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Morality of War: A Biblical Perspective

War and conflicts are anomalous human activities. War is a revulsion, menace of
humanity along with famine, death and pestilence. Law ought to be harmonious with morality.
Proscriptions and approvals in the law must correspond to the proscriptions and approvals of
morality. Foundations of the law stem either directly or concomitantly from the requirements of
morality. war is mainly judged whether it morally wrong or right. Warfare is morally justified
under some certain circumstances. In warfare some acts, such as destruction and killings are
morally justified. Morality in warfare has insinuations for public policy, international law and
decision-making in conflict. In some places, religion and faith continuous to be a reagent of
warfare. In the Bible, the old testament context views war as holy and initiated by God. In the
new testament, warfare is generally regarded as evil and peace was emphasized instead.
The old testament explains warfare as a conflict that was commenced by God.
According to the Bible (Exodus 17:16; Numbers 31: 1-3), argues that every conflict and warfare
had a religious meaning and significance. Sacrifices were made to appease God for his
continuous support during war (1 Samuel 7:8-10; 13:9). The sacred ark of the promise was taken
to war to signify God’s presence. Warfare is morally justified as holy war in the old testament as
God was fighting to salvage and secure Israel for his own people so as to accomplish his
redemptive plan for Israelites. In the current world, the Biblical holy war is compared to Islam
Jihad. The old testament warfare is the war that God himself was fighting for his own people
unlike the ongoing military strategies that depicts to fight for God.
The Holy war in the Bible, is actually a non-repeatable feat in Israel and the history of the
world. In the history of Israel, prophets began to understand the horror of war as God’s sentence
against his own people and land because of their sins and evil doings and the glory of washedout (Habakkuk 1:5-11). Later the old testament prohibits war in the book of Isaiah 2:3-4, it
argues that God will judge amongst nations and he will settle conflicts for his people. God says
that no nation will take up sword against another nation nor will they train for battle against
another nation and no blood shed will be spilt.
God institutionalizes capital retribution in the case of murder. In Genesis 9:6, God
gives a command saying that, a human being that sheds the blood of another human will face
death. He gives authority to governments by asking human beings to be subjects to their
authorities as power comes from him. Governing authorities are ordained by God. The
fundamental tenacity of authorities is to restrain the evils of men and protecting them from
outside evils. God expects states to protect themselves from evil forces with and outside its
territories that may hurt its innocent people. As in the old testament, God would either allow
Israel to win or be defeated in war. God condones warfare where nations protects their citizens
and self-interest (Deuteronomy 20:1) for instance, john the Baptist fails to judge a roman soldier
for choosing going to war. He rather tells the man to be gratified with his wages.
All government and its citizens should be indulged to work towards avoidance of war.
In God commandments, the fifth commandment prohibits the destruction of human life
intentionally. Warfare breeds injustices and evil that are against the will of God. When there is
danger of war, authorities have the necessary powers and legal and competence to defend
themselves rightfully once all peace efforts have bored unsuccessful fruits. A rigorous
consideration should be made before authentic defense by the military action. Such decisions are
subject to arduous circumstances of moral legitimacy. Damages inflicted by warfare are certain,
grave and damaging. Proverbs 21:2 talks about the need to differentiate right intents before
engaging in conflicts and warfare. Conquest, destruction, vengeful and pillage are forbidden as
reason for war but rather the scriptures advocate for righteousness and justice as honest reasons
for self-defense.
Battles and war should be undertaken with much sobriety, counsel and reluctance.
Psalms 68:30 talks about people who take pleasure in war. Nations that engage in conflicts and
war need to do so with abundant sorrow. Given the agony of chastisement, the inescapability of
hurting innocent people and the general damages and setbacks to nations is woefully annoyance
to God. The only reason for going to war is in protection and defense against aggression. In case
of all parties being in agreement, no nations would engage in wars. War should be condemned
and prevented by means of moral persuasion. Sometimes it’s hard to prevent war and it involves
weaponry that can cause massive destruction. When the reasons to go to war are righteous and
moral, then nations must fully engage in war with intense focus and quest for a decisive victory.
In the new testament, Jesus said that when you hear sounds and rumors of war, do not
be distressed because it must take place and the end has to come (Mark 13:7). In his parables,
Jesus talks about war and the use of fierceness. God’s advice and will on ungodly human beings
can be misinterpreted and lead to manifestation of evil deeds and intentions. Comparative to the
sinful behaviors of human kind, the book of Judges 17:6 speaks of human beings doing what
they perceived was righteous in their eyes but in doing so, they sinned. Human beings should
wage a conflict that is approved by God according to the principle of righteousness. When a
conflict is morally justified, nations should ensure they emerge victorious.
From the bible, war is given the moral authority by God in the old testament as he is
the one who initiated it and also supported in the new testament by Jesus. Evil deeds are
forbidden and it is righteous to do what is right in the sight of men. Governments and authorities
are given the authority from God to protect human kind from both inside and outside evil. In the
imperfect universe, conflict and war can be forced on people who do not wish it War should be
fought when the reasons are just and morally right.