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Contagion Movie Worksheet: Disease & Public Health

1. How realistic do you think the movie was? Explain
The movie Contagion was very realistic. It shows how quickly an infectious disease can spread from
person to person. When the virus impacted the states, the CDC quickly responded to the outbreak by
investigating people, virus, quarantining the infected, and quickly shutting down the economy. The movie
shows how it affected everyone differently from people who were asymptomatic to a person dying in a
matter of days.
2. What country did the disease originate in? What types of animals did this virus develop in
before it made the jump to humans? Who was the first person infected?
The country that the disease originated from was in Kowloon, Hong Kong. The virus was developed in a
bat, then it spread to the pigs in the slaughter house and from that it came in direct contact with human.
The first person that was infected was chef at the Chinese restaurant who was handling the diseased pig.
Since he was not wearing any gloves, the virus was spread from his hand to the women he shocked hands
3. What type of infectious agent was this, and what was its specific name?
MEV-1 a very virulent virus
4. Explain the modes of transmission of this disease.
The mode of transmission of this disease is airborne, transported through droplet secretion and also direct
contact from the infected person to others.
5. What are the signs and symptoms of the disease featured in this movie?
The signs and symptoms of the disease are headache, cough, malaise, fever, and seizures.
6. How long did it take a person infected with this disease to develop symptoms? How long from
time of exposure to death?
It took about 24hrs in the incubation period of the disease to develop symptoms. It was about 3-5 days
from the time of exposure to death, which usually ends in seizure with foaming at the mouth.
7. What was the role of the CDC in the film?
The CDC roles in the film were researching the virus, investigating the infected person, monitoring the
virus and analyzing the genetic role to the host. The scientist later on develop a vaccine for MEV-1 virus
and release information on nature of the virus. The plan is to quarantine the infected and watch out for
anyone experience signs/symptoms to prevent further infections.
8. What is the name of the worldwide organization that deals with the outbreak?
The World Health Organization (WHO)
9.Why was the blogger Alan Krumwiede considered such a threat? Explain.
Alan Krumwiede was a journalist who believed the virus was released instead of a person contracting it. It
was thought that it was for pharmaceutical companies to make profit. Without any supporting evidence,
he went out and shared it to the public. Alan claimed that taking forsythia cured him when he was
infected with the virus. Because of that, it cause massive panic in the community and violence and
destruction occurred. His action was a threat because he have given misleading information that the
supplement was a cure with no scientific evidence.
10. Dr. Leonora Orantes, a World Health Organization epidemiologist, was kidnapped. Why? Did
the kidnappers get what they wanted? Explain.
Dr. Leonora Orantes traveled to Hong Kong to research the virus and investigate who was the first person
infected. Once she completed her assignment, she was kidnapped to collect the MEV-1 vaccine for
village in Hong Kong. The kidnappers did not get what they wanted because the world health
organization gave the placebos.
11. Before a vaccine can be developed, researchers need to find a way to grow the infectious agent
in a laboratory. What was the problem with this microbe and what type of cell did researchers
eventually find that allowed them to successfully grow the microbe in the lab?
The problem that the researchers had with the virus was that it destroy all the cell that came in contact
with it which prevented them from experimenting and finding the solution. Eventually they found a bat
lung cell that allowed them to successfully grow the microbe in the lab.
12. What did the movie teach us about infectious diseases and public health preparedness?
Compare and contrast the events of the movie with the real events of the COVID 19 global
pandemic. Explain in a well-developed paragraph (approximately 1.5 pages in length)
The movie contagion taught us how quickly an infectious agent can impact families and the
economy. In the beginning of the movie, the CDC was trying to study the virus gene anomaly and isolate
the infected individual. They slowly was trying to release to the press about steps to take during the rise in
cases without causing any chaos. Meanwhile, Dr. Orantes, the WHO epidemiologist was sent to Hong
Kong to investigate where the origin started, who was first infected, and how. They went over
surveillance tape at the casino where they women was staying at to trace the pathway of the virus and to
see if there is a direct link of close contact with the infected individual. The virus spread at such
incredible rates through airborne and direct contact that preventative measure was initiated to include
wearing mask, social distance, and hand washing. Currently those guidelines are now being follow by the
public for the Covid 19 pandemic. We also learned that conspiracy theory can cause a panic in people.
Giving false information regarding any cure can cause violence and strikes. This movie showed us how
devastating this virus can affect an individual, families, and populations. This virus changes the dynamic
of the family as we watch mothers, children and families dying by the second. Moreover, the public
health preparedness took quick initiative to use preventative measures and planning. They provided
effective regulations to the community as well as measures to control further exposures. With COVID 19
global pandemic that we are encountering, we are given masks and health equipment to healthcare
workers to limit anymore exposure. Vaccines are available to the public to prevent serious illness and
death. In conclusion, this movie taught us the development of the virus, how it’s spread, organization
initiating emergency response and public health preparedness in controlling further infections.