Out in Madrid, Denounce Covid-19 “False Pandemic” The Real Pandemic – Covid-19 or Graphene Oxide? Poisonous Nano-Material Found in Covid Vaccines and Face Masks https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 5/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) 22 Donate The Exposé is now censored on Google, Facebook & Twitter. (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) we need your help to ensure we can continue to bring you the (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/)facts the mainstream refuse to… (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) (https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/12/01/christmas-fundraising-campaign)So https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 6/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose We’re not funded by the Government ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. 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ON the 16th of January 2022, retired Police Constable Mark Death as “Covid every 5 of those deaths since November Patents spanning two Sexton recorded … An 18-year-old Brazilian the 22 UK Health Security Agency proves without … Australia is currently suffering the largest rise in Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and … decades … Complications” model, Valentine Boscardin, died just days ago from a … https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 8/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate Follow Daily Expose on Telegram 0 Article Rating 22 Subscribe Login Join the discussion https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 9/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose {} [+ ] ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) 22 COMMENTS Donate Krofter 3 months ago Thanks for bringing this topic forward. It may very well be the most problematic health issue we face in the world today. The reason why Bill Gates was able to predict the covid outbreak a year ahead is because he knew the implementation of 5G would cause a flu outbreak. Yes, the negative effects of EMF’s has been known for many years. In 1994 I attended a 3 day workshop by the German group Baubilogie (https://baubiologie.de/ (https://baubiologie.de/)) about EMF’s. I then built my zero EMF cob house using some of their information and info I had gleaned from other sources. 5G killed my mother. You can read more about that here – https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/emfs-5g-vaccines-the-real-causes (https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/emfs-5g-vaccines-the-real-causes) https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/5g-covid-kill-shots-mothers-recent (https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/5g-covid-kill-shots-mothers-recent) 3 22 Reply Rhoda Wilson (@rhoda-wilson) Reply to Krofter Author 3 months ago It’s a pleasure. You and GrundelP inspired me to write it. I’ve had a look at your articles and I’d like to extract some information from them to write at least one more on 5G. If I reference your articles in mine, are you happy for me to use some of your information? Would you like to help me write an article about 5G? https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 10/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose Reply ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ1- Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate Krofter Reply to Rhoda Wilson 3 months ago Thanks to a reader who just put me on notice, I just got this. Your welcome to use any of my info as long as you point folks to the source. I’d also love to co-write a piece with you. I assume you have access to my email… If so, send me an email. 0 Reply Rhoda Wilson (@rhoda-wilson) Author Reply to Krofter 3 months ago Great re co-authorship. I’ll see if I can find your email address. Today’s a day to get my life in order, as you can imagine I don’t work “ordinary” hours, so I may not get back to you today. Last edited 3 months ago by Rhoda Wilson 0 Reply Krofter Reply to Rhoda Wilson 3 months ago Ok. About to read your latest post here. 22 0 Reply Rhoda Wilson (@rhoda-wilson) Author Reply to Krofter 3 months ago Hi. I am unable to find an email address for you. I haven’t checked, but is there a way for me to privately message you mine on your blog page? https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 11/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose 0 Reply ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate Krofter Reply to Rhoda Wilson 3 months ago Yes. I’m not sure how but many have done it. 0 Reply Krofter Reply to Rhoda Wilson 3 months ago Or, just comment to an earlier article and I’ll get back to you. 0 Reply Rhoda Wilson (@rhoda-wilson) Reply to Krofter Author 2 months ago I couldn’t find a way to message you so I’ve entered a comment on this article, emf’s, 5g, vaccines – the real causes of disease. The first part of my email address is in brackets after my name, the last bit is at gmail.com 0 Reply GundelP 3 months ago 22 A big thank you for this article! 1 Reply Rhoda Wilson (@rhoda-wilson) Reply to GundelP Author 3 months ago https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 12/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose Thank you for highlighting 5G in comments to previous posts, it inspired me to write it. Articles on ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if 5G are long overdue. every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate Last edited 3 months ago by Rhoda Wilson 3 Reply GundelP Reply to Rhoda Wilson 3 months ago Thank you, too. Have you seen this? Karen Kingston (ex-Pizer) latest in Stew Peters Show, she dug up some truly interesting patents. Or frightening… https://rumble.com/vnhqap-receipts-dod-joint-artificial-intelligence-center-monitoring-vaxxdeaths.html (https://rumble.com/vnhqap-receipts-dod-joint-artificial-intelligence-center-monitoring-vaxxdeaths.html) Based on this: https://rumble.com/vnbgal-never-before-seen-blood-doctor-reveals-horrific-findings-afterexamining-vi.html (https://rumble.com/vnbgal-never-before-seen-blood-doctor-reveals-horrific-findings-afterexamining-vi.html) And this: https://rumble.com/vneorx-vaxx-vials-breaking-development-discs-carry-mysterypayload.html (https://rumble.com/vneorx-vaxx-vials-breaking-development-discs-carry-mystery-payload.html) Last edited 3 months ago by GundelP 0 22 Reply marge 3 months ago And yet no one is doing anything about it – again. Unless someone actually turns up at your door with a gun you’ll never lift a finger. https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 13/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose 0 Reply ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate GundelP Reply to marge 3 months ago Not true, sorry, we tried. I supported 3 different, 5G related cases as I knew from more personal experiences that it’s extremely dangerous. There was a wave of dying pets during 2020 spring at it was not covid or rather a virus what killed them. The cases are on crowdjustice.com (search 5G). The system is corrupt, nothing happened / happens. That’s why I dare to say that people who burned down those antennas were right, the leadership gave no choice, the legal way doesn’t work. Due to my experience I am so terrified that I have to live close to that wretched things I wish I have the courage, too. Just watch the present energy hoax, I bet even if we freeze during the winter and sitting in the dark, those antennas will have power. 6 Reply Canuck Rebel 3 months ago 5G connects with the graphene oxide in the clot shots…your body fuctions as an antennae. You become linked to the cloud, and it is a 2 way connection…they can input emotions and anting else they want to control you. They can also turn you…and everybody else…off…permanently. 3 Reply 22 GundelP Reply to Canuck Rebel 3 months ago And you are tagged. Most likely. I’ve just read a report they connect to Bluetooth or rather Bluetooth ‘sees’ their IDs. IPhones won’t show it but android smart phones will. Could someone https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 14/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose please check this in the UK? ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if The IDs should be something like this: every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) 0 Donate Reply If You Have Recently Developed Tinnitus, It Is Possibly Because 5G Has Been Turned on Nearby – The Expose 3 months ago […] NAS report versus JASON report as to the causes of Havana Syndrome seems to indicate the type of suppression of information Claire Edwards […] 0 Reply If You Have Recently Developed Tinnitus, It Is Possibly Because 5G Has Been Turned on Nearby – The Expose - Nota Akhir Zaman 22 3 months ago […] NAS report versus JASON report as to the causes of Havana Syndrome seems to indicate the type of suppression of information Claire Edwards […] 0 Reply https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 15/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose A real Agenda 5G e como a Covid-19 Está ajudando a alcançá-la. “A humanidade está em ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSÉ - Less than 0.1% of our readers support us even though we rely solely on your support. But if perigo extremo iminente” – then Claire – ANONYMOUS every single person reading this supported Thee Exposé today weEdwards could remove this annoying INCISION banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for another year.... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) Donate 2 months ago […] Veja mais em TheExposé.uk […] 0 Reply Bioelectronics: “Your chip will talk to your watch, your watch will talk to the internet, the internet will talk to your doctor, your doctor will make adjustments” – The Expose 1 month ago […] The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent… […] 0 Reply Bioelectronics: “Your chip will talk to your watch, your watch will talk to the internet, the internet will talk to your doctor, your doctor will make adjustments” - 1 month ago […] The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent… […] 22 0 Reply Lo zinco inibisce il virus dell’influenza…. e aiuta il nostro corpo a disintossicarsi dal grafene – Extra Opportunity 15 days ago https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 16/17 1/19/2022 The Real 5G Agenda and How Covid-19 Is Helping to Achieve It. “Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger” – Claire Edwards – The Expose ONLY 12 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE - Less than of ourilreaders support us even though we rely solely“L’umanità on your support. But if […]THE LaEXPOSÉ vera agenda 5G0.1% e come Covid-19 sta aiutando a raggiungerla. è in estremo every single person reading this supported The Exposé today then we could remove this annoying banner as The Exposé would have the funds to keep running for e i… another , Theyear.... Exposé (https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/01/january-fundraising-campaign/) […] 0 Donate Reply 22 https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/09/the-real-5g-agenda-and-how-covid-19-is-helping-to-achieve-it-humanity-is-in-extreme-and-imminent-danger-claire-edwards/ 17/17