Rh Blood group system 149 – 172 Blood group terminology 173 – 211 Detection and identification of antibodies 232 255 RH Blood Group System Introduction: The Rh blood group is highly complex, and the alloimmunization to Rh blood group antigens can complicate transfusion and pregnancy. It is imperative to have a basic understanding of Rh, as RhD typing is a critical component of pretransfusion and prenatal testing. The term Rh refers to a specific red blood cell (RBC) antigen (D) and to a complex blood group system currently composed of 61 different antigenic specificities. Rh is the second in importance only to ABO blood group system in terms of transfusion, as the Rh system antigens are very immunogenic. Unlike ABO antibodies that are routinely found in individuals who lack the corresponding antigen, Rh antibodies are produced only after exposure to foreign red blood cells The terms Rh-positive and Rhnegative are used to describe the presence or absence of the D antigen. Rh-positive indicates that an individual’s red blood cells possess one particular Rh antigen, the D antigen. Rh-negative indicates that the red blood cells lack the D antigen Terminology There are four terminologies used to describe the Rh system. Two are based on postulated genetic theories of Rh inheritance. The third common terminology used describes only the presence or absence of a given antigen. The fourth was established by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Committee on Terminology for Red Cell Surface Antigens. It is important for the student to distinguish between phenotype and genotype before exploring the Rh nomenclature. The phenotype of a given RBC is defined by the serologic detection of antigens using specific antisera. an Rh phenotype represents the results for serologic testing of RBC for D, C, c, E, and e antigens A genotype is an individual’s actual genetic makeup. An RH genotype refers to the actual RH genes inherited by the individual from his parents. Serologic results may not exactly correspond with the genetic expression. Fisher-Race: DCE Terminology In the mid-1940s Fisher and Race defined the five common Rh antigens and postulated that the antigens of the system were produced by three closely linked genes Each gene was responsible for producing one antigen on the RBC surface. Each antigen and corresponding gene were given the same letter designation Fisher and Race named the antigens of the system D, d, C, c, E, and e. According to the Fisher-Race theory, an individual inherits a set of RH genes from each parent (i.e., one D or d, one C or c, and one E or e). The combination of genes inherited from one parent is called a haplotype. There are rare phenotypes that involve deletions of specific genes, and in those cases the deletion is represented with a dash. For example, an individual having only D and no C/c and E/e, the Fisher-Race haplotype is written as D–. Placing parenthesis around (D), (C), and (e) indicates weakened antigen expression WIENER: RH-HR TERMINOLOGY Wiener believed there was one gene responsible for defining Rh that produced an agglutinogen containing three Rh factors5 (Fig. 7–2) Summary of the nomenclature for the common agglutinogens (Table 7-2) Modified Wiener terminology allows one to convey Rh antigens inherited on one chromosome or haplotype and makes it easier to discuss a genotype. In the Wiener nomenclature, there is no designation for the absence of D antigen. By using these designations, the laboratorian should be able to recognize immediately which antigens are present on the RBCs. Rosenfield and Coworkers: Alphanumeric Terminology In the early 1960s, Rosenfield and associates proposed a system that assigned a number to each antigen of the Rh system in order of its discovery or recognized relationship to the Rh system This system has no genetic basis, nor was it proposed based on a theory of Rh inheritance, but it simply demonstrates the presence or absence of the antigen on the RBC Each antigen is assigned a number. A minus sign preceding a number designates the absence of the antigen. If an antigen has not been phenotyped, its number will not appear in the sequence. An advantage of this nomenclature is that the RBC phenotype is thus succinctly described. For the five major antigens, D is assigned Rh1, C is Rh2, E is Rh3, c is Rh4, and e is Rh5. For RBCs that type Dpositive, C-positive, E-positive, cnegative, and e-negative, the Rosenfield designation is Rh: 1, 2, 3, –4, –5. If the sample was not tested for e, the designation would be Rh: 1, 2, 3, – 4. The numeric system is well suited to electronic data processing. Its use expedites data entry and retrieval. Its primary limiting factor is that there is a similar nomenclature for numerous other blood groups, such as Kell, Duffy, Kidd, and more. Therefore, when using the Rosenfield nomenclature on the computer, one must use both the alpha (Rh:) and the numeric (1, 2, –3, etc.) to denote a phenotype. Table 7-3 lists common Rh genotypes comparing the nomenclatures of Wiener, Fisher-Race, and Rosenfield Genetics Rh Genes RHD and RHCE are two closely linked genes located on chromosome 1 that control expression of Rh proteins. RHD codes for the presence or absence of the RhD protein, and the second gene RHCE codes for either RhCe, RhcE, Rhce, or RhCE proteins (Fig. 7–3). RHD and RHCE are codominant, which means that all products inherited typically produce antigens detectable on RBCs. RHD and RHCE genes each have 10 exons and are 97% identical. Each gene has a number of alleles, most of which have been identified through molecular testing techniques Numerous mutations have been described in the RH genes. Greater than 250 alleles have been determined in the RHD gene, and 50 alleles have been found in the RHCE allele and the number continues to grow Rh-Associated Glycoprotein (RHAG) Another gene important to Rh antigen expression is RHAG, and it resides on chromosome 6. The product of this gene is Rhassociated glycoprotein (RHAG) This polypeptide is very similar in structure to the Rh proteins, with the difference being that it is glycosylated (carbohydrates attached). Within the RBC membrane, it forms complexes with the Rh proteins. RhAG is termed a coexpressor and must be present for successful expression of the Rh antigens. However, by itself, this glycoprotein does not express any Rh antigens. When mutations in the RHAG gene occur, it can result in missing or significantly altered RhD and RhCE proteins, affecting antigen expression. In rare instances, individuals express no Rh antigens on their RBCs. Rh-Positive Phenotypes RH genes are inherited as codominant alleles. Rh-positive individuals inherit one or two RHD genes, which result in expression of RhD antigen and are typed Rh-positive. Figure 7–4 is an example of a normal Rh inheritance pattern Numerous mutations in the RHD gene have been discovered that cause weakened expression of the RhD antigen detected in routine testing. Rh-Negative Phenotypes Rh-negative phenotypes are so called because the RBCs lack detectable D antigen. Rh-negative individuals can arise from several pathways. The most common Rh-negative phenotype results from the complete deletion of the RHD gene—that is, the individuals possess no RHD gene but have inherited two RHCE genes. Rh Deficiency Syndrome: Rhnull and Rhmod Rare individuals have Rh deficiency or Rhnull syndrome and fail to express any Rh antigens on the RBC surface. Rhnull syndrome is inherited in one of two ways—amorphic and regulator. Other rare individuals exhibit a severely reduced expression of all Rh antigens, a phenotype called Rhmod. Individuals who lack all Rh antigens on their RBCs are said to have Rhnull syndrome, which can be produced by two different genetic mechanisms. In the regulator-type Rhnull syndrome, a mutation occurs in the RHAG gene. This results in no RhAG protein expression and subsequently no RhD or RhCE protein expression on the RBCs, even though these individuals usually have a normal complement of RHD and RHCE genes. These individuals can pass normal RHD and RHCE genes to their children. In the second type of Rhnull syndrome (the amorphic type), there is a mutation in each of the RHCE genes inherited from each parent as well as the deletion of the RHD gene found in most D-negative individuals. The RHAG gene is normal It should be noted that Rhnull individuals of either regulator or amorphic type are negative for the highprevalence antigen LW and for FY5, an antigen in the Duffy blood group system. S, s, and U antigens found on glycophorin B may also be depressed. Individuals with Rhnull syndrome demonstrate a mild compensated hemolytic anemia, reticulocytosis, stomatocytosis, a slightto-moderate decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, an increase in hemoglobin F, a decrease in serum haptoglobin, and possibly an elevated bilirubin level. The severity of the syndrome is highly variable from individual to individual, even within one family. Rhnull individuals, if exposed to normal Rh cells through transfusion or pregnancy, can produce a potent antibody, anti-Rh29, which reacts with all cells except for those that are Rhnull. Individuals of the Rhmod phenotype have a partial suppression of RH gene expression caused by mutations in the RHAG gene. When the resultant RhAG protein is altered, normal Rh antigens are also altered, often causing weakened expression of the normal Rh and LW antigens. Unusual Phenotypes and Rare Alleles Several of the less frequently encountered Rh antigens are described briefly in the following paragraphs. While the antibodies directed against these antigens are less commonly encountered, they can be clinically significant and, in some cases, cause transfusion reactions, HDFN, or both. Cw Cw was originally considered an allele at the C/c locus. Later studies showed that it can be expressed in combination with both C and c and in the absence of either allele. It is now known that the relationship between C/c and Cw is only phenotypic and that Cw is antithetical to the high-prevalence antigen MAR. Cw results from a single amino acid change most often found on the RhCe protein. Anti-Cw has been identified in individuals without known exposure to foreign RBCs and after transfusion or pregnancy. Anti-Cw may show dosage (i.e., reacting more strongly with cells from individuals who are homozygous for Cw). Commercial anti-Cw reagent is not readily available, but because of the low prevalence of the Cw antigen RBCs compatible at the crossmatch in the antiglobulin phase may be selected for transfusion. Anti-Cw may not always be detected on routine antibody screens because the low frequency of the antigen means that some screening cell sets may not have a Cw-positive cell included. f(ce) The f antigen is expressed on the RBC when both c and e are present on the same haplotype. The antigen f was included in a series of these compound antigens, which were previously referred to as cis products to indicate that the antigens were on the same haplotype. Anti-f is generally a weakly reactive antibody often found with other antibodies. It has been reported to cause HDFN and transfusion reactions In case of transfusion, f-negative blood should be provided. Anti-f is not available as a reagent. It is adequate to provide either c-negative or e-negative blood since all c-negative or e-negative individuals are f-negative. rhi (Ce) Similar to f, rhi was considered a compound antigen present when C and e are on the RhCe protein. Therefore anti-rhi would only react with cells from an individual with a haplotype of DCe or Ce (Table 7-10) Antigens cE (RH27) and CE (Rh22) also exist, but antibodies produced to these antigens are not commonly seen (Table 7–10) For transfusion purposes, it is not necessary to discriminate anti-D and anti-C from anti-G, as the patient would receive D-negative and C-negative blood regardless if the antibody is anti-D, antiC, or anti-G. Rh17 (Hr0) Rh17, also known as Hr0, is an antigen present on all RBCs with the “common” Rh phenotypes (e.g., R1R1, R2R2, rr). In essence, this antibody is directed to the entire protein resulting from the RHCE genes. When RBCs phenotype as D– (i.e. D+C-E-c-e-) the most potent antibody they make is often one directed against Rh17 (Hr0), which would react with all cells except D–. Rh23, Rh30, Rh40, and Rh52 G G is an antigen present on most D-positive and all C-positive RBCs. The antigen results from the amino acid serine at position 103 on the RhD, RhCe, and RhCE proteins. G was originally described in an rr person who received D+C–E–c+e+ RBCs. Subsequently, the recipient produced an antibody that appeared to be antiD plus anti-C, which should be impossible because the C antigen was not on the transfused RBCs. Anti-G versus anti-D and anti-C is important when evaluating obstetric patients. If the patient has produced anti-G and not anti-D, then she is considered a candidate for Rhimmune globulin. Rh23, Rh30, and Rh40 are all low-prevalence antigens associated with a specific category of partial D. These low prevalence antigens result from the formation of the hybrid proteins seen in individuals with partialD phenotypes. Rh23 (also known as Wiel and Dw) is an antigenic marker for category Va partial-D. Rh30 (also known as Goa or Dcor) is a marker for partial DIVa.Rh40 (also known as Tar or Targett) is a marker for partial DVII. Rh52 or BARC is associated with some partial-DVI types. Rh33 (Har) The low-prevalence antigen Rh33 is most often found in whites and is associated with the rare variant haplotype called R0Har. R0Har gene codes for normal amounts of c, reduced amounts of e, reduced f, reduced Hr0, and reduced amounts of D antigen written as (D)c(e). The D reactions are frequently so weak that the cells are often typed as Rhnegative. As previously discussed, R0Har or DHAR results from a hybrid gene RHCE-RHD-RHCE in which only a small portion of RHD is inserted into the RHCE gene. Rh32 Rh:32 is a low-prevalence antigen associated with a variant of the R1[D(C)(e)] haplotype called R = N (pronounced “R double bar N”). The C antigen and e antigen are expressed weakly. The D antigen expression is exaggerated or exalted. This gene has been found primarily in African Americans. Rh43 (Crawford) Rh43, also known as the Crawford antigen, is a low-prevalence antigen on a variant Rhce protein. The Crawford (ceCF) antigen is of very low prevalence found in individuals of African descent e Variants Like the variant D antigen seen in individuals possessing a hybrid or mutated RHD gene, some individuals of African or mixed ethnic backgrounds possess e antigen that exhibits similar qualities as those described for partial-D phenotypes and that is, an individual may have a phenotype of e-positive but produce antibodies behaving as anti-e. These variant types result from multiple mutations in the RHCE gene. Individuals who possess two altered RHCE genes may have a phenotype of epositive but produce antibodies behaving as anti-e. The Rh antigens hrB (Rh31) and hrS (Rh19 )are rarely encountered in routine blood banking. They are normally present in individuals who possess normal RhCe or Rhce protein but are lacking in individuals with normal RhcE or RhCE proteins (i.e., e-negative). Several antigens, most notably hrB and hrS, are lacking on the Rhce proteins because of a variant RHCE gene. If individuals with these variant genes who are hrB-negative or hrS-negative are immunized, they may produce antihrB or anti-hrS. In a routine antibody identification, these antibodies are generally nonreactive with e-negative red blood cells (and therefore are also hrBnegative and hrS-negative), appearing to have anti-e-like specificity.