MARGIE'S TRAVEL 1 M HOW TO PASS A LANDOWNER CREDIT CHECK? By: Credit Repair Company MARGIE'S TRAVEL 2 M Before a landholder agrees to rent an apartment to you, they may want to make sure you can pay your rent every month. 3 Go ThroughYour Credit Report To effectively answer any question of your MARGIE'S TRAVEL potential landlord, you need to anticipate M what those questions might be. To gain this insight, you need to go through your credit report and check what factors might raise a question. 4 Fix The Errors Once you have got hold of your credit report, you need to MARGIE'S TRAVEL check it carefully and make sure there are no errors in M writing. Check if your payment history is correct? Did you pay off the debt, but it’s not listed in your account? In such a crisis, you need to contact credit repair services to fix the errors so you can have an improved and better version of your credit report to show your potential landlord. 5 Gifted Tax Service +1 877-926-3070 MARGIE'S TRAVEL THANK YOU H T T P S : / / W W W. G I F T E D TA X S E R V I C E . C O M / M