Imbalance Lab Value Range Serum Na+ below 136 mEq/L Serum Osmalality below 285 m mL/kg Risks Expected Findings Pt Care Considerations Low ECF volume, excessive GI gasses, renal losses, edema, hyperglycemia, skin losses, ascites Monitor I and O, daily weight, vitals and LDC, change position slowly, encourage foods/fluids high in sodium, oral/IV fluids Hypernatremia Blood sodium levels, greater than 145 mEq/L NPD, heat stroke, excessive sodium intake or retention, fluid loss +/-/= ECF volume, O. H., rapid pulse, hypothermia, headache, confusion, DTRs, seizures, anorexia, N/V, hyperactive bowel sounds Hyperthermia, tachycardia, O. H., restlessness, fatigue, muscle weakness, confusion, ECG disturbances, N/V, constipation, anxiety Hypokalemia Blood potassium level greater than 5.0 mEq/dL Hypercalcemia Total blood calcium level less than 1.3 mEq/dL Hypomagnesimia Blood magnesium level less that 1.3 mEq/L Hypermangesemia Blood magnesium level greater than 2.1 mEq/L Increased potassium, ECF shift, hypertonic states, decreased potassium excretion, age Thiazide diuretic, long term glucocorticoid, use, Paget’s Disease, hyperthyroidism, boner hyperparathyroidism, cancer Increased magnesium output shifts into inactive form, inadequate intake or absorption Kidney or adrenal impairment, increased intake of medications containing magnesium Hyponatremia Slow, irregular pulse, hypotension, irritability, confusion, paresthesia, diarrhea, hyperactive bowel sounds Decreased reflexes, bone pain, dysrhythmia, blood clots, N/V, weakness, lethargy, confusion, personality changes Monitor LDC and ensure safety, provide oral hygiene, monitor intake and output, low sodium diet, IV fluids, encourage fluids. Diuretics if kidney is impaired. Continuous ECG monitoring; decrease potassium intake, administer IV fluids, monitor cardiac rhythm, prepare for dialysis if necessary Restrict calcium intake, increase fluid intake, monitor patient for pathological fractures Increased nerve transmission, hyperactive bowels, dysrhythmias, tachycardia, hypertension, PVC’s Discontinue Magnesium losing meds, oral or IV magnesium replacement, diet changes Diminished DTR’s, paralysis, decreased respirations, cardiac changes, lethargy Frequent focused assessment, loop diuretics, calcium gluconate for severe cardiac changes