Uploaded by Omar Mansoor

Hydrogen Peroxide & Catalase Lab Report

How Does increasing the concentration
of Hydrogen Peroxide (2%-6%) affect the
volume of Oxygen (cm3 +/- 0.5) produced
by enzyme catalase found in Solanum
Tuberosum, measured using water
displacement method over 1 minute?
Table of Contents
Research Question
Data collection / tables & graphs
Works cited
If I increase the concentration of Hydrogen peroxide (2%-6%), then the volume of
Oxygen produced (cm3 +/- 0.5) will increase, this is because “once you add more
hydrogen peroxide to the solution, the reaction will increase as more substrate
molecules can collide with the enzyme forming more product” Smith Alex , as the
concentration of the substrate increases, it causes higher frequent movement by
enzyme molecules and substrate resulting in more frequent collisions, increasing the
amount of Oxygen produced.
Data Collection
Table 1) A table to show how increasing hydrogen peroxide concentration (2%-6%)
have an effect on the average volume of Oxygen produced (cm3 +/- 0.5) by enzyme
catalase found in Solanum tuberosum measured using water displacement method over
1 minute.
- The uncertainty of the measuring is half of the smallest increment in the cylinder ;
50cm3 so (+/- 0.5cm3).
- 0.8 being the lowest standard deviation for 3% substrate concentration, 1.9 being
the highest standard deviation for both 5% and 6%.
Graph 1) A graph to show how increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide
(2%-6%) results on the average of Oxygen produced (cm3 +/- 0.5) produced in over 1
minute, showing standard deviation bars.
As the substrate concentration increases the average volume of Oxygen produced
increases,at 2% substrate concentration the average volume of Oxygen produced is
15cm3 (+/- 0.5), at 6% substrate concentration the average volume of Oxygen produced
is 62cm3(+/- 0.5).
Between substrate concentration, 2% and 3% the difference in the average of Oxygen
produced is 8.5 so it’s expected to increase at the same pattern, however, the difference
in the average volume of Oxygen produced between 3% and 4% substrate
concentration is 18.3, this different trend can be related to; the trials were also done in
various times which refers to different temperatures in the room the trials were done in,
another factor is the temperature of the potato as well, as some of them have been left
right under the windows under direct sunlight while the other potatoes have been not
been under direct sunlight, it may have been as well that there was Oxygen already
inside the cylinder and it was not filled fully with water thus resulted in a higher average.
In conclusion, Increasing the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (2%-6%), then the average
volume of Oxygen produced (+/- 0.5 cm3) will increase, “If the concentration of Hydrogen
Peroxide is increased the rate of the reaction should increase as well. The rate should steadily
increase when more substrate is added because more of enzyme’s active sites are being used
which results in more reactions so the required amount of oxygen is made more quickly”[1]. My
data supports this, the substrate concentration 2% the average volume of Oxygen produced is
15.9(cm3 +/- 0.5), it has increased over 25.3% in 6% substrate concentration the average
volume of Oxygen produced is 62.7(cm3 +/- 0.5).
There was an anomaly in the trend of high increase in the average volume of Oxygen produced
between the substrate concentration (3%-4%) can be linked the uncontrolled variables as
temperature, could not be controlled, the temperature effect on the speed of the reaction in
enzyme, as the temperature increases it causes more frequent movement between the enzyme
molecules and the substrates, in addition, it could have been caused by the temperature of the
potato, as some of them have been under direct sunlight on the window, while others have been
under shadow, on the other hand, there could have been some hydrogen peroxide that
neutrally decomposed in the cylinder into oxygen and water, which could have affected
the results.
Anomaly increase is highlighted in the red circle, which was a massive increase in the average of Oxygen produced as the
trend line (black) shows.
Works Cited
B: Blaettler, Karen G. “How to Calculate Density by Water Displacement.” Sciencing, 13
Dec. 2020,
https://sciencing.com/calculate-density-water-displacement-7373751.html. Data
accessed on 25/10/2021
- Smith, Alex. “Why Does Increasing the Concentration of H2O2 Increase the Rate of
Decomposition?” Rehabilitationrobotics.net, 17 June 2021,
ease-the-rate-of-decomposition/. Accessed on 21/10/2021.
[1]: "Effect of concentration of H2O2 on the enzyme catalase." GraduateWay, 18 Jun
Accessed on 29/10/2021