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Studying in Canada: Funding & Admissions Guide

Delivered : Dec 13/12/2016 on Msc/PhD Exploit Unlimited whatsapp Group
Delivered by - Adebayo Ademola
Compiled by - Abdon
Strictly for this group only(MSc/PhD Xloit unlimited on
Lets start a topic on *studying in Canada.*
Canada is a country that offer great funding opportunities to international students But most people are
not aware about the scholarships and funding opportunities there. Every admitted graduate students
for Msc and PhD get automatic funding via fellowship, scholarship or research assistant ship from their
The funding ranges from 15,000 dollars to 24,000 per year.
However, if there are no funding available applicants wonts be admitted.
*Eligible grade* Canadian universities only admit applicants with 2: 1 nd first class.
During your first year of Msc if you have a first class result (3.5 of 4.00). You will be promoted to PhD
based on approval by your supervisor and faculty of graduate school.
All applicants have to pay an application fee ranging from 50 to 120 dollars depending on your choice of
It takes up to 3month to get admission offer letter after application. Some offer letter comes with
There is a need to secure a potential supervisors before applying. This is the most difficult part of it
because lecturers won't even acknowledge your mail..
How ever you must be creative in writing your mail and attach a copy of your cv and transcript. It is also
important to tell U that there ate two type of Msc program in Canada.
The first is called the *thesis based* Msc and the second is the *course based*
Thesis based is for two years while course based are usually for 1 year..
You do not need to seek supervisor If U are applying for course based.
Interestingly, some Msc thesis based don't require you secure a potential supervisor before application
they would automatically give you one after application.
Canadian university will require you upload an unofficial scanned copy of ur transcript while you
request that your host university send the official hard copy by post mail such as dhl, fedex etc.
Finally, if you finish your program in Canada, you will be eligible for post graduation work permit for
about 1 to 3 years...
*Please ask questions*
Abdon: How do we go about the application fee?
Response- Application fee can not be waved... it is paid immediately when trying to submit your
It can be paid with your ATM card.
More so, application fee is only waved for some least developed country of which Nigeria is not part of
Please be sure of the funding cost before applying to Canadian universities...the cost of funding varies..
Some are automatic while you have to apply for some..
And another thing about Canada is that the tution fee can be paid when U get there. This means you
don't need to deposit any money before visa app and the tuition can be deducted from your funding
every month
Another thing is that if you secure a funding..
It would be paid every two weeks while some scholarship or fund less than 6,000 dollars are paid once
*question- can u recommend any Canadian university for application?*
Respnse - Hmmm...
There are many universities in Canada...
Based on funding I would recommend the following
*University of Alberta*(most generous with funding up to 24,000canadian dollars )
*University of Toronto* ( grant graduate student funding that covers tuition plus 15,000 or first year)
*University of saskatchewan*
*University of Manitoba*( here U will apply for scholarship after admission not automatic )
*Memorial university* ( grant good funding and they have the lowest tuition fee in Canada).
There are many universities just scrutinize them well.
*Question-So for the course based, one will need to choose a supervisor?*
Response- Course based Msc do not need supervisor but all U need is an advisor simply because U will
just be doing a bit of research project and not a deep reseach
In university of Toronto, exceptional students with a grade of A- which means high first class can apply
straight for phd with a bsc degree.
Any other questions?
*Test of English*?
Response- Most Canadian university exempt Nigerians from toefl or ielts but require a medium of
instruction letter from your home university..
You will need three lecturers to fill recommendation form for U.
The form will automatically be sent to their institutional mails U filled in ur application. They fill it and
*Time of application*
Depending on ur course start date..
Some course start in September, January and may.
U have to apply like 9 months to your course start date..
The application deadline are usually stated on the departmental websites.