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Nursing School Survival Guide: Tips & Tricks

Tips and Tricks to Survive Nursing School
1. Print your PPT lectures.
a. 4 to a page, change page layout to horizontal
b. It isn’t eco-friendly but it is a life saver.
2. Do practice questions before all tests, whether its at the end of the chapter in a book or something you
found online
3. Amazon Finds – I didn’t use all but saw other students use and it was convenient/helpful. If you choose
to purchase any, make you sure you buy the latest edition (if the price difference isn’t too bad.)
a. https://www.amazon.com/Clipboard,Foldable-Lightweight-Construction,-clipboardHealthcare/dp/B07ZTNC819/ref=sr_1_40?crid=6TQNRNXI9URH&dchild=1&keywords=nursing+s
b. Flashcards – I linked 2 here. There are SO MANY on the market and honestly, they’re all good.
Find the one that works better for you. Tip – Go to your local Barnes & Noble or bookstore and
see what they have and flip through. Take a picture of the cover you like and then buy online
for cheaper.
i. https://www.amazon.com/Tracey-Hopkins-RNBSN/dp/0803657625/ref=pd_bxgy_img_3/144-97048405256903?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0803657625&pd_rd_r=baa98321-0593-4319-9072aaf613d6c9d6&pd_rd_w=EUjQg&pd_rd_wg=XlDUb&pf_rd_p=4e3f7fc3-00c8-46a6a4db8457e6319578&pf_rd_r=T5FZWZZ2EY7FV8AG4SYC&psc=1&refRID=T5FZWZZ2EY7FV8A
ii. https://www.amazon.com/Mosbys-Fluids-Electrolytes-Memory-NoteCardsebook/dp/B007TTMWVA/ref=sr_1_2?crid=17K4XESTMFEJ9&dchild=1&keywords=mosb
4. Youtube Channels
a. RegisteredNurseRN
b. Level Up RN
c. Simple Nursing
d. Khan Academy
i. They have nursing specific topics on there and just general topics too that will still help
e. Osmosis
f. tootRN, LLC.
5. Test taking strategies
i. You’ll figure them out along the way but test taking strategies are so important in
nursing because most of the time all 4 answer choices are correct, but you have to pick
what is more correct.
ii. Nursing programs rarely (almost never) teach you test taking strategies.
6. Review Programs
a. So every school has their own review program that you pay for through your tuition. It could be
Kaplan, Hurst, ATI, HESI, etc.
i. My school had Kaplan. My opinion on Kaplan is that the rationales sucked, however
Mark Klimek said Kaplan is the best prioritization questions he’s ever seen that are close
to the NCLEX out of all the programs.
ii. Your school will boast whatever program they have – use what works for you.
1. I have heard that ATI is the absolute worst and to only use it for how much is
mandatory. A professional told me that people will get high scores on ATI, think
they’re ready for the NCLEX, take it, and then have their ass handed to them.
iii. What I used: Kaplan and UWorld. Kaplan I paid for via tuition so I had access. UWorld I
purchased myself. UWorld has the BEST rationales I have seen. I mean it is literally
amazing. But how you use UWorld makes all the world’s difference. This is what I
recommend after compiling everything I’ve heard from others:
1. Test by subject instead of random (you’ll know what this means when you get
a. Read EVERY rationale. Even if you got the question right – it reinforces
what you know.
b. Don’t get too caught up if you get a question wrong regarding lab values
– each facility is so different and we have all noticed UWorld is a little off
regarding lab values which screws people up. Use the lab values you get
from your nursing program because those resemble NCLEX the closest.
i. LAB VALUES – learn them, live them, breathe them, sleep with
them, shower with them, do it all.
ii. I suggest making a MASTER document with lab values to have
accessible and refer to. And then having a physical copy of fish
bones (you’ll know what this is lol) accessible all the time.
c. Don’t get caught up with your scores – doesn’t matter. As long as you
understand the rationale and content in the end, your score is just a
7. Get a tutor.
a. If you struggle big time, get a tutor. Whether its via your school, Wyzant, whichever. If you
aren’t struggling, at least get a tutor before you take your NCLEX.
i. Before NCLEX, no matter how high your scores are, how well you did all nursing school,
get a tutor. Even if it is only for like 2 sessions. The NCLEX is so brutal in how they ask
you questions, that you need someone to help you learn test taking strategies. My
program was so good about content, but so horrible with test taking strategies. I had
Kaplan and they give you a live review at the end, but even that didn’t help. Kaplan’s
best thing is their decision tree (I emailed this file to you in Email 1– it is titled
Answering Questions). A tutor will help you dissect questions and teach you test taking
strategies to pick the right answer even if you don’t know what the question is asking
ii. I had a tutor and she was phenomenal. I found her via Wyzant. When you get to this
point, reach out to me, and I’ll put you in contact with her.