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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Hair Transplantation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
About Hair Transplantation
Hair loss is a common dermatological concern for both men and women. It is a
natural phenomenon that is found mostly in men who are genetically programmed to
lose their hair and less commonly in women prominently because of hormonal
Hair transplantation has proven to be the best natural permanent hair restoration
method to provide a head full of healthy hair in people suffering from balding or
thinning of hair on their scalp. This treatment has now become a perfect solution
because of the use of modern techniques and a better understanding of scalp and hair
If you are considering Hair Transplant in Bangalore, then you must be aware of it in
detail. To help you make the right decision, here are some of the frequently asked
questions that patients often ask their concerned hair experts are answered by the best
dermatologist in Bangalore at Charma Clinic.
1. Who are Suitable Candidates to undergo Hair Transplantation?
In today’s time, hair transplantation is best for men who suffer from hair loss in their
late 20s, 30s, and 40s i.e. when they have established a fixed pattern of hair loss or
significant baldness. But it is not only specific to men, women too can have a hair
transplant. Any individual with realistic expectations who possess a sufficient amount
of healthy hair follicles in their donor sites regardless of the reason behind their hair
loss can have successful hair transplantation. Hair transplantation not only takes care
of the balding of the scalp but also the loss of other hairy body areas like mustache,
beard, and eyebrows. People who have hair loss due to scalp injury, scarring, or
cosmetic surgeries can also be good candidates for hair transplantation. This hair
restoration method is ideal for people who had failed in achieving the desired results
from previous hair restoration procedures. One can also consult surgeon of the best
hair transplant in Bangalore at Charma Clinic to know if one is an ideal candidate
for this procedure.
2. What happens during hair transplant surgery?
Hair transplantation is performed by taking healthy hair follicles from donor areas
like the back or sides of the head and sometimes the patient’s beard or chest to be
transplanted to the recipient sites. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia
or IV sedation which is given in both donor and recipient areas. There are two
methods by which hair transplant can be done:
➢ Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)- In this approach, hair follicles are taken one
by one and transplanted into the deficient areas having punched holes. This
method does not leave any visible scar.
➢ Follicular Unit Strip Surgery or Transplantation (FUSS/FUT)- This method
involves the harvesting of a skin band containing hair from the nuchal area
which is later microscopically dissected in various sizes based on the scalp
conditions and specific needs and then grafted into the bald or thinning areas. It
may result in slight scarring at the donor site.
One can also know about these hair transplant benefits and cost in Bangalore by
consulting the hair doctor at Charma Clinic.
3. How much time does it take to heal from hair transplantation?
After one week of the surgery, there is enough regrowth of the hair to cover the
places from where the hair has been taken for transplant. Scabs or some crusting is
formed over the grafts along with some itching which usually takes 7-10 to fall out. It
may take several weeks to a few months for numbness felt at the donor and recipient
sites to disappear.
4. What happens after the hair transplantation?
After 24 to 48 hours of the surgery, most people can return to their work. On the very
next morning of the surgery, hair can be gently washed. For 5-7 days, it's advised to
limit any vigorous physical activity. To reduce swelling and any discomfort,
medications must be utilized by the patient. The patient must go for follow-up visits
after a gap of every 4-6 months to monitor the progress of the surgery and assess the
5. What one can expect post hair transplantation?
The amount of coverage of new hair received by the patient after a hair transplant
depends upon the number and type of procedures, the extent of hair loss, and the
density of the donor's hair. Usually, most of the transplanted hair sheds within a
month, and approximately after 90-100 days, new hair growth begins and continues
at a normal rate. After about 6 months, the transplanted hair continues to grow
lifelong and provide a natural appearance.
To get the benefits of hair transplantation treatment schedule an appointment with the
best hair loss treatment in Bangalore at Charma Clinic, one of the top hair transplant
clinics in India.
Content Source: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Hair Transplantation