CHEMISTRY INVESTIGATORY PROJECT BY LAKSHAY ARORA CLASS 12TH B Amount of casein in different milk This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA. By Lakshay Arora OBJECTIVE • To study the quantity of Casein present in different samples of milk. INTRODUCTION • Milk is a complete diet as it contains proteins ,Carbohydrates, fats, minerals , vitamins and water . The average composition of milk is given in the table below; • Casein is the most predominant phosphorate is found in milk and cheese , When coagulated with rennet, casein is sometimes called para casein . British terminology, on the other hand , uses the term caseinogen for the uncoagulated protein and casein for coagulated protein ,as it exists in milk , it is a salt of calcium. AIM • To study quantity of casein in different samples of milk. THEORY • Milk contains 3 to 4% casein suspended in water in the colloidal form . It is precipated in a weakly acidic medium. APPARATUS REQUIRED CHEMICALS REQUIRED - PROCEDURE(1) Wash Wash the beaker (250ml) with the distilled water and dry it. Take Take 20ml of buffalo's milk in 250ml beaker and find its weight. Add Add 20ml saturated solution of ammonium sulphate slowly with stirring , fat and casein will separate out as precipitate. Filter Filter the above solution and transfer the precipitate in another beaker. Treat Treat the above precipitate with 30ml distilled water .casein dissolves forming milky solution whereas fat remains such. PROCEDURE(2) Warm Filter Find Repeat Warm the above contents with beaker to 40-45 degree celsius on a low flame . Now add 1% acetic acid solution drop wise with stirring when casein gets precipitated. Filter the precipitated casein and wash with distilled water and dry it. Find the weight of dry precipitate. Repeat the whole experiment with cow's milk , goat ' s milk and sheep 's milk. OBSERVATIONS RESULT PRECAUTIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY wikipedia