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Language & Literature Unit Planner: Is Knowledge Power?

Language & Literature 3: by Concept
Subject group and discipline
6 Is knowledge
for the IB
4&5: by Concept
MYP year
Unit title
Language and Literature
Unit duration (hrs)
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit
Key concept
Related concept(s)
Global context
Context, Theme
Fairness and development
Statement of inquiry
Films are a medium for promoting fairness and development and through exploring the theme of education and by helping us understand context, they can give us a
new perspective on things we take for granted.
Inquiry questions
Factual: What is education?
Conceptual: What is the purpose of education? What role does education play in shaping our individual identity? How can education empower us? Do attitudes to
education vary around the world?
Debatable: How far would you go to get an education? Is education the most powerful weapon?
Summative assessment
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria:
A: All Strands
Criterion A: Analysing: Students analyse the painting The Problem We All Live With.
B: All Strands
Criterion B: Organizing: Students organize a piece of literary or non literary writing.
C: All Strands
Criterion C: Producing text: Students produce a piece of writing about Ruby Bridges.
D: All Strands
Criterion D: Using language: Students use language to support their ideas about the painting.
Students use a painting of Ruby Bridges as a stimulus for their own piece of literary or non
literary writing.
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Relationship between summative assessment
task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Through the summative assessment, students
will use what they have learned about education,
fairness and development to write a piece of text
inspired by a painting of Ruby Bridges being
escorted to school by US marshals.
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
Approaches to learning (ATL)
● Critical thinking skills: draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations; evaluate evidence or argument
● Communication skills: make effective summary notes for studying; write for different purposes; make inferences and draw conclusions; give and receive
meaningful feedback; read critically and for comprehension; negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers
● Media literacy skills: demonstrate an awareness of media interpretation of events and ideas
● Information literacy skills: access information to be informed and inform others
● Collaborative skills: listen actively to other perspectives and ideas
Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry
All students should do the following:
● Identify what education is, what a lifelong learner is, who the Mau Mau were.
● Explore the purpose of education, the role education plays in shaping our individual identity, how education can empower us, how attitudes to education vary
around the world.
● Debate whether or not education is the most powerful weapon, how far they would go to get an education.
● Use technology to further investigate ideas related to education.
● Act to help make education a right rather than a privilege.
Some students may do the following:
● Identify characteristics of learning disabilities.
● Explore the history of education in their own country.
● Act to raise awareness of learning disabilities, to raise awareness of the barriers to education.
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Formative Assessment
The Learner Profile attribute for the unit is Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know
how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
Individually, students make a list of everything they have read since waking up in the morning. In pairs, students discuss their feelings
on school and come up with a definition for school.
Criterion D: Using language
ACTIVITY: What’s education for?
Individually, students watch a video about the reason for education. They then interpret how the creators of the video perceive
education, identify two tasks an education should help us with, summarize what the creators think we need to learn and determine
whether or not they agree with the message. In pairs, students discuss how being an IB MYP student helps them and what education
would look like if they could design it.
Criteria B: Organizing
ACTIVITY: The First Grader
In pairs, students make predictions about the film, discuss what they think biographical films are, and discuss how true they think
they need to be. Individually, students watch the film and take notes on the theme of education, key characters, relationships
between characters, obstacles and Maruge’s and Kenya’s past.
Criterion A: Analysing
Individually, students use a plot line to take notes on the most significant events in the film. They also use a table provided to record
and organize notes on the key items listed in The First Grader activity.
Criterion A: Analysing
Individually, students research the history of education in their own countries. They use their research to create a timeline of the
most significant events and aspects. Finally, they write a letter to their principal or school director about an aspect of education today
that they would like to see change.
Criterion B: Organizing
Criterion B: Organizing
Criterion B: Organizing
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
LINKS TO: Individuals & Societies: Geography – The Commonwealth
Individually, students use the internet to find out which countries make up the commonwealth.
Individually, students use the Internet to research the flag of their country. They then label the different parts.
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Formative Assessment
The Learner Profile attribute for the unit is Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know
how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
ACTIVITY: Based on a true story? Separating fact from fiction
Individually, students research Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge and compare his life to the film The First Grader. They then use what they
have learned to write a biographical essay.
Criterion A: Analysing
Criterion B: Organizing
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Individually, students use a template and notes to help them write the biographical essay in the Based on a true story? Separating
fact from fiction activity.
Criterion B: Organizing
ACTIVITY: The man who ‘forgot’ how to read
In pairs, students share the list of things they read since they woke up. They reflect on whether or not they included things like the
labels on food or text messages. Students then discuss what their life would be like if they couldn’t read and share with the class.
Students then watch a video and answer questions about a man who had a stroke and could no longer read. Finally, they discuss the
experience of Maruge and write their response.
Criterion A: Analysing
Individually, students research additional learning disabilities and then choose one to focus on. They then create a pamphlet about
the disability they chose.
Criterion B: Organizing
ACTIVITY: Incredible journeys
Individually, students write a description of their journey to school and any obstacles they may face, and then share with a partner.
They then look at images of children’s journeys to school around the world, discuss differences and determine how that may affect
education in other parts of the world. Students then select one of the images and use the Internet to find out more. They then
synthesize their initial impressions with what they have learned and write a first-person account of a child’s journey to school. Finally,
they share with a partner and provide feedback.
Criterion A: Analysing
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Criterion D: Using Language
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Criterion B: Organizing
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Formative Assessment
The Learner Profile attribute for the unit is Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know
how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
ACTIVITY: Barriers to education
In pairs, students make a list of the obstacles that Maruge faces and how he overcomes them. They then read an article about the
barriers to education around the world and identify connections with The First Grader. They then read an excerpt from A Thousand
Splendid Suns and annotate the text. They then write a response comparing and contrasting The First Grader to the excerpt.
Criterion A: Analysing
DYNAMIC LEARNING EXTENSION: Barriers to education ad
In small groups, students create an ad about one of the barriers to education in order to increase awareness. They then share their ad
in their classroom or school.
Criterion B: Organizing
ACTIVITY: My pencil is my friend
In pairs, students discuss quotes about education, interpret the message of each and evaluate which one they liked best.
Criterion A: Analysing
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
EXTENSION: Can education help bring an end to poverty?
In pairs, students interpret a proverb about education and then use the Internet to carry out research about how education can help
eradicate poverty.
ACTIVITY: Is the past always present? Maruge as Mau Mau
In pairs, students discuss how the tone changes in the film during flashbacks and interpret the effect Maruge’s traumatic memories
might have on the audience. Students then read an article about the Mau Mau uprising and discuss the motivation for it and identify
connections between the oath and Maruge’s choices. They then watch a video about the Mau Mau and read an extract from a
magazine published in 1953. They identify the purpose of the video, interpret the effect of the music, determine the messages they
are trying to convey, compare and contrast the video and extract and identify and analyse the literary devices used.
Criterion A: Analysing
ACTIVITY: Global context focus
In pairs, students discuss why it’s important to frame their inquiry using Global Contexts, why Fairness and Development was chosen
for this chapter, and why it’s important to study the issue. They then create a poster about the film and link it to the Global Context.
Criterion A: Analysing
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Formative Assessment
The Learner Profile attribute for the unit is Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know
how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
ACTIVITY: Weep Not, Child
Individually, students read an excerpt from the novel and complete a series of tasks about the characters, racial tensions in Kenya,
the language and the message about education.
Criterion A: Analysing
ACTIVITY: What can we learn from each other?
In pairs, students discuss what the characters learn or gain from each other, how they use what they have learned about rebellion
and struggle and what they learn from their own family and friends.
Criterion A: Analysing
ACTIVITY: Have our attitudes to education changed over time?
In pairs, students watch and discuss the music video for the song Just Another Brick in the Wall. They then write an analysis of the line
‘all in all you’re just another brick in the wall.’
Criterion A: Analysing
Individually, students imagine that they are Maruge and have been asked to give a speech to the United Nations. Students write a
speech and perform it for their classmates.
Criterion A: Analysing
Criterion B: Organizing
Criterion C: Producing text
Criterion D: Using language
Students can see their education as an opportunity rather than an obligation and they can set goals to become better. They can learn
something new. They can help to raise awareness of the people around the world who aren’t in education and raise money for
charities that work to make education a right.
● Groupwork, pairwork and think-pair-share routine used allowing students to work with each other and develop each others’ understanding.
● Variety of materials/texts (on different levels) used including texts, pictures and videos for discussion around central questions.
● Extensions provided for some students to utilize.
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
● DYNAMIC LEARNING Building Blocks PowerPoint introduction to the chapter
● Just Another Brick in The Wall music video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U
● Video about Mau Mau: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vOLVyPSdwc
● Article about Mau Mau uprising: www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-was-the-mau-mau-uprising
● 10 Barriers to Education Around the World article: www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/10-barriers-to-education-around-the-world-2/
● The Man who ‘forgot’ how to read video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KERQv9FIxkw
● What’s education for? Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HndV87XpkWg
● The Problem We All Live With painting: www.thisamericanlife.org/562/the-problem-we-all-live-with-part-one
● Ad Council Campaigns: www.adcouncil.org/Our-Campaigns
● Media Education Lab ad guidelines: mediaeducationlab.com/stand-lesson-8-create-ad
● Learning Disabilities Association of America: ldaamerica.org/types-of-learning-disabilities/
● Printing Press interactive tool: www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/Printing_Press/
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Language & Literature for the IB MYP 3: by Concept
Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry
Prior to teaching the unit
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
During teaching
After teaching the unit